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World of Warcraft Cata Rogue 70-79 Twink Weapons Chart
This chart is used to compare the top weapons within the 70-79 PVP bracket to see which are best for twinking/leveling your Rogue.
          PVP Main Hand AEP >         -20 .35 1 .60 .43 .37 .35 .55 .46 .00 1.11 0.5     1 20 21 22 1 1  
          PVP MH Dag AEP >         -9 .35 1 .60 .43 .37 .35 .55 .46 .00 1.11 0     1 20 21 22 1 1  
          PVP OH AEP >         8 .35 1 .60 .43 .37 .35 .55 .46 .00 1.11 1.4     0 20 21 22 1 1  
          PVE MH Mut MAEP >         -43 .40 1 .01 .45 .29 .38 .42 .42 .00 .001 1.28     0 14 20 18 1 1  
Last Updated         PVE OH Mut MAEP >         41 .40 1 .01 .45 .29 .38 .42 .42 .00 .001 0.4     0 14 20 18 1 1  
4/21/24         PVE MH Com MAEP >         -28 .39 1 .01 .45 .28 .37 .59 .51 .00 .001 1.84     0 14 20 19 1 1  
          PVE OH Com MAEP >         62 .39 1 .01 .45 .28 .37 .59 .51 .00 .001 0.43     0 14 20 19 1 1  
MAIN HAND: All 70-79 Rogue Main Hand and One-Hand Weapons (Ranked by PVP Main Hand AEP) - See Below for Daggers and Offhand Weapons
PVP MH Weapons AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special Enchants AEP MAEP
Lightning Whelk Axe 1177 741 ToT 21% Lady Naz'jar O A 78 308 P 2.6   91 136 61 61           287.5 523 972 748       44 47 Cata Ench Landslide 93 99
Angerfang Sword of the Galeburst 929 581 R 78-85 Random World Drop O S 79 283 E 2.6   72 108 48     48       233.8 425 791 608             Hurricane 65 72
Angerfang Mace of the Galeburst 929 581 R 78-85 Random World Drop O M 79 283 E 2.6   72 108 48     48       233.8 425 791 608             Avalanche 64 64
Angerfang Knuckles of the Galeburst 929 581 R 78-85 Random World Drop O F 79 283 E 2.6   72 108 48     48       233.8 425 791 608             Berserking 49 52
Angerfang Axe of the Galeburst 929 581 R 78-85 Random World Drop O A 79 283 E 2.6   72 108 48     48       233.8 425 791 608             Mongoose 41 41
Steelspark Sword of the Galeburst 891 558 R 78-85 Random World Drop O S 78 278 E 2.6   68 103 45     45       225.0 409 761 585             Agility 15 15
Steelspark Mace of the Galeburst 891 558 R 78-85 Random World Drop O M 78 278 E 2.6   68 103 45     45       225.0 409 761 585            
Steelspark Knuckles of the Galeburst 891 558 R 78-85 Random World Drop O F 78 278 E 2.6   68 103 45     45       225.0 409 761 585             QUICKLINKS
Steelspark Axe of the Galeburst 891 558 R 78-85 Random World Drop O A 78 278 E 2.6   68 103 45     45       225.0 409 761 585             MH WEAPONS
Razorwind Sword of the Galeburst 852 534 R 78-85 Random World Drop O S 77 272 E 2.6   65 97 43     43       215.0 391 727 559             MH DAGGERS
Razorwind Mace of the Galeburst 852 534 R 78-85 Random World Drop O M 77 272 E 2.6   65 97 43     43       215.0 391 727 559             OH WEAPONS
Razorwind Knuckles of the Galeburst 852 534 R 78-85 Random World Drop O F 77 272 E 2.6   65 97 43     43       215.0 391 727 559            
Razorwind Axe of the Galeburst 852 534 R 78-85 Random World Drop O A 77 272 E 2.6   65 97 43     43       215.0 391 727 559            
Nifflevar Bearded Axe 664 402 Arch 375 130 Vrykul Arch. O A 71 226 A 2.6   36 87 24 37           171.5 312 580 446            
Crimson Cranium Crusher 485 316 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O M 75 175 P 2.8   19 46   26           111.8 219 407 313            
Warglaive of Azzinoth 480 317 BT 4% Illidan M S 70 156 P 2.8   22 47 21             109.3 214 398 306           Set Piece
Venerable Mass of McGowan (79) 480 305 Var Ven 2,175 JP / 75 Ch Seal O M 79 1 A 2.8   28 42   18     18     116.8 229 425 327       -34 -37 Non-WotLK
Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred (79) 475 298 Var Ven 2,175 JP / 60 Ch Seal M S 79 1 A 2.8   28 42   28           116.8 229 425 327       -34 -37 Non-WotLK
