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Cata Powerleveling Spreadsheet for Engineering
This spreadsheet is used to determine the most efficient path to minimize wasted time and gold when Powerleveling Engineering for your Rogue.
  Schematics to buy Primary Mats Alternate Mats  
  White Smoke Flare Q Material G S Price Customizable .XLS ver. Q Material G S Price  
  (Lathrai - Shattrath City) 37 Rough Stone 0 2 0.74 0 Gold Bar 0 65 0.00  
  14 Linen Cloth 0 15 2.10 Static .HTM version 0 Iron Bar 0 60 0.00  
  Other Purchases 58 Copper Bar 0 40 23.20 0 Silk Cloth 0 30 0.00  
  Gnomish Army Knife 47 Coarse Stone 0 3 1.41 0 Truesilver Bar 2 0 0.00  
  5 Silver Bar 2 25 11.25 0 Elemental Earth 6 75 0.00  
  (Auction House) 136 Bronze Bar 0 50 68.00 0 Elemental Air 6 0 0.00  
  33 Heavy Stone 0 20 6.60 0 Delicate Cop. W. 2 0 0.00  
  Instructions for .XLS 15 Medium Leather 0 85 12.75 0 Essence of Fire 1 0 0.00  
  Prices listed for mats at 66 Wool Cloth 0 65 42.90 169 Levels 1-175 0 Heavy Stock 1 10 0.00  
  the top are based on 180 Solid Stone 0 5 9.00 0 Rugged Leather 1 80 0.00  
  Wowhead average AH 186 Mithril Bar 1 0 186.00 0 Arcanite Bar 12 50 0.00  
  prices.� Adjust prices 24 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 9.60 0 Ironweb Spider 1 20 0.00  
  based on your own AH. 80 Dense Stone 0 5 4.00 0 Hardened A. Bar 17 25 0.00  
  Alternate schematics 183 Thorium Bar 1 50 274.50 0 Felsteel Bar 21 0 0.00  
  (in gray) may be more 27 Runecloth 0 25 6.75 490 Levels 176-300 0 Khorium Bar 70 0 0.00  
  economical depending 109 Fel Iron Bar 5 0 545.00 0 Primal Fire 16 75 0.00  
  upon market fluctuations. 27 Mote of Fire 1 50 40.50 0 Crystallized Earth 0 30 0.00  
  If you want to select an 54 Mote of Earth 0 20 10.80 0 Twilight Opal 4 0 0.00  
  alternate schematic, 20 Adamantite Bar 3 0 60.00 0 Hessonite 35 0 0.00  
  delete the "Mk" value for 33 Netherweave Cloth 0 30 9.90 666 Levels 301-350 0 Savage Leather 9 0 0.00  
  the default schematic in 210 Cobalt Bar 3 0 630.00 0 Jasper 26 50 0.00  
  that level range, then 55 Crystallized Water 0 40 22.00         0.00  
  enter the corresponding 18 Frostweave Cloth 1 0 18.00  
  "Q" value in the "Mk" field 134 Saronite Bar 2 35 314.90  
  for the alternate 10 Borean Leather 0 75 7.50  
  schematic, which will 5 Eternal Shadow 5 0 25.00 1017 Levels 351-425  
  automatically adjust mat 86 Obsidium Bar 15 25 1311.50  
  12 Volatile Earth 15 50 186.00  
  totals at the top. Mats 20 Volatile Air 33 50 670.00  
  for logical prerequisite 6 Alicite 19 75 118.50  
  32 Toughened Flesh 3 35 107.20  
  32 Lavascale Fillet 10 0 320.00  
  schematics below are 179 Elementium Bar 13 75 2461.25  
  highlighted accordingly. 40 Embersilk Cloth 5 15 206.00  
  4 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 840.00  
  10 Volatile Fire 18 50 185.00  
  4 Dream Emerald 39 25 157.00 6562 Levels 426-525  
Ora Yel Gre Gra Frm To Mk Q Item Q Material G S Price Q Material G S Price Q Material G S Price Q Material G S Price TOTAL Notes
        1       Apprentice Engineering 1   0 .1 0.00                               0.00 Trainer.
1 20 30 40 1 20 20 20 Rough Blasting Powder 20 Rough Stone 0 2 0.40                               0.40 Save until 90.
1 20 30 40 21 30 17 17 Rough Blasting Powder 17 Rough Stone 0 2 0.34                               0.34 Save until 90.
1 30 45 60 21 30   10 Rough Dynamite (2) 20 Rough Blasting Powder   0 0.00 10 Linen Cloth 0 15 1.50                     1.50  
30 45 52 60 31 53 29 29 Handful of Copper Bolts 29 Copper Bar 0 40 11.60                               11.60 Save until 170.
        50       Journeyman Engineering 1   0 5 0.05                               0.05 Trainer.
50 80 95 110 54 64 11 11 Copper Tube 22 Copper Bar 0 40 8.80 11 Weak Flux 0 1 0.11                     8.91 Save until 155.
50 80 95 110 65 75 11 11 Rough Boomstick 11 Copper Tube 0 0 0.00 11 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 0 0.00 11 Wooden Stock 0 2 0.22           0.22  
50 80 95 110 65 75   11 Copper Tube 22 Copper Bar 0 40 8.80 11 Weak Flux 0 1 0.11                     8.91 Save until 155.
75 85 90 95 76 95 47 47 Coarse Blasting Powder 47 Coarse Stone 0 3 1.41                               1.41 Save until 170.
75 90 97 105 76 95   22 Coarse Dynamite 66 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 3 1.98 22 Linen Cloth 0 15 3.30                     5.28  
65 95 110 125 96 100 7 7 Copper Modulator 14 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 0 0.00 7 Copper Bar 0 40 2.80 14 Linen Cloth 0 15 2.10           4.90 Save until 185.
90 110 125 140 96 100   5 Silver Contact (5) 5 Silver Bar 2 25 11.25                               11.25 Save until 230.
90 110 125 140 101 105 5 5 Silver Contact (5) 5 Silver Bar 2 25 11.25                               11.25 Save until 230.
