Improving the Effectiveness of your Rogue
When grouped with others, the Rogue is considered to be the "DPS Machine." In other words, you are there to kill stuff. Occasionally you sap mobs or scout around in stealth mode, but for the most part, you are there to deal a world of hurt to your enemies. And as everyone knows, a Dead Rogue = 0 DPS, so it is your responsibility to make sure that your Rogue is equipped with not only the best in gear, but also the best in potions and other items that will keep you alive while increasing your DPS. After you've reached level 60 and have acquired an epic mount and a decent collection of armor and weapons, any extra gold that starts building up should be used to increase the combat effectiveness of your Rogue.
Being a 300/300 Herbalist/Alchemist, I know very well how potions can make me a more effective Rogue. Since installing the DamageMeters Mod, my name has been at the top of the Damage Done list in just about every Raid since. At all times, I carry two full bags filled with Potions, Poisons and other related concoctions and use them all liberally. Listed below are the most useful items and buffs every high level Rogue should know about:
Personal Buffs
Crystal Basilisk Spine: Increases frost and shadow resistance by 10 for 1 min. (Alternative - None.)
Crystal Spire: A crystal shield surrounds the friendly target, doing 12 damage to anyone who hits him, much like Thorns. Repeatable quest reward in Un'Goro Crater. (Alternative - None).
Elixir of Brute Force: 18 Strength & 18 Stamina. (Alternative - Elixir of Giants: 25 Strength)
Elixir of Fortitude: +120 Health. (Alternative - Elixir of Minor Fortitude: +27 Health)
Elixir of Superior Defense: 450 Armor. (Alternative - Elixir of Greater Defense: 250 Armor)
Elixir of the Mongoose: 25 Agility & 2% to Crit. (Alternative - Elixir of Greater Agility: 25 Agility)
Flask of the Titans: Increases the player's maximum health by 1200 for 2 hrs. (Alternative - None.)
Gift of Arthas: Increases resistance to shadow by 10 and gives a 30% chance of inflicting enemies with disease that increases their damage taken by 8 for 3 min, much like Hemorrhage. (Alternative - None.)
Gordok Green Grog: +10 Stamina. Vendor ale available for purchase in Dire Maul after completing a Tribute Run. (Alternative - None.)
Grilled Squid: +10 Agility. Food that restores 874 health over 27 sec and gives you 10 Agility for 10 min. Recipe found in Tanaris. (Alternative - None.)
Major Troll's Blood Potion: Regenerate 20 health every 5 seconds. (Alternative - Mighty Troll's Blood Potion: 12 Health/5 Sec)
Poached Sunscale Salmon: Regenerate 6 health every 5 seconds. Food that restores 874 health over 27 sec and regenerates health. Recipe found in Tanaris. (Alternative - None.)
Smoked Desert Dumplings: +20 Strength. Food that restores 2148 health over 30 sec and gives you 20 Strength for 15 min. Quest recipe found in Silithus. (Alternative - None)
Winterfall Firewater: +35 Attack Power. Found in Winterspring. (Alternative - None)
Special Quest Buffs
Ground Scorpok Assay: 25 Agility for 1 hour. Unique, repeatable quest reward in Blasted Lands.
Lung Juice Cocktail: 25 Stamina for 1 hour. Unique, repeatable quest reward in Blasted Lands.
R.O.I.D.S.: 25 Strength for 1 hour. Unique, repeatable quest reward in Blasted Lands.
Spirit of Zanza: Increases the player's Spirit by 50 and Stamina by 50 for 2 hrs. Requires Zandalar Tribe Revered and 3 Valor Tokens.
Songflower Serenade: Increases chance for a melee, ranged, or spell critical by 5% and all attributes by 15 for 1 hour. Received when you cleanse a Corrupted Songflower in Felwood.
Fengus' Ferocity: Attack power increased by 200 for 2 hours. Received from Guard Fengus after completing a Dire Maul Tribute Run.
Mol'dar's Moxie: Overall Stamina increased by 15% for 2 hours. Received from Guard Mol'dar after completing a Dire Maul Tribute Run.
Juju Chill: Increase Frost resistance by 15 for 10 min. E'ko Quest reward from Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Winterspring.
Juju Ember: Increases Fire resistance by 15 for 10 min. E'ko Quest reward from Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Winterspring.
Juju Escape: Increases your chance to dodge by 5% for 10 sec. E'ko Quest reward from Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Winterspring.
