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World of Warcraft High Level Rogue Axes Chart
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on Earthen Ring Server)
This chart is used to compare High Level Rogue Axes to see which are best for PVE.  Does not factor in talents like Weapon Specialization, Combat Potency, etc.
Level 80 Starter Weapons PVP Weapons PVE Weapons Axes Daggers Fist Weapons Maces Swords
Shadow Panther's Northrend Guide for Rogues - A Guide to Helping Players Maximize Their 70-80 Rogue
          PVP Main Hand AEP >         -20 .70 1 .60 .50 .54 .70 .55 .50 .50 1.10 0.5     1 28 28 25 1 1  
          PVP Slow MH/OH Dag AEP >         -9 .70 1 .60 .50 .54 .70 .55 .50 .50 1.10 0     1 28 28 25 1 1  
          PVP Fast OH AEP >         8 .70 1 .60 .50 .54 .70 .55 .50 .50 1.10 1.4     0 28 28 25 1 1  
          PVE MH Mut MAEP >         5 .59 1 .01 .87 .85 .53 1.15 .97 .59 .001 1.85     0 21 21 20 1 1  
Last Updated         PVE OH Mut MAEP >         50 .59 1 .01 .87 .85 .53 1.15 .97 .59 .001 1.3     0 21 21 20 1 1  
6/30/23         PVE MH Com MAEP >         -20 .56 1 .01 .89 .89 .51 1.05 .94 .89 .001 2.85     0 20 20 20 1 1  
New/Updated Items in Gray         PVE OH Com MAEP >         65 .56 1 .01 .89 .89 .51 1.05 .94 .89 .001 1.3     0 20 20 20 1 1  
MAIN HAND: All High Level Rogue Main Hand and One-Hand Axes (Ranked by PVE Main Hand MAEP) - See Below for Offhand Weapons
MH AXES (PVE COMBAT MAEP) AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has ArP Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special
Havoc's Call, Blade of Lord. Kings (Heroic) 1127 1026 IC25-H 16% Lich King (Hard) O A 80 284 P 2.6   88 84   56 95   48     264.6 481 895 688   1        
Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings 1000 917 IC25 20% Lich King O A 80 271 P 2.6   74 74   49 99   49     239.2 435 809 622            
Frost Giant's Cleaver (Heroic) 965 877 IC10-H 14% Gunship (Hard) O A 80 264 P 2.6   61 53   50 114     31   226.5 412 766 589   1        
Wrathful Gladiator's Handaxe 1075 866 PVP S8+ 3,300 AP O A 80 277 P 2.6     118   44 141       52 250.6 456 847 652 1          
Hellscream Slicer (258 Horde) 912 837 TGC25 8% Anub'arak O A 80 258 P 2.6   62 66 44   72   44     216.5 394 732 563     1      
Stormpike Cleaver (258 Alliance) 912 837 TGC25 15% Anub'arak O A 80 258 P 2.6   62 66 44   72   44     216.5 394 732 563     1      
Frost Giant's Cleaver 855 788 IC10 24% Gunship O A 80 251 P 2.6   62 47   45 94     35   205.6 374 695 535            
Wrathful Gladiator's Cleaver 970 783 PVP S8 38,500 HP + 1,090 AP O A 80 264 P 2.6     104   38 123       46 226.5 412 766 589 1          
Frostblade Hatchet (245 Horde) 835 761 TGC10 5% Anub'arak O A 80 245 P 2.6   54 44   43 89   24     196.5 357 665 511   1        
The Lion's Maw (245 Alliance) 835 761 TGC10 14% Anub'arak O A 80 245 P 2.6   54 44   43 89   24     196.5 357 665 511   1        
Hellscream Slicer (245 Horde) 816 750 TCr25 9% Anub'arak O A 80 245 P 2.6   58 58 39   78   39     196.5 357 665 511            
Stormpike Cleaver (245 Alliance) 816 750 TCr25 7% Anub'arak O A 80 245 P 2.6   58 58 39   78   39     196.5 357 665 511            