100 115 122 130 101 105   5 Practice Lock 5 Bronze Bar 0 50 2.50 10 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 25 2.50 5 Weak Flux 0 1 0.05           5.05  
100 115 122 130 101 105   5 EZ-Thro Dynamite (1-3) 20 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 5 Wool Cloth 0 65 3.25                     3.25 AH schematic.
105 105 130 155 106 110 7 7 Bronze Tube 14 Bronze Bar 0 50 7.00 7 Weak Flux 0 1 0.07                     7.07 Save until 220.
100 115 122 130 106 110   5 Practice Lock 5 Bronze Bar 0 50 2.50 10 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 25 2.50 5 Weak Flux 0 1 0.05           5.05  
90 110 125 140 106 110   5 Silver Contact (5) 5 Silver Bar 2 25 11.25                               11.25 Save until 230.
105 105 130 155 106 110   7 Large Copper Bomb (2-4) 21 Copper Bar 0 40 8.40 28 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 7 Silver Contact .4 5 3.15           11.55  
100 115 122 130 106 110   5 EZ-Thro Dynamite (1-3) 20 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 5 Wool Cloth 0 65 3.25                     3.25 AH schematic.
105 105 130 155 111 115 7 7 Bronze Tube 14 Bronze Bar 0 50 7.00 7 Weak Flux 0 1 0.07                     7.07 Save until 220.
100 115 122 130 111 115   5 Practice Lock 5 Bronze Bar 0 50 2.50 10 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 25 2.50 5 Weak Flux 0 1 0.05           5.05  
105 105 130 155 111 115   7 Large Copper Bomb (2-4) 21 Copper Bar 0 40 8.40 28 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 7 Silver Contact .4 5 3.15           11.55  
100 115 122 130 111 115   5 EZ-Thro Dynamite (1-3) 20 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 5 Wool Cloth 0 65 3.25                     3.25 AH schematic.
105 105 130 155 116 120 8 8 Bronze Tube 16 Bronze Bar 0 50 8.00 8 Weak Flux 0 1 0.08                     8.08 Save until 220.
100 115 122 130 116 120   7 Practice Lock 7 Bronze Bar 0 50 3.50 14 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 25 3.50 7 Weak Flux 0 1 0.07           7.07  
105 105 130 155 116 120   8 Large Copper Bomb (2-4) 24 Copper Bar 0 40 9.60 32 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 8 Silver Contact .4 5 3.60           13.20  
100 115 122 130 116 120   7 EZ-Thro Dynamite (1-3) 28 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 7 Wool Cloth 0 65 4.55                     4.55 AH schematic.
105 105 130 155 121 125 10 10 Bronze Tube 20 Bronze Bar 0 50 10.00 10 Weak Flux 0 1 0.10                     10.10 Save until 220.
105 105 130 155 121 125   10 Large Copper Bomb (2-4) 30 Copper Bar 0 40 12.00 40 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 10 Silver Contact .4 5 4.50           16.50  
100 115 122 130 121 125   12 Practice Lock 12 Bronze Bar 0 50 6.00 24 Handful of Copper Bolts 0 25 6.00 12 Weak Flux 0 1 0.12           12.12  
100 115 122 130 121 125   12 EZ-Thro Dynamite (1-3) 48 Coarse Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 12 Wool Cloth 0 65 7.80                     7.80 AH schematic.
        125       Expert Engineering 1   0 50 0.50                               0.50 Trainer.
125 125 135 145 126 140 33 33 Heavy Blasting Powder 33 Heavy Stone 0 20 6.60                               6.60 Save until 235.
125 125 150 175 126 140   22 Whirling Bronze Gizmo 44 Bronze Bar 0 50 22.00 22 Wool Cloth 0 65 14.30                     36.30 Save until 200.
125 125 150 175 141 150 21 21 Whirling Bronze Gizmo 42 Bronze Bar 0 50 21.00 21 Wool Cloth 0 65 13.65                     34.65 Save until 200.
140 140 165 190 141 150   14 Big Bronze Bomb (2-4) 28 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 42 Bronze Bar 0 50 21.00 14 Silver Contact .4 5 6.30           27.30  
145 145 170 195 151 160 15 15 Bronze Framework 30 Bronze Bar 0 50 15.00 15 Medium Leather 0 85 12.75 15 Wool Cloth 0 10 1.50           29.25 Save until 240.
150 150 170 190 151 160   15 Gold Power Core (3) 15 Gold Bar 0 65 9.75                               9.75 Save until 355.
140 140 165 190 151 160   18 Big Bronze Bomb (2-4) 36 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 54 Bronze Bar 0 50 27.00 18 Silver Contact .4 5 8.10           35.10  
150 175 187 200 161 165 5 5 Explosive Sheep 10 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 5 Whirling Bronze Gizmo 0 0 0.00 5 Bronze Framewk 0 0 0.00 10 Wool Cloth 0 65 6.50 6.50  
150 150 170 190 161 165   9 Gold Power Core (3) 9 Gold Bar 0 65 5.85                               5.85 Save until 355.
160 160 170 180 161 165   7 Iron Strut 14 Iron Bar 0 60 8.40                               8.40 Save until 240.
150 175 187 200 166 170 5 5 Explosive Sheep 10 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 5 Whirling Bronze Gizmo 0 0 0.00 5 Bronze Framewk 0 0 0.00 10 Wool Cloth 0 65 6.50 6.50  
150 150 170 190 166 170   11 Gold Power Core (3) 11 Gold Bar 0 65 7.15                               7.15 Save until 355.
160 160 170 180 166 170   10 Iron Strut 20 Iron Bar 0 60 12.00                               12.00 Save until 240.
150 175 187 200 171 175 5 5 Explosive Sheep 10 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 5 Whirling Bronze Gizmo 0 0 0.00 5 Bronze Framewk 0 0 0.00 10 Wool Cloth 0 65 6.50 6.50  
170 170 190 210 171 175   7 Gyrochronatom 7 Gold Power Core .00 22 1.52 7 Iron Bar 0 60 4.20                     5.72 Save until 265.