Hand of the Deceiver 467 307 SWP 15% Kil'jaeden M F 70 164 P 2.6     28   28 60         114.6 238 358 298     2      
Ymiron's Blade 462 284 UP 21% King Ymiron O S 78 187 P 2.6   29 56   19           120.0 218 406 312            
Corroded Saronite Edge 426 262 BS 415 BS Recipe O S 78 179 P 2.6     50 14     28       114.4 208 387 298            
Brutal Gladiator's Slicer 415 255 PVP S4 245 HP O S 70 154 P 2.6     31 9 22 38   7   12 107.9 224 337 281            
Brutal Gladiator's Right Ripper 415 255 PVP S4 245 HP M F 70 154 P 2.6     31 9 22 38   7   12 107.9 196 365 281            
Brutal Gladiator's Pummeler 415 255 PVP S4 245 HP O M 70 154 P 2.6     31 9 22 38   7   12 107.9 196 365 281            
Brutal Gladiator's Cleaver 415 255 PVP S4 245 HP O A 70 154 P 2.6     31 9 22 38   7   12 107.9 196 365 281            
Syphon of the Nathrezim 412 290 BT 15% Supremus O M 70 141 P 2.8           50         100.4 196 366 281       3 3 Lifesteal Proc
Claw of Molten Fury 406 261 HS R Random HS Drop M F 70 141 P 2.7   20 42               100.4 216 326 271           Set Piece
Crescent of Brooding Fury 404 250 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O A 74 175 P 2.6 20   39       14       111.7 203 378 291       0 0 26 Dod Rating
Borean Smasher 403 272 BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward M F 68 138 P 2.8   15 34   17           91.3 178 333 256            
Savage Cobalt Slicer 400 259 BS 395 BS Recipe O S 74 163 E 2.6   30 30 20             104.2 189 353 271            
Blunt Brainwasher 399 259 IC Q IC Quest Reward O M 77 174 P 2.6   15 33 17             101.9 185 345 265   1        
Axe of the Cunning 399 269 IC Q IC Quest Reward O A 77 174 P 2.6 16 27 15               101.9 185 345 265   1        
Vengeful Gladiator's Pummeler 397 244 PVP S3 No Longer Available O M 70 146 P 2.6     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.1 187 349 268            
Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer 397 244 PVP S3 No Longer Available O S 70 146 P 2.6     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.1 214 322 268            
Vengeful Gladiator's Right Ripper 397 244 PVP S3 No Longer Available M F 70 146 P 2.6     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.1 187 349 268            
Vengeful Gladiator's Cleaver 397 244 PVP S3 No Longer Available O A 70 146 P 2.6     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.1 187 349 268            
Skeletal Hacker of the Bandit 396 250 R 79-81 Random World Drop O A 79 178 E 2.6   23 35   23           104.2 189 353 271            
Blackened Blade of the Bandit 396 250 R 79-81 Random World Drop O S 79 178 E 2.6   23 35   23           104.2 189 353 271            
Frigid War-Mace of the Bandit 396 250 R 79-81 Random World Drop O M 79 178 E 2.6   23 35   23           104.2 189 353 271            
Savage Talons of the Bandit 396 250 R 79-81 Random World Drop O F 79 178 E 2.6   23 35   23           104.2 189 353 271            
Muramasa 394 252 SWP 21% M'uru O S 70 154 P 2.6     27 17       35     107.9 196 365 281            
Talon of Azshara 391 258 SSC 15% Morogrim O S 70 134 P 2.7   15 30 20             96.7 182 340 261       0 0 48 Armor
Rod of the Sun King 389 270 Eye 24% Kael'thas Sunstrider O M 70 141 P 2.7           52         100.4 189 353 271       10 10 10 Energy Pr
Blade of Echoes 389 241 IC Q IC Quest Reward O S 77 174 P 2.6   25 46               101.9 185 345 265            
Blade of Infamy 384 241 HS 15% Anetheron O S 70 141 P 2.6   28 42               100.4 182 340 261            
Talon of the Phoenix 381 265 Eye 4% Al'ar M F 70 134 P 2.7       15 19 52         96.7 182 340 261            
Dragonstrike 380 254 BS 375 BS Recipe O M 70 136 P 2.7     19               97.6 184 343 264       16 18 212/10s Ha Pr