Relentless Gladiator's Handaxe 927 749 PVP S7+ No Longer Available O A 80 258 P 2.6     99   36 115       44 216.5 394 732 563 1          
Furious Gladiator's Handaxe 883 715 PVP S6+ 2,126 Arena Points O A 80 252 P 2.6     93   33 107       41 206.9 430 646 538 1          
Nighttime 738 684 FoS-H 28% Bronjahm O A 80 232 P 2.6   52 39     78   34 34   178.8 325 605 465            
Raging Deathbringer 836 683 OL25 6% Onyxia O A 80 245 P 2.7                     196.5 371 690 531       167 83 1458-1874 SB
Frostblade Hatchet (232 Horde) 739 683 TCr10 6% Anub'arak O A 80 232 P 2.6   52 39   38 78   29     178.8 325 605 465            
The Lion's Maw (232 Alliance) 739 683 TCr10 8% Anub'arak O A 80 232 P 2.6   52 39   38 78   29     178.8 325 605 465            
Relentless Gladiator's Cleaver 840 680 PVP S7 No Longer Available O A 80 245 P 2.6     88   31 101       39 196.5 357 665 511 1          
Furious Gladiator's Cleaver 795 644 PVP S6 1,417 Arena Points O A 80 238 P 2.6     83   28 91       36 186.7 339 632 486 1          
Touch of Madness 707 637 Uld10 10% Yogg-Saron O A 80 225 P 2.6   25 55 36 27 97         170.4 310 576 443            
Empowered Deathbringer 762 625 OL10 7% Onyxia O A 80 232 P 2.7                     178.9 338 628 483       150 75 1313-1687 SB
Hate-Forged Cleaver 672 620 HoR 23% Halls Chest O A 80 219 P 2.6   46 39     66   28 32   163.3 297 552 425            
The Key 531 479 VH-H 29% Lavanthor O A 80 200 P 2.6   34 28 24   64         130.2 237 440 339            
Stalactite Chopper 507 461 TSP Ven Sons of Hodir Rev O A 80 200 P 2.6     49   34 32     26   130.2 237 440 339            
Brutal Gladiator's Cleaver 433 381 PVP S4 2,625 AP O A 70 154 P 2.6     31 9 22 38     7 12 107.9 196 365 281            
Axe of the Cunning 411 367 IC Q IC Quest Reward O A 77 174 P 2.6 16 27 15               101.9 185 345 265   1        
Crescent of Brooding Fury 412 365 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O A 74 175 P 2.6 20   39       14       111.7 203 378 291       0 0 26 Def Rating
OFF HAND: All High Level Off Hand and One-Hand Axes (Ranked by PVE Off Hand MAEP)
OH AXES (PVE COMBAT MAEP) AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has ArP Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special
Scourgeborne Waraxe (Heroic) 616 559 IC25-H 9% Gunship (Hard) O A 80 277 P 1.5   82 78   52 88     44   250.7 263 489 376     1      
Bone Warden's Splitter (Heroic) 555 501 IC10-H 10% Marrowgar (Hard) O A 80 264 P 1.5   61 69     93   46 38   226.7 238 442 340 1          
Scourgeborne Waraxe 541 494 IC25 13% Gunship O A 80 264 P 1.5   69 69   46 93     46   226.7 238 442 340            
Blood Fury (258 Horde) 530 480 TGC25 4% Jaraxxus O A 80 258 P 1.5   70 66   36 72     44   216.7 227 423 325     1      
Lionhead Slasher (258 Alliance) 530 480 TGC25 11% Jaraxxus O A 80 258 P 1.5   70 66   36 72     44   216.7 227 423 325     1      
Wrathful Gladiator's Dicer 629 458 PVP S8+ 1,370 AP F A 80 277 P 1.5     118   44 141       52 250.7 263 489 376 1          