160 160 170 180 171 175   16 Iron Strut 32 Iron Bar 0 60 19.20                               19.20 Save until 240.
175 175 185 195 176 195 90 90 Solid Blasting Powder 180 Solid Stone 0 5 9.00                               9.00 Save until 285.
175 175 195 215 176 195   35 Iron Grenade (2-4) 35 Iron Bar 0 60 21.00 35 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 20 7.00 35 Silk Cloth 0 30 10.50           38.50  
195 195 215 235 196 200 7 7 Mithril Tube 21 Mithril Bar 1 0 21.00                               21.00 Save until 300.
190 190 210 230 196 200   8 Big Iron Bomb (2) 24 Iron Bar 0 60 14.40 24 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 20 4.80 8 Silver Contact .4 5 3.60           22.80  
        200       Artisan Engineering 1   5 0 5.00                               5.00 Trainer.
        200       Gnomish Engineering   Gnomish Schematics                                        
        200       Goblin Engineering   Goblin Schematics                                        
200 200 220 240 201 205 7 7 Unstable Trigger 7 Mithril Bar 1 0 7.00 7 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 7 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 2.80           9.80 Save until 285.
200 200 210 220 201 205   7 EZ-Thro Dynamite II 7 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 14 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 5.60                     5.60  
195 195 215 235 201 205   8 Mithril Tube 24 Mithril Bar 1 0 24.00         0.00                     24.00 Save until 300.
190 190 210 230 201 205   9 Big Iron Bomb (2) 27 Iron Bar 0 60 16.20 27 Heavy Blasting Powder 0 20 5.40 9 Silver Contact 2 25 20.25           41.85  
200 200 220 240 206 210 8 8 Unstable Trigger 8 Mithril Bar 1 0 8.00 8 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 8 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 3.20           11.20 Save until 285.
200 200 210 220 206 210   10 EZ-Thro Dynamite II 10 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 20 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 8.00                     8.00  
200 200 220 240 211 215 9 9 Unstable Trigger 9 Mithril Bar 1 0 9.00 9 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 9 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 3.60           12.60 Save until 285.
200 200 210 220 211 215   16 EZ-Thro Dynamite II 16 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 32 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 12.80                     12.80  
215 215 235 255 216 220 7 7 Mithril Casing 21 Mithril Bar 1 0 21.00         0.00                     21.00 Save until 315.
200 200 220 240 216 220   11 Unstable Trigger 11 Mithril Bar 1 0 11.00 11 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 11 Mageweave Cloth 0 40 4.40           15.40 Save until 285.
215 215 235 255 221 225 8 8 Mithril Casing 24 Mithril Bar 1 0 24.00                               24.00 Save until 315.
215 215 235 255 226 230 9 9 Mithril Casing 27 Mithril Bar 1 0 27.00                               27.00 Save until 315.
215 215 235 255 231 235 11 11 Mithril Casing 33 Mithril Bar 1 0 33.00                               33.00 Save until 315.
235 235 255 275 236 240 7 7 Hi-Explosive Bomb (4) 14 Mithril Casing 0 0 0.00 14 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 7 Unstable Trigger 0 0 0.00           0.00  
215 215 235 255 236 240   14 Mithril Casing 42 Mithril Bar 1 0 42.00                               42.00 Save until 315.
235 235 255 275 241 245 8 8 Hi-Explosive Bomb (4) 16 Mithril Casing 0 0 0.00 16 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 8 Unstable Trigger 0 0 0.00           0.00  
215 215 235 255 241 245   20 Mithril Casing 60 Mithril Bar 1 0 60.00                               60.00 Save until 315.
215 215 235 255 246 247 12 12 Mithril Casing 36 Mithril Bar 1 0 36.00                               36.00 Save until 315.
235 235 255 275 248 250 6 6 Hi-Explosive Bomb (4) 12 Mithril Casing 0 0 0.00 12 Solid Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 6 Unstable Trigger 0 0 0.00           0.00  
250 250 255 260 251 260 40 40 Dense Blasting Powder 80 Dense Stone 0 5 4.00                               4.00 Save until 325.
260 280 290 300 261 270 10 10 Thorium Widget 30 Thorium Bar 1 50 45.00 10 Runecloth 0 25 2.50         0.00           47.50 Save until 340.
250 250 260 270 261 270   73 Dense Dynamite (2) 146 Dense Blasting Powder 0 6 9.13 219 Runecloth 0 25 54.75         0.00           63.88  
260 270 275 280 261 270   10 Truesilver Transformer 20 Truesilver Bar 2 0 40.00 20 Elemental Earth 6 75 135.00 10 Elemental Air 6 0 60.00           235.00 Save until 340.
260 280 290 300 271 275 5 5 Thorium Widget 15 Thorium Bar 1 50 22.50 5 Runecloth 0 25 1.25         0.00           23.75 Save until 340.
260 280 290 300 271 275   5 Thorium Grenade (3) 5 Thorium Widget 0 0 0.00 15 Dense Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 15 Thorium Bar 1 50 22.50 15 Runecloth 0 25 3.75 26.25  
260 270 275 280 271 275   8 Truesilver Transformer 16 Truesilver Bar 2 0 32.00 16 Elemental Earth 6 75 108.00 8 Elemental Air 6 0 48.00           188.00 Save until 340.
        275       Master Engineering 1   10 0 10.00                               10.00 Trainer, L50.
260 280 290 300 276 280 5 5 Thorium Widget 15 Thorium Bar 1 50 22.50 5 Runecloth 0 25 1.25         0.00           23.75 Save until 340.
260 280 290 300 276 280   5 Thorium Grenade (3) 5 Thorium Widget 0 0 0.00 15 Dense Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 15 Thorium Bar 1 50 22.50 15 Runecloth 0 25 3.75 26.25  
275 275 280 285 276 280   8 Fused Wiring (5) 24 Delicate Copper Wire 2 0 48.00 16 Essence of Fire 1 0 16.00         0.00           64.00 Save until 340.