Juju Flurry: Increases the target's attack speed by 3% for 20 sec. E'ko Quest reward from Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Winterspring.
Juju Might: Increases attack power by 40 for 10 min. E'ko Quest reward from Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Winterspring.
Juju Power: Increases the target's Strength by 30 for 30 min. E'ko Quest reward from Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Winterspring.
Weapon Buffs
Crippling Poison II: 30% chance to slow a target to 30% movement speed. Use when you have to worry about runners. Also great in PVP.
Deadly Poison V: 30% chance of poisoning the enemy for 136 Nature damage over 12 sec. Stacks up to 5 times on a single target.
Instant Poison VI: 20% chance to deal 112 to 148 Nature damage. Standard damage dealing poison.
Mind-numbing Poison III: 20% chance to increase casting time by 60%. Use against spellcasters.
Dense Sharpening Stone / Dense Weightstone: Increases weapon damage by 8. Useful against mobs who are immune to poisons.
Elemental Sharpening Stone: Increase critical chance on a melee weapon by 2% for 30 minutes.
Protection Potions
Greater Arcane Protection Potion: Absorbs 1950 to 3250 arcane damage. (Alternative - None)
Greater Fire Protection Potion: Absorbs 1950 to 3250 fire damage. (Alternative - Fire Protection Potion: Absorbs 975 to 1625 fire damage.)
Greater Frost Protection Potion: Absorbs 1950 to 3250 frost damage. (Alternative - Frost Protection Potion: Absorbs 1350 to 2250 frost damage.)
Greater Nature Protection Potion: Absorbs 1950 to 3250 nature damage. (Alternative - Nature Protection Potion: Absorbs 1350 to 2250 nature damage.)
Greater Shadow Protection Potion: Absorbs 1950 to 3250 shadow damage. (Alternative - Shadow Protection Potion: Absorbs 675 to 1125 shadow damage.)
Holy Protection Potion: Absorbs 300 to 500 holy damage. (Alternative - None)
Healing Items
Heavy Runecloth Bandage: Heals 2000 damage over 8 sec.
Major Healing Potion: Restores 1050 to 1750 health. (Alternative - Superior Healing Potion: Restores 700 to 900 health.)
Night Dragon's Breath: Restores 394 to 456 mana and 394 to 456 health. Most importantly, they're not on the same cooldown timer as healing potions. Found in Felwood using Cenarion Beacon and Cenarion Plant Salve.
Whipper Root Tuber: Restores 700 to 900 health. Most importantly, they're not on the same cooldown timer as healing potions. Found in Felwood using Cenarion Beacon and Cenarion Plant Salve.
Windblossom Berries: Restores 1933 health over 27 sec and instantly increases your Stamina by 10 for 10 min. Found in Felwood using Cenarion Beacon and Cenarion Plant Salve. (Alternative - Tender Wolf Steak: 1392 Health & 12 Stamina)
Crystal Restore: Heals the target of 670 damage over 15 sec. Repeatable quest reward in Un'Goro Crater.
Rogue Items
Blinding Powder: Used for Blind. Made from Fadeleaf.
Flash Powder: Used for Vanish. Never leave home without it.
Thistle Tea: Instantly restores 100 energy. Your own personal mini-Adrenaline Rush.
PVP Items (all on the same cooldown timer)
Discombobulator Ray: Transforms the target into a Leper Gnome, reducing its melee and spell damage by 40 and its movement rate to 80% for 12 sec. Cooldown: 3 min. 5 Charges.
Magic Dust: Puts the enemy target to sleep for up to 30 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only one target can be asleep at a time. Coodown 3 min. Better than Blind and can be used more often!
Large Rope Net: Renders a target unable to move for 10 sec. Cooldown: 3 min.
Crystal Charge: Inflicts 383 to 517 fire damage to targets in a 3 yard radius. Great against clusters of enemies or when fighting against stealthed Rogues. (Alternative - Ez-Thro Dynamite II: Inflicts 213 to 287 Fire damage in a 5 yard radius.)
Oil of Immolation: Does 50 fire damage to any enemies within a 5 yard radius around the caster every 3 seconds for 15 sec. A DoT AoE! (Alternative - None.)
Raid Buffs
Druid Buffs
Gift of the Wild (Rank 2): Gives the Gift of the Wild to the target's party, increasing armor by 285, all attributes by 12 and all resistances by 20 for 1 hour.
