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World of Warcraft Cata Rogue 61-70 Twink Armor Chart
This chart is used to compare the top armor pieces within the 61-70 level range to see which are best for twinking your Rogue.
Last Updated               PVP AEP Values >     .35 1 .60 .52 .47 .35 .55 .47 .00 1.09 20 21 22 80 1 1 1  
4/21/24               PVE Mut MAEP Values >     .40 1 .01 .55 .38 .38 .42 .44 .00 .001 14 20 18 80 1 1 1  
  PVP PVE PVE PVE       PVE Combat MAEP Values >     .39 1 .01 .54 .36 .37 .59 .53 .00 .001 14 20 19 80 1 1 1  
HEAD AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Duplicitous Guise 252 199 198 200 He SWP 17% Kil'jaeden 70 164 P   63 91 34       34       1   1         HEAD
Brutal Gladiator's Leather Helm 249 162 161 162 He PVP S4 175 HP 70 159 P   36 89 17 26     12   29   1   1         NECK
Cursed Vision of Sargeras 235 179 179 179 He BT 14% Illidan Stormrage 70 151 P   54 84 21 38               1 1         SHOU.
Mask of the Fury Hunter 232 165 166 165 He IoQ Ven Sunmote Purchase 70 159 P   50 106   38             1   1         CHEST
Vengeful Gladiator's Leather Helm 232 152 152 152 He PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P   31 78 12 21     12   29   1   1         WAIST
Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles (Eng) 230 169 169 169 He Eng 375 Upgrade Recipe 70 159 P   61 94 24             1     1 0 0 0 Farsight LEGS
Slayer's Helm 226 166 166 166 He HS 61% Archimonde 70 146 P   46 92 19 28               1 1         FEET
Merciless Gladiator's Leather Helm 218 144 144 144 He PVP S2 1 SSC/HS Helm Token 70 136 P   37 68   17         29   1   1         WRIST
Gladiator's Leather Helm 207 139 140 139 He PVP S1 1 Kara Helm Token 70 123 P   34 60   13         27   1   1         HANDS
Deathmantle Helm 203 152 152 152 He SSC 45% Lady Vashj 70 133 P   39 80   25 8           1   1         FINGER
Deathblow X11 Goggles (Eng) 192 149 149 149 He Eng 350 Engineering Recipe 62 127 P   48 64 11             1     1 0 0 0 Farsight TRINK.
Netherblade Facemask 188 151 151 151 He Kar 34% Prince Malchezaar 70 120 P   43 61 14               1   1         BACK
Mask of the Deceiver 184 144 143 144 He SC Ven 260 JP 70 110 P   36 63 16                 1 1         THRO.
Grand Marshal's Leather Helm 179 124 124 124 He PVP All No Longer Available 70 115 P   20 38   10         28   1   1         RANG.
High Warlord's Leather Helm 179 124 124 124 He PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 115 P   20 38   10         28   1   1         ENCH.
Opportunist's Leather Helm 179 124 124 124 He Zan Ven CE Honored 70 115 P   20 38   10         28   1   1        
Helm of the Claw 173 140 139 140 He TS Q TS Quest Reward 67 115 P   33 44 14           4     1 1        
Wastewalker Helm 166 140 141 140 He OHF-H 11% Epoch the Hunter 70 115 P   28 30 18 22           1     1        
Grimgrin Faceguard 165 107 107 108 He ZA 14% No Longer Available 70 133 P   41 81 24             1 1 1          
Helm of Assassination 162 141 141 141 He Arc 14% Harbinger Skyriss 70 115 P   33 25   25               1 1        
Mechanized Snow Goggles of the Thief (Eng) 156 99 96 102 He Eng 400 Eng Recipe 65 183 E   66 99         66                    
Exorcist's Leather Helm 151 113 113 113 He TF Q 18 Spirit Shards 66 100 P   27 36   10 6       14       1        
Stained Shadowcraft Cap (70) 120 76 77 76 He Hon G20 Hon GLevel 20 1500G 70 1 A   47 70 31 31                   0 0 0 10% Inc. Exp.
The Night Watchman 105 46 46 46 He R 69-71 Random World Drop 70 100 E   45 59                       25 0 0 Stealth Detect
NECK AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Guardian's Pendant of Triumph 99 50 50 50 Ne PVP PVP 90 HP 70 154 P     42   26 58       18     1           HEAD
Hard Khorium Choker (JC) 93 64 63 66 Ne JC 365 SWP Recipe Drop 70 159 P     42   22 62   29         1           NECK
Vindicator's Pendant of Triumph 92 46 46 46 Ne PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 141 P     38   22 50       18     1           SHOU.
Veteran's Pendant of Triumph 85 41 41 41 Ne PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 128 P     34   18 42       18     1           CHEST
Sin'dorei Pendant of Triumph 85 46 47 46 Ne SWP 30% Eredar Twins 70 141 P     18   28 58       19 1               WAIST
Necklace of the Deep 77 63 63 63 Ne JC 325 Jewelcrafting Recipe 65 100 E   21 20 3               2             LEGS
Clutch of Demise 76 40 39 42 Ne SWP 16% Brutallus 70 154 P   25 61         30                     FEET
Pendant of Triumph 76 37 37 37 Ne PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 113 P     28 2 10 36       17     1           WRIST
Shattered Sun Pendant of Might (Scryers) 66 36 36 36 Ne IoQ Ven Shat Sun Exalted 70 115 P   18 50                       18 18 18 Arcane Strike pr HANDS
Shattered Sun Pendant of Might (Aldor) 64 35 35 35 Ne IoQ Ven Shat Sun Exalted 70 115 P   18 50                       16 17 16 +200 AP 10/s pr FINGER
Telonicus's Pendant of Mayhem 62 28 28 28 Ne Eye Q Kael'thas Head Rewd 70 138 P   27 59                               TRINK.
Hundred Tooth Necklace (Horde) 61 24 24 24 Ne UK Q UK Quest Reward 68 146 P   17 59   18                           BACK
Choker of Serrated Blades 58 36 36 35 Ne BT R BT Trash Drop 70 141 P     37   25 70                         THRO.
Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve (Scryers) 58 28 25 31 Ne IoQ Ven Shat Sun Exalted 70 115 P     48 13     18               12 9 13 +100 Exp 10/s pr RANG.
Crystal Chalcedony Amulet 56 41 41 41 Ne JC 350 JC Recipe 70 138 E     19   17 42             1          
Chain of the Tolling Bell (Alliance) 55 40 38 41 Ne BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P     27 20   48 21                      
Choker of Forceful Redemption (Horde) 55 40 38 41 Ne BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P     27 20   48 21                      
Collar of the Pit Lord 54 15 13 18 Ne SWP 12% Brutallus 70 154 P     63       29               0 0 0 25 Dodge Rating
Worgen Claw Necklace 52 30 30 30 Ne Kar 15% Attumen 70 115 P   20 39 17                            
Brooch of Deftness 52 23 21 25 Ne SC Ven 182 JP 70 128 P     48 22     21                      
Saberclaw Talisman 52 22 22 22 Ne Kar 13% Shade of Aran 70 115 P   21 51                              
Choker of Vile Intent 52 30 30 30 Ne SC Ven 130 JP 70 110 P   20 37 18                            
Amulet of Bitter Hatred 52 30 30 30 Ne SP-H 8% Ice Chest 70 110 P   20 37 18                            
The Savage's Choker 51 31 30 32 Ne ZA 14% No Longer Available 70 128 P     37     50   25                    
Choker of Endless Nightmares 49 48 49 48 Ne BT 17% Supremus 70 141 P       21 27 72                        
Choker of Animalistic Fury 48 33 33 32 Ne SSC 19% The Lurker Below 70 128 P     24   23 64                        
SHOULDER AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Brutal Gladiator's Leather Spaulders 165 90 89 90 Sh PVP S4 140 HP 70 159 P   39 63   31         28   1 1           HEAD
Vengeful Gladiator's Leather Spaulders 153 83 83 83 Sh PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P   34 54   27         28   1 1           NECK
Demontooth Shoulderpads 149 91 91 92 Sh IoQ Ven Sunmote Purchase 70 159 P   42 82   20     15     1 1             SHOU.