275 295 305 315 276 280   5 Thorium Tube 30 Thorium Bar 1 50 45.00                               45.00 Save until 340.
260 280 290 300 281 285 7 7 Thorium Widget 21 Thorium Bar 1 50 31.50 7 Runecloth 0 25 1.75         0.00           33.25 Save until 340.
275 275 285 295 281 285   10 Powerful Seaforium Ch. 20 Thorium Widget 0 0 0.00 30 Dense Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 20 Rugged Leather 1 80 36.00 10 Water 0 .00 0.00 36.00  
260 280 290 300 281 285   7 Thorium Grenade (3) 7 Thorium Widget 0 0 0.00 21 Dense Blasting Powder 0 0 0.00 21 Thorium Bar 1 50 31.50 21 Runecloth 0 25 5.25 36.75  
275 295 305 315 281 285   5 Thorium Tube 30 Thorium Bar 1 50 45.00                               45.00 Save until 340.
275 295 305 315 286 290 5 5 Thorium Tube 30 Thorium Bar 1 50 45.00                               45.00 Save until 340.
285 305 315 325 286 290   5 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 5 Arcanite Bar 12 50 62.50 5 Ironweb Spider Silk 1 20 6.00                     68.50 Save until 380.
275 295 305 315 291 295 5 5 Thorium Tube 30 Thorium Bar 1 50 45.00                               45.00 Save until 340.
285 305 315 325 291 295   5 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 5 Arcanite Bar 12 50 62.50 5 Ironweb Spider Silk 1 20 6.00                     68.50 Save until 380.
275 295 305 315 296 300 7 7 Thorium Tube 42 Thorium Bar 1 50 63.00                               63.00 Save until 340.
285 305 315 325 296 300   5 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 5 Arcanite Bar 12 50 62.50 5 Ironweb Spider Silk 1 20 6.00                     68.50 Save until 380.
300 300 305 310 301 305 8 8 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 8 Fel Iron Bar 5 0 40.00                               40.00 Save until 405.
285 305 315 325 301 305   5 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 5 Arcanite Bar 12 50 62.50 5 Ironweb Spider Silk 1 20 6.00                     68.50 Save until 380.
300 300 305 310 306 310 38 38 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 38 Fel Iron Bar 5 0 190.00                               190.00 Save until 405.
285 305 315 325 306 310   7 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 7 Arcanite Bar 12 50 87.50 7 Ironweb Spider Silk 1 20 8.40                     95.90 Save until 380.
300 300 310 320 311 316 21 21 Fel Iron Casing 63 Fel Iron Bar 5 0 315.00                               315.00 Save until 380.
285 305 315 325 311 316   12 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 12 Arcanite Bar 12 50 150.00 12 Ironweb Spider Silk 1 20 14.40                     164.40 Save until 380.
300 300 310 320 317 319 27 27 Elemental Blasting P. (4) 27 Mote of Fire 1 50 40.50 54 Mote of Earth 0 20 10.80                     51.30 Save until 360.
300 320 330 340 320 325 8 8 Fel Iron Bomb 16 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 8 Fel Iron Casing 0 0 0.00           0.00  
320 330 340 350 321 325   5 Fel Iron Musket 30 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 15 Fel Iron Casing 0 0 0.00 5 Heavy Stock 1 10 5.50           5.50  
300 320 330 340 326 330 10 10 Fel Iron Bomb 20 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 10 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 10 Fel Iron Casing 0 0 0.00           0.00  
320 330 340 350 326 330   5 Fel Iron Musket 30 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 15 Fel Iron Casing 0 0 0.00 5 Heavy Stock 1 10 5.50           5.50  
325 335 345 355 326 330   5 Adamantite Grenade 10 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 5 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 20 Adamantite Bar 3 0 60.00           60.00  
325 335 345 355 331 335 5 5 Adamantite Grenade 10 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 5 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 20 Adamantite Bar 3 0 60.00           60.00  
320 330 340 350 331 335   7 Fel Iron Musket 42 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 21 Fel Iron Casing 0 0 0.00 7 Heavy Stock 1 10 7.70           7.70  
335 335 345 355 336 340 7 7 White Smoke Flare 7 Netherweave Cloth 0 30 2.10 7 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00         0.00           2.10  
325 335 345 355 336 340   7 Adamantite Grenade 14 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 7 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 28 Adamantite Bar 3 0 84.00           84.00  
335 335 345 355 341 345 10 10 White Smoke Flare 10 Netherweave Cloth 0 30 3.00 10 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00         0.00           3.00  
340 350 360 370 341 345   5 Hardened Adam. Tube 15 Hardened Adam. Bar 17 25 258.75                               258.75 Save until 410.
325 335 345 355 341 345   10 Adamantite Grenade 20 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 10 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 40 Adamantite Bar 3 0 120.00           120.00  
340 350 360 370 341 345   5 Felsteel Stabilizer 10 Felsteel Bar 21 0 210.00                               210.00 Save until 405.
340 350 360 370 341 345   5 Khorium Power Core 15 Khorium Bar 70 0 1050.00 5 Primal Fire 16 75 83.75                     1133.75 Save until 395.
335 335 345 355 346 350 16 16 White Smoke Flare 16 Netherweave Cloth 0 30 4.80 16 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00                     4.80  
340 350 360 370 346 350   5 Hardened Adam. Tube 15 Hardened Adam. Bar 17 25 258.75                               258.75 Save until 410.
340 350 360 370 346 350   5 Felsteel Stabilizer 10 Felsteel Bar 21 0 210.00                               210.00 Save until 405.
325 335 345 355 346 350   16 Adamantite Grenade 32 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 0 0 0.00 16 Elemental Blasting Pow. 0 0 0.00 64 Adamantite Bar 3 0 192.00           192.00  
340 350 360 370 346 350   5 Khorium Power Core 15 Khorium Bar 70 0 1050.00 5 Primal Fire 16 75 83.75                     1133.75 Save until 395.
