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Shadow Panther's Cata Rogue Twink Project
This chart contains the results of DPS tests I performed using various gear setups, talent specs and attack rotations to help determine the best overall configuration for twinking/leveling your Rogue.
4.0.3a DPS Tests
            Prime   SR Burst DPS (Single Rotation) 4.0.3a Sustained DPS (1 Minute DPS Test) 4.0.3a
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
1 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 42.8 41.2 42.8 37.3 44.9 41.8 -17.0% 29.5 31.7 39.0 38.8 33.6 34.5 -19.3%
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 1/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 190.8 220.8 228.0 196.1 194.7 206.1 -33.9% 119.6 111.1 117.6 114.2 117.8 116.1 -22.1%
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, SSx3, Evis 0/0/1 N/A IP 12 146.9 133.2 119.4 133.0 157.8 138.1 -18.7% 110.8 98.2 107.1 105.0 111.0 106.4 -18.6%
10 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 171.7 168.6 166.5 176.8 157.3 168.2 -16.9% 137.6 143.7 131.7 146.7 147.9 141.5 -9.8%
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 6/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 371.9 313.0 319.5 459.2 438.9 380.5 -31.9% 166.0 174.0 173.2 178.0 164.6 171.2 -21.3%
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/6 N/A IP 17 200.4 200.4 173.9 201.4 190.5 193.3 -34.9% 159.5 169.8 168.3 173.9 174.3 169.2 -23.1%
19 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 234.1 222.9 282.8 252.8 267.7 252.1 -21.1% 196.3 200.2 211.4 195.7 212.0 203.1 -16.1%
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 11/0/0 Mut IP 3 719.4 721.1 584.3 530.7 666.7 644.4 -25.4% 277.1 273.7 264.2 258.9 262.5 267.3 -22.9%
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/11 BS IP 11 366.7 408.5 347.1 385.7 427.0 387.0 -33.1% 249.9 266.1 285.3 261.4 261.9 264.9 -25.5%
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 461.0 431.7 365.6 399.9 523.1 436.3 -11.8% 315.2 318.0 330.4 303.1 312.6 315.9 -15.8%
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 516.0 518.2 505.2 466.5 555.2 512.2 -30.3% 258.2 256.5 263.3 267.6 242.8 257.7 -22.2%
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 613.3 526.2 495.7 458.9 570.0 532.8 -27.0% 280.8 294.7 259.8 265.9 276.1 275.5 -19.2%
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 16/0/0 Mut IP 3 1031.7 977.0 968.7 991.7 953.0 984.4 -40.4% 426.5 409.9 397.3 453.2 452.3 427.8 -22.4%
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/16 BS WP 2 1334.5 1367.0 1406.0 1338.5 1341.5 1357.5 -37.4% 404.3 387.8 429.1 412.6 397.5 406.3 -22.0%
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 1392.0 1866.5 1961.5 1951.5 1457.0 1725.7 -22.6% 408.9 410.8 412.4 413.5 421.5 413.4 -18.1%
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 613.3 695.4 652.7 648.7 642.5 650.5 -20.1% 480.5 473.8 452.6 495.5 484.5 477.4 -15.2%
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 1771.5 1766.0 1580.5 1531.5 1435.0 1616.9 -21.4% 422.6 436.4 434.8 423.7 414.0 426.3 -20.0%
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 21/0/0 Mut IP 2 1781.5 1906.5 2106.5 2602.5 2734.0 2226.2 -24.8% 597.0 622.5 612.8 617.3 580.2 606.0 -22.6%
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/21 BS WP 2 1894.0 2069.5 1891.0 1968.5 2058.0 1976.2 -28.9% 554.1 568.9 558.1 617.3 544.5 568.6 -18.0%
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2109.0 1974.5 1353.5 2693.0 1889.0 2003.8 -33.5% 638.3 633.1 550.4 607.1 555.1 596.8 -13.3%
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 869.1 788.7 826.6 897.9 838.3 844.1 -30.1% 628.2 657.3 655.9 668.6 643.1 650.6 -13.4%
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 1601.5 2696.0 1984.5 2787.0 1967.5 2207.3 -28.6% 602.8 585.3 633.0 587.7 644.6 610.7 -14.1%
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 31/0/0 Mut, Evis IP 2 3258.5 3764.5 3267.0 3938.5 3121.0 3469.9 -24.7% 1211.0 1110.0 1169.0 1106.0 982.8 1115.8 -9.5%
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/31 BS, Evis WP 2 4435.5 4348.5 3372.0 3660.0 3096.0 3782.4 -29.9% 1121.0 1021.0 1139.0 1153.0 1155.0 1117.8 -11.1%
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 4193.5 3483.0 4707.0 4467.0 4494.5 4269.0 -12.1% 1171.3 1121.5 1258.2 1137.4 1116.2 1160.9 -17.2%
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11 1961.0 1437.0 1598.0 1472.0 1785.0 1650.6 -11.8% 1357.0 1198.0 1346.0 1193.0 1173.0 1253.4 2.0%
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 4370.0 3797.5 3419.0 4620.0 3501.0 3941.5 -25.7% 1286.5 1205.2 1300.6 1255.6 1338.8 1277.3 -10.8%
4.0.1 DPS Tests
            Prime   SR Burst DPS (Single Rotation) 4.0.1 Sustained DPS (1 Minute DPS Test) 4.0.1
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
1 Base Dirk Dirk SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 14.9 13.4 13.1 14.6 14.3 14.1 42.0%              
1 Base Shortsword Shortsword SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 15.9 19.7 16.3 16.4 14.1 16.5 47.7%              
1 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 48.7 50.2 40.3 39.8 49.8 45.8 35.8%              
1 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 42.9 40.2 51.0 39.4 43.4 43.4 27.2%              
1 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 48.9 51.4 54.2 47.9 58.3 52.1 46.6%              