Merciless Gladiator's Leather Spaulders 145 80 80 80 Sh PVP S2 1 Eye/BT Shoul. Token 70 136 P   32 47   24         28   1 1           CHEST
Gladiator's Leather Spaulders 134 76 75 76 Sh PVP S1 1 GL Shoulder Token 70 123 P   29 39   21         26   1 1           WAIST
Slayer's Shoulderpads 127 76 76 77 Sh BT 61% Mother Shahraz 70 146 P   34 66   25           1   1           LEGS
Deathmantle Shoulderpads 116 73 74 73 Sh Eye 50% Void Reaver 70 133 P   34 58   13           1 1             FEET
Shoulderpads of Vehemence 115 74 73 76 Sh SWP 29% Eredar Twins 70 159 P   45 71 26       30                     WRIST
Bladed Shoulderpads of Merciless 109 83 82 84 Sh Kar 12% Chess Event 70 115 P   29 30 16 21               2           HANDS
Netherblade Shoulderpads 108 74 74 74 Sh GL 46% High King Maulgar 70 120 P   26 55 13               2             FINGER
Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders (70) 104 44 44 44 Sh WG Ven 2,175 HP 70 1 A   44 44             31         0 0 0 10% Inc Exp. TRINK.
Shoulderpads of the Stranger 102 67 66 67 Sh SSC 15% Hydross the Unstable 70 128 P   35 55   16   10         1             BACK
Opportunist's Leather Spaulders 100 56 56 56 Sh CoT Ven KoT Honored 70 115 P   13 36   11         16   1 1           THRO.
Grand Marshal's Leather Spaulders 100 56 56 56 Sh PVP All No Longer Available 70 115 P   13 36   11         16   1 1           RANG.
High Warlord's Leather Spaulders 100 56 56 56 Sh PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 115 P   13 36   11         16   1 1           ENCH.
Shoulderpads of Assassination 97 62 61 63 Sh SH 12% Talon King Ikiss 70 115 P   25 46                   2          
Mantle of Darkness 94 72 72 71 Sh BT 15% Naj'entus 70 141 P   47 34 22 33                          
Razorfury Mantle 93 47 47 47 Sh HS 16% Kaz'rogal 70 141 P   38 73   23                          
Wastewalker Shoulderpads 92 68 68 68 Sh AC-H 16% Avatar of Martyred 70 115 P   25 29 16             1 1            
Swiftstrike Shoulders (LW) 90 56 54 58 Sh LW 375 BT Recipe Drop 70 141 P   37 58         38                    
Cured Mammoth Hide Mantle 89 50 50 49 Sh Nex Q Nexus Quest Reward 68 155 P   38 62   30                          
Mantle of Perenolde 89 71 72 71 Sh OHF 18% Epoch the Hunter 66 103 P   10 24 23 23             2            
Ravenwing Pauldrons 87 65 65 66 Sh OHF 12% Lieutenant Drake 66 103 P   19 29 14               1 1          
Shoulderpads of the Silvermoon Retainer 82 48 48 48 Sh MT-H 19% Kael'thas Sunstrider 70 125 P   35 59 23                            
Shoulderpads of Dancing Blades 82 43 43 43 Sh ZA 13% No Longer Available 70 128 P   34 66 16                            
Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders (70) 81 63 63 63 Sh Var Ven 2,175 JP / 60 Ch. Seal 70 1 A   48 32 27                     0 0 0 10% Inc Exp.
CHEST AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Harness of Carnal Instinct 215 139 139 139 Ch SWP 7% M'uru 70 159 P   75 107   28           1 1 1           HEAD
Carapace of Sun and Shadow (LW) 209 157 155 159 Ch LW 365 LW Recipe 70 159 P   60 81 30   8   38       2 1           NECK
Brutal Gladiator's Leather Tunic 206 120 119 121 Ch PVP S4 175 HP 70 159 P   36 86 17 26     12   25   2 1           SHOU.
Bladed Chaos Tunic 204 142 140 143 Ch IoQ Ven Sunmote Purchase 70 159 P   60 81   38     30     1 1 1           CHEST
Midnight Chestguard 191 139 139 139 Ch HS 14% Archimonde 70 151 P   53 64 29 46           1 1 1           WAIST
Vengeful Gladiator's Leather Tunic 189 110 110 111 Ch PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P   31 75 12 21     12   25   2 1           LEGS
Slayer's Chestguard 186 116 116 117 Ch BT 65% Illidan Stormrage 70 146 P   46 92 15 28           1   2           FEET
Merciless Gladiator's Leather Tunic 175 102 102 103 Ch PVP S2 1 Eye/BT Chest Token 70 136 P   37 65   17         25   2 1           WRIST
Nether Shadow Tunic 172 115 115 116 Ch BT 14% Supremus 70 141 P   43 80 35             1 1 1           HANDS
Deathmantle Chestguard 167 105 104 106 Ch Eye 45% Kael'Thas 70 133 P   47 80   17           1   2           FINGER
Gladiator's Leather Tunic 162 98 98 98 Ch PVP S1 1 ML Chest Token 70 123 P   33 54   16         23   2 1           TRINK.
Bloodsea Brigand's Vest 155 125 125 126 Ch SSC 14% Karathress 70 128 P   46 24 27 36           1   2           BACK
Netherblade Chestpiece 147 96 96 97 Ch ML 65% Magtheridon 70 120 P   37 69 11             1 1 1           THRO.
Tunic of the Dark Hour 144 90 91 90 Ch IoQ Ven 520 JP 70 141 P   51 91 34               1             RANG.
Grand Marshal's Leather Tunic 140 84 84 84 Ch PVP All No Longer Available 70 115 P   20 38   14         24   2 1           ENCH.
