Shadow Panther’s Northrend Guide for Rogues
(Updated 4/25/10 for patch 3.3.3)
A Guide to Helping Players Maximize Their 70-80 Rogue
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on
Earthen Ring Server)
Shadow Panther’s Northrend Guide for Rogues © 2010
World of Warcraft © 2010 Blizzard Entertainment
Table of Contents
Initial Leveling Gear Profiles
Superior Pre-70 Northrend Gear
Levels 77-80: The Storm Peaks / Icecrown
Shadow Panther’s Northrend Guide for Rogues
This guide has been developed to assist both novice and veteran players in getting their Rogues prepared for all that Northrend has to offer. Whether you’ve just dusted off your old level 70 Rogue or have already reached level 80, you should find a wealth of useful information in this guide to help improve your Rogue for endgame play. Throughout this guide, I’ll be helping you gear up your Rogue for endgame PVE and PVP in the fastest and most efficient manner possible. Knowing how to gear yourself up and get fully prepared is what will separate you from the sea of mediocre level 80 Rogues. Refer to the charts available at when researching items listed in this guide.
Some players think
that leveling is easy. Just grab some
cheap Bandit gear and you should be 80 in no time, right? Other players think that leveling is a pain. Their Rogues may be undergeared, unprepared
and/or inexperienced. Maybe they
haven’t taken the time to learn how to properly play a Rogue or how to get
geared up for maximum effectiveness.
Well, this guide is going to change all that. No matter what condition your Rogue is in, this guide will help
you quickly level your way up so you can hit the ground running as soon as you
reach 80.
Leveling from 70-80 is going to be easier for some and harder for others. Your current gear plays a big part in that. If you spent a lot of time maximizing your Rogue at level 70, then you should have little trouble leveling to 80. However, if you’ve recently rerolled to a Rogue, then your weapons and armor will be relatively ineffective by the time you enter Northrend. Listed below are several “Initial Leveling Gear” profiles that describe the various states of progression from which your Rogue may begin his own journey of leveling from 70-80.
“Hardcore 70” You stopped playing your Rogue shortly before Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) released, after many months spent conquering The Burning Crusade (BC). Your gear is a mixture of Tier 6 (T6) set pieces from Sunwell Plateau and/or Season 4 (S4) pieces earned through Arena (complete with powerful set bonuses) and most of it has epic gems and quality enchants. You’ll have little trouble leveling to 80 and will replace very few items along the way.
“Average 70” Your gear is a combination of T4/T5/T6 and/or S2/S3/S4 pieces with some Heroic and Badge items mixed in. The majority of your gear is probably enchanted and socketed with BC rare/epic gems. You won’t have much trouble leveling to 80 and will only need to replace a few items along the way.
“Casual 70” Your gear is a mixture of PUG (pickup group) Karazhan T4/Badge gear and/or S1/S2 weapons and “welfare” armor farmed from BGs. You probably didn’t bother to properly enchant or socket many of those items. You may have some trouble leveling if you don’t replace many of the weaker items with some quality quest gear available in Northrend.
“Ding 70!” For you, level 70 is nothing more than the level that happens to fall between 69 and 71 on your long, tiresome road to 80. You’ve gotten used to being undergeared and overmatched due to substandard gear and weak stats. You’re going to have some trouble leveling unless you upgrade your gear soon. Pay close attention to the following sections of this guide and you should quickly see significant gains in your damage and effectiveness.
Whether your Rogue falls under the “Ding 70!” or the “Casual 70” category, there are several high-quality pre-70 upgrades available to you before you even enter Northrend. Or, if you’re still working on leveling from 60-70, these easily acquired items can help you reach that goal even faster. Most of the items listed below, if enhanced with inexpensive enchantments and gems, can potentially last you well into your mid-70’s before you’ll find better upgrades.
q Deathblow X11 Goggles (62) - Requires 350 Engineering
q Helm of the Claw (67) - Steamvault quest reward
q Necklace of the Deep (65) - Jewelcrafting craftable
q Vest of Vengeance (61) - 19% Drop rate from Keli’dan
the Breaker in The Blood Furnace
q Warden's Hauberk (62) - Cenarion Expedition Honored
q Bladefist's Breadth (58) - Hellfire Peninsula quest reward
q Core of Ar'kelos
(67) - Netherstorm quest reward
Who says you need to be 70 to experience WotLK? Players can safely enter Northrend a couple of levels before reaching 70 and pick up some very nice pre-70 upgrades. Many of the items listed below can be obtained as early as level 68 and are often highly prized by level 69 Twink Rogues.
q Borean
(68) - Borean Tundra quest reward fist weapon
q Fang
of the Desolate Soul (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward dagger
q Ice-Rimed
Dagger (68) - Howling Fjord quest reward dagger
q Hundred Tooth Necklace (Horde) (68) - Utgarde Keep quest reward
q Chain of the Tolling Bell
(Alliance) (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Choker of Forceful Redemption
(Horde) (68)
- Borean Tundra quest reward
q Cured Mammoth Hide Mantle (68) - Nexus quest reward
q Treads of Torn Future (69) - Nexus quest reward
q Vendetta Bindings (Horde) (68) - Utgarde Keep quest reward
q Time-Stop Gloves (69) - Nexus quest reward
q Executioner's Band (68) - Utgarde Keep quest reward
q Fury of the Encroaching Storm (68) - Howling Fjord quest reward
q First Mate's Pocketwatch (69) - Howling Fjord quest reward
q Shroud of Fluid Strikes (69) - Nexus quest reward
q Fury of the Raging Dragon (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
Now that we’ve identified some premium leveling gear, it’s time to start leveling, right? Not so fast. Before you begin your journey into Northrend, you should make some final preparations to help your leveling experience go smoother.