1 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 51.8 55.6 51.2 58.7 51.5 53.8 53.2% 37.1 44.0 42.9 43.2 45.3 42.5 23.0%
1 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 60.4 38.2 48.7 47.5 51.2 49.2 26.3%              
1 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 51.9 55.8 50.5 41.6 52.1 50.4 18.2% 42.3 44.0 45.5 40.1 42.0 42.8 30.6%
1 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5 N/A N/A N/A 13 59.0 57.3 58.4 49.7 54.9 55.9 40.6% 43.0 43.4 35.5 44.0 40.3 41.2 24.7%
                  Average increase over 3.3.5 DPS Tests -> 37.5%             26.1%
                        Level 1 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
                        Superior Striking x2 43.7 40.1 49.5 54.2 51.1 47.7 4.9
  316% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Agility x2 55.1 68.0 63.0 53.4 65.3 61.0 18.2
                        Fiery Weapon x2 54.5 49.3 50.8 48.9 45.6 49.8 7.0
                        Lifestealing x2 (# of Procs) 9 17 11 12 15    
                        Lifestealing x2 (DPS/HPS) 6.0 11.3 7.3 8.0 10.0   8.5
                        Crusader x2 (DPS) 53.9 61.1 51.8 49.0 52.7 53.7 10.9
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 8.3 7.5 6.6 5.4 6.5 6.9 6.9
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
10 Monkey Blade of Cunning Curved Dagger of Agility Mutx2, Evis 1/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 186.2 162.1 178.1 195.3 193.7 183.1 N/A              
10 Monkey Blade of Cunning Curved Dagger of Agility ShS, Amb, SSx3, Evis 0/0/1 N/A IP 12 112.1 118.6 90.6 76.7 82.8 96.2 123.1%              
10 Monkey Brutish Riverpaw Axe Brutish Riverpaw Axe SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 97.8 129.8 104.7 97.9 95.2 105.1 106.7%              
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 1/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 308.9 331.3 269.8 330.4 318.1 311.7 N/A 151.8 141.9 152.0 147.6 151.7 149.0 N/A
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Mutx2, Evis 1/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 325.0 309.6 241.5 272.4 250.2 279.7 N/A              
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, SSx3, Evis 0/0/1 N/A IP 12 207.7 162.4 148.2 146.3 184.2 169.8 124.3% 133.0 133.5 134.9 125.8 126.6 130.8 93.6%
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris ShS, Amb, SSx3, Evis 0/0/1 N/A IP 12 198.5 197.8 228.6 150.4 152.0 185.5 145.0%              
10 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 170.4 198.3 160.9 179.7 180.0 177.9 112.4%              
10 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 185.9 185.6 171.0 145.0 182.1 173.9 104.2% 142.9 156.3 144.4 157.4 141.7 148.5 120.4%
10 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 185.1 175.3 212.1 173.7 180.3 185.3 116.9%              
10 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 204.5 225.1 195.9 216.7 170.0 202.4 113.7% 158.3 165.4 146.4 160.4 153.9 156.9 117.5%
10 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A IP 11 201.5 207.2 204.0 181.5 168.5 192.5 107.3% 150.9 148.4 161.3 145.8 149.2 151.1 113.8%
                  Average increase over 3.3.5 DPS Tests -> 117.1%             111.3%
                        Level 10 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
                        Superior Striking x2 162.3 181.5 170.2 176.1 178.0 173.6 16.7
  133% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Agility x2 210.2 202.5 196.5 186.6 198.1 198.8 41.9
                        Fiery Weapon x2 176.6 186.7 176.2 188.6 165.9 178.8 21.9
                        Lifestealing x2 (# of Procs) 24 20 20 16 14    
                        Lifestealing x2 (DPS/HPS) 16.0 13.3 13.3 10.7 9.3   12.5
                        Crusader x2 (DPS) 204.4 185.4 187.1 194.6 183.1 190.9 34.0
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 7.5 8.7 4.9 5.2 6.0 6.4 6.4
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
19 Monkey Spikelash Dagger Goblin Screwdriver Mutx2, Evis 6/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 296.3 378.8 408.8 418.0 314.1 363.2 N/A              
19 Monkey Spikelash Dagger Goblin Screwdriver ShS, Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/6 N/A IP 17 195.2 212.8 169.3 153.2 189.1 183.9 128.6%              
19 Monkey Jagged Star of the Monkey Block Mallet SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 165.0 201.8 198.5 197.2 182.2 188.9 100.2%              
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 6/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 595.6 446.6 648.3 528.5 575.0 558.8 N/A 201.4 234.7 222.4 202.2 226.5 217.4 N/A
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Mutx2, Evis 6/0/0 N/A IP 3-4 461.6 601.2 507.9 471.9 573.2 523.2 N/A              
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/6 N/A IP 17 339.7 304.9 264.0 305.8 270.4 297.0 116.5% 226.1 216.3 213.4 228.7 215.5 220.0 108.6%
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris ShS, Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/6 N/A IP 17 277.5 266.3 283.3 292.7 294.2 282.8 135.2%              
19 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 294.9 337.4 268.6 335.0 265.5 300.3 102.8%              
19 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 337.3 304.7 279.3 330.1 321.6 314.6 116.7% 233.9 238.3 231.8 226.2 238.9 233.8 104.6%
19 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 299.3 316.4 308.0 277.8 318.5 304.0 110.8%              