High Warlord's Leather Tunic 140 84 84 84 Ch PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 115 P   20 38   14         24   2 1          
Opportunist's Leather Tunic 140 84 84 84 Ch SC Ven LC Honored 70 115 P   20 38   14         24   2 1          
Terrorweave Tunic 138 127 127 128 Ch SV 16% Doomwalker 70 120 E   48   21 29             1 2          
Shadowprowler's Chestguard 134 97 97 98 Ch LW 365 VE Rev Recipe 70 105 E   40 45 8             1 1 1          
Wastewalker Tunic 133 88 87 90 Ch BF-H 9% Keli'dan the Breaker 70 115 P   32 59                   3          
Flumblub's Seat Cushion of the Thief 125 79 77 82 Ch BoTu 7% Fumblub Gearwind 70 159 E   53 79         53                    
Warden's Hauberk 122 101 102 101 Ch Zan Hon CE Honored 62 91 P   39 30 4               3            
Skarvald's Dragonskin Habergeon 119 73 72 74 Ch UK 24% Skarvald/Dalronn 70 155 P   60 79         25                    
Vest of Vengeance 118 86 85 86 Ch BF 18% Keli'dan the Breaker 61 88 P   27 37 11             1 1 1          
Tunic of Assassination 118 82 82 82 Ch Mech 13% Pathaleon the Calc. 70 115 P   28 46               1 2            
Illidari Lord's Tunic 116 77 77 77 Ch SV Q SV Quest Reward 70 114 P   29 43               2 1            
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic (70) 113 73 74 73 Ch Var Ven 2,175 JP / 60 Ch. Seal 70 1 A   47 70 47                     0 0 0 10% Inc Exp.
Shadowtooth Trollskin Cuirass 110 57 57 57 Ch ZA 13% No Longer Available 70 128 P   45 85   30                          
Auchenai Monk's Tunic 108 95 95 96 Ch AC Q AC Quest Reward 64 100 P   24 14 19   6           2 1   0 0 0 24 Dod Rating
Primalstrike Vest (LW) 103 61 61 61 Ch LW 375 LW Recipe 70 120 P   54 72 12                            
WAIST AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Don Alejandro's Money Belt 128 84 84 84 Wa HS 15% Anetheron 70 141 P   38 64   19             1 1           HEAD
Slayer's Belt 125 97 95 98 Wa SWP 64% Brutallus 70 154 P   43 48 30 2     33       1             NECK
Belt of One-Hundred Deaths 122 84 82 86 Wa SSC 11% Lady Vashj 70 138 P   37 51       25       1 1             SHOU.
Guardian's Leather Belt 122 47 47 46 Wa PVP PVP 140 HP 70 159 P   37 68   24         30                 CHEST
Waistguard of the Great Beast 115 73 73 73 Wa SC Ven 312 JP 70 128 P   29 59 18             1 1             WAIST
Belt of the Silent Path 113 73 72 73 Wa IoQ Ven 390 JP 70 141 P   41 63 23                 1           LEGS
Belt of Deep Shadow 111 71 71 71 Wa LW 375 SSC/Eye Recipe Drop 70 128 E   33 47 18             2               FEET
Vindicator's Leather Belt 110 41 41 40 Wa PVP PVP 1 SWP Belt Token 70 146 P   33 59   19         30                 WRIST
Belt of Natural Power 109 70 70 70 Wa LW 375 SSC/Eye Recipe Drop 70 128 E   29 63                 2             HANDS
Gronn-Stitched Girdle 106 78 78 78 Wa GL 11% Gruul the Dragonkiller 70 125 P   36 27   25           1   1           FINGER
Girdle of Treachery 103 72 72 72 Wa Kar 12% Chess Event 70 115 P   32 48                 2             TRINK.
Veteran's Leather Belt 102 36 37 36 Wa PVP PVP 208 JP 70 136 P   30 53   16         30                 BACK
Bladeangel's Money Belt 93 57 56 57 Wa ZA 13% No Longer Available 70 128 P   29 48   21     11     1               THRO.
Shadow-walker's Cord 91 57 55 58 Wa BT 17% Shade of Akama 70 141 P   38 59         37                     RANG.
General's Leather Belt 90 33 33 33 Wa PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 123 P   27 46   15         26                 ENCH.
Marshal's Leather Belt 90 33 33 33 Wa PVP All No Longer Available 70 123 P   27 46   15         26                
Belt of the Raven Lord 89 59 59 59 Wa SH-H 17% Anzu 70 115 P   25 38               1 1            
Dunewind Sash 88 59 59 59 Wa UB-H 13% Ghaz'an 70 115 P   25 36               1 1            
Shifting Sash of Midnight 75 55 55 55 Wa HR 18% Nazan/Vazruden 60 85 P   15 30                 2            
Many-Pocketed Belt 72 38 38 37 Wa R 68-71 Random World Drop 70 134 E   30 55   19                          
Primalstrike Belt (LW) 70 42 42 42 Wa LW 375 LW Recipe 70 115 P   42 47                              
Girdle of the Deathdealer 70 39 40 39 Wa BM-H 12% Aeonus 70 110 P   28 53 20                            
Lurker's Grasp of the Bandit 67 39 39 39 Wa Kar 20% Hyakiss the Lurker 70 115 P   28 43   28                          
LEGS AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Leggings of the Immortal Night 210 156 157 156 Le SWP 20% Felmyst 70 159 P   66 82 32 32             3             HEAD
Leggings of the Immortal Beast 191 121 121 121 Le IoQ Ven Sunmote Purchase 70 159 P   56 101   27           1 2             NECK
Brutal Gladiator's Leather Legguards 166 67 67 67 Le PVP S4 175 HP 70 159 P   40 89 17 30     12   40                 SHOU.
Trousers of the Scryers' Retainer 159 102 101 102 Le IoQ Ven 520 JP 70 141 P   52 82 30             1   1           CHEST
Tameless Breeches 155 96 94 97 Le IoQ Ven 520 JP 70 141 P   48 94         17       1 1           WAIST
Vengeful Gladiator's Leather Legguards 149 57 57 58 Le PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P   35 78 12 25     12   40                 LEGS
Slayer's Legguards 143 79 79 78 Le BT 35% The Illidari Council 70 146 P   47 92   45           1               FEET
Skulker's Greaves 143 102 102 102 Le Kar 16% Netherspite 70 115 P   32 57 28             1 2             WRIST
Merciless Gladiator's Leather Legguards 136 50 50 49 Le PVP S2 1 SSC/BT Leg Token 70 136 P   41 69   21         40                 HANDS
Breeches of Natural Aggression 134 77 77 77 Le SWP ? Sathrovar the Corruptor 70 159 P     78   49             2 1           FINGER
Midnight Legguards 134 106 106 105 Le SP-H 16% Quagmirran 70 110 P   32 30 17 27           1 2             TRINK.
Leggings of the Betrayed 133 95 93 96 Le MT 16% Selin Fireheart 70 115 P   33 48         18     1 1 1           BACK
Deathmantle Legguards 130 71 72 71 Le SSC 49% Karathress 70 133 P   47 85   26           1               THRO.
Forestwalker Kilt 126 82 82 82 Le M-T-H 17% Nex-Prince Shaffar 70 110 P   33 53               2 1             RANG.
Wastewalker Leggings 124 96 96 96 Le M-T-H 11% Nex-Prince Shaffar 70 115 P   31 36 19             1 2             ENCH.
Shady Dealer's Pantaloons 124 61 62 61 Le HS 18% Azgalor 70 141 P   51 102   25                          
Gladiator's Leather Legguards 123 44 44 44 Le PVP S1 1 GL Leg Token 70 123 P   36 64   19         36                
Leggings of the Unrepentant 121 83 82 83 Le BF-H 12% Keli'dan the Breaker 70 115 P   30 47               1 1 1          
Fel Leather Leggings 119 109 108 109 Le LW 350 Con Rev LW Recipe 69 112 E   26   25 25 8           1 2          
Stained Shadowcraft Pants (70) 118 74 73 75 Le ? ? ? 70 1 A   47 70   31     31             0 0 0 10% Inc. Exp.
