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World of Warcraft High Level Rogue PVP Armor Chart
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on the US Earthen Ring Server)
This chart is used to compare High Level Rogue Armor items, ranking them all by AEP (Agility Equivalence Points). See notes at the bottom.
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Last Updated               PVP Ass AEP Values >     1 .60 .66 .36 1.10 .38 .40 .38 .50 .37 282 256 352 275 1 1 1  
10/30/12               PVP Com AEP Values >     1 .60 .90 .39 1.10 .59 .84 .43 .50 .36 320 310 352 275 1 1 1  
New/Updated Items in Gray PVP PVP PVP PVP       PVP Sub AEP Values >     1 .60 .42 .32 1.10 .36 .34 .32 .50 .27 256 256 352 275 1 1 1  
HEAD AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Helmet of the Thousandfold Blades (509) 3833 3736 4148 3615 He TES-H ? Sha of Fear 90 509 P 1140 2071         755 828     1     1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Leather Helm (E) 3714 3606 4002 3534 He PVP S12E 2,250 CP 90 483 P 844 1626     433   723 483 433     1   1 90 90 90 Socket Bonus NECK
Malevolent Glad. Leather Helm 3714 3606 4002 3534 He PVP S12 2,250 CP 90 483 P 844 1626     433   723 483 433     1   1 90 90 90 Socket Bonus SHOU.
Facemask of Unrepentant Banditry 3625 3627 3842 3406 He VFW ? Galleon 90 496 P 983 1835 772         595         1 1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus CHEST
Crown of Opportunistic Strikes (502) 3544 3479 3718 3435 He MV-H 1% Jan-xi/Qin-xi 90 502 P 1054 1940   702   782           1   1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus WAIST
Helmet of the Thousandfold Blades (496) 3441 3357 3719 3248 He TES ? Sha of Fear 90 496 P 983 1835         655 720     1     1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus LEGS
Red Smoke Bandana 3349 3347 3576 3125 He SP Rev SP Revered 2,250 VP 90 489 P 906 1719 665         616     1     1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus FEET
Crown of Opportunistic Strikes (489) 3185 3126 3342 3088 He MV 29% Jan-xi/Qin-xi 90 489 P 906 1719   604   684           1   1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus WRIST
Helmet of the Thousandfold Blades (483) 3094 3021 3339 2923 He TES-RF ? Sha of Fear 90 483 P 844 1626         567 624     1     1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus HANDS
Dreadful Glad. Leather Helm 3086 2997 3319 2942 He PVP S12 2,250 HP 90 458 P 618 1287     394   572 332 394     1   1 90 90 90 Socket Bonus FINGER
Agile Retinal Armor (Eng) 2939 2859 3267 2691 He Eng 600 Eng Recipe 85 476 P 855 1522                       1 816 1224 648 2x Cog + 180 Agi TRINK.
Crown of Opportunistic Strikes (476) 2866 2812 3007 2780 He MV-RF ? Jan-xi/Qin-xi 90 476 P 775 1522   517   597           1   1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus BACK
Soulburner Crown 2698 2681 2877 2536 He Sch ? Lilian Voss 90 463 P 659 1349 537 410               1   1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus
Windblast Helm 2594 2544 2729 2507 He SNT 10% Wing Leader Ner'onok 90 463 P 659 1349       520   440       1   1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus
Forgotten Hood of the Galeburst 2419 2343 2751 2164 He Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 899 1349 599       599                      
Zom's Misty Hood 2404 2383 2479 2350 He R 90 Random World Drop 85 450 E 557 1195       346   450         1 1 180 180 180 Socket Bonus
Contender's Leather Helm 2404 2407 2450 2354 He LW 590 LW Recipe 90 450 E 797 1195   466 318     570 318                  