19 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 286.0 310.6 325.8 334.4 340.3 319.4 108.9% 235.9 251.8 241.8 254.1 227.5 242.2 112.3%
19 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/6/0 N/A IP 10 270.7 320.4 297.2 283.5 373.9 309.1 111.5% 255.6 243.3 254.8 234.6 252.6 248.2 115.5%
                  Average increase over 3.3.5 DPS Tests -> 114.6%             110.2%
                        Level 19 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
                        Superior Striking x2 261.2 242.5 257.2 232.0 267.7 252.1 9.9
  87% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Agility x2 298.0 265.3 261.9 270.2 283.1 275.7 33.5
                        Fiery Weapon x2 282.0 250.1 235.0 245.7 249.4 252.4 10.2
                        Lifestealing x2 (# of Procs) 21 17 14 21 22    
                        Lifestealing x2 (DPS/HPS) 14.0 11.3 9.3 14.0 14.7   12.7
                        Crusader x2 (DPS) 231.0 242.9 264.9 279.6 302.0 264.1 21.9
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 1.7 3.8 3.6 5.5 9.1 4.7 4.7
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
29 Monkey Broad Bladed Knife Honed Stiletto of the Tiger Mutx2, Evis 11/0/0 Mut IP 3 675.0 751.0 609.0 696.0 758.0 697.8 N/A              
29 Monkey Broad Bladed Knife Honed Stiletto of the Tiger ShS, Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/11 BS IP 11 370.5 424.3 406.0 357.8 392.2 390.2 99.1%              
29 Monkey Sequoia Hammer of the Tiger Hillborne Axe of the Monkey SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 348.8 382.2 456.1 326.6 427.9 388.3 102.0%              
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 11/0/0 Mut IP 3 760.3 934.3 996.7 795.7 830.0 863.4 N/A 339.5 348.0 352.4 342.8 351.7 346.9 N/A
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Mutx2, Evis 11/0/0 Mut IP 3 762.3 1008.7 790.7 1069.7 1065.0 939.3 N/A 365.0 367.4 354.1 344.4 334.9 353.2 N/A
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/11 BS IP 11 585.5 525.3 653.6 500.1 629.3 578.8 126.5% 411.2 326.5 348.8 336.7 354.1 355.5 84.6%
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris ShS, Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/11 BS IP 11 542.4 469.1 622.3 512.0 574.8 544.1 105.5%              
29 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 574.3 491.8 421.0 713.2 419.1 523.9 115.8%              
29 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 566.4 637.1 500.9 448.6 468.7 524.3 102.6%              
29 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 480.8 573.4 545.3 468.5 449.6 503.5 90.9%              
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 576.7 517.9 459.6 435.4 482.7 494.5 95.7% 372.5 374.0 364.1 395.5 369.6 375.1 90.2%
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/11/0 SS IP 5-11 465.2 587.7 520.5 439.1 408.0 484.1 97.5% 364.0 389.8 368.0 365.9 373.5 372.2 79.9%
29 Monkey Broad Bladed Knife Honed Stiletto of the Tiger ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 515.5 463.0 488.8 538.8 558.3 512.9 N/A              
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 754.0 712.9 662.4 730.4 639.9 699.9 N/A              
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 817.7 723.8 635.2 788.1 710.6 735.1 N/A 367.3 314.5 341.0 307.9 325.8 331.3 N/A
29 Monkey Sequoia Hammer of the Tiger Hillborne Axe of the Monkey ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 496.2 476.3 491.2 521.5 535.9 504.2 N/A              
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 672.6 807.9 741.9 531.2 893.4 729.4 N/A 325.5 335.7 342.0 371.3 329.7 340.8 N/A
29 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade ShS, Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/11 Evis IP 7 672.6 743.6 816.1 728.1 765.2 745.1 N/A 323.8 345.4 356.4 356.8 357.8 348.0 N/A
                  Average increase over 3.3.5 DPS Tests -> 104.0%             84.9%
                        Level 29 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
                        Superior Striking x2 402.6 384.0 403.3 352.4 382.0 384.9 9.7
                        Agility x2 408.1 412.4 406.0 426.8 396.0 409.9 34.7
                        Fiery Weapon x2 366.8 383.5 395.5 364.4 418.4 385.7 10.6
                        Lifestealing x2 (# of Procs) 13 12 16 13 22    
                        Lifestealing x2 (DPS/HPS) 8.7 8.0 10.7 8.7 14.7   10.1
  100% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Crusader x2 (DPS) 394.5 470.1 427.4 389.7 427.8 421.9 46.8
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 4.5 7.7 6.5 6.8 6.9 6.5 6.5
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/16 BS WP 2 1800.0 1913.0 1184.0 1754.0 2329.0 1796.0 581.2%              
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Hemox5, Evis 0/0/16 Evis WP 11 461.5 452.4 383.4 402.3 359.1 411.7 76.9%              
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 2340.0 1839.0 1770.0 2262.0 1648.0 1971.8 425.6%              
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Mutx2, Evis 16/0/0 Mut IP 3 887.2 1269.0 1023.0 990.0 1240.0 1081.8 N/A              
39 Monkey Heavy Mithril Axe Knightly Longsword of the Monkey SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 521.7 510.6 690.3 566.7 509.3 559.7 83.7%              
39 Monkey Heavy Mithril Axe Knightly Longsword of the Monkey Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 1804.0 1671.0 2267.5 1824.0 1832.5 1879.8 N/A              