1. If you don’t already have Artisan Riding Skill, then start saving up your gold now! It will make your life at 80 so much easier in the long run. I know that 5,000 is a lot of gold (in addition to the 1,000g you’ll need for Cold Weather Flying at level 77) but it really is worth it. Complete every quest possible (including Daily Quests) and save up your gold along the way to 77. My other tips below are based on frugal yet wise usage of your gold.
2. Empty out your bags and buy some inexpensive, higher capacity bags if you can. Having extra bag space will enable you to be more efficient while leveling. Remove everything except for the essential items listed below.
3. Make sure you’re stocked up on useful consumables. Bring along bandages, inexpensive healing potions and a stack or two of poisons. Dual Wound Poison is usually going to be the ideal poison for leveling, because it hits hard and often and sticks to your target, giving you the full benefit of Savage Combat or Mutilate.
4. If you can get them cheaply enough (perhaps old Level 70 leftovers from BC raiding or your guild bank), see if you can pick up a stack of Elixirs, Stat Food and even Haste Potions (also Drums of Battle if you’re a pre-80 Leatherworker). Save these items for those special occasions when you need to buff up to take down a particularly tough quest objective or fight your way through groups of enemies, such as escort quests.
5. Pick up some cheap WotLK gems to replace any inferior BC gems in your current sockets. I recommend Delicate Bloodstone, which gives a nice mix of offensive (AP/Crit) and defensive (Armor/Dodge) capabilities.
6. Respec for maximum leveling effectiveness. Talents like Unfair Advantage and Remorseless Attacks don’t see much use in raiding or PVP, yet they’re very useful for leveling/grinding/farming. Remorseless Attacks is an especially effective pacing mechanism that can help speed up your overall leveling process. A strong build for leveling is Combat, which has several useful talents for handling multiple mobs. However, Mutilate is also a good choice. More information on these builds can be found here:
7. Once you’ve decided upon your leveling spec, make sure you get the appropriate Glyphs to go along with it.
One final preparation you can make upon entering Northrend is to powerlevel your crafting professions to 400 in order to get access to some very nice profession-specific benefits. This mainly applies to “Hardcore 70” and “Average 70” Rogues who have plenty of gold and already maxed their professions to 375 before WotLK released. Powerleveling some of those crafting professions just 25 more points can make a big difference due to the nice perks you’ll receive. Grandmaster Trainers can be found as soon as you enter Northrend, both in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord. I’ve created Powerleveling Guides for Blacksmithing, Engineering and Leatherworking if you’ve chosen those professions. Also, you can research and compare the benefits of each profession here:
Alchemy: At 400, you get access to the reusable Flask of the North (new in 3.2). You can also make Endless Healing Potion, which works well with Mighty Alchemist's Stone, a nice trinket available to Alchemists at level 75.
Blacksmithing: At 400, you can use Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves to add extra gems to your gear.
Enchanting: At 400, you can put Enchant Ring - Assault on each of your rings.
Engineering: This profession has numerous items that can be helpful during your leveling process, including Hyperspeed Accelerators, Saronite Bombs, Weakness Spectralizers, Sonic Booster, Nitro Boosts, Flexweave Underlay, Frag Belt, Gnomish Lightning Generator and Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket. They’re great for PVP too!
Inscription: At 400, you can add Master's Inscription of the Axe to your shoulders.
Jewelcrafting: At 370, Jewelcrafters get access to powerful Epic Gems, however these usually aren’t recommended for leveling gear since they can be rather expensive and most leveling gear won’t even have sockets.
Leatherworking: At 400, you can apply both Nerubian Leg Reinforcements and Fur Lining - Attack Power to your gear.
Tailoring: At 400, you can enchant Swordguard Embroidery on your cloak.
Your personal preferences will often dictate your choice of spec, but there are multiple ways to play a particular spec. One important consideration to take into account is how you plan to open each battle while leveling. Using stealth openers (Cheap Shot/Garrote) allows you to Sap and Pick Pocket mobs (level up that Lockpicking skill!) as you go along, but will also slow down your overall leveling pace. If you prefer to skip stealth openers, then you can just run in and start smashing away with your main attack. Once you’ve started a battle, you need to decide which sequence of attacks is going to be most effective. Listed below are various leveling playstyles from which to choose.
“Quick Kill”: This playstyle skips the stealth opener and uses a basic sequence of attacks for quick, reliable damage.
Special Attacks (Mutilate/Sinister Strike/Hemo) -> 5pt. Eviscerate
Pros: Fast single target damage. Incoming damage reduced somewhat due to shorter battles.
Cons: Doesn’t allow for Pick Pocketing or Saps. Frequent healing may be needed, especially if fighting multiple mobs.
“Lockdown”: This playstyle relies on stuns to keep mobs locked down for most of the battle.
Stealth -> Cheap Shot -> Special Attacks (Mutilate/Sinister Strike/Hemo) -> Kidney Shot
Pros: Minimizes incoming damage. Allows for Pick Pocketing and Saps.
