- World of Warcraft Rogue Info - Charts, Articles, Guides & more!
World of Warcraft High Level Rogue Swords Chart
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on Earthen Ring Server)
This chart is used to compare High Level Rogue Swords to see which are best for PVE.  Does not factor in talents like Weapon Specialization, Combat Potency, etc.
Level 80 Starter Weapons PVP Weapons PVE Weapons Axes Daggers Fist Weapons Maces Swords
Shadow Panther's Northrend Guide for Rogues - A Guide to Helping Players Maximize Their 70-80 Rogue
          PVP Main Hand AEP >         -20 .70 1 .60 .50 .54 .70 .55 .50 .50 1.10 0.5     1 28 28 25 1 1  
          PVP Slow MH/OH Dag AEP >         -9 .70 1 .60 .50 .54 .70 .55 .50 .50 1.10 0     1 28 28 25 1 1  
          PVP Fast OH AEP >         8 .70 1 .60 .50 .54 .70 .55 .50 .50 1.10 1.4     0 28 28 25 1 1  
          PVE MH Mut MAEP >         5 .59 1 .01 .87 .85 .53 1.15 .97 .59 .001 1.85     0 21 21 20 1 1  
Last Updated         PVE OH Mut MAEP >         50 .59 1 .01 .87 .85 .53 1.15 .97 .59 .001 1.3     0 21 21 20 1 1  
6/30/23         PVE MH Com MAEP >         -20 .56 1 .01 .89 .89 .51 1.05 .94 .89 .001 2.85     0 20 20 20 1 1  
New/Updated Items in Gray         PVE OH Com MAEP >         65 .56 1 .01 .89 .89 .51 1.05 .94 .89 .001 1.3     0 20 20 20 1 1  
MAIN HAND: All High Level Rogue Main Hand and One-Hand Swords (Ranked by PVE Main Hand MAEP) - See Below for Offhand Weapons
MH SWORDS (PVE COMBAT MAEP) AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has ArP Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special
Bloodvenom Blade (Heroic) 1062 963 IC25-H 12% Saurfang (Hard) O S 80 277 P 2.6   70 78 52   104     44   250.6 456 847 652 1          
Soulbreaker (Heroic) 966 881 IC10-H 13% Blood Princes (Hard) O S 80 264 P 2.6   61 53   40 114   43     226.5 412 766 589   1        
Wrathful Gladiator's Longblade 1075 866 PVP S8+ 3,300 AP O S 80 277 P 2.6     118   44 141       52 250.6 521 782 652 1          
Bloodvenom Blade 944 865 IC25 16% Deathbringer Saurfang O S 80 264 P 2.6   69 69 46   93     46   226.5 412 766 589            
Quel'Delar, Cunning of the Shadows 896 805 FH-H Q FH-H Quest Reward O S 80 251 P 2.7   62 54   42 88     39   205.6 388 722 555            
Soulbreaker 856 790 IC10 19% Blood Princes O S 80 251 P 2.6   62 47   43 94   38     205.6 374 695 535            
Wrathful Gladiator's Slicer 970 783 PVP S8 38,500 HP + 1,090 AP O S 80 264 P 2.6     104   38 123       46 226.5 471 707 589 1          
Serilas, Blood Blade of Invar One-Arm 830 767 Uld10 10% Freya (Hard) O S 80 245 P 2.6   59 39 36 4 82 29       196.5 357 665 511     1      
Relentless Gladiator's Longblade 927 749 PVP S7+ No Longer Available O S 80 258 P 2.6     99   36 115       44 216.5 450 676 563 1          
Furious Gladiator's Longblade 883 715 PVP S6+ 2,126 Arena Points O S 80 252 P 2.6     93   33 107       41 206.9 430 646 538 1          
Malice 741 693 Uld25 14% Kologarn O S 80 238 P 2.5   55 54   39 80   31     187.0 327 608 468            
Tempered Vis'kag the Bloodletter 851 691 OL25 5% Onyxia O S 80 245 P 2.6                     196.5 357 665 511       222 111 2222 Wound
Relentless Gladiator's Slicer 841 681 PVP S7 No Longer Available O S 80 245 P 2.6     88   31 101       39 196.7 409 614 512 1          
Furious Gladiator's Slicer 795 644 PVP S6 1,417 Arena Points O S 80 238 P 2.6     83   28 91       36 186.7 339 632 486 1          
Razorscale Talon 714 643 Uld10 9% Razorscale O S 80 225 P 2.6   38 54   35 95   21     170.4 310 576 443            
Singed Vis'kag the Bloodletter 774 630 OL10 7% Onyxia O S 80 232 P 2.6                     178.8 325 605 465       200 100 2000 Wound