39 Monkey Heavy Mithril Axe Knightly Longsword of the Monkey Hemox5, Evis 0/0/16 Evis WP 11 399.4 465.2 378.6 390.3 408.7 408.4 57.7%              
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Mutx2, Evis 16/0/0 Mut IP 3 1849.0 1639.0 2020.0 1152.0 1604.0 1652.8 N/A 525.2 511.0 570.2 558.1 590.8 551.1 N/A
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Mutx2, Evis 16/0/0 Mut IP 3 1216.0 1358.0 1193.0 1283.0 1608.0 1331.6 N/A              
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/16 BS WP 2 1552.0 2812.0 2271.0 2196.0 2010.0 2168.2 469.9% 505.3 543.8 493.3 568.2 495.0 521.1 96.8%
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Hemox5, Evis 0/0/16 Evis WP 11 535.5 526.0 571.3 567.9 541.9 548.5 44.7%              
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 2152.0 2644.0 2187.0 2023.0 2144.0 2230.0 331.4% 500.5 509.7 482.3 539.0 491.6 504.6 57.8%
39 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 914.2 835.0 595.1 730.2 719.3 758.8 N/A              
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 770.9 669.3 878.5 953.6 800.5 814.6 95.9% 565.8 571.8 524.5 536.4 615.1 562.7 77.6%
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 774.7 903.9 792.8 622.7 957.0 810.2 N/A 584.9 598.6 573.9 598.3 588.9 588.9 N/A
39 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 910.4 912.9 851.2 1034.0 710.6 883.8 89.8%              
39 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 750.5 717.0 831.8 782.4 734.9 763.3 N/A              
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Hemox5, Evis 0/0/16 Evis WP 11 682.3 638.4 643.5 560.2 681.8 641.2 68.5%              
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 1569.0 2174.0 2304.0 2067.0 2176.0 2058.0 N/A 523.0 542.5 510.9 570.6 518.6 533.1 N/A
39 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Hemox5, Evis 0/0/16 Evis WP 11 493.5 704.3 611.6 503.5 633.2 589.2 61.7%              
39 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 2704.0 2077.0 2689.0 2086.0 2760.0 2463.2 N/A 485.1 489.6 502.2 486.1 532.0 499.0 N/A
                  Average increase over 3.3.5 DPS Tests -> 198.9%             77.4%
    39 Twink Enchanted Weapon Tests                                        
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
39 Twink Protector's Sword (Mongoose) Dazzling Longsword (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 1012.0 1098.0 839.7 826.4 1217.0 998.6 N/A 640.8 586.0 612.9 622.0 579.3 608.2 N/A
39 Twink Protector's Sword (Mongoose) Vanquisher's Sword (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 721.4 733.4 1368.0 827.5 1077.0 945.5 N/A 627.2 685.0 670.6 583.6 648.0 642.9 N/A
39 Twink Mallet of Zul'Farrak (Mongoose) Dazzling Longsword (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 1003.0 844.3 877.5 1027.0 830.0 916.4 N/A 619.9 683.3 644.5 631.3 670.1 649.8 N/A
39 Twink Mallet of Zul'Farrak (Mongoose) Vanquisher's Sword (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 818.2 795.3 771.7 1222.0 784.3 878.3 N/A 671.3 574.6 666.6 649.1 708.7 654.1 N/A
39 Twink Vanquisher's Sword (Mongoose) Dazzling Longsword (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/16/0 SS WP 4-11 629.9 1503.0 710.1 777.1 834.5 890.9 N/A 646.9 589.6 700.5 607.6 679.0 644.7 N/A
39 Twink Mallet of Zul'Farrak (Mongoose) Vanquisher's Sword (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 2745.0 2754.0 2724.0 1984.0 2128.0 2467.0 N/A 555.3 510.5 541.3 649.9 571.6 565.7 N/A
39 Twink Sentinel Blade (Mongoose) Coldrage Dagger (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/16 Evis WP 2 2923.0 2592.0 2157.0 2066.0 2033.0 2354.2 N/A 477.2 509.1 641.5 518.0 557.6 540.7 N/A
39 Twink Sentinel Blade (Mongoose) Coldrage Dagger (Mongoose) Mutx2, Evis 16/0/0 Mut IP 3 2205.0 2141.0 1744.0 3113.5 2074.0 2255.5 N/A 692.1 500.3 522.8 571.9 555.2 568.5 N/A
                        Level 39 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
                        Agility x2 603.2 613.4 583.6 598.6 561.6 592.1 29.4
  51% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Crusader x2 (DPS) 626.3 592.4 554.8 605.0 595.9 594.9 32.2
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 3.3 7.0 2.9 6.1 5.4 4.9 4.9
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/21 BS WP 2 3254.0 2474.0 2561.0 2432.0 1825.0 2509.2 418.0%              
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Hemox5, Evis 0/0/21 Evis WP 5-11 667.2 609.8 484.0 728.7 691.6 636.3 41.3%              
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2492.0 2804.0 2576.0 1863.0 2444.0 2435.8 237.6%              
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 21/0/0 Mut IP 2 2047.0 3180.0 2151.0 3245.0 2300.0 2584.6 N/A              
49 Monkey Widow Blade of the Bear Rune Sword of the Tiger SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 681.8 880.1 869.4 980.3 1111.0 904.5 54.8%              
49 Monkey Widow Blade of the Bear Rune Sword of the Tiger Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2286.0 2957.0 3177.0 3147.0 2338.0 2781.0 N/A              
49 Monkey Widow Blade of the Bear Rune Sword of the Tiger Hemox5, Evis 0/0/21 Evis WP 5-11 833.0 659.9 846.4 816.7 1171.0 865.4 105.5%              
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 21/0/0 Mut IP 2 3621.0 3715.0 2689.0 2492.0 2285.0 2960.4 N/A 803.8 915.1 687.4 729.5 777.0 782.6 N/A