Steppebeast Helm 1873 1779 2103 1738 He TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 442 P 739 1109       421 536                      
Sunset Leather Helm 1719 1693 1809 1655 He DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 706 1058       436   491                    
Ghost Fox Helm 1710 1678 1799 1652 He DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 706 1058   390   518                        
Farwatch Leather Helm 1655 1657 1758 1551 He TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 655 983 362 481                            
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Helm 1561 1523 1669 1490 He PVP S11 2,200 CP 85 390 P 395 683     182   304 244 182     1   1 33 33 33 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Helm (E) 1561 1523 1669 1490 He PVP S11E 2,200 AR + S11 85 390 P 395 683     182   304 244 182     1   1 33 33 33 Socket Bonus
Silentleaf Cap 1477 1478 1593 1360 He KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 570 854 413         324                    
Blackfang Battleweave Helmet (410) 1464 1442 1526 1423 He DS-H 10% Warmaster Blackhorn 85 410 P 489 824   318   354           1   1 30 30 30 Socket Bonus
Brushstalker Helm 1462 1436 1537 1414 He KW 87 KW Rare Drop 85 420 P 603 904   353   431                        
Headcover of the Impatient 1462 1436 1537 1414 He SPM Q SPM Quest Reward 87 420 P 603 904   353   431                        
Plainshawk Helm 1446 1424 1513 1400 He VFW Q VFW Quest Reward 86 419 P 597 895   416   368                        
Ruthless Glad. Leather Helm (S11) 1397 1364 1492 1335 He PVP S11 2,200 HP 85 377 P 343 605     161   269 209 161     1   1 33 33 33 Socket Bonus
Silentleaf Helm 1382 1357 1452 1335 He KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 570 854   333   407                        
Wasteland Leather Helm 1363 1294 1530 1264 He Var Ven 65 Gold 88 408 P 539 808       289 400                      
NECK AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Malevolent Glad. Necklace of Proficiency 1887 1833 2034 1793 Ne PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906   353 241   432   241                   HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Necklace of Prowess 1852 1832 1927 1799 Ne PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906     241 353   432 241                   NECK
Amulet of the Hidden Kings (502) 1826 1737 2039 1701 Ne MV-H ? Spirit Kings 90 502 P 720 1081       502 445                       SHOU.
Choker of the Unleashed Storm (509) 1823 1826 1865 1778 Ne HoF-H ? Blade Lord Ta'yak 90 509 P 769 1154   564       426                     CHEST
Hellrider's Choker 1757 1758 1881 1631 Ne VFW ? Galleon 90 496 P 682 1022 454 454                             WAIST
Pheromone-Coated Choker (496) 1651 1628 1733 1591 Ne HoF ? Imperial Vizier Zor'lok 90 496 P 682 1022       377   500                     LEGS
Choker of the Klaxxi'va 1618 1619 1720 1513 Ne Klaxx Hon Klax Honored 1,250 VP 90 489 P 638 958 363 463                             FEET
Amulet of the Hidden Kings (489) 1617 1539 1806 1507 Ne MV 39% Spirit Kings 90 489 P 638 958       444 394                       WRIST
Choker of the Unleashed Storm (496) 1616 1618 1652 1576 Ne HoF ? Blade Lord Ta'yak 90 496 P 682 1022   500       377                     HANDS
Dreadful Glad. Necklace of Proficiency 1540 1498 1657 1466 Ne PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717   280 220   342   220                   FINGER
Delicate Necklace of the Golden Lotus 1525 1528 1562 1485 Ne VEB Q VEB Quest Reward 90 489 P 638 958   426       426                     TRINK.