Rage 376 249 ZA 8% No Longer Available M F 70 132 P 2.6   20 18   13 4         95.8 174 324 249     1      
Edge of the Tuskarr 371 262 BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward O A 68 138 P 2.9         11 52         84.8 172 320 246            
Dragonmaw 354 242 BS 375 BS recipe O M 70 123 P 2.7     9               91.3 172 321 247       16 18 212/10s Ha Pr
Battleworn Thrash Blade (79) 341 175 WG Ven 2,175 HP O S 79 1 A 2.4                   28 116.9 196 365 281       -9 -12 Proc,Non-LK
PVP Daggers AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special Enchants AEP MAEP
Steelbender's Masterpiece 762 537 BRC 17% Karsh Steelbender O D 78 308 P 1.8   91 136 65         53   287.2 413 621 517       44 48 Cata Ench Landslide 93 101
Toxidunk Dagger 643 389 BRC 1% BRC Trash Mobs O D 78 308 E 1.4   91 136 61     61       287.1 321 483 402       44 48 Cata Ench Hurricane 65 60
Angerfang Dagger of the Galeburst 572 371 R 78-85 Random World Drop O D 79 283 E 1.7   72 108 48     48       233.8 278 517 398             Avalanche 64 64
Steelspark Dagger of the Galeburst 547 353 R 78-85 Random World Drop O D 78 278 E 1.7   68 103 45     45       225.0 267 498 383             Berserking 49 53
Razorwind Dagger of the Galeburst 522 336 R 78-85 Random World Drop O D 77 272 E 1.7   65 97 43     43       215.0 255 476 366             Mongoose 41 40
Crux of the Apocalypse 285 198 SWP 1% Kil'jaeden O D 70 164 P 1.8   18 43     4   27     114.4 164 248 206   1         Agility 15 15
Lifeblade of Belgaristrasz 284 192 Ocu 23% Drakos O D 78 187 P 1.8   29 50 20             120.0 172 260 216            
Traditional Flensing Knife 264 146 BoTu Ven Kalu'ak Revered O D 78 187 P 1.7   29 54   21           120.0 142 266 204             QUICKLINKS
Wodin's Second-Best Shanker 264 188 ZD Q ZD Quest Reward O D 75 175 P 1.8   27 29 26 20           111.7 140 262 201             MH WEAPONS
Knife of the Tarnished Soul 262 185 IC Q IC Quest Reward O D 77 174 P 1.8   25 29   19     27     111.4 140 261 201             MH DAGGERS
Brutal Gladiator's Mutilator 255 166 PVP S4 105 HP F D 70 154 P 1.8     31 9 22 38   7   12 108.1 136 253 195             OH WEAPONS
Brutal Gladiator's Shanker 255 166 PVP S4 245 HP O D 70 154 P 1.8     31 9 22 38   7   12 108.1 155 234 195            
Umbral Shiv 253 181 ZA 7% No Longer Available O D 70 132 P 1.8   12 30 13   6         95.6 137 207 172   1 1      
Shiv of Exsanguination 249 172 SWP 15% Eredar Twins O D 70 154 P 1.8   25 32   28           108.1 136 253 195            
Vengeful Gladiator's Mutilator 244 158 PVP S3 No Longer Available F D 70 146 P 1.8     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.3 130 242 186            
Shard of Azzinoth 243 213 BT 10% Illidan O D 70 151 P 1.9           64         106.3 161 243 202       10 10 Ember proc
Vengeful Gladiator's Shanker 243 158 PVP S3 No Longer Available O D 70 146 P 1.8     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.1 148 223 186            
Dark Herring 237 198 R Fish Random Fishing Drop O D 78 187 E 1.9         50           110.0 146 272 209            
Corrupter's Shanker 237 154 IC Q IC Quest Reward O D 77 174 P 1.8   23 50               101.9 128 239 184            
Curved Assassin's Dagger 235 171 IC Q IC Quest Reward O D 77 174 P 1.8     10     44   22     101.9 128 239 184 1          
Direbrew's Shanker 233 218 BRD 2% No Longer Available O D 70 115 P 2.0   19 34               87.8 122 229 176            
The Mutilator 230 160 IoQ Ven 234 JP F D 70 146 P 1.8     30 24   44         103.3 130 242 186            
Blade of Serration 228 156 IoQ Ven 546 JP O D 70 146 P 1.8     30   24 44         103.3 130 242 186            
Heartrazor 228 161 TK 22% Solarian O D 70 134 P 1.8   20 30               96.7 121 227 174       16 17 270 AP Proc
Merciless Gladiator's Shanker 227 147 PVP S2 No Longer Available O D 70 136 P 1.8     27 10 19 30       12 97.8 140 212 176            