Cons: Battles can take longer because you’re using a stealth opener and spending energy on stuns.
“Chain Kill”: This playstyle relies on Slice and Dice to maximize sustained damage as you move from mob to mob.
Special Attack -> 1 pt. Slice and Dice -> Special Attacks -> 5 pt. Finisher (SnD if Combat, Envenom if Mutilate for CttC)
Pros: Maintains a fast, continuous pace.
Cons: Doesn’t allow for Pick Pocketing or Saps. Frequent healing/food will be needed.
“Whirling Dervish”: This Combat playstyle relies on the burst potential of Blade Flurry, Adrenaline Rush & Killing Spree to round up and mow down multiple mobs all at once. Add Fan of Knives (FoK) to the mix once you reach level 80.
Sprint -> Evasion (round up mobs) -> Special Attack x 3 -> 3 pt. Slice and Dice -> Blade Flurry - > Killing Spree ->
Adrenaline Rush -> Mow everything down
Pros: Fun.
Cons: Doesn’t allow for Pick Pocketing or Saps. Can be suicidal (Cloak/Vanish if things go bad). Frequent healing/food will be needed between cooldowns.
Now you’re finally ready to start leveling. The question is, where to start? Northrend has two starting zones, Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord. Borean Tundra is generally considered to be the better starting zone due to having higher quality quest rewards (as seen above). You may actually want to consider leveling up through both starting zones, starting with Borean Tundra, especially if you’re entering Northrend before reaching 70. Regardless of your level, this plan will make your initiation into Northrend easier as you’ll spend more time fighting against mobs at or below your level. Also, keep in mind that BGs now provide experience as well as honor points, which is a great way to start farming for level 80 PVP gear whenever you feel like taking a break from questing.
For a list of optimized quest circuits through each zone, I suggest that you follow Jame's Leveling Guides, which are free and very well-designed. He also recommends leveling through both starting zones - - Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord from 70-74. After that, you’ll continue on to Dragonblight from 74-75 and Grizzly Hills from 75-77. Once you’ve reached level 77, assuming that you’ve saved up enough gold for Artisan Riding Skill and Cold Weather Flying, I recommend that you go directly to The Storm Peaks from 77-78 and finish up in Icecrown from 78-80. Those two zones contain a considerable number of useful daily reputation quests to help you earn gold and rep with The Sons of Hodir and The Knights of the Ebon Blade for your shoulder and helm enchants. In addition to that, Icecrown, in particular, has a good amount of quest and rep rewards that will help you get prepared early for level 80 content.
Your first few levels in Northrend should be spent in Borean Tundra. If your gear is weak, then this zone will provide you with numerous upgrades. In particular, four rare quest rewards can be obtained in a single run through The Nexus, a relatively easy instance located in the northwest section of Borean Tundra, called Coldarra. Many of those upgrades will last you well into your mid-to-late 70s, so it’s really worth your time to complete every quest in Borean Tundra and The Nexus before moving on to the next zone. If you have trouble joining a Nexus run, then try creating a group yourself. Even if you avoid every other instance in early Northrend while leveling, try not to skip The Nexus.
Borean Tundra: Wowwiki - Wowhead - Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide - Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
Coldarra: Wowwiki
Level 70-72 Starter Set
Listed below is a checklist of easily acquired weapons and armor you should expect to have by the time you finish up Borean Tundra and The Nexus. This gear should last you well into your late 70s, with a few upgrades along the way.
Main Hand Weapon
q Borean
(68) - Borean Tundra quest reward fist weapon
q Fang
of the Desolate Soul (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward dagger
q Nimble Blade
(70) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Deathblow X11 Goggles (62) - Requires 350 Engineering
q Helm of the Claw (67) - Steamvault quest reward
q Rhinohide Mask (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Necklace of the Deep (65) - Jewelcrafting craftable
q Chain of the Tolling Bell
(Alliance) (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Choker of Forceful Redemption
(Horde) (68)
- Borean Tundra quest reward
q Cured Mammoth Hide Mantle (68) - Nexus quest reward
q Vest of Vengeance (61) - 19% Drop rate from Keli’dan
the Breaker in The Blood Furnace
q Warden's Hauberk (62) - Cenarion Expedition Honored
q Reinforced Caribou-Hide Chestguard (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Marshwalker Chestpiece (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Charred Drakehide Belt
(68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Whalehunter Leggings (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Treads of Torn Future (69) - Nexus quest reward
q Reinforced Caribou-Hide Boots (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Vrykul Shackles (70) - Utgarde Keep BoE drop, usually available on
the Auction House (AH)
q Whalehunter Cuffs (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Time-Stop Gloves (69) - Nexus quest reward
q Ring of Indignant Rage (70)
- Borean Tundra quest reward
q Milan’s Mastercraft Band
(71) - Random World drop BoE, usually available on the AH
q Icy Ripper Ring (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Bladefist's Breadth (58) - Hellfire Peninsula quest reward
q Core of Ar'kelos
(67) - Netherstorm quest reward
q Warsong's Fervor (Horde) (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Talisman of the Tundra (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
q Shroud of Fluid Strikes (69) - Nexus quest reward
q Fury of the Raging Dragon (68) - Borean Tundra quest reward
After Borean Tundra
and The Nexus, you’ll want to continue on to Howling Fjord and Utgarde Keep
(the low level instance located in the center of Howling Fjord). However, unlike Borean Tundra and The Nexus,
Howling Fjord and Utgarde Keep only offer a handful of decent upgrades, as seen
below. The primary reason for
continuing to level in Howling Fjord, as mentioned earlier, is that you’ll have
an easier time overall since you’ll be leveling through both of Northrend’s
starting zones. If you find that you
have trouble getting a group together for Utgarde Keep, then feel free to skip
it, since the quest rewards are only slightly better than gear you should
already have by then. Note:
Rogues can solo stealth the Disarmament
quest with the use of Distract/Sap and a few instance resets, for
an easy 40,200 experience plus a decent rare necklace (Horde version only).