        350       Grand Master Engineer. 1   35   35.00                               35.00 Icecrown, L65.
350 360 370 380 351 360 10 10 Handful of Cobalt B. (1-3) 20 Cobalt Bar 3 0 60.00                               60.00  
350 360 370 380 361 375 34 34 Volatile Blasting Trig. (2) 102 Cobalt Bar 3 0 306.00 34 Crystallized Water 0 40 13.60                     319.60  
350 360 370 380 362 375   50 Handful of Cobalt B. (1-3) 100 Cobalt Bar 3 0 300.00                               300.00 Save until 490.
350 375 382 390 362 375   25 Cobalt Frag Bomb (3) 50 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00 25 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
375 385 390 395 376 385 10 10 Explosive Decoy (5) 10 Frostweave Cloth 1 0 10.00 30 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     10.00  
375 380 385 390 376 385   15 Overcharged Capacitor 60 Cobalt Bar 3 0 180.00 15 Crystallized Earth 0 30 4.50                     184.50 Save until 445.
375 385 390 395 386 390 8 8 Explosive Decoy (5) 8 Frostweave Cloth 1 0 8.00 24 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     8.00  
375 380 385 390 386 390   35 Overcharged Capacitor 140 Cobalt Bar 3 0 420.00 35 Crystallized Earth 0 40 14.00                     434.00 Save until 445.
390 395 400 405 391 395 5 5 Froststeel Tube 40 Cobalt Bar 3 0 120.00 5 Crystallized Water 0 40 2.00                     122.00 Save until 445.
390 400 407 415 396 400 5 5 Diamond-cut Refractor S. 5 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00 10 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
390 395 400 405 401 402 6 6 Froststeel Tube 48 Cobalt Bar 3 0 144.00 6 Crystallized Water 0 40 2.40                     146.40 Save until 445.
390 400 407 415 403 405 5 5 Diamond-cut Refractor S. 5 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00 10 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
405 410 415 420 406 410 5 5 Box of Bombs 25 Saronite Bar 2 35 58.75 5 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     58.75  
390 400 407 415 406 410   12 Diamond-cut Refractor S. 12 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00 24 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
410 410 412 420 411 415 9 9 Mammoth Cutters 9 Saronite Bar 2 35 21.15 9 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     21.15  
405 410 415 420 411 415   8 Box of Bombs 40 Saronite Bar 2 35 94.00 8 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     94.00  
415 420 425 430 416 420 5 5 Mana Injector Kit (8) 60 Saronite Bar 2 35 141.00 10 Crystallized Water 0 40 4.00                     145.00  
415 415 417 420 416 420   14 Scrapbot Construction Kit 140 Saronite Bar 2 35 329.00                               329.00  
420 425 432 440 421 425 5 5 Mechanized Snow Gog. 40 Saronite Bar 2 35 94.00 10 Borean Leather 0 75 7.50 5 Eternal Shadow 5 0 25.00           126.50  
415 420 425 430 421 425   8 Mana Injector Kit (8) 96 Saronite Bar 2 35 225.60 16 Crystallized Water 0 40 6.40                     232.00  
420 435 440 445 421 425   5 Noise Machine 40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00 10 Overcharged Capacitor 9 0 90.00 10 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00           90.00  
        425       Illustrious Grand Master 1   50   50.00                               50.00  
425 435 442 450 426 430 5 5 Handful of Ob. Bolts (2-4) 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50                               152.50  
420 425 432 440 426 430   7 Mechanized Snow Gog. 56 Saronite Bar 2 35 131.60 14 Borean Leather 0 75 10.50 7 Eternal Shadow 5 0 35.00           177.10  
425 425 430 435 426 430   8 Global Thermal Sapp. (5) 8 Saronite Bar 2 35 18.80 8 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     18.80 Goblin Eng.
420 435 440 445 426 430   5 Noise Machine 40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00 10 Overcharged Capacitor 9 0 90.00 10 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00           90.00  
415 420 425 430 426 430   29 Mana Injector Kit (8) 348 Saronite Bar 2 35 817.80 58 Crystallized Water 0 40 23.20                     841.00  
425 435 442 450 431 435 5 5 Handful of Ob. Bolts (2-4) 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50                               152.50  
430 435 445 455 431 435   5 Heartseeker Scope 50 Saronite Bar 2 35 117.50 10 Twilight Opal 4 0 40.00                     157.50  
425 425 430 435 431 435   29 Global Thermal Sapp. (5) 29 Saronite Bar 2 35 68.15 29 Volatile Blasting Trigger 0 0 0.00                     68.15 Goblin Eng.