Mennu's Scaled Leggings 115 89 89 89 Le SP-H 15% Mennu the Betrayer 70 115 P   23 25   32           1 2            
Shallow-grave Trousers 111 61 60 63 Le SC Ven 390 JP 70 128 P   46 85         30                    
Leggings of Murderous Intent 108 60 61 60 Le Eye 15% Kael'thas 70 138 P   46 74   37                          
Netherblade Breeches 103 58 58 58 Le GL 38% Gruul the Dragonkiller 70 120 P   43 77 26                            
FEET AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Slayer's Boots 132 98 96 100 Fe SWP 61% Felmyst 70 154 P   43 52 30 16   24         1             HEAD
Shadowmaster's Boots 128 85 84 85 Fe BT 15% Mother Shahraz 70 141 P   38 62   20             1 1           NECK
Guardian's Leather Boots 122 47 47 46 Fe PVP PVP 140 HP 70 159 P   37 68   24         30                 SHOU.
Nyn'jah's Tabi Boots 111 76 77 76 Fe SC Ven 312 JP 70 128 P   30 48 22             1 1             CHEST
Vindicator's Leather Boots 110 41 41 40 Fe PVP PVP 1 SWP Boot Token 70 146 P   33 59   19         30                 WAIST
Footwraps of Wild Encroachment 109 73 73 74 Fe SC Ven 312 JP 70 128 P 3 33 54                 1 1           LEGS
Edgewalker Longboots 108 77 76 77 Fe Kar 14% Moroes 70 115 P   29 46 16               1 1           FEET
Veteran's Leather Boots 102 36 37 36 Fe PVP PVP 208 JP 70 136 P   30 53   16         30                 WRIST
Sunrage Treads 92 56 56 56 Fe MT 14% Kael'thas Sunstrider 70 110 P   29 56   18             1             HANDS
Boots of the Shifting Sands 91 67 67 68 Fe TB 19% Laj 70 115 P   20 30 3 19             1 1           FINGER
Black Featherlight Boots 91 68 68 68 Fe HS 15% Kaz'rogal 70 141 P   49 41 34                             TRINK.
Treads of Torn Future 91 52 53 52 Fe Nex Q Nexus Quest Reward 69 155 P   44 62   21                           BACK
General's Leather Boots 90 33 33 33 Fe PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 123 P   27 46   15         26                 THRO.
Marshal's Leather Boots 90 33 33 33 Fe PVP All No Longer Available 70 123 P   27 46   15         26                 RANG.
Reinforced Caribou-Hide Boots 86 46 44 47 Fe BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P   37 67       16                       ENCH.
Fel Leather Boots 84 79 78 79 Fe LW 350 LW Recipe 69 112 E   18   25 17 6           1 1          
Silent-Strider Kneeboots 83 28 28 28 Fe HR-H 12% Omor the Unscarred 70 115 P   27 51                       25 0 0 Incr. Stealth
The Master's Treads 82 33 33 33 Fe R 67-68 Random World Drop 68 109 E   24 41 16                     25 0 0 Incr. Stealth
Boots of Utter Darkness (LW) 80 58 58 57 Fe LW 375 SSC/Eye Recipe Drop 70 128 P   33 34 23 32                          
Boots of Effortless Striking 80 43 43 43 Fe SSC 20% The Lurker Below 70 128 P   42 63                              
Boots of Displacement 76 33 33 33 Fe Naxx 23% No Longer Available 60 83 P   33 21                       30 0 0 Incr. Stealth
Southshore Sneakers 72 55 55 55 Fe CoT Q CoT Quest Reward 66 103 P   21 16               1 1     0 0 0 23 Dod Rating
Arctic Boots 69 38 38 38 Fe LW 350 LW Recipe 70 142 E   37 54                              
Glider's Boots of the Bandit 69 40 40 40 Fe Kar 5% Shadikith 70 115 P   29 44   29                          
WRIST AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Guardian's Dragonhide Bracers 110 54 55 54 Wr PVP PVP 90 HP 70 154 P   25 53   24         19   1             HEAD
Guardian's Leather Bracers 103 53 52 53 Wr PVP PVP 90 HP 70 154 P   28 46   15         17     1           NECK
Vindicator's Dragonhide Bracers 102 50 50 50 Wr PVP PVP 1 SWP Wrist Token 70 141 P   22 47   21         19   1             SHOU.
Slayer's Bracers 97 71 70 71 Wr SWP 60% Kalecgos 70 154 P   32 45 18       17       1             CHEST
Vindicator's Leather Bracers 95 48 48 49 Wr PVP PVP 1 SWP Wrist Token 70 141 P   25 39   12         17     1           WAIST
Insidious Bands 91 57 56 57 Wr BT 16% Teron Gorefiend 70 141 P   31 53 12                 1           LEGS
Deadly Cuffs 89 65 65 65 Wr HS 15% Rage Winterchill 70 141 P   29 31 12 28               1           FEET
Veteran's Leather Bracers 86 43 43 44 Wr PVP PVP 130 JP 70 126 P   21 33   9         17     1           WRIST
Master Assassin Wristwraps 78 51 51 52 Wr SC Ven 182 JP 70 128 P   25 36   20               1           HANDS
Band of the Swift Paw 78 46 45 46 Wr SC Ven 182 JP 70 128 P 2 26 48                   1           FINGER
General's Leather Bracers 77 40 40 41 Wr PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 113 P   19 28   7         15     1           TRINK.
Marshal's Leather Bracers 77 40 40 41 Wr PVP All No Longer Available 70 113 P   19 28   7         15     1           BACK
Vambraces of Ending 73 40 40 40 Wr Eye 21% Solarian 70 128 P   26 45               1               THRO.
Vrykul Shackles 71 36 36 36 Wr UK R Random UK Drop 70 155 E   27 59 16                             RANG.
Swiftstrike Bracers 66 39 37 40 Wr LW 375 BT Recipe Drop 70 141 E   25 48         27                     ENCH.