Ghoulslicer 673 625 HoR 29% Falric O S 80 219 P 2.6   46 35     70 27   33   163.3 297 552 425            
Andonisus, Reaper of Souls 778 624 Strat Spec Andonisus M S 60 100 P 2.8           600         90.4 177 329 253           Temp Weapon
The Horseman's Baleful Blade 634 570 SM 3% Headless Horseman M S 80 200 P 2.7   26 38 26   77 26       143.5 271 504 388       5 5 Pumpkin Soldiers
Silent Crusader 608 562 Nax25 81 Nax25 Trash Drop O S 80 213 P 2.5   21 49 31   86     25   156.6 274 509 392            
Torment of the Banished 593 539 Nax10 16% Thaddius O S 80 200 P 2.6   27 39   26 76   22     143.5 261 485 373            
Warp Slicer (Tempest Keep Only) 629 537 TK Spec Kael'thas Sunstrider O S 70 175 P 2.9     35   25 70         122.2 248 461 355       50 50 30s Speed Proc
Deadly Gladiator's Slicer 650 536 PVP S5 No Longer Available O S 80 213 P 2.6     64   29 86       28 156.5 325 489 407            
Krol Cleaver 589 526 R PP Reinforced Junk Box O S 80 200 E 2.6   36 42     70     28   143.5 261 485 373            
Broken Promise 548 498 Nax25 3% Four Horsemen O S 80 213 P 2.5 29   64 16     20       156.6 274 509 392       0 0 43 Def Rating
Reaper of Dark Souls 548 497 IC Ven KEB Revered O S 80 200 P 2.7     24 33 26 66         130.2 281 422 352            
Crypt Lord's Deft Blade 484 476 A-N-H 26% Anub'arak O S 80 200 P 2.5   19   24   66   33     130.0 227 423 325            
Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge (80) 538 457 Var Ven 40 EoH / 60 Champ Seal M S 80 1 A 2.8     44   29 58         119.8 235 436 336            
Ymiron's Blade 491 439 UP 21% King Ymiron O S 78 187 P 2.6   29 30   19 60         120.0 218 406 312            
Warglaive of Azzinoth 501 435 BT 4% Illidan M S 70 156 P 2.8   22 29 21   44         109.3 214 398 306           Set Piece
Infantry Assault Blade 480 425 UK-H 23% Prince Keleseth O S 80 200 P 2.6 24   49       19       130.2 237 440 339       0 0 33 Def Rating
Corroded Saronite Edge 452 419 BS 415 BS Recipe O S 78 179 P 2.6     21 14   60 28       114.4 208 387 298            
Savage Cobalt Slicer 411 385 BS 395 BS Recipe O S 74 163 E 2.6   30   20   40         104.2 189 353 271            
Brutal Gladiator's Slicer 433 381 PVP S4 2,625 Arena Points O S 70 154 P 2.6     31 9 22 38     7 12 107.9 224 337 281            
Muramasa 397 376 SWP 21% M'uru O S 70 154 P 2.6     27 17       35     107.9 196 365 281            
Talon of Azshara 402 368 SSC 15% Morogrim O S 70 134 P 2.7   15   20   40         96.5 182 339 261       0 0 168 Armor
Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer 413 363 PVP S3 No Longer Available O S 70 146 P 2.6     30 8 21 34     7 12 103.1 214 322 268            
Skeleton's Sword of the Bandit 414 363 R 79-81 Random World Drop O S 80 182 E 2.6   19 29     38         106.7 194 361 278            
Blade of Infamy 398 362 HS 15% Anetheron O S 70 141 P 2.6   28       56         100.2 182 339 261            
Blade of Echoes 409 358 IC Q IC Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 2.6   25 28     44         101.9 185 345 265            
Battleworn Thrash Blade (80) 384 346 WG Ven 200 Stone Keepr Shard O S 80 1 A 2.4                   29 119.8 201 374 288       25 25 Attack Proc
Daschal's Serrated Blade 362 345 TSP Q TSP Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 2.5         28 58         102.0 178 332 255            
Blade of the Inception 373 340 TSP Q TSP Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 2.6     32   33           101.9 185 345 265            
Merciless Gladiator's Slicer 389 340 PVP S2 No Longer Available O S 70 136 P 2.6     27 10 19 30       12 97.7 203 305 254            