Howling Fjord: Wowwiki - Wowhead - Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide - Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
Utgarde Keep: Wowwiki - Wowhead
Howling Fjord Upgrades
q Hundred Tooth Necklace (Horde) (68) - Utgarde Keep quest reward
q Vendetta Bindings (Horde) (68) - Utgarde Keep quest reward
q Executioner's Band (68) - Utgarde Keep quest reward
q Fury of the Encroaching Storm (68) - Howling Fjord quest reward
q First Mate's Pocketwatch (69) - Howling Fjord quest reward
Now that you have
the two starting zones out of the way, it’s time to move on to
Dragonblight. Dragonblight is an
interesting zone that gives you the chance to use a special, fast flying dragon
mount called a Wyrmrest Vanquisher
during portions of your journey. After
you fly this mount, you’ll never want to go back to slow mounts again. Another difference you’ll find with this
zone is that you’ll get a number of quests to kill Elite mobs scattered
throughout the zone. Save these quests
up and try to find or form a group specifically to run through all of these
quests at one time.
One last difference
you’ll notice in this zone is that it has not one, but two group instances,
Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, both located in western
Dragonblight. Azjol-Nerub is a very
quick and easy instance, with two possible quest rewards, however only one of
them is slightly better than gear you should already have by now. Ahn'kahet is a tougher and longer instance,
which only offers one quest reward, but it’s a nice set of shoulders.
As far as gear
upgrades in the rest of Dragonblight go, you won’t find too many others, as long
as you’ve already geared up using the previous sections of this guide. However, one upgrade that you should be able
to get here is a decent offhand weapon for most specs. Listed below are the significant upgrades
you’ll find in this zone:
Dragonblight: Wowwiki - Wowhead - Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide - Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
Azjol-Nerub: Wowwiki - Wowhead
Ahn'kahet: The Old
Kingdom: Wowwiki
- Wowhead
Dragonblight Upgrades
q Claw of the Undead Ravager
(74) - Dragonblight quest reward fist
q Scourgeslayer's Shank (74) - Dragonblight quest reward dagger
q Time-Bending Smasher (72) - Dragonblight quest reward mace
q Shoulderpads
of Abhorrence (73) - Ahn'kahet quest reward
q Belt of Vengeful Purification (71) - Dragonblight quest reward
q Wrynn's Legguards of Brutality
(Alliance) (71) -
Dragonblight quest reward
q Warchief's Legguards of Brutality
(Horde) (71) -
Dragonblight quest reward
q Don
Soto's Boots
(72) - Azjol-Nerub quest reward
q Scarab of Isanoth (Horde) (71) Horde - Dragonblight quest reward
Once you’ve
completed Dragonblight and reached level 75, Jame’s guide recommends that you
continue on to Grizzly Hills. However,
before you do that, I suggest that you make a quick detour into the Zul’Drak
zone to upgrade your main hand weapon.
Since a main hand weapon is a Rogue’s most important piece of gear, you
always want to keep an eye out for any potential upgrades. One option would be buying one of the
craftable Blacksmithing weapons available at level 74, Savage Cobalt Slicer or Saronite Ambusher.
Alternatively, you could go and complete a fairly easy questline in
Zul’Drak for an even better upgrade, Crimson Cranium Crusher or Wodin's Second-Best Shanker.
you’ll want to complete the Champion of Anguish
5-man group questline in central Zul’Drak.
To start this questline, visit Shifty Vickers in the sewers beneath
Dalaran, who will send you out to Zul’Drak.
Completing this “Ring of Blood” style questline will allow you to pick a
very nice main hand mace or dagger quest reward that should last you pretty
much all the way to 80. If you find
yourself having trouble joining or forming a group, then you can head a little
west and start working on your Knights of the Ebon Blade reputation in
Zul’Drak until you can find yourself a group.
Assuming that you followed Jame’s Dragonblight guide, you should already have the quest Into the Breach!. Upon completing that quest, you’ll find Crusader Lord Lantinga standing nearby, who gives you the quest In Search Of Answers. Completing that quest and the follow-up quests Orders From Drakuru and The Ebon Watch will lead you out to the Ebon Watch where you can complete a long series of quests that will eventually earn you 2,150 Knights of the Ebon blade rep. While not absolutely necessary, these quests can give you a nice head start on your way to Revered. While in Zul’Drak, you should also become familiar with the Pa’troll daily quests that give valuable Argent Crusade rep.