Thorns (Rank 6): Thorns sprout from the friendly target causing 18 Nature damage to attackers when hit. Lasts 10 min.
Hunter Buffs
Trueshot Aura (Rank 3): Increases the Ranged and Melee Attack Power of party members within 45 yards by 100. Lasts 30 min.
Paladin Buffs
Blessing of Kings: Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 5 min.
Blessing of Light (Rank 3): Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing the effects of Holy Light spells used on the target by up to 400 and the effect Flash of Light spells used on the target by up to 115. Lasts 5 min.
Blessing of Might (Rank 6): Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing attack power by 155 for 5 min.
Blessing of Sacrifice (Rank 2): Places a Blessing on the party member, transfering 55 damage taken per hit to the caster. Lasts 30 sec.
Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 5): Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage dealt from all sources by up to 24 for 5 min.
Devotion Aura (Rank 7): Gives 735 additional armor to party members within 30 yards.
Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 3): Increases nearby group member's fire resistance 60.
Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 3): Increases nearby group member's frost resistance 60.
Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 3): Increases nearby group member's shadow resistance 60.
Priest Buffs
Prayer of Fortitude (Rank 2): Power infuses the target's party, increasing their Stamina by 54 for 1 hour.
Shadow Protection (Rank 3): Increases the target's resistance to Shadow spells by 60 for 10 min.
Shaman Buffs
Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 3): Summons a Fire Resistance Totem for 1 min that increases the fire resistance of party members within 20 yards by 60.
Flametongue Totem (Rank 4): Summons a Flametongue Totem that enchants all party members' main-hand weapons with fire if they are within 20 yards. Each hit causes 15.8 to 48.7 additional Fire damage. Lasts 1.50 min.
Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 3): Summons a Frost Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that increases party members' frost resistance by 60, if within 20 yards.
Grace of Air Totem (Rank 2): Summons a Grace of Air Totem that increases the agility of party members within 20 yards by 67. Lasts 1.50 min.
Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5): Summons a Healing Stream Totem for 1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 14 every 2 seconds.
Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 3): Summons a Nature Resistance Totem for 1 min that increases the nature resistance of party members within 20 yards by 60.
Stoneskin Totem (Rank 6): Summons a Stoneskin Totem that protects party members within 20 yards, reducing melee damage taken by 27. Lasts 1 min.
Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 4): Summons a Strength of Earth Totem that increases the strength of party members within 20 yards by 61. Lasts 1.50 min.
Windfury Totem (Rank 3): Summons a Windfury Totem that enchants all party members main-hand weapons with wind, if they are within 20 yards. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting the attacker 1 extra attack with 315 extra attack power. Lasts 1.50 min.
Windwall Totem (Rank 3): Summons a Windwall Totem that protects party members within 20 yards, reducing ranged damage taken by 32. Lasts 1 min.
Warlock Buffs
Blood Pact (Rank 5): Increases party members' Stamina by 38. 20 yd range.
Warrior Buffs
Battle Shout (Rank 6): The warrior shouts, increasing the attack power of all party members within 20 yards by 185. Lasts 2 min.
Darkmoon Faire Buffs
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Agility: Increases agility by 10% for 2 hours. Answers to the two fortune questions: #3 & #3.
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor: Increases armor by 10% for 2 hours. Answers to the two fortune questions: #1 & #3 or #4 & #3.
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage: Increases damage by 10% for 2 hours. Answers to the two fortune questions: #1 & #1.
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance: Increases all magical resistances by 25 for 2 hours. Answers to the two fortune questions: #1 & #2 or #2 & #3
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Stamina: Increases stamina by 10% for 2 hours. Answers to the two fortune questions: #3 & #1.
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Strength: Increases strength by 10% for 2 hours. Answers to the two fortune questions: #3 & #2.
Special Event Buffs
Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer: Increases critical chance of spells by 10%, melee and ranged by 5% and grants 140 attack power. 120 minute duration. Received when someone turns in the head of Onyxia or Nefarian.
Spirit of Zandalar: Increases movement speed by 10%, chance to dodge by 5% and all stats by 15% for 2 hours. Received when someone turns in the heart of Hakkar.
Warchief's Blessing (Horde Only): Increases hitpoints by 300, 15% haste to melee attacks, 10 mana regen per tick for 1 hour. Received when someone completes the quest "For the Horde!"

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