Vendetta Bindings (Horde) 66 42 41 44 Wr UK Q UK Quest Reward 68 155 P   28 41         29                    
Shard-bound Bracers 63 35 35 35 Wr BEM Exa Ogri Exalted Reward 70 105 P   21 36               1              
Spymistress's Wristguards 56 46 46 46 Wr SL Q SL Quest Reward 68 115 P   18 15 15               1            
Ravager's Wrist-Wraps of the Bandit 52 30 31 30 Wr Kar 5% Rokad the Ravager 70 115 P   22 33   22                          
Wildevar Armguards of the Bandit 52 30 31 30 Wr R 70-74 Random World Drop 70 142 E   22 33   22                          
Primalstrike Bracers (LW) 52 32 32 32 Wr LW 375 LW Recipe 70 115 P   32 33                              
Bracers of Maliciousness 50 33 34 33 Wr Kar 16% Maiden of Virtue 70 115 P   25 25   22                          
Bone-Inlaid Bracers 50 35 35 35 Wr HF Q HF Quest Reward 68 138 P   30 24   12                          
Nightfall Wristguards 49 24 24 24 Wr OHF-H 10% Epoch the Hunter 70 110 P   24 42                              
Rhinohide Wristwraps 44 16 16 16 Wr BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P   16 47                              
Whalehunter Cuffs 43 42 42 43 Wr BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P   30     12     16                    
Skystalker's Bracers of the Bandit 43 25 25 25 Wr TF R Random TF Elite 70 115 P   18 27   18                          
Shackles of Quagmirran 42 20 20 20 Wr SP-H 12% Quagmirran 70 115 P   20 36                              
Illidari Bracers of the Bandit 41 24 24 23 Wr SV 6% Ambassador Jerrikar 66 103 E   17 26   17                          
HANDS AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Gloves of Immortal Dusk 148 108 108 109 Ha LW 365 LW Recipe 70 159 E   45 59   33     22       2             HEAD
Shadowed Gauntlets of Paroxysm 139 90 89 92 Ha SWP 3% Entropius 70 159 P   41 71         30     1 1             NECK
Gloves of the Forest Drifter 136 84 84 84 Ha IoQ Ven Sunmote Purchase 70 159 P   42 72   20           1 1             SHOU.
Brutal Gladiator's Leather Gloves 120 48 48 47 Ha PVP S4 140 HP 70 159 P   37 68   24         24         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick CHEST
Slayer's Handguards 114 68 68 67 Ha HS 60% Azgalor 70 146 P   34 65 18 25           1               WAIST
Vengeful Gladiator's Leather Gloves 108 42 42 41 Ha PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P   33 59   19         24         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick LEGS
Liar's Tongue Gloves 107 74 74 74 Ha ML 14% Magtheridon 70 125 P   36 31   26           2               FEET
Handwraps of the Aggressor 106 63 62 65 Ha SC Ven 390 JP 70 141 P   38 66         13         1           WRIST
Merciless Gladiator's Leather Gloves 101 38 39 38 Ha PVP S2 1 SSC/HS Glove Token 70 136 P   31 53   16         24         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick HANDS
Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation 100 69 69 69 Ha Kar 15% Attumen 70 115 P   35 40               1 1             FINGER
Wastewalker Gloves 95 71 70 71 Ha TSH 12% Warchief Kargath 70 115 P   32 34                 1 1           TRINK.
Gladiator's Leather Gloves 91 34 34 34 Ha PVP S1 1 Kara Glove Token 70 123 P   27 46   14         23         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick BACK
Grips of Damnation 91 57 55 58 Ha BT 16% Essence of Anger 70 141 P   38 59         37                     THRO.
Gloves of the Unbound 90 61 61 61 Ha Arc 19% Soccothrates 70 115 P   27 36               1 1             RANG.
Time-Stop Gloves 88 52 52 51 Ha Nex Q Nexus Quest Reward 69 155 P   37 55   38                           ENCH.
Deathmantle Handguards 87 50 50 50 Ha SSC 52% Leotheras the Blind 70 133 P   36 65 24                            
Deft Handguards 84 63 63 64 Ha SP 20% Quagmirran 62 91 P   26 18   12           1   1          
Fel Leather Gloves 83 77 77 77 Ha LW 340 LW Recipe 67 106 E   18   17 24 6           1 1          
Gloves of the Searing Grip 82 43 41 44 Ha Eye 20% Al'ar the Phoenix God 70 128 P   33 65       18                      
Drake Tamer's Gloves 82 55 55 55 Ha SV Q SV Quest Reward 70 114 P   21 33               1 1            
Master Thief's Gloves 81 29 29 29 Ha SL-H 10% Murmur 70 110 P   29 45                       25 0 0 -60% Disarm
Trickster's Stickyfingers 79 47 46 48 Ha SC Ven 312 JP 70 128 P   34 55         25                    
Netherblade Gloves 77 55 55 55 Ha Kar 31% The Curator 70 120 P   36 34 17 25                          
Grips of Deftness 73 38 37 39 Ha Kar 68-72 Random Kar Drop 70 115 P   30 58       15                      
Blessed Grips of Undead Slaying 71 38 37 39 Ha EPL Ven 15 Necrotic Runes 70 115 P   29 57         17                    
Opportunist's Leather Gloves 70 26 27 26 Ha HP Ven Thrallmar/HH Honored 70 115 P   21 36   11         16         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick
Grand Marshal's Leather Gloves 70 26 27 26 Ha PVP All No Longer Available 70 115 P   21 36   11         16         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick
High Warlord's Leather Gloves 70 26 27 26 Ha PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 115 P   21 36   11         16         5 1 1 -10 Energy Kick
FINGER AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Guardian's Band of Triumph 83 35 35 35 Fi PVP PVP 75 HP 70 154 P     38   30 52   8   22                 HEAD
Hard Khorium Band 82 44 43 45 Fi JC 365 SWP Recipe Drop 70 159 E   30 64         28                     NECK
Band of the Eternal Champion 81 43 43 43 Fi CoT Exa SoS Exalted Reward 70 152 P   29 66                       12 14 13 160Ap/10s pr SHOU.
Vindicator's Band of Triumph 76 30 30 30 Fi PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 141 P     34   26 44   8   22                 CHEST
Signet of Eternal Life 73 1 1 1 Fi ZA ? No Longer Available 70 141 P     54             37                 WAIST
Sin'dorei Band of Triumph 72 32 33 32 Fi SWP 36% M'uru 70 141 P     30   28 58       19                 LEGS
Angelista's Revenge 70 36 36 36 Fi IoQ Ven 312 JP 70 141 P   29 54   18                           FEET
Signet of Primal Wrath 69 35 35 35 Fi ZA 19% No Longer Available 70 141 P   28 55   18                           WRIST
Ring of Deceitful Intent 69 32 32 32 Fi BT 15% Shade of Akama 70 141 P   21 64 19                             HANDS
Band of Eternity (Revered) 69 30 30 30 Fi CoT Rev SoS Revered Reward 70 135 P   29 66                               FINGER
Veteran's Band of Triumph 67 24 25 24 Fi PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 128 P     30   22 42       22                 TRINK.
Stormrage Signet Ring 67 48 49 47 Fi BT 16% Illidan Stormrage 70 151 P     33 30 18 66                         BACK
Band of Ruinous Delight 67 48 48 48 Fi SWP 9% Eredar Twins 70 154 P     30   32 66   23                     THRO.
Band of Vile Aggression 67 19 19 19 Fi SSC 11% Hydross the Unstable 70 128 P     37     50       25                 RANG.
Ornate Band of Accuria (70) 65 41 40 42 Fi ? ? ? 70 1 A   26 39   17     17             0 0 0 5% Inc. Exp. ENCH.