Zul’Drak: Wowwiki - Wowhead - Theos’s Alliance Leveling Guide - Theos’s Horde Leveling Guide
After securing your new main hand weapon in Zul’Drak, you’re now free to head over to Grizzly Hills. In the western half of this zone, you’ll find a significant number of PVP quest objectives including several PVP daily quests. The quests themselves aren’t very difficult, but when you throw in the PVP factor, you may face the potential hassle of getting ganked by higher level players lying in wait. If you enjoy world PVP and/or play on a PVP server, then this may be right up your alley. For those who don’t enjoy PVP, then you may want to skip those particular quests, or try to complete them during off-hours when you’ll face less resistance. As far as upgrades are concerned, you’ll find very few in this zone, which includes Drak’Tharon Keep, the instance located in the northwest corner of Grizzly Hills. Once you hit level 77, you may just want to drop Grizzly Hills and move on to the more important zones that follow.
Grizzly Hills: Wowwiki - Wowhead - Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide - Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
Drak'Tharon Keep: Wowwiki - Wowhead
Grizzly Hills Upgrades
q Wax-Coated
Chestguard (72) - Grizzly Hills quest reward
q Shackles
of Dark Whispers (73) - Drak'Tharon Keep quest reward
q Kurzel's
Rage (72) - Drak'Tharon Keep quest reward
I’ve lumped both of these zones together for one very good reason. You’re going to want to start grinding rep early for both The Sons of Hodir (The Storm Peaks) and The Knights of the Ebon Blade (Icecrown) in order to get your shoulder and helm enchants. What this means is knocking out the bare minimum number of quests to open up the daily quests for both factions. Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to get in the routine of beginning each day with an hour or so of daily quests before you do anything else in game. Follow this plan and you’ll be exalted with both factions in no time.
Hopefully you’ve saved up enough gold for both Artisan Riding Skill and Cold Weather Flying by now. Having Artisan Riding Skill is not a requirement for these zones, but it will make a big difference. You can get by without a fast flying mount, but your progress through these zones will be significantly slower. So, as soon as you hit 77, head back to Dalaran and purchase Cold Weather Flying (and Artisan Riding Skill if you can afford it) from Hira Snowdawn. You can find a complete list of available flying mounts here:
Next, speak to Officer Van Rossem (Alliance) or Sky-Reaver Klum (Horde) to get the Preparations for War quest. Then, head into the Dalaran sewers to get Luxurious Getaway! from Rin Duoctane (located in the far western corner of the sewers). After you get these two quests, go to The Storm Peaks. Once you reach the K3 camp, get both quests from Gretchen Fizzlespark inside the Inn to begin a long series of quests to reach Neutral with The Sons of Hodir. An excellent write-up can be found in the comments section of the first quest, They Took Our Men!. A total of 6 daily quests can be opened up with The Sons of Hodir, however, some of the daily quests won’t be unlocked until you reach Friendly, Honored & Revered. Also, look for Everfrost Chips and Relics of Ulduar, which can be turned in for extra rep.
After unlocking the Neutral Sons of Hodir daily quests, go to Icecrown to work on the quests you’ll need to open up the Knights of the Ebon Blade daily quests. Turn in Preparations for War at your faction’s flying ship (located over the eastern side of Icecrown), then get It's All Fun and Games. That quest will eventually lead to the The Shadow Vault, a new quest hub area that will become the central location for most of your Knights of the Ebon Blade rep. (Note: After reaching Friendly, you can wear Tabard of the Ebon Blade in level 80 dungeons & all Heroics to gain even more rep).
Complete all of the available Shadow Vault quests to open up three of your six daily quests. Then, continue on to Death’s Rise to the southwest to open up the remaining three daily quests. The quests in that particular area, Onslaught Harbor, can be especially challenging, but you’ll appreciate the daily rep. If you’re questing alone, then I highly recommend taking your time, keeping to the outer edges and picking your battles carefully. If you fly over the wrong area you can quickly become overwhelmed with attackers. Sap, Blind and Vanish are especially vital here.
Once you’ve opened up all of your Sons of Hodir and Knights of the Ebon Blade daily quests, feel free to continue completing quests in both zones (overall, Icecrown has better quest rewards). To further help you prepare for level 80, I recommend that you begin working on the Argent Tournament questline in northern Icecrown. Completing those quests will open up numerous daily quests that will provide you with a constant supply of gold and reputation rewards.
As far as 5-man instances go, The Storm Peaks has the Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning. Of those two, only the Halls of Lightning has any decent quest rewards - - a nice chestpiece and minor upgrade shoulders. Icecrown has several 5-man instances, but Trial of the Champion is the only one you can enter before reaching level 80. Trial of the Champion is a tougher dungeon than other dungeons you’ll come across on your way to 80, but the loot is also much better. You should try to run this dungeon as much as you can (both Regular and Heroic once you reach 80, and hopefully with good groups) to help you get geared up for endgame content.
Significant upgrades from Icecrown, The Storm Peaks and non-Heroic dungeons in both zones can be found below.