Heartless 374 333 ZA 15% Hex Lord Malacrass O S 70 132 P 2.6     30     42   20     95.6 174 323 249            
The Horseman's Blade 381 332 SM 3% Headless Horseman M S 70 115 P 2.7   14 16     46         87.6 165 308 237       5 5 Pumpkin Soldiers
Taigasha 350 330 DB Q DB Quest Reward O S 72 146 P 2.7   16   26             88.0 166 309 238            
Spiteblade 376 327 Kar 3% Netherspite O S 70 115 P 2.7   14 16     46         87.6 165 308 237            
Gladiator's Slicer 358 316 PVP S1 No Longer Available O S 70 123 P 2.6     21 9 15 28       10 91.2 189 285 237            
Hope Ender 347 312 HP 21% Doom Lord Kazzak O S 70 120 E 2.6           70         89.8 163 304 234            
Blade of Diligence 344 311 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O S 74 158 P 2.6     31   27           93.7 170 317 244            
Yoke Slasher 349 310 GH Q GH Quest Reward O S 73 154 P 2.6   28 27               91.7 167 310 239            
Tundra's Edge of the Bandit 337 297 R 70-74 Random World Drop O S 70 142 E 2.6   15 22     30         86.3 157 292 225            
Vindicator's Brand 308 288 SC Exa Aldor Exalted O S 70 100 P 2.6       19   38         81.2 147 275 211            
Coldstone Cutlass 330 286 HF Q HF Quest Reward O S 68 138 P 2.6     22     48         84.8 154 287 221            
Mrgl Blade 306 285 BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward O S 69 138 P 2.6     16           26   84.8 154 287 221            
The Sunbreaker 315 282 IoQ Ven SSO Revered O S 70 115 P 2.7   14 12 11   26         71.9 155 233 194            
Blinkstrike 302 281 R 70 Random World Drop O S 70 100 E 2.6                     81.2 147 275 211       30 30 Extra att proc
Gleaming Iceblade 318 281 DB Q DB Quest Reward O S 71 146 P 2.5     22     58         88.0 154 286 220            
Grand Marshal's Longsword 314 276 PVP All 13,000 HP O S 60 78 P 2.9     7   14 28         59.5 138 207 173            
High Warlord's Blade 314 276 PVP Hor 13,000 HP O S 60 78 P 2.9     7   14 28         59.5 138 207 173            
Gressil, Dawn of Ruin 311 269 Naxx 7% Kel'Thuzad O S 60 89 P 2.7     15     40         73.1 138 257 198            
Grand Marshal's Slicer 292 257 PVP All No Longer Available O S 70 115 P 2.6     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 149 224 187            
High Warlord's Slicer 292 257 PVP Hor No Longer Available O S 70 115 P 2.6     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 149 224 187            
Edge of the Cosmos 280 254 Mech 8% Pathaleon the Calc. O S 70 115 P 2.6     13   16 30         71.7 130 243 187            
Latro's Dancing Blade 282 251 MT 17% Vexallus O S 70 115 P 2.6     21     28     14   71.7 130 243 187            
Illidari-Bane Broadsword 269 249 SV Q SV Quest Reward O S 70 115 P 2.7                     71.7 135 252 194       0 5 93 AP vs Dem
Ancient Qiraji Ripper 281 249 AQ40 4% Fankriss O S 60 77 P 2.8     11   14 20         58.4 114 213 164            
Iron Skull Sword of the Bandit 262 230 R 71-72 Random World Drop O S 70 120 E 2.6   12 18     25         65.0 118 220 169            
Phosphorescent Blade 229 215 SP-H 67% Quagmirran O S 70 115 P 2.4     12   11 40         71.7 120 224 172            
Felsteel Longblade 200 204 BS 365 World Drop Recipe O S 70 105 E 2.2   26 15               83.4 128 239 184            
OFF HAND: All High Level Off Hand and One-Hand Swords (Ranked by PVE Off Hand MAEP)
OH SWORDS (PVE COMBAT MAEP) AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has ArP Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special