Band of Eternity (Honored) 64 28 28 28 Fi CoT Hon SoS Honored Reward 70 136 P   27 62                              
Band of Devastation 64 40 39 41 Fi BT R BT Trash Drop 70 151 P     44     66   31                    
Ring of Lethality 59 35 35 35 Fi SSC 17% Hydross the Unstable 70 128 P   24 42 19                            
Band of Eternity (Friendly) 59 26 26 26 Fi CoT Frien SoS Friendly Reward 70 128 P   25 56                              
Band of the Ranger-General 58 41 42 41 Fi Eye 14% Kael'thas 70 138 P     27 18 28 56                        
Ring of the Recalcitrant 55 25 25 25 Fi ML Q Mag Head Quest 70 125 P   24 51                              
Garona's Signet Ring 54 30 30 30 Fi Kar 16% The Curator 70 115 P   20 41 18                            
Executioner's Band 54 33 34 33 Fi UK Q UK Quest Reward 68 155 P     31   36 52                        
Ring of Indignant Rage 52 35 36 35 Fi BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 70 138 P     27 20 20 45                        
Band of the Exorcist 51 24 25 24 Fi TF Q 50 Spirit Shards 67 95 P     24 10 16 34       11                
Glass Ring of the Bandit 49 29 29 29 Fi R 66-72 Random World Drop 69 138 E   21 31   21                          
Violet Signet of the Master Assassin 49 35 35 35 Fi DP Exa VE Exa Reward 70 130 P     28 25   56                        
Ring of a Thousand Marks 49 36 36 35 Fi Kar 14% Prince Malchezaar 70 125 P     21 19 23 44                        
Bloodstone Band 48 47 47 46 Fi JC 350 JC Recipe 70 138 E       8 16 44           1            
Ring of the Overseer 47 23 23 23 Fi BEM 1% Shartuul 70 105 P   16 42 12                            
Violet Signet (Revered) 47 33 33 32 Fi DP Rev VE Rev Reward 70 120 P     27 24   52                        
Rigid Tuskring 44 18 16 19 Fi BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P     45     24 16                      
Ravenclaw Band 44 27 27 27 Fi SH 14% Talon King Ikiss 68 115 P   20 28 13                            
Band of the Victor 44 27 27 26 Fi HP PVP 15 Marks HH/Thrall 60 80 P     25   13 4           1            
Unstoppable Aggressor's Ring 44 26 26 25 Fi BT 14% Gurtogg Bloodboil 70 141 P 36   28   30                          
Violet Signet (Honored) 43 31 31 31 Fi DP Hon VE Hon Reward 70 110 P     24 22   50                        
Icy Ripper Ring 43 24 24 23 Fi BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P     31   21 42                        
Band of Reanimation 43 22 22 22 Fi Naxx 24% No Longer Available 60 83 P   22 35                              
Kaylaan's Signet (Aldor) 43 21 21 21 Fi Neth Q Aldor Quest Reward 67 109 P   15 38 10                            
Slayer's Mark of the Redemption 43 21 21 21 Fi SV Q SV Quest Reward 68 109 P   15 38 10                            
Circlet of the Victor 42 25 25 25 Fi HP PVP 15 Marks HH/Thrall 60 80 P     25   13             1            
Dread Pirate Ring (70) 41 24 25 24 Fi Dal Q Kalu'ak Fishing Derby 70 1 A     23 20 36                   0 0 0 5% Inc. Exp.
Ring of Reciprocity 38 38 39 38 Fi HP 19% Doom Lord Kazzak 70 120 E       15 19 62                        
TRINKET AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Medallion of the Alliance 299 1 1 1 Tr PVP All No Longer Available 70 128 P                   45         250 1 1 Rem Effects, 2m HEAD
Medallion of the Horde 299 1 1 1 Tr PVP Hor No Longer Available 70 128 P                   45         250 1 1 Rem Effects, 2m NECK
Medallion of the Alliance 272 1 1 1 Tr PVP All 100 HP 70 115 P                   20         250 1 1 Rem Effects, 2m SHOU.
Medallion of the Horde 272 1 1 1 Tr PVP Hor 100 HP 70 115 P                   20         250 1 1 Rem Effects, 2m CHEST
Battlemaster's Resolve 123 46 47 45 Tr PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 156 P           120                 81 1 1 +1750 Health 15s WAIST
Battlemaster's Determination 109 31 31 31 Tr PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 133 P           80                 81 1 1 +1750 Health 15s LEGS
Battlemaster's Determination 109 31 31 31 Tr SC Ven 390 JP 70 133 P           80                 81 1 1 +1750 Health 15s FEET
Inherited Insignia of the Alliance (70) 108 1 1 1 Tr WG Ven 2,725 HP 70 1 A                   44         60 1 1 Rem Effects, 5m WRIST
Inherited Insignia of the Horde (70) 108 1 1 1 Tr WG Ven 2,725 HP 70 1 A                   44         60 1 1 Rem Effects, 5m HANDS
Insignia of the Alliance 100 1 1 1 Tr PVP All 55 HP 1 60 P                             100 1 1 Rem Effects, 5m FINGER
Insignia of the Horde 100 1 1 1 Tr PVP Hor 55 HP 1 60 P                             100 1 1 Rem Effects, 5m TRINK.
Insignia of the Alliance 100 1 1 1 Tr HP Q HP Quest Reward 55 60 P                             100 1 1 Rem Effects, 5m BACK
Insignia of the Horde 100 1 1 1 Tr HP Q HP Quest Reward 55 60 P                             100 1 1 Rem Effects, 5m THRO.
Gnomish Lightning Generator (Eng) 89 56 57 55 Tr Eng 425 Eng Recipe 65 200 P         84                   50 25 25 1530-1870 Bolt RANG.