The Storm Peaks: Wowwiki - Wowwiki Quests - Wowhead
Icecrown: Wowwiki - Wowwiki Quests - Wowhead
Halls of Stone: Wowwiki - Wowhead
Halls of Lightning: Wowwiki - Wowhead
Trial of the Champion: Wowwiki - Wowhead
The Sons of Hodir: Wowwiki - Wowhead
Knights of the Ebon Blade: Wowwiki - Wowhead
The Argent Tournament: Wowwiki - Wowhead
The Storm Peaks Upgrades
q Broken
Stalactite (80) - The Sons of Hodir honored rep reward dagger
q Jormungar
Fang (77) - The Storm Peaks quest reward dagger
q Spaulders
of Frozen Knives (78) - The Sons of
Hodir honored rep reward
q Charred
Leather Shoulderguards (77) - Halls of Lightning quest reward
q Yeti
Hide Mantle (77) - The Storm Peaks quest reward
q Hardened
Tongue Tunic (77) - Halls of Lightning quest reward
q Rough
Climber's Grips (77) - The Storm Peaks quest reward
q Jagged
Ice Band (77) - The Storm Peaks quest reward
q Razor-sharp
Ice Shards (77) - The Storm Peaks quest reward
Icecrown Upgrades
q Reaper
of Dark Souls (80) - Knights of the Ebon Blade revered rep reward sword
q Vengance
Shiv (77) - Icecrown quest reward dagger
q Pilot's
Knife (77) - Icecrown quest reward dagger
q The
Severed Noose of Westwind (78) - Icecrown quest reward
q Shoulderpads of the Infamous Knave (80) - Trial of the Champion drop
q Shoulderpads
of Fleshwerks (78) - Icecrown quest reward
q Darkheart
Chestguard (80) - Knights of the Ebon Blade exalted rep reward
q Belt of Fierce Competition (80) - Trial of the Champion drop
q Belt of
Njorndar (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Leggings of Brazen Trespass (80) - Trial of the Champion drop
q The
Darkspeaker's Treads (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Njorndar
Furywraps (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Gloves of the Argent Fanatic (80) - Trial of the Champion drop
q Uruka's Band of Zeal (80) - Trial of the Champion drop
q Signet
of Bridenbrad (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Frog-Toe Band
(77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Banner of Victory (80) - Trial of the Champion drop
q Crusader's Locket (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Chuchu's
Tiny Box of Horrors (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Fezzik's
Pocketwatch (77) - Icecrown quest reward
q Bloodbane
Cloak (77) - Icecrown quest reward
Congratulations! You’ve finally reached Level 80. By now you should be close to completing both The Storm Peaks and Icecrown. As you can see, those zones offer a considerable number of upgrades over your earlier items, many of them scoring well on my Level 80 PVE & PVP Starter Gear charts. Now that you’ve reached 80, what next? Well, getting to 80 is only the beginning. There are many things you can still do to improve your Rogue. The remainder of this guide focuses on steps you can take to get your Rogue completely ready for endgame content after reaching 80.
At this point in the guide, you should be sufficiently geared to get into most Heroics and lower level Raids. However, unless you’re already in an established guild, then you may have a tough time convincing others that your gear really is up to par. The same holds true for PVP. You can certainly jump right in and start getting in some Arena, but you won’t be very successful until you start getting your gear up to speed. Whether your goal is to experience every endgame raid or to compete in Arena, you’ll inevitably have a long road of gearing up ahead of you.
Getting endgame ready is going to be an expensive venture. Purchasing your epic flying mount along with any weapons, gear, gems, enchantments and consumables you’ll need at 80 will quickly drain your collection of gold. You can take shortcuts to save gold, like buying lesser versions of gems or enchantments, but in the end, if you really want to excel, then you’re going to want to pay that premium to get your gear maximized to the best of your ability.
To help replenish your gold supply, I highly recommend that you get in the habit of running Daily Quests as a reliable way to earn gold each day. As noted earlier, Icecrown is an especially good zone for daily quests, with several concentrated groups of quests for maximum efficiency. With so many quests from which to choose, it helps to know which ones are best and which ones you can safely skip. As a general rule of thumb, any daily quest that takes longer than 5 minutes to complete is usually not worth your time. However, an exception can be made for daily quests that provide you with valuable reputation in addition to gold. Argent Tournament quests are especially good because they provide you with gold, rep and Champion’s Seals, which can be used to purchase useful gear and items like the Argent Pony Bridle, an item that gives you the convenience of a remote Bank, Vendor or Mailbox once every four hours. However, you’ll need to first achieve the Crusader title to purchase it, which is no easy task (see further below).
Here’s an effective daily quest route that maximizes gold & rep and can be completed in about 90 minutes (some quests have prerequisites, like the Champion quests that you can only get after completing your initial Valiant quests):
Starting at the Argent Tournament (set it as your hearth), pick up the daily quests from both tents (Valiant/Champion).
Grab a flight to Shadow Vault, while checking General Chat for Threat From Above (TFA) groups.
Pick up the 3 Daily Quests at the Shadow Vault then fly west over the ridge to the Savage Ledge.
By now, you should have a TFA group formed, so turn in the three Ebon Blade quests and meet your group at 43,32.
Take your Chillmaw group with you to Corp’rethar (49,71) and complete the next two quests together.
Now, visit your faction’s flying ship, pick up Blood of the Chosen and Slaves to Saronite, then go down to the ground floor and pick up Assault by Ground from your respective faction’s Squad Leader (Horde 58,46 - Alliance 62,51).
Turn in those three quests and then head southeast to knock out your Argent Tournament sword quest of the day.
14a. A Blade Fit For A Champion: Go to 61,50 (Grizzly Hills) and /kiss Lake Frogs until the Maiden appears.
14b. The Edge Of Winter: Kill Lord Everblaze at 55,75 (Crystalsong Forest), loot & finish at 42,20 (Howling Fjord).