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 21/0/0 Mut IP 2 3311.0 2318.0 2313.0 2901.0 3728.0 2914.2 N/A              
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/21 BS WP 2 2817.0 2623.0 2830.0 2818.0 2806.0 2778.8 367.2% 804.7 717.8 651.9 618.3 672.5 693.0 50.5%
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Hemox5, Evis 0/0/21 Evis WP 5-11 783.6 721.6 641.0 845.1 906.2 779.5 26.3%              
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 3388.0 2732.0 2679.0 3629.0 2629.0 3011.4 257.3% 731.3 636.5 698.1 701.9 672.8 688.1 43.4%
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 1602.0 1273.0 1300.0 1009.0 857.0 1208.2 84.3% 744.0 723.2 785.0 780.0 725.9 751.6 48.7%
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 1694.0 978.6 1181.0 1061.0 1103.0 1203.5 77.7% 711.4 730.5 692.8 724.1 753.9 722.5 40.9%
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 922.2 1147.0 778.7 995.6 919.2 952.5 35.6%              
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 1109.0 1338.0 938.4 917.1 1005.0 1061.5 34.4%              
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Rune Sword of the Tiger SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 961.1 1303.0 959.3 1606.0 850.1 1135.9 68.1%              
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Hemox5, Evis 0/0/21 Evis WP 5-11 938.4 894.6 995.1 770.7 1036.0 927.0 62.3%              
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2755.0 3153.0 3619.0 2967.0 2973.0 3093.4 N/A 770.4 681.6 724.5 703.6 676.3 711.3 N/A
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Hemox5, Evis 0/0/21 Evis WP 5-11 698.8 845.4 816.5 1037.0 748.6 829.3 48.4%              
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2847.0 2797.0 2614.5 3654.0 2498.0 2882.1 N/A              
                  Average increase over 3.3.5 DPS Tests -> 127.9%             45.9%
    49 Twink Enchanted Weapon Tests                                        
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Change
49 Twink Gut Ripper (Mongoose) Shadowblade (Mongoose) Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 21/0/0 Mut IP 2 2448.5 2455.0 3030.5 3687.5 2581.5 2840.6 N/A 887.8 918.4 920.6 922.4 840.2 897.9 N/A
49 Twink Widowmaker (Mongoose) Shadowblade (Mongoose) Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 21/0/0 Mut IP 2 2833.5 2091.5 2368.0 2779.0 3130.5 2640.5 N/A 790.7 874.8 832.8 835.8 896.9 846.2 N/A
49 Twink Gut Ripper (Mongoose) Shadowblade (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2846.5 2782.0 3467.0 2983.5 2699.5 2955.7 N/A 800.7 750.9 702.9 825.8 698.5 755.8 N/A
49 Twink Widowmaker (Mongoose) Shadowblade (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2621.0 3641.5 3643.0 2756.0 3266.0 3185.5 N/A 781.5 736.2 744.5 773.9 711.8 749.6 N/A
49 Twink Bloodrazor (Mongoose) Flurry Axe (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 2680.5 2709.5 2850.0 2705.5 3508.5 2890.8 N/A 788.7 705.5 739.2 716.8 805.9 751.2 N/A
49 Twink Thrash Blade (Mongoose) Flurry Axe (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/21 Evis WP 2 3497.0 2681.5 2566.5 3594.0 2863.0 3040.4 N/A 806.7 862.4 896.8 845.0 795.1 841.2 N/A
49 Twink Bloodrazor (Mongoose) Flurry Axe (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 1411.0 1087.0 1304.0 1264.0 1170.0 1247.2 N/A 854.8 926.9 887.5 937.4 777.7 876.9 N/A
49 Twink Thrash Blade (Mongoose) Flurry Axe (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/21/0 SS WP 3-11 1023.0 1537.0 1434.0 1350.0 916.2 1252.0 N/A 900.5 791.4 857.3 847.3 874.6 854.2 N/A
                        Level 49 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
  36% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Agility x2 803.7 763.1 794.8 779.9 726.0 773.5 21.9
                        Crusader x2 (DPS) 803.6 729.5 692.1 728.1 905.5 771.8 20.1
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 4.8 4.3 5.1 1.7 5.8 4.3 4.3
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
59 Monkey Cross Pommel Dagger of Power Liege Blade of the Soldier Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/31 BS, Evis WP 2                            
59 Monkey Cross Pommel Dagger of Power Liege Blade of the Soldier Hemox5, Evis 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 5-11                            
59 Monkey Cross Pommel Dagger of Power Liege Blade of the Soldier Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 5149.0 5292.0 5269.0 4127.5 4341.5 4835.8                
59 Monkey Cross Pommel Dagger of Power Liege Blade of the Soldier Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 31/0/0 Mut, Evis IP 2 4399.0 4134.5 5142.0 4345.0 3575.0 4319.1                
59 Monkey Riversong Mace of the Bandit Liege Blade of the Soldier SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11 1457.0 1791.0 1354.0 1259.0 1620.0 1496.2                
59 Monkey Riversong Mace of the Bandit Liege Blade of the Soldier Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 4224.0 4211.0 5444.0 4184.5 5189.0 4650.5                
59 Monkey Riversong Mace of the Bandit Liege Blade of the Soldier Hemox5, Evis 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 5-11                            
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 31/0/0 Mut, Evis IP 2 3156.5 6265.5 4095.5 4207.0 5314.5 4607.8   1173.0 1243.0 1294.0 1309.0 1147.0 1233.2  