Dreadful Glad. Necklace of Prowess 1513 1497 1572 1470 Ne PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717     220 280   342 220                   BACK
Pheromone-Coated Choker (483) 1463 1443 1535 1410 Ne HoF-RF ? Imperial Vizier Zor'lok 90 483 P 604 906       334   443                    
Amulet of the Hidden Kings (476) 1434 1365 1601 1336 Ne MV-RF ? Spirit Kings 90 476 P 566 849       394 349                      
Choker of the Unleashed Storm (483) 1431 1434 1464 1396 Ne HoF-RF ? Blade Lord Ta'yak 90 483 P 604 906   443       334                    
Don Guerrero's Glorious Choker 1365 1348 1430 1316 Ne R 90 Random World Drop 90 476 E 566 849       287   430                    
Scorched Scarlet Key 1349 1306 1533 1206 Ne SM 10% Flameweaver Koegler 90 463 P 501 752 334       334                      
Stormbound Choker of the Galeburst 1348 1306 1533 1205 Ne Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 501 751 334       334                      
Engraved Amber Pendant 1216 1197 1274 1177 Ne SNT 12% Vizier Jin'bak 90 463 P 501 752   344   318                        
Astrylian's Cheerful Charm 1195 1157 1359 1069 Ne R 90 Random World Drop 85 450 E 444 666 296       296                      
Amulet of Swirling Mists 1170 1151 1234 1125 Ne Var Ven 1,250 JP 90 458 P 478 717       319   319                    
Golembreaker Amulet 1151 1152 1239 1062 Ne JC 575 JC Recipe 90 450 E 444 666 305         281                    
Amberglow Necklace 996 946 1119 925 Ne DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 393 590       224 285                      
Suna's Shattered Locket 956 958 977 933 Ne TS 20% TS Trash Drop 85 440 P 404 607   304       211                    
Saboteur's Locket 956 958 977 933 Ne SNT Q SNT Quest Reward 90 440 P 404 607   304       211                    
Swarmborn Necklace 930 931 951 907 Ne DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 393 590   296       205                    
Rensai's Necklace 886 870 931 856 Ne TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 365 547   219   258                        
Locket of the Sumprushes 865 866 886 842 Ne TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 365 547   191       274                    
Cataclysmic Glad. Necklace of Proficiency 793 773 852 756 Ne PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381   169 101   169   101                  
Cataclysmic Glad. Necklace of Prowess 783 773 817 759 Ne PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381     101 169   169 101                  
SHOULDER AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Malevolent Glad. Leather Spaulders (E) 2856 2764 3078 2726 Sh PVP S12E 1,750 CP 90 483 P 725 1208     322 537 457   322       1   60 60 60 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Leather Spaulders 2856 2764 3078 2726 Sh PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P 725 1208     322 537 457   322       1   60 60 60 Socket Bonus NECK
Spaulders of the Thousandfold Blades (509) 2831 2702 3171 2621 Sh TES-H ? Lei Shi 90 509 P 946 1538       520 733       1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus SHOU.
Netherrealm Shoulderpads (502) 2611 2507 2887 2439 Sh MV-H 1% Gara'jal the Spiritbinder 90 502 P 881 1441         690 447       1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus CHEST
Spaulders of the Thousandfold Blades (496) 2536 2421 2839 2347 Sh TES ? Lei Shi 90 496 P 829 1363       452 650       1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus WAIST
Imperion Spaulders 2479 2481 2620 2336 Sh GL Rev GL Revered 1,750 VP 90 489 P 771 1277 513 536                 1   60 60 60 Socket Bonus LEGS
Shadow Heart Spaulders (496) 2430 2379 2566 2345 Sh HoF ? Shek'zeer 90 496 P 829 1363   575   551           1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus FEET
Dreadful Glad. Leather Spaulders 2383 2313 2554 2283 Sh PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P 558 957     293 425 345   293       1   60 60 60 Socket Bonus WRIST
Netherrealm Shoulderpads (489) 2338 2245 2585 2185 Sh MV 34% Gara'jal the Spiritbinder 90 489 P 771 1277         607 391       1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus HANDS
Spaulders of the Thousandfold Blades (483) 2273 2171 2544 2102 Sh TES-RF ? Lei Shi 90 483 P 725 1208       391 576       1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus FINGER
Shadow Heart Spaulders (483) 2178 2131 2302 2101 Sh HoF-RF ? Shek'zeer 90 483 P 725 1208   505   483           1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus TRINK.
Netherrealm Shoulderpads (476) 2096 2012 2317 1959 Sh MV-RF ? Gara'jal the Spiritbinder 90 476 P 674 1131         533 342       1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus BACK
Forgotten Shoulders of the Galeburst 1796 1739 2042 1606 Sh Daily R Random Daily Scenario 90 463 P 667 1001 445       445                       ENCH.