14c. A Worthy Weapon: Pick 4 Winter Hyacinths at 71,74 (Icecrown) then fly to 93,26 (Dragonblight) to use them.
At this point you’ve completed over half of your daily quests in about an hour, including all of your Valiant/Champion quests. Depending upon what reputation you’re working on at the time, you can go several different ways from here.
q If you need Argent Crusade rep, then do the Pa’troll quests in Zul’Drak
q If you’re working on Wyrmrest Accord rep, then head over to Dragonblight for Defending Wyrmrest Temple followed by Drake Hunt and Aces High! in Coldarra.
However, if you don’t need rep for either of those factions, then skip those quests and go spend 30 minutes in The Storm Peaks completing your 6 Sons of Hodir daily quests. That should put you right at about 20-25 quests. Feel free to drop quests 10-13 if you need to free up slots for any other more important daily quests you may have.
Getting a Crusader title has its privileges (Argent Pony Bridle, teleporting tabard and extra Crusader-only Heirloom gear and daily quests for more Champion’s Seals) but also requires a lot of work. To become a Crusader, you must complete all of the requirements for the Exalted Argent Champion achievement. This means that you must be an Argent Tournament Champion for each of the 5 faction cities as well as being exalted with those 5 cities (Ambassador) and with the Argent Crusade. If you diligently work on your Argent Tournament daily quests, then you’ll get plenty of rep for the Argent Crusade and each of the 5 cities. But getting a Crusader title will still require some additional work.
The first thing you should consider is going back to the starting zones for all 5 races and blasting through any quests you may have skipped (levels 1-20). I’ve found that Jame’s TourGuide Addon works perfectly for this. Once you do that, you should be well into Revered with each faction. If you don’t feel like questing in those lowbie areas, you have another option. Instead of turning in the 25 Valiant’s Seals to complete the Valiant’s Charge for a particular race, keep doing the Valiant’s daily quests for that race, earning 1,000 rep per day with that faction as well as 25% “splash rep” for the other cities. In either case, I strongly advise that you save the toughest faction for last (usually Gnomeregan Exiles for Alliance and Silvermoon City for Horde) so you can keep gaining full rep for that city until you’re ready to get your Crusader title. Cloth donations and Champion’s Writs are other ways that you can get needed rep for those factions.
Now that we’ve gotten all of the gold making, daily quest stuff out of the way, it’s time to discuss gear. Every player has a different way of gearing up at level 80, depending upon their own playstyle and preferences. Some players are content to just rely on chance, hoping to pick up items here or there as they progress. Personally, I feel the most efficient way to gear up is to plan out your gear progression using a mixture of quest gear, rep rewards, honor pieces, smart AH purchases and profession craftables. Listed below are several “Starter Gear” profiles that describe the various ways you can upgrade your gear with corresponding charts that list the best starter items for each slot. Pick the profile (or profiles) that best fit your playstyle and then refer to the charts below when planning out your gear.
“Gold Farmer” You prefer to purchase all of your upgrades, sparing no expense to get geared up fast.
“Quest-a-holic” You prefer to quest for upgrades and farm dailies for rep rewards to build your starter gear set.
“Dungeon Master” You prefer to run countless 5-man dungeons and farm heroics for badges to upgrade your gear.
“Honor Farmer” You prefer to spend your time farming BGs and Wintergrasp for your starter gear (mainly for PVP).
Gold Farmer Starter Gear |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
363 |
295 |
He |
Eng |
440 |
Eng Recipe |
72 |
200 |
P |
73 |
90 |
51 |
148 |
Meta Socket |
1 |
250 |
158 |
He |
LW |
420 |
LW Recipe |
78 |
187 |
E |
69 |
69 |
46 |
92 |
46 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
303 |
263 |
Ne |
IC25 |
1% |
Trash Mobs |
80 |
264 |
E |
94 |
90 |
38 |
69 |
105 |
1 |
204 |
183 |
Ne |
Uld25 |
9% |
Freya |
80 |
226 |
E |
63 |
63 |
36 |
92 |
42 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
249 |
214 |
Sh |
Nax25 |
6% |
Razuvious |
80 |
213 |
E |
50 |
75 |
57 |
150 |
37 |
215 |