420 425 432 440 431 435   15 Mechanized Snow Gog. 120 Saronite Bar 2 35 282.00 30 Borean Leather 0 75 22.50 15 Eternal Shadow 5 0 75.00           379.50  
420 435 440 445 431 435   5 Noise Machine 40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00 10 Overcharged Capacitor 9 0 90.00 10 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00           90.00  
425 435 442 450 436 440 7 7 Handful of Ob. Bolts (2-4) 14 Obsidium Bar 15 25 213.50                               213.50  
435 440 445 450 436 440   5 Gnomish Army Knife 50 Saronite Bar 2 35 117.50 5 Skinning Knife 0 .82 0.04 5 BS Hammer 0 .18 0.01 5 Mining Pick 0 .81 0.04 117.59  
430 435 445 455 436 440   7 Heartseeker Scope 70 Saronite Bar 2 35 164.50 14 Twilight Opal 4 0 56.00                     220.50  
420 435 440 445 436 440   8 Noise Machine 64 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 0 0 0.00 16 Overcharged Capacitor 9 0 144.00 16 Froststeel Tube 0 0 0.00           144.00  
420 425 432 440 436 440   43 Mechanized Snow Gog. 344 Saronite Bar 2 35 808.40 86 Borean Leather 0 75 64.50 43 Eternal Shadow 5 0 215.00           1087.90  
425 435 442 450 441 445 12 12 Handful of Ob. Bolts (2-4) 24 Obsidium Bar 15 25 366.00                               366.00  
435 440 445 450 441 445   8 Gnomish Army Knife 80 Saronite Bar 2 35 188.00 8 Skinning Knife 0 .82 0.07 8 BS Hammer 0 .18 0.01 8 Mining Pick 0 .81 0.06 188.14  
430 435 445 455 441 445   10 Heartseeker Scope 100 Saronite Bar 2 35 235.00 20 Twilight Opal 4 0 80.00                     315.00  
440 455 457 460 441 446   2 Authentic Jr. Eng. Goggles 16 Obsidium Bar 15 25 244.00 4 Hessonite 35 0 140.00 4 Savage Leather 9 0 36.00           420.00  
440 450 452 455 441 445   2 Electrostatic Condenser 8 Obsidium Bar 15 25 122.00 12 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Volatile Earth 15 50 124.00           246.00  
445 455 460 465 446 450 5 5 Electrified Ether (2-3) 10 Volatile Air 33 50 335.00                               335.00  
425 435 442 450 446 450   43 Handful of Ob. Bolts (2-4) 86 Obsidium Bar 15 25 1311.50                               1311.50  
435 440 445 450 446 450   29 Gnomish Army Knife 290 Saronite Bar 2 35 681.50 29 Skinning Knife 0 .82 0.24 29 BS Hammer 0 .18 0.05 29 Mining Pick 0 .81 0.23 682.02  
430 435 445 455 446 450   16 Heartseeker Scope 160 Saronite Bar 2 35 376.00 32 Twilight Opal 4 0 128.00                     504.00  
440 455 457 460 447 452   2 Authentic Jr. Eng. Goggles 16 Obsidium Bar 15 25 244.00 4 Hessonite 35 0 140.00 4 Savage Leather 9 0 36.00           420.00  
440 450 452 455 446 450   2 Electrostatic Condenser 8 Obsidium Bar 15 25 122.00 12 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Volatile Earth 15 50 124.00           246.00  
445 455 460 465 451 455 5 5 Electrified Ether (2-3) 10 Volatile Air 33 50 335.00                               335.00  
450 470 472 475 451 455   1 R19 Threatfinder 6 Obsidium Bar 15 25 91.50 6 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 2 Alicite 19 75 39.50           131.00  
450 470 472 475 451 455   1 Safety Catch Removal Kit 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 10 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     152.50  
450 470 472 475 456 460 1 1 R19 Threatfinder 6 Obsidium Bar 15 25 91.50 6 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 2 Alicite 19 75 39.50           131.00  
445 455 460 465 456 460   8 Electrified Ether (2-3) 16 Volatile Air 33 50 536.00                               536.00  
455 460 467 475 456 460   5 Volatile Seaforium Blstpk. 5 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 10 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
450 470 472 475 456 460   1 Safety Catch Removal Kit 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 10 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     152.50  
450 470 472 475 461 465 1 1 R19 Threatfinder 6 Obsidium Bar 15 25 91.50 6 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 2 Alicite 19 75 39.50           131.00  
455 460 467 475 461 465   7 Volatile Seaforium Blstpk. 7 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 14 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
450 470 472 475 461 465   1 Safety Catch Removal Kit 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 10 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     152.50  
450 470 472 475 466 470 1 1 R19 Threatfinder 6 Obsidium Bar 15 25 91.50 6 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 2 Alicite 19 75 39.50           131.00  
455 460 467 475 466 470   12 Volatile Seaforium Blstpk. 12 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 24 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00                     0.00  
450 470 472 475 466 470   1 Safety Catch Removal Kit 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 10 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     152.50  
465 480 480 482 466 470   1 High-Powered Bolt Gun 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 4 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50  
465 480 480 482 471 475 1 1 High-Powered Bolt Gun 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 4 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50  
475 490 492 495 476 480 1 1 Lure Master Tackle Box 20 Elementium Bar 13 75 275.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     275.00  
465 480 480 482 476 480   1 High-Powered Bolt Gun 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 4 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50  
475 495 497 500 476 480   1 Elementium Toolbox 15 Elementium Bar 13 75 206.25 12 Volatile Earth 15 50 186.00                     392.25  
475 495 497 500 476 480   1 De-Weaponized Me. Com. 12 Obsidium Bar 15 25 183.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 2 Jasper 26 50 53.00 236.00 Gnome Eng.
475 495 497 500 476 480   1 Personal World Destroyer 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50 Goblin Eng.
475 505 507 510 476 480   1 Elementium Dragonling 16 Elementium Bar 13 75 220.00 2 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 20 Emb. Cloth 5 15 103.00 323.00  
475 490 492 495 481 485 1 1 Lure Master Tackle Box 20 Elementium Bar 13 75 275.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     275.00  
475 495 497 500 481 485   1 Elementium Toolbox 15 Elementium Bar 13 75 206.25 12 Volatile Earth 15 50 186.00                     392.25  
475 495 497 500 481 485   1 De-Weaponized Me. Com. 12 Obsidium Bar 15 25 183.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 2 Jasper 26 50 53.00 236.00 Gnome Eng.
475 495 497 500 481 485   1 Personal World Destroyer 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50 Goblin Eng.
475 505 507 510 481 485   1 Elementium Dragonling 16 Elementium Bar 13 75 220.00 2 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 20 Emb. Cloth 5 15 103.00 323.00  
475 490 492 495 486 490 1 1 Lure Master Tackle Box 20 Elementium Bar 13 75 275.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00                     275.00  
475 495 497 500 486 490   1 Elementium Toolbox 15 Elementium Bar 13 75 206.25 12 Volatile Earth 15 50 186.00                     392.25  
475 495 497 500 486 490   1 De-Weaponized Me. Com. 12 Obsidium Bar 15 25 183.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 2 Jasper 26 50 53.00 236.00 Gnome Eng.
475 495 497 500 486 490   1 Personal World Destroyer 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50 Goblin Eng.
475 505 507 510 486 490   1 Elementium Dragonling 16 Elementium Bar 13 75 220.00 2 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 20 Emb. Cloth 5 15 103.00 323.00  
475 495 497 500 491 495 1 1 Elementium Toolbox 15 Elementium Bar 13 75 206.25 12 Volatile Earth 15 50 186.00                     392.25  
475 495 497 500 491 495   1 De-Weaponized Me. Com. 12 Obsidium Bar 15 25 183.00 4 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 2 Jasper 26 50 53.00 236.00 Gnome Eng.