Talisman of the Alliance 79 1 1 1 Tr PVP All 120 HP 70 90 P                   34         42 1 1 877-969 heal/2m
Talisman of the Horde 79 1 1 1 Tr PVP Hor 120 HP 70 90 P                   34         42 1 1 877-969 heal/2m
Sonic Booster (Eng) 74 28 28 27 Tr Eng 400 Eng Recipe 65 167 E     81                       25 27 27 430 AP 10s
Blackened Naaru Sliver 71 75 73 77 Tr SWP 7% M'uru 70 154 P               54             46 50 48 44APx10 Proc
Dragonspine Trophy 65 68 63 72 Tr GL 13% Gruul the Dragonkiller 70 125 P           40                 51 48 57 325Ha/10s pr
Fetish of the Fallen 61 22 22 22 Tr AC 15% Exarch Maladaar 65 100 P           56                 41 1 1 900 heal/2 min
Shard of Contempt 60 61 57 64 Tr MT-H 18% Priestess Delrissa 70 115 P             44               36 39 38 230Ap/20s pr
Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury 58 39 36 43 Tr SB Ven Frenzyheart Tribe Exa 70 200 P               71             25 5 5 5% Inc Dam proc
Oracle Talisman of Ablution 58 31 32 31 Tr SB Ven Oracles Exalted 70 200 P         71                   25 5 5 Rest. En per kill
Goblin Rocket Launcher (Engineer) 57 15 15 15 Tr Eng 350 Engineering Recipe 50 70 E     45                       30 15 15 960-1440 St Rkt
Runed Fungalcap 55 1 1 1 Tr TSP 20% Rokmar the Crackler 62 91 P                   30         22 1 1 Abs 440 Dam
Fury of the Encroaching Storm 53 56 55 58 Tr HF Q HF Quest Reward 68 138 P               44             33 35 35 280 AP 20s
Berserker's Call 53 56 57 56 Tr ZA 14% No Longer Available 70 133 P           90                 21 23 22 360 AP 20s
Tsunami Talisman 50 48 49 47 Tr SSC 15% Leotheras the Blind 70 128 P       10 38                   26 29 28 340Ap/10s pr
Madness of the Betrayer 48 49 49 48 Tr BT 18% Illidari Council 70 141 P       20   84                 8 6 6 10s 42 Crit Proc
Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality 47 37 38 36 Tr BT Exa Ashtongue Exalted 70 141 P                             47 38 36 CPCh 145Cri/10s
Figurine - Shadowsong Panther (JC) 47 50 51 49 Tr JC 375 SSO Rev Recipe 70 125 P           80                 19 20 20 320 AP 15s
Assassin's Alchemist Stone (Alch) 43 42 42 41 Tr Alch 375 Alchemy Recipe 65 125 P           108                 5 1 1 Incr. Pot 40%
Timelapse Shard 42 1 1 1 Tr KoT Exa KoT Exalted Reward 70 105 P     27             24         0 1 1 Reduce Threat
First Mate's Pocketwatch 42 44 44 45 Tr HF Q HF Quest Reward 69 138 P           88                 11 10 12 140 Haste 20s
Empty Mug of Direbrew 41 44 45 44 Tr BRD 20% Coren Direbrew 70 110 P           72                 16 18 17 278 AP 20 sec
Bloodlust Brooch 41 44 45 44 Tr SC Ven 213 JP 70 110 P           72                 16 18 17 278 AP 20 sec
Darkmoon Card: Crusade 40 43 43 42 Tr DMF Ven Blessings Deck 70 100 E                             40 43 42 6 AP proc
Hourglass of the Unraveller 38 37 37 36 Tr BM 16% Temporus 68 112 P         32                   23 25 25 300Ap/10s pr
Slayer's Crest 38 40 41 40 Tr Naxx 17% No Longer Available 60 90 P           64                 15 16 16 260 AP 20 sec
Renataki's Charm of Trickery 35 4 4 4 Tr ZG Q ZG Quest Reward 60 65 P                             35 4 4 20 Energy/3 Min
Figurine - Khorium Boar (JC) 34 37 37 36 Tr JC 375 SSO Rev Recipe 70 125 P           84                 5 5 5 Sum Boar 30s
Alchemist Stone (Alch) 34 22 22 22 Tr Alch 350 Alchemy Recipe 65 90 P 15 15 15                       5 1 1 Incr. Pot 40%
Warp-Spring Coil 33 29 30 28 Tr Eye 11% Void Reaver 70 128 P       21                     22 18 17 SA 142 Crit 15s
Talisman of the Tundra 32 34 32 35 Tr BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P               38             14 16 15 248 AP 20s
Warsong's Fervor (Horde) 32 27 27 26 Tr BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P         31                   18 16 15 304 AP 20s
Death Knight's Anguish (Alliance) 32 25 26 25 Tr BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P         31                   18 14 13 15 Crit Proc
Braxley's Backyard Moonshine 31 33 32 34 Tr HF Q HF Quest Reward 68 138 P               26             19 21 20 328 AP 20s
Mark of Conquest 30 21 22 21 Tr Zan Q 30 Mark of HH/Thrall 62 91 P           54                 12 1 1 90-120 Heal Pr
Drake Fang Talisman 30 32 32 32 Tr BWL 19% Ebonroc 60 75 P       20   56                 0 0 0 12 Dod Rating
Core of Ar'kelos 30 32 32 32 Tr Neth Q Neth Quest Reward 67 108 P           52                 12 13 12 200 AP 20 sec
Bladefist's Breadth 30 28 29 28 Tr HP Q HP Quest Reward 58 88 P         26                   18 19 19 200 AP 15s
Fury of the Crimson Drake 28 29 26 31 Tr Cold Q Cold Quest Reward 69 138 P               36             11 10 12 140 Haste 20s
Swift Hand of Justice (70) 21 21 19 23 Tr Var Ven 2,725 JP / 75 Ch Seal 70 1 A               44             0 0 0 2% Heal per Kill
BACK AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin 100 62 60 64 Ba SWP 33% Kil'jaeden 70 164 P   26 59     4   32         1           HEAD
The Gladiator's Resolution 82 34 34 33 Ba PVP PVP 90 HP 70 156 P     42   33 56       20                 NECK
Dory's Embrace 76 33 33 34 Ba SC Ven 312 JP 70 136 P     34   20 46   17   20                 SHOU.
Inherited Cape of the Black Baron (70) 65 41 40 42 Ba Hon G10 Hon GLevel 10 1200G 70 1 A   26 39   17     17             0 0 0 5% Inc. Exp. CHEST
Tattered Cape of Antonidas 65 36 35 37 Ba SWP 16% Kil'jaeden 70 164 P     48         32       1             WAIST
Thalassian Wildercloak 63 29 29 29 Ba Eye 13% Kael'thas 70 138 P   28 59                               LEGS
Shroud of Fluid Strikes 60 37 36 39 Ba Nex Q Nexus Quest Reward 69 159 P     42     60   30                     FEET
Shadowmoon Destroyer's Drape 60 45 46 45 Ba BT 16% Teron Gorefiend 70 141 P     24 17 24 72                         WRIST
Sergeant's Heavy Cloak 59 22 22 21 Ba PVP PVP No Longer Available 70 123 P     27   19 38       19                 HANDS
Cloak of Fiends 57 33 31 34 Ba ZA 8% No Longer Available 70 128 P   20 42         25                     FINGER
Cloak of Darkness 54 32 33 32 Ba LW 360 VE Exalted Recipe 70 120 E 23   25   24           1               TRINK.
Drape of the Dark Reavers 54 34 34 34 Ba Kar 14% Shade of Aran 70 115 P   24 35 17                             BACK
Wayfarer's Cloak of the Bandit 52 30 31 30 Ba R 70-74 Random World Drop 70 142 E   22 33   22                           THRO.
Vengeance Wrap 51 49 50 49 Ba Tail 365 World Drop Recipe 70 105 E       2 23 52           1             RANG.
Blood Knight War Cloak 49 23 23 23 Ba SC Ven 130 JP 70 110 P   23 44                               ENCH.
The Frost Lord's War Cloak 49 23 23 23 Ba SP 12% Lord Ahune 70 110 P   23 44                              
Cloak of the Pit Stalker 48 30 31 30 Ba ML 15% Magtheridon 70 125 P     28   24 56                        
Farstrider Wildercloak 46 27 27 26 Ba Kar 15% Prince Malchezaar 70 125 P     36     70                        
Seared Scale Cape 44 16 16 16 Ba Cold Q Cold Quest Reward 69 138 P   16 46                              
Auchenai Death Shroud 43 25 25 25 Ba AC-H 17% Avatar of Martyred 70 115 P   15 32 17                            
Terokk's Might 43 16 16 16 Ba TF 5% Terokk 70 105 E   16 45                              
Assailant Shroud 40 31 32 31 Ba BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 70 138 P     18 16   60                        
Black-Iron Battlecloak 35 34 34 33 Ba SV 19% Doomwalker 70 120 E         30 60                        
THROWN WEAPONS AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Blade of Life's Inevitability 65 42 41 43 Th SWP R Trash Mobs 70 154 P     19     40   16         1   10 1 1 Thrown Bonus HEAD
Brutal Gladiator's War Edge 60 21 21 20 Th PVP S4 95 HP 70 154 P     27   18 34       12         10 1 1 Thrown Bonus NECK
Vengeful Gladiator's War Edge 56 19 19 18 Th PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P     24   17 30       12         10 1 1 Thrown Bonus SHOU.
