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World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta Rogue Talents Preview
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on Earthen Ring Server)
Shadow Panther's Northrend Guide for Rogues - A Guide to Helping Players Maximize Their 70-80 Rogue
Assassination Tree  
Remorseless Attacks After killing the reputation of a player identified by Real ID, you gain a 40% increased chance to critically damage the reputation of another player.
Malice Increases your ability to spread malicious rumors about other players through the use of Real ID by 5%.
Ruthlessness Gives your attempts at identity theft through the use of Real ID a 20% chance to bestow bad credit upon a player.
Improved Expose Armor Reduces the energy required to expose members of the military community through Real ID.
Fleet Footed Increases your movement speed by 15%, allowing you to more easily run away from Real ID stalkers who have tracked you down to your home.
Cold Blood When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next attempt to frame a coworker using Real ID by 100%.
Quick Recovery Increases your ability to repair your own credit history after having your identity stolen through Real ID by 20%.
Seal Fate Your critical strikes from clubbing players you've tracked down through Real ID have a 100% chance to club a baby seal.
Murder Increases the number of players who meet an untimely end due to their experience with Real ID by 4%.
Find Weakness Your ability to google a potential employee's entire personal history through their Real ID is increased by 9%.
Turn the Tables Whenever anyone in your family avoids identity theft due to your own loosely guarded Real ID, your chance to steal someone else's identity is increased by 6%.
Hunger for Blood Enrages you, increasing all damage caused to a player you've hunted down through their Real ID by 15%.  Results in a lot of blood.
Combat Tree  
Deflection Increases your ability to deflect personal attacks made against you on all forums that require you to reveal your identity with Real ID by 6%.
Precision Increases your chance to make precise, personal attacks against others based on personal information revealed through the use of Real ID by 5%.
Endurance Increases your ability to endure economic hardship caused by identity theft due to Real ID by 4%.
Improved Sprint Gives a 100% chance to remove handcuffs used to restrain you when sprinting away from the psycho who abducted you after you revealed your Real ID.
Lightning Reflexes Increases your ability to dodge insults made about your personal life after being exposed to Real ID by 6%.
Aggression Increases your aggressiveness towards players who reveal themselves as women through Real ID by 15%.
Adrenaline Rush You know what 2:30 in the afternoon feels like, right?  Hours of Real ID energy now, no 2:30 feeling later.
Nerves of Steel Reduces damage taken while affected by the fear of being attacked by the stalker who tracked you down using your Real ID by 30%.
Throwing Specialization Increases the range of the insults you throw at players who try to retain what little privacy they had before experiencing Real ID.
Unfair Advantage Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back at that psycho nerd raging stalker who underestimated your Real ID skillz.
Surprise Attacks Surprise!  You're dead.  Real ID just pwned you.
Prey on the Weak Your critical strike damage is increased by 20% when the other player you stalked by their Real ID is younger than you (as a percentage of total age).
Killing Spree Jackpot!  You massacre an entire family after finding a player through their Real ID.  Game Over.
Subtlety Tree  
Master of Deception Reduces the chance players have to detect you while in Stealth mode (i.e. Stealing their identity through Real ID.)
Opportunity Increases the number of opportunities you're given to ruin a person's life when they reveal their identity through Real ID by 20%.
Dirty Tricks Increases your ability to blind some poor sap when you finally hunt them down and find them with their Real ID by 50%.
Camouflage Increases your speed while stealing identities discovered through Real ID by 15% and reduces the cooldown of your identity stealing ability by 6 sec.
Elusiveness Reduces your ability to be tracked down by psycho nerd raging stalkers who get a hold of your identity through Real ID.
Setup Gives you a 100% chance to set someone up to be fired after revealing close personal secrets, gained through Real ID, to their boss.
Initiative Gives you a 100% chance to prevent identity theft when you take the initiative to protect your own identity by avoiding Real ID.
Improved Ambush Increases the chance that you critically injure someone with an ambush after tracking them down by their Real ID by 50%.
Heightened Senses Increases your ability to detect and prevent identity theft when using Real ID by 4%.
Preparation Like Todd Davis, you're fully prepared to have your identity stolen countless times after you advertise your Real ID on a truck. Brilliant!
Dirty Deeds Reduces the energy required to take cheap shots at players exposed through Real ID.  Additionally, your attacks cause 20% more damage against minors.
Hemorrhage An instant strike to a player's bank account revealed through Real ID that causes them to hemorrhage cash until they're broke and homeless.
Master of Subtlety Attacks made while stealing a person's identity and for 6 seconds after breaking their passwords revealed through Real ID cause an additional 10% damage.
Premeditation You wrongfully cause the premeditated death of a player revealed by their Real ID after rationally considering the timing and method of doing so.  Kudos.
Cheat Death You have a 100% chance that an attack by a Real ID psycho which would otherwise kill you will instead reduce you to 10% of your health. It's just a flesh wound!
Sinister Calling Increases your sinister phone calling ability to people who you've tracked down through Real ID by 15%.
Honor Among Thieves You freely engage in the trade of stolen identities with other honorable identity thieves, feeding a Real ID black market.
Slaughter from the Shadows Sgt. Slaughter jumps out of the shadows and puts your Real ID enemies into the Cobra Clutch.
Shadow Dance It's like The Safety Dance, just darker. We can dance if we want to. We can leave our Real IDs behind.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta Rogue Talents Preview © 2010 - World of Warcraft © 2010 Blizzard Entertainment