Fang of Vashj 223 159 SSC 7% Lady Vashj O D 70 141 P 1.8     19     56 21       100.3 144 217 181            
Razor-sharp Icicle 222 166 TSP Q TSP Quest Reward O D 77 174 P 1.8   27     30           101.9 128 239 184            
Sinuous Keris of the Bandit 221 121 R 79-81 Random World Drop O D 79 178 E 1.7   23 35   23           104.4 124 231 178            
Cobweb Machete 219 129 A-N 17% Krik'thir O D 72 163 P 1.7   39 20               104.1 141 213 177            
Elanor's Edge 217 151 R 72-74 Random World Drop O D 73 146 E 1.8   17 24   17     17     95.3 137 206 172            
Balanced Heartseeker (79) 208 119 Var Ven 2,175 JP / 60 Ch Seal O D 79 1 A 1.7   35   17 28           116.8 139 258 199       -34 -38 Non-WotLK
Fang of the Desolate Soul 207 138 BoTu Q BoTu Quest Reward O D 68 138 P 1.8   16 35   15           91.4 115 214 165            
Saronite Ambusher 205 126 BS 400 BS Recipe O D 75 167 E 1.7         30 62         106.8 145 218 182            
Sharpened Scarlet Kris (79) 198 11 WG Ven 2,175 HP O D 79 1 A 1.5   28 42             28 116.7 122 228 175       -34 -38 Non-WotLK
OFF HAND: All 70-79 Off Hand and One-Hand Weapons (Ranked by PVP Off Hand AEP)
PVP OH Weapons AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has Mas Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special Enchants AEP MAEP
Toxidunk Dagger 687 349 BRC 1% BRC Trash Mobs O D 78 308 E 1.4   91 136 61     61       287.1 321 483 402       44 48 Cata Ench Landslide 93 101
Steelbender's Masterpiece 623 162 BRC 17% Karsh Steelbender O D 78 308 P 1.8   91 136 65         53   287.2 413 621 517       44 48 Cata Ench Hurricane 65 60
Angerfang Dagger of the Galeburst 495 126 R 78-85 Random World Drop O D 79 283 E 1.7   72 108 48     48       233.8 278 517 398             Avalanche 64 64
Steelspark Dagger of the Galeburst 473 116 R 78-85 Random World Drop O D 78 278 E 1.7   68 103 45     45       225.0 267 498 383             Berserking 49 53
Razorwind Dagger of the Galeburst 450 107 R 78-85 Random World Drop O D 77 272 E 1.7   65 97 43     43       215.0 255 476 366             Mongoose 41 40
Lightblade Rivener 245 131 Dal Ven Kirin Tor Honored O D 78 187 P 1.4   29 44         30     120.0 134 202 168             Agility 15 15
Ritualistic Athame 245 131 UP 25% Svala Sorrowgrave O D 78 187 P 1.4   29 44         30     120.0 134 202 168            
Fang of Truth 244 95 DB Ven Wyrmrest Acc Hon O S 78 187 P 1.5   32 49 33             120.3 126 235 181             QUICKLINKS
Meathook's Slicer 228 43 StrP 27% Meathook O S 78 187 P 1.6   29 52   22           120.0 134 250 192             MH WEAPONS
Traditional Flensing Knife 221 2 BoTu Ven Kalu'ak Revered O D 78 187 P 1.7   29 54   21           120.0 142 266 204             MH DAGGERS
Brutal Gladiator's Shiv 219 112 PVP S4 105 HP F D 70 154 P 1.4     31 9 22 38   7   12 107.9 105 197 151             OH WEAPONS
Warglaive of Azzinoth 218 113 BT 2% Illidan F S 70 156 P 1.4   21 46   23           109.3 107 199 153           Set Piece
Crux of the Apocalypse 215 -26 SWP 1% Kil'jaeden O D 70 164 P 1.8   18 43     4   27     114.4 164 248 206   1        
Vengance Shiv 215 79 IC Q IC Quest Reward O D 77 174 P 1.5   26 39   27           111.0 116 217 167            
Sharpened Scarlet Kris (79) 214 37 WG Ven 2,175 HP O D 79 1 A 1.5   28 42             28 116.7 122 228 175       -34 -38 Non-WotLK
Brutal Gladiator's Left Ripper 212 71 PVP S4 105 HP F F 70 154 P 1.5     31 9 22 38   7   12 108.0 113 211 162            
Brutal Gladiator's Bonecracker 212 71 PVP S4 105 HP F M 70 154 P 1.5     31 9 22 38   7   12 108.0 113 211 162            
Brutal Gladiator's Quickblade 212 71 PVP S4 105 HP F S 70 154 P 1.5     31 9 22 38   7   12 108.0 113 211 162            
Brutal Gladiator's Hacker 212 71 PVP S4 105 HP F A 70 154 P 1.5     31 9 22 38   7   12 108.0 113 211 162            