Doubtridden Shoulderguards (Heroic) 1794 1736 2039 1605 Sh TJS-H 12% Sha of Doubt 90 463 P 668 1002 434       452                      
Contender's Leather Shoulders 1787 1789 1820 1751 Sh LW 575 LW Recipe 90 450 E 592 888   412 236     365 236                  
Fizzy Spaulders (Heroic) 1622 1594 1704 1568 Sh SB-H 12% Yan-Zhu 90 463 P 668 1002   412   465                        
Ghost Fox Spaulders 1487 1419 1652 1391 Sh DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 450 P 592 888       440 318                      
Steppebeast Spaulders 1232 1169 1384 1142 Sh TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 487 730       262 362                      
Steppebeast Pauldrons 1178 1162 1235 1135 Sh TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 487 730       262   362                    
Riverblade Spaulder 1167 1150 1281 1069 Sh KW Q KW Quest Reward 86 419 P 443 665 313     266                        
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Spaulders 1113 1073 1211 1056 Sh PVP S11 2,200 CP 85 390 P 319 508     135 226 206   135       1   10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Spaulders (E) 1113 1073 1211 1056 Sh PVP S11E 2,200 AR + S11 85 390 P 319 508     135 226 206   135       1   10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Underdweller's Spaulders (410) 1096 1080 1147 1060 Sh DS-H 11% Morchok 85 410 P 368 611       262   241       2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Doubtridden Shoulderguards 1095 1060 1245 980 Sh ToJS 20% Sha of Doubt 85 410 P 408 611 265       276                      
Blackfang Battleweave Spaulders (410) 1079 1063 1125 1048 Sh DS-H 13% Hagara the Stormbinder 85 410 P 368 611   241   262           1 1   20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Mantle of Bestial Force 1064 1046 1123 1024 Sh R 85-87 Random World Drop 81 417 E 435 653       295   283                    
Silentleaf Spaulders 1052 1016 1154 988 Sh KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 423 635   261     295                      
Kafa Leather Spaulders 1029 1014 1082 991 Sh KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 423 635       254   299                    
Wasteland Leather Spaulders 1012 961 1136 938 Sh Var Ven 60g 88 408 P 400 600       215 297                      
Ruthless Glad. Leather Spaulders (S11) 990 955 1076 940 Sh PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P 280 450     120 200 180   120       1   10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Fizzy Spaulders 990 973 1040 957 Sh SB 19% Yan-Zhu 85 410 P 408 611   252   284                        
CHEST AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Tunic of the Thousandfold Blades (509) 3827 3833 3905 3743 Ch HoF-H ? Shek'zeer 90 509 P 1220 2071   880       800         2   46 52 38 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Leather Tunic (E) 3824 3810 3917 3744 Ch PVP S12E 2,250 VP 90 483 P 924 1626   563 433     723 433     1 1   132 132 132 Socket Bonus NECK
Malevolent Glad. Leather Tunic 3824 3810 3917 3744 Ch PVP S12 2,250 VP 90 483 P 924 1626   563 433     723 433     1 1   132 132 132 Socket Bonus SHOU.
Flameshot Wrap 3703 3601 4163 3346 Ch VFW ? Galleon 90 496 P 1063 1835 795       635       1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus CHEST
Chestguard of Total Annihilation (502) 3663 3594 3844 3550 Ch MV-H ? Elegon 90 502 P 1134 1941   698   833           1 1   120 120 120 Socket Bonus WAIST
Softfoot Silentwrap 3542 3441 3947 3237 Ch GL Rev GL Revered 2,250 VP 90 489 P 986 1719 554       761       1   1   120 120 120 Socket Bonus LEGS
Tunic of the Thousandfold Blades (496) 3451 3457 3521 3377 Ch HoF ? Shek'zeer 90 496 P 1063 1835   775       695         2   46 52 38 Socket Bonus FEET
Chestguard of Total Annihilation (489) 3304 3242 3467 3203 Ch MV ? Elegon 90 489 P 986 1719   609   729           1 1   120 120 120 Socket Bonus WRIST
Chestguard of Nemeses 3298 3284 3434 3177 Ch LW 600 LW Recipe 90 496 E 1063 1835   691       756     1 1     46 46 38 Socket Bonus HANDS
Wrap of Instant Petrification 3233 3231 3404 3063 Ch TES-RF ? Sha of Fear 90 483 P 924 1626 469 744             1   1   120 120 120 Socket Bonus FINGER
Dreadful Glad. Leather Tunic 3221 3206 3301 3155 Ch PVP S12 2,250 HP 90 458 P 698 1287   412 394     572 394     1 1   132 132 132 Socket Bonus TRINK.
