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World of Warcraft Rogue Twink Specs
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on the US Earthen Ring Server)
This chart lists sample Twink Specs for each level bracket.
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Shadow Panther's Powerleveling Guide for Rogues - Ideal Gear, Talent Specs & Level-by-Level Recommendations
Twink Specs 10 14 19/20 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84
Assassination 1/0/0 3/0/0 6/0/0 8/0/0 11/0/0 13/0/0 16/0/0 18/0/0 21/0/0 23/0/0 26/0/0 28/0/0 31/0/0 31/2/0 31/2/3 31/2/7
Combat 0/1/0 0/3/0 0/6/0 0/8/0 0/11/0 0/13/0 0/16/0 0/18/0 0/21/0 0/23/0 0/26/0 0/28/0 0/31/0 0/31/2 0/31/5 4/31/5
Subtlety 0/0/1 0/0/3 0/0/6 0/0/8 0/0/11 0/0/13 0/0/16 0/0/18 0/0/21 0/0/23 0/0/26 0/0/28 0/0/31 0/2/31 3/2/31 7/2/31
World of Warcraft Rogue Twink Specs © 2011 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft © 2011 Blizzard Entertainment