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 31/0/0 Mut, Evis IP 2                            
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (BS) 0/0/31 BS, Evis WP 2 5633.0 5765.5 4557.5 5453.0 5572.5 5396.3   1357.0 1186.0 1273.0 1141.0 1332.0 1257.8  
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Hemox5, Evis 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 5-11                            
59 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 4358.5 4366.5 5662.5 5405.0 4477.5 4854.0   1389.0 1369.0 1458.0 1351.0 1444.0 1402.2  
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11 1729.0 2039.0 1851.0 1897.0 1841.0 1871.4   1234.0 1326.0 1150.0 1148.0 1289.0 1229.4  
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11 1928.0 1831.0 2021.0 3613.0 2717.0 2422.0   1225.0 1380.0 1305.0 1264.0 1283.0 1291.4  
59 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11                            
59 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11                            
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Hemox5, Evis 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 5-11                            
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 5856.5 4802.5 5594.5 4416.5 5860.5 5306.1   1522.0 1429.0 1448.0 1301.0 1461.0 1432.2  
59 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Hemox5, Evis 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 5-11                            
59 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2                            
    59 Twink Enchanted Weapon Tests                                        
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
59 Twink Screaming Dagger (Berserking) Hellfire Skiver (Berserking) Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 31/0/0 Mut, Evis IP 2 4887.5 4098.0 4801.0 3755.0 4624.0 4433.1   1424.0 1332.0 1390.0 1395.0 1452.0 1398.6  
59 Twink Screaming Dagger (Berserking) Alcor's Sunrazor (Mongoose) Stealth, Mutx2, Evis 31/0/0 Mut, Evis IP 2 6412.0 5561.5 4571.0 4809.5 4315.0 5133.8   1361.0 1274.0 1321.0 1425.0 1356.0 1347.4  
59 Twink Screaming Dagger (Berserking) Hellfire Skiver (Berserking) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 4725.5 6087.0 5532.0 4365.5 4600.5 5062.1   1356.0 1303.0 1440.0 1340.0 1270.0 1341.8  
59 Twink Screaming Dagger (Berserking) Alcor's Sunrazor (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 5936.0 5518.0 4137.0 4280.0 5788.0 5131.8   1497.0 1421.0 1413.0 1326.0 1420.0 1415.4  
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan (Cru) Hellfire Skiver (Berserking) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 5686.5 5550.5 5817.0 4107.5 4274.0 5087.1   1432.0 1350.0 1313.0 1561.0 1484.0 1428.0  
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan (Cru) Alcor's Sunrazor (Mongoose) Prem, ShS, Amb, Evis (He) 0/0/31 Evis, Hemo WP 2 5286.5 4394.5 4590.0 5726.5 5498.5 5099.2   1396.0 1501.0 1341.0 1328.0 1282.0 1369.6  
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan (Cru) Hellfire Skiver (Berserking) SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11 1627.0 2018.0 2976.0 1949.0 1916.0 2097.2   1295.0 1249.0 1417.0 1448.0 1370.0 1355.8  
59 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan (Cru) Alcor's Sunrazor (Mongoose) SSx5, Evis 0/31/0 SS, Evis WP 3-11 1837.0 1400.0 2331.0 2259.0 1471.0 1859.6   1450.0 1347.0 1521.0 1457.0 1360.0 1427.0  
                        Level 59 Heirloom Enchant Tests 1 2 3 4 5 Avg En DPS
                        Agility x2 1259.0 1270.0 1298.0 1408.0 1226.0 1292.2 62.8
  39% Twink DPS increase vs. Non-Twink                   Crusader x2 (DPS) 1350.0 1426.0 1350.0 1490.0 1541.0 1431.4 202.0
                        Crusader x2 (HPS) 7.4 11.2 2.9 4.4 3.0 5.8 5.8
3.3.5 DPS Tests
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
1 Base Dirk Dirk SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   11.1 9.2 12.4 8.4 8.4 9.9   7.4 7.6 7.5 7.0 7.3 7.4  
1 Base Shortsword Shortsword SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   12.1 13.5 9.8 9.9 10.5 11.2   7.4 8.1 8.7 8.2 8.2 8.1  
1 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   34.0 29.2 32.2 39.2 33.9 33.7   27.6 29.8 31.7 29.3 29.5 29.6  
1 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   32.4 35.7 33.1 36.5 32.8 34.1   31.2 28.8 31.3 29.5 30.7 30.3  
1 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   32.7 27.4 40.3 42.3 35.1 35.6   34.4 31.5 34.4 30.8 34.2 33.1  
1 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   42.1 33.9 32.7 35.1 31.7 35.1   35.3 36.0 33.2 33.7 34.6 34.6  
1 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   36.7 44.1 38.8 39.1 36.1 39.0   32.2 33.5 36.2 34.0 32.6 33.7  
1 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   41.8 45.0 41.5 47.3 37.6 42.6   31.7 35.1 35.1 32.7 29.2 32.8  
1 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis N/A N/A N/A   39.6 41.0 41.7 35.8 40.6 39.7   33.1 34.9 31.8 35.2 30.4 33.1  
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
10 Monkey Blade of Cunning Curved Dagger of Agility SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   42.9 40.5 46.7 41.5 35.7 41.5   36.2 36.9 32.8 33.2 37.7 35.4  
10 Monkey Blade of Cunning Curved Dagger of Agility BSx5, Evis 0/0/1 N/A N/A   42.9 47.8 40.9 45.1 38.8 43.1   39.0 35.5 35.4 33.7 37.7 36.3  