Wrathful Gladiator's Swiftblade 629 458 PVP S8+ 1,370 AP F S 80 277 P 1.5     118   44 141       52 250.7 263 489 376 1          
Void Sabre 491 438 Uld10 12% General Vezax (Hard) O S 80 245 P 1.5   63 58 41 23 82         196.3 205 384 295   1        
Westfall Saber (245 Alliance) 479 432 TGC10 16% Anub'arak O S 80 245 P 1.5   58 51   24 75     43   196.7 206 384 295   1        
Forsaken Bonecarver (245 Horde) 479 432 TGC10 5% Anub'arak O S 80 245 P 1.5   58 51   24 75     43   196.7 206 384 295   1        
Rune-Etched Nightblade 400 420 Uld10 7% Iron Council O S 80 225 P 1.4   49 53   34 59     27   170.4 167 310 239            
Wrathful Gladiator's Quickblade 565 412 PVP S8 16,500 HP + 450 AP F S 80 264 P 1.5     104   38 123       46 226.7 238 442 340 1          
Remorse 438 404 Uld25 11% Razorscale O S 80 238 P 1.5   55 54     78 31 36     186.3 195 364 280            
Relentless Gladiator's Swiftblade 539 393 PVP S7+ 1,245 AP F S 80 258 P 1.5     99   36 115       44 216.7 227 423 325 1          
Liar's Tongue 418 390 HoR-H 23% Halls Chest O S 80 232 P 1.5   52 42   34 77 34       178.7 187 349 268            
Westfall Saber (232 Alliance) 416 382 TCr10 8% Anub'arak O S 80 232 P 1.5   52 45   29 74     38   178.7 187 349 268            
Forsaken Bonecarver (232 Horde) 416 382 TCr10 9% Anub'arak O S 80 232 P 1.5   52 45   29 74     38   178.7 187 349 268            
Furious Gladiator's Swiftblade 511 374 PVP S6+ 911 AP F S 80 252 P 1.5     93   33 107       41 207.0 217 404 311 1          
Relentless Gladiator's Quickblade 486 356 PVP S7 No Longer Available F S 80 245 P 1.5     88   31 101       39 196.7 206 384 295 1          
Hailstorm 362 329 EoE10 17% Malygos O S 80 213 P 1.5   31 39 31   86     25   156.7 164 306 235            
Furious Gladiator's Quickblade 437 320 PVP S6 No Longer Available F S 80 232 P 1.5     78   26 86       34 178.7 187 349 268 1          
Avool's Sword of Jin 319 284 R 77-81 Random World Drop O S 80 200 E 1.5   38 36 31   62         143.3 150 280 215            
Peacekeeper Blade 330 276 TCh-H 12% Argent Champions (H) O S 80 219 P 1.5 31   69       25       163.0 171 318 245     1 0 0 29 Dod, 23 Par
Deadly Gladiator's Quickblade 364 274 PVP S5 No Longer Available F S 80 213 P 1.5     64   29 86       28 156.7 164 306 235            
Warglaive of Azzinoth 242 271 BT 2% Illidan F S 70 156 P 1.4   21 28   23 44         109.3 107 199 153           Set Piece
Widow's Fury 351 263 Nax25 10% Grand Widow Faerlina O S 80 213 P 1.6   43 42   29 62   25     156.6 175 326 251            
Blade of Savagery 210 251 BT 38% Mother Shahraz O S 70 141 P 1.4     19 15 22 44         100.4 98 183 141            
Fang of Truth 268 242 DB Ven Wyrmrest Accord Hon O S 78 187 P 1.5   32 29 33   48         120.0 126 234 180            
Hatestrike 320 229 Nax10 18% Patchwerk O S 80 200 P 1.6   25 39 22 27 76         143.4 160 299 230            
Titanguard 345 228 Uld25 15% Flame Leviathan O S 80 238 P 1.6 39   82 31             186.6 209 388 299       0 0 37 Def, 35 Par
Slayer of the Lifeless 265 220 Nax10 19% Gothik O S 80 200 P 1.5 29   57 19             143.3 150 280 215       0 0 25 Def / 26 Dod
Grasscutter 315 219 Dal Ven 50 Emblem of Heroism F S 80 200 P 1.6   25 39   38 76         143.4 160 299 230            
Latro's Shifting Sword 149 201 BM 7% Aeonus O S 70 115 P 1.4   15       26 14       71.8 70 131 101            
Stoneguard 313 200 Uld10 18% Iron Council O S 80 225 P 1.6 37   73 25             170.3 190 355 273       0 0 33 Dod, 32 Par
Brutal Gladiator's Quickblade 229 194 PVP S4 1,125 Arena Points F S 70 154 P 1.5     31 9 22 38     7 12 108.0 113 211 162            
Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade 199 191 SWP 3% Sathrovarr O S 70 154 P 1.5     36       25 25     108.0 113 211 162            
Vengeful Gladiator's Quickblade 218 184 PVP S3 No Longer Available F S 70 146 P 1.5     30 8 21 34     7 12 103.0 108 201 155            
Inuuro's Blade 131 177 IoQ Ven SSO Revered O S 70 115 P 1.4     21 8     11       71.8 80 121 101         0 13 Defense
Meathook's Slicer 256 170 StrP 27% Meathook O S 78 187 P 1.6   29 24     60     22   120.0 134 250 192            
The Interrogator 268 169 Ocu-H 27% Drakos O S 80 200 P 1.6     48 32   70         130.0 145 271 208            
Merciless Gladiator's Quickblade 202 168 PVP S2 No Longer Available F S 70 136 P 1.5     27 10 19 30       12 97.7 102 191 147            
Akil'zon's Talonblade 194 168 ZA 14% Akil'zon O S 70 132 P 1.5     25     52   18     95.7 100 187 144            
Red Sword of Courage 258 159 UP-H 26% King Ymiron O S 80 200 P 1.6 25   58 26             143.4 160 299 230       0 0 38 Def Rating
Quickening Blade of the Prince 181 155 MT-H 20% Kael'thas Sunstrider O S 70 125 P 1.5     27     38     18   92.0 96 180 138            
Gladiator's Quickblade 183 154 PVP S1 No Longer Available F S 70 123 P 1.5     21 9 15 28       10 91.0 95 178 137            
Bloodblade 198 111 IC Q IC Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 1.6     33   23 44         101.9 114 212 163            
The Hungering Cold 118 110 Naxx 13% Kel'Thuzad O S 60 89 P 1.5     14       14       73.0 76 143 110       0 0 140 Armor
Revenger 117 110 TB 23% Cmdr. Sarannis O S 70 115 P 1.5                     71.7 75 140 113       17 17 105-125 LS
Eternally Folded Blade 207 108 HoL 36% Volkhan O S 78 187 P 1.6 29   45               120.0 134 250 192       0 0 22 Def / 16 Par
Quickblade of Cold Return 206 105 IC Q IC Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 1.6     39     50         110.9 124 231 178       0 0 26 Par Rating
Scimitar of the Nexus-Stalkers 111 101 M-T 12% Tavarok O S 64 97 P 1.5   14 16 12             58.3 61 114 88            
Serrated Cold-Iron Slicer 146 100 GH Q GH Quest Reward O S 73 154 P 1.6         21   26       91.6 102 191 147            
Blazefury 173 97 BS 375 BS recipe O S 70 136 P 1.6   19 28 18             97.5 109 203 156            
Blazeguard 160 86 BS 375 BS recipe O S 70 123 P 1.6   17 25 17             91.3 102 190 146            
Fiery Prod 132 84 Cold Q Cold Quest Reward O S 69 138 P 1.6         22   19       84.4 94 176 135            
Blade of the Empty Void 176 81 IC Q IC Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 1.6 24   41               101.9 114 212 163       0 0 19 Def / 14 Par
Lobstrock Slicer 131 80 BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward O S 69 138 P 1.6         18       22   84.4 94 176 135            
Fireguard 148 75 BS 360 BS recipe O S 70 107 P 1.6   16 23 16             84.4 94 176 135            
The Unbreakable Will 153 66 MH 23% Anetheron O S 70 141 P 1.6     33               100.3 112 209 161       0 0 308 Arm,21 Def
King's Defender 140 64 Kar 13% Chess Event O S 70 115 P 1.6     28 17             87.5 98 182 140       0 0 182Ar, Def+13
Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph 111 51 Naxx 12% Razuvious O S 60 81 P 1.6       10 14 26         62.8 70 131 101            
The Unbreakable Will 135 49 MH 23% Anetheron O S 70 141 P 1.6     33               87.8 98 183 141       0 0 308 Arm,21 Def
The Sun Eater 115 38 Mech-H 1% Pathaleon the Calc. O S 70 105 P 1.6     21               78.8 88 164 126       0 0 Def+12,Dod+18
Bloodletter's Blade 162 37 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O S 75 158 P 1.7       21   52         93.5 111 207 159            