163 |
Sh |
LW |
440 |
LW Recipe |
80 |
200 |
E |
72 |
79 |
114 |
28 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
565 |
502 |
Ch |
IC25 |
17% |
Gunship |
80 |
264 |
E |
146 |
162 |
100 |
200 |
92 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
569 |
502 |
Ch |
Dal |
Ven |
95 EoF |
80 |
264 |
E |
162 |
162 |
92 |
184 |
92 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
297 |
253 |
Wa |
LW |
450 |
LW Recipe |
80 |
226 |
E |
69 |
73 |
40 |
56 |
112 |
1 |
1 |
249 |
229 |
Wa |
Uld10 |
20% |
Auriaya |
80 |
219 |
E |
79 |
68 |
56 |
114 |
43 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
557 |
466 |
Le |
LW |
450 |
LW Recipe |
80 |
264 |
E |
162 |
162 |
100 |
168 |
92 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
376 |
345 |
Le |
Uld25 |
17% |
Razorscale |
80 |
226 |
E |
105 |
99 |
86 |
156 |
57 |
1 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
417 |
369 |
Fe |
LW |
450 |
LW Recipe |
80 |
264 |
E |
120 |
120 |
80 |
129 |
64 |
1 |
1 |
297 |
261 |
Fe |
LW |
450 |
LW Recipe |
80 |
226 |
E |
69 |
64 |
48 |
56 |
114 |
1 |
1 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
258 |
221 |
Wr |
LW |
450 |
LW Recipe |
80 |
245 |
E |
68 |
76 |
101 |
50 |
42 |
1 |
186 |
160 |
Wr |
Dal |
Ven |
60 EoV |
80 |
213 |
E |
38 |
55 |
112 |
41 |
32 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
254 |
224 |
Ha |
Nax25 |
14% |
Sapphiron |
80 |
213 |
E |
66 |
64 |
38 |
110 |
49 |
1 |
198 |
163 |
Ha |
LW |
365 |
LW Recipe |
70 |
159 |
E |
30 |
33 |
33 |
90 |
22 |
2 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
258 |
233 |
Fi |
Dal |
Ven |
11,500 Gold |
80 |
251 |
P |
80 |
80 |
55 |
107 |
51 |
212 |
171 |
Fi |
IC25 |
1% |
Trash Mobs |
80 |
264 |
E |
99 |
103 |
38 |
69 |
1 |
184 |
165 |
Fi |
EoE10 |
5% |
Malygos |
80 |
213 |
E |
41 |
42 |
32 |
43 |
112 |
153 |
140 |
Fi |
R |
80 |
World Drop |
80 |
200 |
E |
49 |
54 |
58 |
29 |
125 Has proc |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
190 |
190 |
Tr |
Ven |
Nobles Deck |
80 |
200 |
E |
90 |
300 Agi 15s proc |
82 |
157 |
Tr |
<1% |
Val'kyr |
80 |
200 |
E |
73 |
410 Haste proc |
166 |
134 |
Tr |
Ven |
Undeath Deck |
80 |
200 |
E |
85 |
1750-2250 proc |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
244 |
221 |
Ba |
TCr25 |
10% |
Northrend Bea. |
80 |
245 |
E |
76 |
76 |
50 |
101 |
50 |
244 |
221 |
Ba |
TCr25 |
9% |
Northrend Bea. |
80 |
245 |
E |
76 |
76 |
50 |
101 |
50 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
98 |
84 |
Ra |
Eng |
450 |
Eng Recipe |
80 |
200 |
E |
21 |
86 |
1 |
88 |
76 |
Th |
R |
PP |
Junkbox |
80 |
200 |
E |
26 |
22 |
25 |
48 |
Quest-a-holic Starter Gear |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
232 |
176 |
He |
UP |
Q |
Quest Reward |
78 |
187 |
P |
69 |
75 |
40 |
138 |
200 |
172 |
He |
TS |
Q |
Quest Reward |
67 |
115 |
P |
25 |
21 |
14 |
66 |
Meta |
4 |
1 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
143 |
117 |
Ne |
AT |
Ven |
10 Champ Seals |
80 |
200 |
P |
47 |
38 |
86 |
26 |
143 |
117 |
Ne |
AT |
Ven |
10 Champ Seals |
80 |
200 |
P |
47 |
38 |
86 |
26 |
125 |
104 |
Ne |
IC |
Q |
Quest Reward |
78 |
174 |
P |
29 |
20 |
22 |
68 |
1 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
161 |
136 |
Sh |
Ven |
Sons of Hodir
Hon |
78 |
187 |
P |
34 |
51 |
100 |
52 |
140 |
122 |
Sh |
HoL |
Q |
Quest Reward |
77 |
174 |
P |
41 |
50 |
66 |
42 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
288 |
233 |
Ch |
IC |
Ven |
KEB Exalted |
80 |
200 |
P |
88 |
67 |
180 |
68 |
217 |
178 |
Ch |
HoL |
Q |
Quest Reward |
77 |
187 |
P |
55 |
66 |
136 |
54 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
171 |
123 |
Wa |
SB |
Ven |
Revered |
78 |
187 |
P |
51 |
60 |
102 |
25 |
115 |
114 |
Wa |
IC |
Q |
Quest Reward |
77 |
174 |
P |
40 |
38 |
78 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
259 |
228 |
Le |
Dal |
Ven |
Kirin Tor
Revered |
80 |
200 |
P |
78 |
67 |
4 |
110 |
62 |
1 |
223 |
186 |
Le |
SB |
Ven |
Rev |
78 |
174 |
P |
67 |
54 |
53 |
138 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
199 |
173 |
Fe |
DB |
Ven |
Argent Crus.
Exa |
80 |
200 |
P |
51 |
49 |
66 |
122 |
200 |
157 |
Fe |
AT |
Ven |
10 Champ Seals |
80 |
200 |
P |
42 |
49 |
4 |
116 |
41 |
1 |
200 |
157 |
Fe |
AT |
Ven |
10 Champ Seals |
80 |
200 |
P |
42 |
49 |
4 |
116 |
41 |
1 |
Sl |
Loc |
Info |
Source |
Lv |
ilvl |
Bi |
Str |
Agi |
Sta |
Hit |
Cri |
AP |
Exp |
Has |
ArP |
Re |
B |
R |
Y |
162 |
134 |
Wr |
DB |
Ven |
Wyrmrest Exa |
80 |
200 |