10 Monkey Brutish Riverpaw Axe Brutish Riverpaw Axe SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   48.1 46.6 55.7 53.1 50.7 50.8   33.7 39.4 40.4 38.2 41.5 38.6  
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   68.0 80.0 73.7 68.0 67.9 71.5   60.6 64.9 64.1 64.8 63.8 63.6  
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   89.3 75.9 76.9 76.9 78.1 79.4   62.5 62.8 64.6 65.8 65.2 64.2  
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker BSx5, Evis 0/0/1 N/A N/A   71.4 68.3 78.7 77.4 82.6 75.7   65.7 68.6 64.8 69.6 69.0 67.5  
10 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris BSx5, Evis 0/0/1 N/A N/A   77.2 70.0 75.5 78.8 77.0 75.7   69.6 69.5 71.0 63.6 65.3 67.8  
10 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   69.7 96.8 85.4 79.8 86.9 83.7   67.4 69.4 67.0 69.0 70.9 68.7  
10 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   84.3 84.9 95.3 81.7 79.7 85.2   61.9 68.5 72.0 69.2 65.4 67.4  
10 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   74.8 84.7 96.8 89.9 80.9 85.4   71.2 69.6 68.8 70.3 67.8 69.5  
10 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   98.7 94.9 91.6 89.1 99.3 94.7   70.5 72.1 70.0 71.7 76.4 72.1  
10 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/1/0 N/A N/A   90.0 105.8 93.7 80.3 94.5 92.9   74.0 68.6 69.4 67.6 73.8 70.7  
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
19 Monkey Spikelash Dagger Goblin Screwdriver SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   74.4 71.8 74.2 88.4 69.7 75.7   62.2 71.9 58.4 65.4 63.3 64.2  
19 Monkey Spikelash Dagger Goblin Screwdriver Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/10 Evis N/A   79.2 81.2 86.3 82.9 72.6 80.4   67.2 66.1 58.3 63.6 66.5 64.3  
19 Monkey Jagged Star of the Monkey Block Mallet SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   99.8 79.7 105.6 93.3 93.4 94.4   79.6 67.4 75.3 75.0 69.6 73.4  
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   117.6 131.3 123.4 139.0 123.6 127.0   116.1 103.8 110.4 101.6 99.9 106.4  
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   141.3 134.6 145.0 133.2 136.0 138.0   108.9 103.7 110.6 102.7 110.3 107.2  
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/10 Evis N/A   130.8 136.8 135.2 156.6 126.5 137.2   107.3 103.6 115.7 103.3 97.5 105.5  
19 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Amb, BSx3, Evis 0/0/10 Evis N/A   125.3 120.0 112.5 116.3 127.2 120.3   114.6 114.3 102.2 112.0 110.6 110.7  
19 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   142.2 155.8 144.4 148.6 149.4 148.1   97.6 114.6 118.0 125.4 110.1 113.1  
19 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   117.3 190.9 152.9 129.1 135.6 145.2   111.5 114.2 114.8 111.6 119.2 114.3  
19 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   113.2 136.7 131.8 157.3 181.9 144.2   116.9 119.5 112.9 110.7 118.9 115.8  
19 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   158.5 123.5 164.8 149.7 168.0 152.9   116.8 114.0 101.8 124.7 113.3 114.1  
19 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/10/0 SS N/A   135.0 161.3 159.4 129.8 145.3 146.2   112.0 117.0 117.5 104.3 125.0 115.2  
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
29 Monkey Broad Bladed Knife Honed Stiletto of the Tiger SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   150.0 157.0 173.0 151.8 150.8 156.5   123.5 119.6 134.6 119.2 123.9 124.2  
29 Monkey Broad Bladed Knife Honed Stiletto of the Tiger Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/20 Evis IP II   206.3 168.3 211.5 196.7 197.0 196.0   144.1 116.6 119.3 122.5 128.1 126.1  
29 Monkey Sequoia Hammer of the Tiger Hillborne Axe of the Monkey SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   175.6 153.4 254.5 207.8 169.7 192.2   129.7 160.6 147.9 147.2 135.5 144.2  
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   284.8 213.1 276.0 219.7 213.5 241.4   186.2 192.1 195.2 204.5 193.6 194.3  
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   199.4 254.1 260.3 275.4 207.9 239.4   189.7 186.8 212.8 189.5 205.9 196.9  
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Balanced Heartseeker Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/20 Evis IP II   244.2 231.5 293.3 250.7 258.0 255.5   177.2 187.3 206.9 207.1 184.3 192.6  
29 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/20 Evis IP II   242.8 294.4 266.0 250.0 270.9 264.8   201.0 197.4 185.4 177.0 189.0 190.0  
29 Twink Battleworn Thrash Blade Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   222.2 255.3 236.9 243.6 255.9 242.8   202.7 195.9 206.1 215.4 214.0 206.8  
29 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   248.7 250.7 252.2 268.4 273.9 258.8   208.6 205.1 192.7 205.2 224.4 207.2  
29 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   245.5 227.4 284.1 272.8 289.3 263.8   209.6 209.7 211.7 226.6 220.2 215.6  
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   261.2 238.9 282.9 248.5 231.8 252.7   196.3 191.4 204.0 190.0 204.3 197.2  
29 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/20/0 SS IP II   209.7 274.5 267.5 247.8 226.1 245.1   203.6 186.2 216.6 207.4 220.6 206.9  
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   256.1 275.1 308.7 223.3 255.0 263.6   180.5 178.9 192.5 179.7 177.7 181.9  
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Hemox5, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   226.3 240.0 212.8 247.2 237.3 232.7   219.9 217.4 201.3 216.7 213.5 213.8  