Lifeblade of Belgaristrasz 212 -37 Ocu 23% Drakos O D 78 187 P 1.8   29 50 20             120.0 172 260 216            
Vengeful Gladiator's Shiv 210 108 PVP S3 No Longer Available F D 70 146 P 1.4     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.2 101 188 145            
Fang of Kalecgos 209 79 SWP ? Kalecgos O D 70 154 P 1.5   25 36         25     108.0 113 211 162            
Vanguard Soldier's Dagger 205 70 All Van Ven Alliance Vangd Rev O D 78 166 P 1.5   27 50               106.0 111 207 159            
Warsong Shanker 205 70 HE Ven HE Revered O D 78 166 P 1.5   27 50               106.0 111 207 159            
Pilot's Knife 204 119 IC Q IC Quest Reward O D 77 174 P 1.4   29 24         20     102.1 100 186 143            
Vengeful Gladiator's Left Ripper 202 67 PVP S3 No Longer Available F F 70 146 P 1.5     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.3 108 202 155            
Vengeful Gladiator's Bonecracker 202 67 PVP S3 No Longer Available F M 70 146 P 1.5     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.3 108 202 155            
Vengeful Gladiator's Quickblade 202 67 PVP S3 No Longer Available F S 70 146 P 1.5     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.3 108 202 155            
Vengeful Gladiator's Hacker 202 67 PVP S3 No Longer Available F A 70 146 P 1.5     30 8 21 34   7   12 103.3 108 202 155            
Unrelenting Blade 202 84 HoS 77-78 HoS Trash Drop O D 77 183 E 1.5           46   47     117.3 140 212 176            
Corroded Saronite Woundbringer 202 -43 BS 415 BS Recipe O S 78 179 P 1.8   28 50       14       114.4 144 268 206            
Furious Saronite Beatstick 199 121 BS 410 BS Recipe O M 77 175 E 1.4           50   38     111.8 109 204 157            
Messenger of Fate 199 104 BT 13% Gurtogg Bloodboil O D 70 141 P 1.4   22 48               100.4 112 169 141             QUICKLINKS
Saronite Shiv 198 122 BS 405 BS Recipe O D 76 171 E 1.4       35   40 15       109.3 122 184 153             MH WEAPONS
Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade 198 65 SWP ? Sathrovarr O S 70 154 P 1.5     36       25 25     108.0 113 211 162             MH DAGGERS
Balanced Heartseeker (79) 166 -23 Var Ven 2,175 JP / 60 Ch Seal O D 79 1 A 1.7   35   17 28           116.8 139 258 199       -34 -38 Non-WotLK OH WEAPONS
AEP: Agility Equivalence Points.� A method to convert the value of item attributes to compare them in terms of Agility points.� Based on the forum discussion by Ming from Lightning's Blade.
AEP: PVP-Oriented formula which focuses on Attack Power, Stamina and Resilience. MAEP: Maximum DPS AEP for use in maximizing PVE raid DPS.
See for current AEP/MAEP formulas
Loc: The location where the weapon can be found, usually the initials for a zone.� BS = Blacksmithing, R = Random World Drop.
Info: Additional information about the weapon, such as drop percentage, random mob levels, the skill level required to create it, reputation, honor ranking or (Q)uest item.
Source: The source of the weapon.� Either the boss who drops it, the location of the recipe or the type of faction or quest required.
H: Which hand can use the weapon. (M)ain Hand, (O)ne-Hand or Of(F) Hand. T: Weapon Type (Sword/Mace/Fist/Dagger) , Lvl: Level requirement, ilvl: Item Level, Bi: Bind on (P)ickup or (E)quip, Sp: Weapon Speed.
Str: Strength, Agi: Agility, Sta: Stamina, Hit: Hit Rating, Cri: Crit. Rating, AP: Attack Power, Exp: Expertise, Has: Haste Rating, Mas: Mastery Rating, Res: Resilience, B/R/Y: Sockets, Spe.: Special
DPS: Damage per second, Min: Minimum Damage, Max: Maximum Damage, Avg: Average damage, PVP: PVP Special Value, PVE: PVE Special Value
World of Warcraft Cata Rogue 70-79 Twink Weapons Chart 2024 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft 2024 Blizzard Entertainment