Whistling Sword 100 31 BEM Q BEM Quest Reward O S 65 108 P 1.6     11   11 22         57.5 64 120 92            
Sword of Heartwrenching Slaughter 181 30 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O S 74 175 P 1.7 25   39               111.8 133 247 190       0 0 16 Dod / 18 Par
Stoneblade Slicer 162 30 HF Q HF Quest Reward O S 68 138 P 1.7     22     48 24       84.4 100 187 144            
Corroded Saronite Woundbringer 227 27 BS 415 BS Recipe O S 78 179 P 1.8   28 21     60 14       114.4 144 268 206            
Widow's Remorse 95 26 Naxx 19% Grand Widow O S 60 81 P 1.6     17 10             62.8 70 131 101       0 0 100 Armor
Sturdy Cobalt Quickblade 151 26 BS 380 BS Recipe O S 71 146 E 1.7         19 48         87.9 104 195 150            
Joint-Severing Quickblade 145 19 DB Q DB Quest Reward O S 74 146 P 1.7     33       33       87.9 104 195 150            
Pilfered Ethereal Blade 87 19 Neth Q Neth Quest Reward O S 67 111 P 1.6     15       6       59.4 66 124 95       0 0 +16 Def
Crystalblade of the Draenei 91 17 R 65-67 Random World Drop O S 66 103 E 1.6     18               62.8 70 131 101       0 0 150Ar,Def 13
Lydia's Sharpened Swordbreaker 162 12 R 73-76 Random World Drop O S 74 150 E 1.7 27   39               97.1 115 215 165            
Warp-Storm Warblade 105 -23 M-T-H 1% N-P Shaffar O S 70 115 P 1.7     21 15             71.8 85 159 122       0 0 Def +13
Windforged Rapier 81 -30 BS 340 BS recipe O S 65 100 P 1.7       24             60.6 72 134 103            
Grand Marshal's Quickblade 126 -70 PVP All No Longer Available O S 70 115 P 1.8     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 103 155 129            
High Warlord's Quickblade 126 -70 PVP Hor No Longer Available O S 70 115 P 1.8     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 103 155 129            
Honor's Call 97 -87 HP Exa Honor Hold Exalted O S 70 100 P 1.8     12 6             78.9 99 185 142       0 0 +16 Def
Grand Marshal's Swiftblade 91 -91 PVP All 13,000 HP O S 60 78 P 1.8     7   14 28         59.4 85 129 107            
High Warlord's Quickblade 91 -91 PVP Hor 13,000 HP O S 60 78 P 1.8     7   14 28         59.4 85 129 107            
AEP: Agility Equivalence Points.  A method to convert the value of item attributes to compare them in terms of Agility points.  Based on the forum discussion by Ming from Lightning's Blade.
AEP: PVP-Oriented formula which focuses on Attack Power, Stamina and Resilience. MAEP: Maximum DPS AEP for use in maximizing PVE raid DPS.
See for current AEP/MAEP formulas
Loc: The location where the weapon can be found, usually the initials for a zone.  BS = Blacksmithing, R = Random World Drop.
Info: Additional information about the weapon, such as drop percentage, random mob levels, the skill level required to create it, reputation, honor ranking or (Q)uest item.
Source: The source of the weapon.  Either the boss who drops it, the location of the recipe or the type of faction or quest required.
H: Which hand can use the weapon. (M)ain Hand, (O)ne-Hand or Of(F) Hand. T: Weapon Type (Sword/Mace/Fist/Dagger) , Lvl: Level requirement, ilvl: Item Level, Bi: Bind on (P)ickup or (E)quip, Sp: Weapon Speed.
Str: Strength, Agi: Agility, Sta: Stamina, Hit: Hit Rating, Cri: Crit. Rating, AP: Attack Power, Exp: Expertise, Has: Haste Rating, ArP: Armor Penetration, Res: Resilience, B/R/Y: Sockets, Spe.: Special
DPS: Damage per second, Min: Minimum Damage, Max: Maximum Damage, Avg: Average damage, PVP: PVP Special Value, PVE: PVE Special Value
World of Warcraft High Level Rogue Swords Chart © 2022 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft © 2022 Blizzard Entertainment