Improving AEP for Level 70 PVP

Improving AEP for Level 70 PVP
Over the past few months, there's been a significant shift in the value of certain stats with regards to Level 70 PVP. As players get better gear and talent specs evolve, Attack Power has become the premiere stat for PVP, with less importance being placed on Stamina and Crit. After reaching 10,000-11,000 health (with 350-400 Resilience), most Rogues begin shifting their focus to offensive stats, and specifically Attack Power. Attack Power's effectiveness is not diminished by Resilience, so it's usually preferred over Crit Rating, and sometimes even Agility.
So then the question becomes, just how much have these stats changed in value? How can the AEP formula used on my site be improved to better reflect these evolving trends in Level 70 PVP stat valuation?
Old AEP Formula:
1 AEP = 1 Agi = 1 Sta = 2 Str = 1.3333 Hit = 1.1111 Crit = 2 AP = 1.1765 Haste = 1.1765 Expertise = 6.6667 Arm Pen = 1 Resil = 666.67 Def = 1000 Dod/Par/Arm/Resist = .0833 B Gem = .10 R/Y Gem = .025 Meta
Individual AEP Values
1 Agi = 1 AEP
1 Sta = 1 AEP
1 Str = 0.5 AEP
1 Hit = 0.75 AEP
1 Crit = 0.90 AEP
1 AP = 0.5 AEP
1 Has = 0.85 AEP
1 Exp = 0.85 AEP
1 ArP = 0.15 AEP
1 Resil = 1 AEP
1 Defense = 0.0015 AEP
1 Dod/Par/Arm/Resist = 0.001 AEP
1 B Gem = 12 AEP
1 R/Y Gem = 10 AEP
1 Meta = 40 AEP
Factors to consider
1. Any increase in the AEP value of Attack Power results in a proportional decrease in the AEP value of Crit Rating. This is because Agility is primarily comprised of AP & Crit (with Dodge and Armor having negligible value.) You can see this in action by checking out the AEP Balance Sheet on my Formulas Page.
2. Deadliness > Malice. This has become the mantra of many PVP Rogues lately, but exactly what are the implications? In the current AEP formula, assuming an average 1500 AP, 5/5 Deadliness is worth 150 AP or 75 AEP. 5/5 Malice, on the other hand, is currently worth 110.5 Crit Rating or 99.45 AEP. So, if Deadliness > Malice, then the AEP formula needs to be adjusted to account for this.
At 1500 AP, the AEP value of AP would need to be increased to 0.57 or higher to overcome the corresponding 0.773 AEP value of Crit Rating (since the AEP value of Crit would automatically decrease as the AEP value of AP increases.) Doing so would put 150 AP at 85.5 AEP, which is the point at which the AEP value of Deadliness would surpass the corresponding 85.4 AEP of Crit Rating at that level.
3. When evaluating possible changes to the AEP formula, other factors to consider are the enchantment and gem choices that many highly rated PVP Rogues have been making lately. These choices are a reflection of the current value of specific stats, so any changes to the AEP formula should attempt to model the results of those real world choices. With this in mind, I've created a PVP Rogue Armories Chart which lists the specs, ratings, stats, gear, gems and enchantments of certain noteworthy and influential PVP Rogues from the Rogue Forums.
Looking at their Armories, I've noticed the following general trends which lend support to the theory of increasing the AEP value of AP while decreasing the AEP value of Stamina and Crit:
They all chose 24 AP to Bracers over 12 Stamina.
Currently 24 AP = 12 AEP and 12 Stam = 12 AEP. Any increase in the AEP value of AP and/or decrease in the AEP value of Stamina agrees with this choice.
Most of them chose 26 AP to Gloves over 15 Agility.
If 26 AP > 15 Agi, then increasing the AEP value of AP to 0.577 or higher will agree with this choice.
Most of them chose AP gems for their red sockets over Agility/Stam or even AP/Stam gems.
If 16 AP > 4Agi/6Stam AND 16 AP > 6Stam/8AP, then the AEP value of AP must be increased AND the AEP value of Stamina must be decreased. Increasing the AEP of AP to 0.65 while decreasing the AEP of Stamina to 0.85 or lower will agree with this choice.
Many of them chose Nethercobra Leg Armor over Nethercleft Leg Armor.
If 50AP/12Crit > 40Sta/12Agi, then the AEP value of AP must be increased AND the AEP value of Stamina must be decreased. Increasing the AEP of AP to 0.65 while decreasing the AEP of Stamina to 0.7 or lower will agree with this choice.
After considering the factors above, I've decided to make the following changes to my AEP formula for Level 70 PVP:
1. I've increased the value of Attack Power from 0.5 AEP to 0.65 AEP. This change causes the AEP value of Crit Rating to decrease from 0.9 AEP to 0.63 AEP. This change also causes the value of Strength to increase to 0.65 AEP, since 1 Str = 1 AP (not counting talents or buffs.)
2. I've decreased the value of Stamina from 1 AEP to 0.7 AEP.
3. In addition to the changes above, I've also reduced the AEP values of Haste (0.6), Hit Rating (0.6) & Expertise (0.65), bringing the value of those stats to be more in line with AP for PVP.
New AEP Formula:
1 AEP = 1 Agi = 1.4286 Sta = 1.5385 Str = 1.6667 Hit = 1.5873 Crit = 1.5385 AP = 1.6667 Haste = 1.5385 Expertise = 6.6667 Arm Pen = 1 Resil = 666.67 Def = 1000 Dod/Par/Arm/Resist = .1111 B Gem = .10 R Gem = .125 Y Gem = .025 Meta
New AEP Values
1 Agi = 1 AEP
1 Sta = 0.7 AEP
1 Str = 0.65 AEP
1 Hit = 0.6 AEP
1 Crit = 0.63 AEP
1 AP = 0.65 AEP
1 Has = 0.60 AEP
1 Exp = 0.65 AEP
1 ArP = 0.15 AEP
1 Resil = 1 AEP
1 Defense = 0.0015 AEP
1 Dod/Par/Arm/Resist = 0.001 AEP
1 B Gem = 9 AEP
1 R Gem = 10 AEP
1 Y Gem = 8 AEP
1 Meta = 40 AEP
This new AEP Formula has now been incorporated into my Level 70 armor charts. In addition to this, I've split the "Sp" column in my Level 70 armor charts into two separate columns, one for PVP and one for PVE, to distinguish the PVP vs. PVE value of each item's Special Abilities (ie. Stealth Detection is useful in PVP but has little use in PVE.) I've also created PVP-specific Gems and Enchantments charts to better serve the PVP Rogue community.


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