Bone Warden's Splitter 485 446 IC10 13% Marrowgar O A 80 251 P 1.5   62 62     82   41 41   205.3 215 401 308            
Blood Fury (245 Horde) 463 423 TCr25 9% Jaraxxus O A 80 245 P 1.5   58 58   39 78     39   196.7 206 384 295            
Lionhead Slasher (245 Alliance) 463 423 TCr25 8% Jaraxxus O A 80 245 P 1.5   58 58   39 78     39   196.7 206 384 295            
Wrathful Gladiator's Hacker 565 412 PVP S8 16,500 HP + 450 AP F A 80 264 P 1.5     104   38 123       46 226.7 238 442 340 1          
Relentless Gladiator's Dicer 539 393 PVP S7+ No Longer Available F A 80 258 P 1.5     99   36 115       44 216.7 227 423 325 1          
Furious Gladiator's Dicer 511 374 PVP S6+ 911 AP F A 80 252 P 1.5     93   33 107       41 207.0 217 404 311 1          
Relentless Gladiator's Hacker 486 356 PVP S7 No Longer Available F A 80 245 P 1.5     88   31 101       39 196.7 206 384 295 1          
Furious Gladiator's Hacker 437 320 PVP S6 No Longer Available F A 80 232 P 1.5     78   26 86       34 178.7 187 349 268 1          
Last Laugh 342 221 Nax25 18% Kel'Thuzad O A 80 226 P 1.6 37   73 24             171.6 192 357 275 1     0 0 31 Def, 34 Par
Brutal Gladiator's Hacker 94 161 PVP S4 2,625 AP F A 70 154 P 1.5     31 9 22 38     7 12 108.0 113 211 162            
Icy Quick Edge 186 116 IC Q IC Quest Reward O A 77 174 P 1.6         19 23         101.9 114 212 163     1      
Axe of the Sen'jin Protector (Horde) 231 73 AT Ven 25 Champion's Seals O A 80 200 P 1.7 29   43               143.2 170 317 244       0 0 44 Def, 19 Par
Teldrassil Protector (Alliance) 231 73 AT Ven 25 Champion's Seals O A 80 200 P 1.7 29   43               143.2 170 317 244       0 0 44 Def, 19 Par
AEP: Agility Equivalence Points.  A method to convert the value of item attributes to compare them in terms of Agility points.  Based on the forum discussion by Ming from Lightning's Blade.
AEP: PVP-Oriented formula which focuses on Attack Power, Stamina and Resilience. MAEP: Maximum DPS AEP for use in maximizing PVE raid DPS.
See for current AEP/MAEP formulas
Loc: The location where the weapon can be found, usually the initials for a zone.  BS = Blacksmithing, R = Random World Drop.
Info: Additional information about the weapon, such as drop percentage, random mob levels, the skill level required to create it, reputation, honor ranking or (Q)uest item.
Source: The source of the weapon.  Either the boss who drops it, the location of the recipe or the type of faction or quest required.
H: Which hand can use the weapon. (M)ain Hand, (O)ne-Hand or Of(F) Hand. T: Weapon Type (Sword/Mace/Fist/Dagger) , Lvl: Level requirement, ilvl: Item Level, Bi: Bind on (P)ickup or (E)quip, Sp: Weapon Speed.
Str: Strength, Agi: Agility, Sta: Stamina, Hit: Hit Rating, Cri: Crit. Rating, AP: Attack Power, Exp: Expertise, Has: Haste Rating, ArP: Armor Penetration, Res: Resilience, B/R/Y: Sockets, Spe.: Special
DPS: Damage per second, Min: Minimum Damage, Max: Maximum Damage, Avg: Average damage, PVP: PVP Special Value, PVE: PVE Special Value
World of Warcraft High Level Rogue Axes Chart © 2022 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft © 2022 Blizzard Entertainment