Merciless Gladiator's War Edge 53 18 18 17 Th PVP S2 No Longer Available 70 136 P     21   16 28       12         10 1 1 Thrown Bonus CHEST
Gladiator's War Edge 46 14 14 14 Th PVP S1 No Longer Available 70 123 P     15   11 24       12         10 1 1 Thrown Bonus WAIST
Distracting Blades 41 20 20 21 Th MT 21% Selin Fireheart 70 115 P   14 20         10             10 1 1 Thrown Bonus LEGS
Twisted Blades of Zarak 41 30 30 30 Th BT 10% Teron Gorefiend 70 141 P   23     16                   10 1 1 Thrown Bonus FEET
Tuskarr's Piercers of the Bandit 38 18 18 18 Th R 70-74 Random World Drop 70 142 E   12 18   12                   10 1 1 Thrown Bonus WRIST
Spinesever 38 18 18 18 Th R PP Strong Junkbox 70 100 E   11 20 10                     10 1 1 Thrown Bonus HANDS
Shuriken of Negation 36 17 17 17 Th GL 12% Gruul the Dragonkiller 70 125 P     19     42                 10 1 1 Thrown Bonus FINGER
Sethekk Feather-Darts 35 16 16 16 Th SH 12% Darkweaver Syth 68 112 P   15 17                       10 1 1 Thrown Bonus TRINK.
Serpentshrine Shuriken 34 15 15 15 Th SSC R SSC Trash Mobs 70 134 P     14 12 20                   10 1 1 Thrown Bonus BACK
Assassin's Shuriken of the Bandit 32 13 14 13 Th R 71-72 Random World Drop 70 120 E   9 14   9                   10 1 1 Thrown Bonus THRO.
Mark V's Throwing Star 30 12 12 12 Th Neth Q Neth Quest Reward 67 108 P   7 15 7                     10 1 1 Thrown Bonus RANG.
Felsteel Whisper Knives 27 18 18 17 Th BS 360 BS Recipe 70 110 E       10 10 20                 10 1 1 Thrown Bonus
OTHER RANGED WEAPONS AEP MAEP MUT COM Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi St Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Re B R Y M ASp MSp CSp Special LINKS
Barrel-Blade Longrifle 59 57 57 57 Ra SV 17% Doomwalker 70 120 E   16     3             2             HEAD
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury 48 31 31 32 Ra SWP 17% Kil'jaeden 70 164 P   17 26   16     17                     NECK
Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas 45 28 28 27 Ra SWP 23% Eredar Twins 70 154 P   18 26   25                           SHOU.
Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer 40 19 18 19 Ra Eng 375 Engineering Recipe 70 115 E     30                   1           CHEST
Legionkiller 39 21 21 21 Ra BT 15% Supremus 70 141 P   21 30                               WAIST
Brutal Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow 38 7 7 6 Ra PVP S4 350 HP 70 154 P     27   17         13                 LEGS
Brutal Gladiator's Longbow 38 7 7 6 Ra PVP S4 350 HP 70 154 P     27   17         13                 FEET
Brutal Gladiator's Rifle 38 7 7 6 Ra PVP S4 350 HP 70 154 P     27   17         13                 WRIST
Serpent Spine Longbow 37 25 25 25 Ra SSC 12% Lady Vashj 70 141 P   19 17   16                           HANDS
Vengeful Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow 36 6 6 6 Ra PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P     24   16         13                 FINGER
Vengeful Gladiator's Longbow 36 6 6 6 Ra PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P     24   16         13                 TRINK.
Vengeful Gladiator's Rifle 36 6 6 6 Ra PVP S3 No Longer Available 70 146 P     24   16         13                 BACK
Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix 35 19 19 19 Ra Kar 15% Prince Malchezaar 70 125 P   19 26                               THRO.
Fury of the Raging Dragon 33 19 19 19 Ra BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward 68 138 P   12 24 12                             RANG.
Arcanite Steam-Pistol 30 30 30 30 Ra Eye 21% Al'ar the Phoenix God 70 134 P   20   19                             ENCH.
Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle 30 16 16 16 Ra Kar 24% The Big Bad Wolf 70 115 P   16 23                              
Bristleblitz Striker 29 10 10 9 Ra HS 16% Archimonde 70 151 P     28   25                          
Dutiful Longbow of the Bandit 28 17 17 17 Ra R 70-74 Random World Drop 70 142 E   12 18   12                          
Inelegant Musket of the Bandit 28 17 17 17 Ra R 70-74 Random World Drop 70 142 E   12 18   12                          
Sinewed Crossbow of the Bandit 28 17 17 17 Ra R 70-74 Random World Drop 70 142 E   12 18   12                          
Marksman's Bow 28 18 18 18 Ra HP Exa Thrallmar Exa., 160g 70 100 P   12 17 11                            
Veteran's Musket 28 18 18 18 Ra HP Exa Honor Hold Exalted 70 100 P   12 17 11                            
Mama's Insurance 28 18 18 18 Ra Neth Q Neth Quest Reward 67 111 P   16 15   6                          
Tuskbreaker 27 28 27 29 Ra ZA 7% No Longer Available 70 132 P   19           18                    
Ancient Amani Longbow 27 26 26 25 Ra ZA 15% No Longer Available 70 132 P   19     18                          
Crossbow of Relentless Strikes 27 26 27 26 Ra IoQ Ven 780 JP 70 146 P       14 18 32                        
Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon (70) 26 16 16 15 Ra WG Ven 3,500 HP 70 1 A         20 22       8                
Charmed Ancient Bone Bow (70) 24 24 25 24 Ra Var Ven 3,500 JP / 95 Ch. Seal 70 1 A       10 13 37                        
AEP: Agility Equivalence Points.� A method to convert the value of item attributes to compare them in terms of Agility points.� Based on the forum discussion by Ming from Lightning's Blade.
AEP: PVP-Oriented formula which focuses on Attack Power, Stamina and Resilience. MAEP: Maximum DPS AEP for use in maximizing PVE raid DPS.� MAEP = Average of PVE (MUT)ilate and (COM)bat values.
See for current AEP/MAEP formulas
Sl: Slot. Loc: The location where the item can be found, usually the initials for a zone.  BS = Blacksmithing, Enc = Enchanting, Eng = Engineering, R = Random World Drop, LW = Leatherworking.
Info: Additional information about the item, such as drop percentage, random mob levels, the skill level required to create it, reputation, honor ranking or (Q)uest item.
Source: The source of the item.� Either the boss who drops it, the location of the recipe or the type of faction or quest required.
Lv: The level required to wear the armor, ilvl: Item Level, Bi: Bind on (P)ickup or (E)quip, St: Strength, Agi: Agility, Sta: Stamina
Hit: Hit Rating, Cri: Crit. Rating, AP: Attack Power, Exp: Expertise, Has: Haste Rating, Mas: Mastery Rating, Re: Resilience, B/R/Y: Gems
M: Meta Socket, ASp: AEP Special Value, MSp: Mutilate Special Value, CSp: Combat Special Value
World of Warcraft Cata Rogue 61-70 Twink Armor Chart 2024 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft 2024 Blizzard Entertainment