39 Monkey Fleshripper Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   434.0 320.3 386.2 378.9 356.4 375.2   229.6 212.6 212.8 208.8 203.8 213.5  
39 Monkey Heavy Mithril Axe Knightly Longsword of the Monkey SSx5, Evis 0/30/0 SS,Evis WP   383.8 234.0 295.3 314.7 295.9 304.7   218.2 225.7 216.8 209.0 216.7 217.3  
39 Monkey Heavy Mithril Axe Knightly Longsword of the Monkey Hemox5, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   249.6 255.0 287.8 237.2 265.4 259.0   214.0 218.0 207.6 211.4 218.9 214.0  
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   374.2 389.7 405.7 393.7 339.0 380.5   242.9 261.6 283.7 269.3 266.7 264.8  
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Hemox5, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   372.2 396.1 386.4 406.0 334.6 379.1   300.6 321.2 302.8 312.5 307.7 309.0  
39 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Amb,Hemox2, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   501.2 505.2 571.5 579.5 427.3 516.9   329.9 305.9 318.3 306.6 338.4 319.8  
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/30/0 SS,Evis WP   479.5 365.1 413.0 372.2 449.0 415.8   309.3 304.6 327.1 327.1 316.0 316.8  
39 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/30/0 SS,Evis WP   368.5 436.9 679.9 391.7 451.8 465.8   317.9 325.5 318.1 306.9 315.5 316.8  
39 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Hemox5, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   357.9 391.9 432.0 364.2 356.7 380.5   314.4 288.8 323.6 305.6 299.3 306.3  
39 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Hemox5, Evis 0/0/30 Hemo,Evis WP   372.5 380.1 354.4 365.9 349.3 364.4   308.1 314.0 321.1 297.0 302.9 308.6  
Lvl Gear Main hand Offhand Attack Rotation Spec Glyphs Pois. Secs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg   1 2 3 4 5 Avg  
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   559.9 427.6 519.4 471.1 443.9 484.4   307.2 296.7 287.8 296.6 292.8 296.2  
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Hemox5, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   444.2 543.2 384.0 470.2 410.4 450.4   357.0 367.3 343.6 303.6 338.7 342.0  
49 Monkey Ceremonial Elven Blade Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   738.2 791.4 747.0 672.9 658.3 721.6   379.1 387.1 355.1 354.3 354.1 365.9  
49 Monkey Widow Blade of the Bear Rune Sword of the Tiger SSx5, Evis 0/40/0 SS,Evis WP III   590.3 653.2 521.1 530.9 626.3 584.4   393.8 372.7 396.0 372.7 413.3 389.7  
49 Monkey Widow Blade of the Bear Rune Sword of the Tiger Hemox5, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   405.7 383.9 401.6 437.1 477.8 421.2   380.8 377.2 357.8 357.0 351.4 364.8  
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Amb, BSx2, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   557.0 616.2 545.5 607.9 647.5 594.8   443.9 481.7 432.5 461.1 483.0 460.4  
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Hemox5, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   491.6 627.4 673.0 661.7 633.2 617.4   414.8 367.2 421.6 409.7 375.3 397.7  
49 Twink Balanced Heartseeker Sharpened Scarlet Kris Amb, Hemox2, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   819.2 724.8 843.2 1038.0 788.7 842.8   459.6 532.3 482.7 452.9 471.9 479.9  
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan SSx5, Evis 0/40/0 SS,Evis WP III   596.5 585.1 723.3 721.5 651.5 655.6   517.8 498.2 518.5 476.3 516.5 505.5  
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/40/0 SS,Evis WP III   548.3 771.5 642.3 796.8 627.4 677.3   512.4 518.4 497.6 475.1 561.3 513.0  
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade SSx5, Evis 0/40/0 SS,Evis WP III   669.7 759.8 705.9 685.7 691.0 702.4   464.4 516.3 478.8 486.0 503.2 489.7  
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Sharpened Scarlet Kris SSx5, Evis 0/40/0 SS,Evis WP III   714.1 608.7 1094.0 716.4 816.8 790.0   486.6 476.7 501.1 486.2 522.7 494.7  
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Rune Sword of the Tiger SSx5, Evis 0/40/0 SS,Evis WP III   588.6 661.9 677.4 682.2 768.3 675.7   523.5 529.9 532.1 576.0 500.6 532.4  
49 Twink Venerable Mass of McGowan Venerable Mass of McGowan Hemox5, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   529.0 642.6 565.5 597.2 522.2 571.3   472.7 447.7 471.7 464.6 489.5 469.2  
49 Twink Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Battleworn Thrash Blade Hemox5, Evis 0/0/40 Hemo,Evis WP III   497.6 545.4 682.2 552.5 516.2 558.8   457.7 461.7 443.4 435.0 477.5 455.1  
All tests performed on Level 1 Theramore Combat Dummy, attacking from the front, except for Ambush/Backstab tests.� Note: Weapons only enchanted for Enchant DPS tests.
Attack Rotation: Starting rotation (from stealth if using Ambush) to first Eviscerate. SR Secs: The amount of time it takes to perform a Single Attack Rotation.
Base Gear: Unenchanted, base Level 1 Rogue gear, except for upgraded weapons (Dirk/Shortsword) which can usually be purchased at each starting zone.
Twink Gear: Enchanted, level appropriate DPS Twink gear including all BoA Heirlooms except for Dread Pirate ring.
Monkey Gear: Full set of unenchanted "of the Monkey" or equivalent (Tiger/Bear/Agility) gear, which can commonly be found on the Auction House.
Shadow Panther's Rogue Twink Project 2024 - World of Warcraft 2024 Blizzard Entertainment