475 495 497 500 491 495   1 Personal World Destroyer 10 Obsidium Bar 15 25 152.50 8 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           152.50 Goblin Eng.
475 505 507 510 491 495   1 Elementium Dragonling 16 Elementium Bar 13 75 220.00 2 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 20 Emb. Cloth 5 15 103.00 323.00  
490 510 512 515 491 495   1 Finely-Tuned Throat Nee. 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 4 Obsidium Bar 15 25 61.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           1111.00  
475 505 507 510 496 500 1 1 Elementium Dragonling 16 Elementium Bar 13 75 220.00 2 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 20 Emb. Cloth 5 15 103.00 323.00  
490 510 512 515 496 500   1 Finely-Tuned Throat Nee. 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 4 Obsidium Bar 15 25 61.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           1111.00  
495 515 517 520 496 500   1 Volatile Thunderstick 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 6 Volatile Fire 18 50 111.00           1161.00  
475 505 507 510 501 505 1 1 Elementium Dragonling 16 Elementium Bar 13 75 220.00 2 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 8 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 20 Emb. Cloth 5 15 103.00 323.00  
500 505 507 510 501 505   5 Big Daddy (3) 30 Elementium Bar 13 75 412.50 5 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00                     412.50 Goblin Eng.
490 510 512 515 501 505   1 Finely-Tuned Throat Nee. 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 4 Obsidium Bar 15 25 61.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           1111.00  
495 515 517 520 501 505   1 Volatile Thunderstick 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 6 Volatile Fire 18 50 111.00           1161.00  
505 505 505 515 506 510 16 16 Goblin Barbecue 32 Elementium Bar 13 75 440.00 32 Toughened Flesh 3 35 107.20 32 Lavascale Fillet 10 0 320.00           867.20  
490 510 512 515 506 510   1 Finely-Tuned Throat Nee. 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 4 Obsidium Bar 15 25 61.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00           1111.00  
495 515 517 520 506 510   1 Volatile Thunderstick 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 6 Volatile Fire 18 50 111.00           1161.00  
500 505 507 510 506 510   14 Big Daddy (3) 84 Elementium Bar 13 75 1155.00 14 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00                     1155.00 Goblin Eng.
510 510 520 540 511 515 7 7 Heat-Treated Spin Lure (2) 28 Elementium Bar 13 75 385.00 7 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 7 Volatile Fire 18 50 129.50           514.50  
495 515 517 520 511 515   1 Volatile Thunderstick 5 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 1050.00 2 Electrified Ether 0 0 0.00 6 Volatile Fire 18 50 111.00           1161.00  
510 510 520 540 516 517 3 3 Heat-Treated Spin Lure (2) 12 Elementium Bar 13 75 165.00 3 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 3 Volatile Fire 18 50 55.50           220.50  
515 525 530 535 518 521 1 1 Gnomish X-Ray Scope 2 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 420.00 2 Dream Emerald 39 25 78.50                     498.50  
510 510 520 540 518 521   7 Heat-Treated Spin Lure (2) 28 Elementium Bar 13 75 385.00 7 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 7 Volatile Fire 18 50 129.50           514.50  
515 525 530 535 522 525 1 1 Gnomish X-Ray Scope 2 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 420.00 2 Dream Emerald 39 25 78.50                     498.50  
510 510 520 540 522 525   9 Heat-Treated Spin Lure (2) 36 Elementium Bar 13 75 495.00 9 Handful of Ob. Bolts 0 0 0.00 9 Volatile Fire 18 50 166.50           661.50  
                Other Useful                                         0.00  
                Schematics for Rogues                                            
260 285 295 305       1 Dimensional Rip: Everlook 10 Mithril Bar 1 0 10.00 1 Truesilver Transformer 10 0 10.00 4 Heart of Fire 1 0 4.00 2 Star Ruby 5 0 10.00 39.00 Goblin Eng.
                  1 The Big One 5 0 5.00                                  
260 285 295 305       1 Transporter: Gadgetzan 12 Mithril Bar 1 0 12.00 2 Truesilver Transformer 10 0 20.00 2 Globe of Water 3 0 6.00 4 Core Earth 2 0 8.00 74.00 Gnome Eng.
                  4 Aquamarine 5 0 20.00 1 Inlaid Mithril Cylinder 8 0 8.00                        
305 305 315 325       1 Zapthrottle Mote Extractor 1 Delicate Arcanite Conv. 6 0 6.00 2 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 2 0 4.00 2 Fel Iron Casing 6 0 12.00 4 Primal Life 5 0 20.00 50.00  
350 350 360 370       1 Dimensional Rip: Area 52 4 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 2 0 8.00 1 Khorium Power Core 8 0 8.00 1 Adamantite Frame 15 0 15.00 2 Primal Fire 10 0 20.00 91.00 Goblin Eng.
                  2 The Bigger One 20 0 40.00                                  
350 350 360 370       1 Transporter: Toshley's St. 4 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 2 0 8.00 1 Khorium Power Core 8 0 8.00 1 Adamantite Frame 15 0 15.00 2 Primal Air 20 0 40.00 111.00 Gnome Eng.
                  2 Felsteel Stabilizer 20 0 40.00                                  
380 380 382 385       1 Flexweave Underlay 12 Frostweave Cloth 1 0 12.00 1 Overcharged Capacitor 9 0 9.00                     21.00  
380 380 382 385       1 Frag Belt 8 Cobalt Bar 3 0 24.00 8 Volatile Blasting Trigger 4 0 32.00                     56.00  
400 400 402 405       1 Hyperspeed Accelerators 6 Saronite Bar 2 35 14.10 4 Crystallized Air 0 24 0.96                     15.06  
400 400 402 405       1 Hand-Mounted Pyro Rockt 6 Saronite Bar 2 35 14.10 4 Crystallized Fire 0 0 0.00                     14.10  
405 405 405 410       1 Nitro Boosts 6 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 2 0 12.00 8 Volatile Blasting Trigger 4 0 32.00                     44.00  
410 410 415 420       1 Mind Amplification Dish 8 Saronite Bar 2 35 18.80 1 Froststeel Tube 24 40 24.40                     43.20  
415 415 417 420       1 Scrapbot Construction Kit 10 Saronite Bar 2 35 23.50         0.00                     23.50  
425 425 437 450       1 Synapse Springs 2 Volatile Water 13 50 27.00 1 Electrified Ether 41 63 41.88                     68.88  
425 425 437 450       1 Tazik Shocker 2 Volatile Earth 15 50 31.00 2 Electrified Ether 41 63 83.75                     114.75  
425 430 432 435       1 MOLL-E 8 Saronite Bar 2 35 18.80 8 Eternal Air 20 0 160.00                     178.80  
435 450 455 460       1 Wormhole Gen: Northrend 8 Titanium Bar 11 30 90.40 2 Eternal Shadow 5 0 10.00 2 Eternal Water 0 0 0.00 2 Eternal Air 7 50 15.00 115.40  
                  2 Eternal Fire 0 0 0.00                                  
450 480 485 490       1 Jeeves 20 Scrapbot Construct. Kit 20 0 400.00 30 Handful of Cobalt Bolts 2 0 60.00 8 Titansteel Bar 150 0 1200.00 2 King's Am. 150 0 300.00 2350.00  
                  2 Field Repair Bot 74A 70 0 140.00 10 Field Repair Bot 110G 25 0 250.00                        
525 525 530 535       1 Agile Bio-Optic Killshades 2 Hardened Elem. Bar 210 0 420.00 6 Handful of Ob. Bolts 23 38 137.25 6 Electrified Ether 41 63 251.25 1 Truegold 905 40 905.40 1792.40  
                  2 Dream Emerald 39 25 78.50 1 Chaos Orb                              
0 5 0 25 0 40 0 50 SKILL UP TABLES SKILL UP  
1 1.3 1 1.3 1 1.3 1 1.3 These tables were used BRACKETS  
2 1.6 2 1.3 2 1.3 2 1.3 to calculate approximate     5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Total
3 2.1 3 1.4 3 1.3 3 1.3 attempts needed to G-Y= 5 14                   14
4 3.1 4 1.4 4 1.4 4 1.3 level each skill point in the G-Y= 10 8 29                 37
5 6.3 5 1.5 5 1.4 5 1.4 Yellow -> Green -> Gray G-Y= 15 7 12 43               62
  6 1.6 6 1.4 6 1.4 ranges.� The tables for G-Y= 20 7 10 16 57             90
0 10 7 1.6 7 1.5 7 1.4 each range are based G-Y= 25 7 9 12 20 71           119
1 1.3 8 1.7 8 1.5 8 1.5 upon extrapolated G-Y= 30 7 8 11 15 24 86         151
2 1.4 9 1.8 9 1.6 9 1.5 Gray - Yellow values G-Y= 40 7 8 9 11 14 20 32 114     215
3 1.6 10 2.0 10 1.6 10 1.5 which determine the skill G-Y= 50 7 7 8 10 11 14 18 24 40 143 282
4 1.8 11 2.1 11 1.7 11 1.6 point spread across each  
5 2.1 12 2.2 12 1.7 12 1.6 range.� Totals for each  
6 2.5 13 2.4 13 1.8 13 1.6 5 point "bracket" can be  
7 3.1 14 2.6 14 1.9 14 1.7 found in the table over  
8 4.2 15 2.8 15 1.9 15 1.7 on the right. Also, see the  
9 6.3 16 3.1 16 2.0 16 1.8 Trade Skill formula below.  
10 12.5 17 3.5 17 2.1 17 1.8  
  18 3.9 18 2.2 18 1.9  
0 15 19 4.5 19 2.3 19 2.0  
1 1.3 20 5.2 20 2.4 20 2.0  
2 1.3 21 6.3 21 2.5 21 2.1  
3 1.4 22 7.8 22 2.6 22 2.2  
4 1.6 23 10 23 2.8 23 2.2  
5 1.7 24 16 24 2.9 24 2.3  
6 1.9 25 31 25 3.1 25 2.4  
7 2.1 26 3.3 26 2.5  
8 2.3 0 30 27 3.6 27 2.6  
9 2.7 1 1.3 28 3.8 28 2.7  
10 3.1 2 1.3 29 4.2 29 2.8  
11 3.8 3 1.3 30 4.5 30 3.0  
12 4.7 4 1.4 31 5.0 31 3.1  
13 6.3 5 1.4 32 5.6 32 3.3  
14 9.4 6 1.5 33 6.3 33 3.5  
15 18.8 7 1.6 34 7.1 34 3.7  
  8 1.6 35 8 35 3.9  
0 20 9 1.7 36 10 36 4.2  
1 1.3 10 1.8 37 13 37 4.5  
2 1.3 11 1.9 38 17 38 4.8  
3 1.4 12 2.0 39 25 39 5.2  
4 1.5 13 2.1 40 50 40 5.7  
5 1.6 14 2.2 41 6.3  
6 1.7 15 2.3 42 6.9  
7 1.8 16 2.5 43 8  
8 1.9 17 2.7 44 9  
9 2.1 18 2.9 45 10  
10 2.3 19 3.1 46 13  
11 2.5 20 3.4 47 16  
12 2.8 21 3.8 48 21  
13 3.1 22 4.2 49 31  
14 3.6 23 4.7 50 63  
15 4.2 24 5.4  
16 5.0 25 6.3  
17 6.3 26 7.5  
18 8 27 9  
19 13 28 13  
20 25 29 19  
  30 38  
Skill Up Tables and Skill Up Brackets based on the Tradeskill Formula: Chance of Skill Up = (grey skill - your skill) / (grey skill - yellow skill)
World of Warcraft Cata Powerleveling Spreadsheet for Engineering 2024 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft 2024 Blizzard Entertainment