Tunic of the Thousandfold Blades (483) 3120 3124 3181 3054 Ch HoF-RF ? Shek'zeer 90 483 P 924 1626   683       603         2   46 52 38 Socket Bonus BACK
Greyshadow Chestguard 3027 3031 3077 2973 Ch LW 600 LW Recipe 90 476 E 855 1523   660       527         2   120 120 120 Socket Bonus ENCH.
Chestguard of Total Annihilation (476) 2986 2929 3133 2895 Ch MV-RF ? Elegon 90 476 P 855 1523   530   636           1 1   120 120 120 Socket Bonus
Korloff's Raiment 2544 2546 2666 2421 Ch SM 12% Brother Korloff 90 463 P 819 1349 416 643                 1   60 60 60 Socket Bonus
Forgotten Jerkin of the Galeburst 2419 2343 2751 2164 Ch Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 899 1349 599       599                      
Nimbletoe Chestguard 2419 2382 2551 2322 Ch SB 12% Ook-Ook 90 463 P 819 1349   569   544         1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus
Vulajin's Vicious Breastplate 2411 2415 2469 2348 Ch R 90 Random World Drop 90 476 E 1015 1522   577       735                    
Contender's Leather Chestguard 2404 2407 2450 2354 Ch LW 590 LW Recipe 90 450 E 797 1195   466 318     570 318                  
Refurbished Zandalari Vestment 2174 2069 2428 2025 Ch AC Hon AC Honored Reward 90 458 P 858 1287       597 530                      
Delicate Chestguard of the Golden Lotus 2131 2135 2180 2079 Ch VEB Q VEB Quest Reward 90 463 P 899 1349   660       497                    
Foul Cadaverous Armor 1903 1872 2087 1751 Ch Sch Q Sch Quest Reward 90 440 P 726 1088 460     498                        
Steppebeast Tunic 1878 1880 2000 1755 Ch TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 442 P 739 1109 432 529                            
Ghost Fox Tunic 1850 1820 2029 1703 Ch DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 706 1058 447     484                        
Sunset Leather Tunic 1668 1671 1706 1628 Ch DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 706 1058   530       368                    
Farwatch Leather Tunic 1589 1565 1665 1538 Ch TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 655 983   450   415                        
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Tunic 1528 1530 1553 1501 Ch PVP S11 2,200 CP 85 390 P 474 683   264 182     304 182     1 1   22 22 22 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Tunic (E) 1528 1530 1553 1501 Ch PVP S11E 2,200 AR + S11 85 390 P 474 683   264 182     304 182     1 1   22 22 22 Socket Bonus
Blackfang Battleweave Tunic (410) 1490 1470 1558 1443 Ch DS-H 11% Ultraxion 85 410 P 489 824       342   330       3     30 30 30 Socket Bonus
Silentleaf Tunic 1456 1457 1554 1357 Ch KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 570 854 352 396                            
Plainshawk Tunic 1421 1423 1455 1384 Ch VFW Q VFW Quest Reward 86 419 P 597 895   359       421                    
WAIST AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Tomb Raider's Girdle (502) 2894 2774 3210 2699 Wa MV-H 3% Feng the Accursed 90 502 P 801 1441       598 498       1   1   48 101 41 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Waistband of Accuracy (E) 2847 2813 3069 2659 Wa PVP S12E 1,750 CP 90 483 P 725 1208 496   322 471     322   1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus NECK
Malevolent Glad. Waistband of Accuracy 2847 2813 3069 2659 Wa PVP S12 1,750 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 725 1208 496   322 471     322   1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus SHOU.
Stalker's Cord of Eternal Autumn (509) 2808 2806 3009 2609 Wa TES-H ? Tsulong / Lei Shi 90 509 P 946 1538 593 674             1       22 23 19 Socket Bonus CHEST
Malevolent Glad. Waistband of Cruelty (E) 2665 2665 2741 2590 Wa PVP S12E 1,750 CP 90 483 P 725 1208   496 322     471 322   1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus WAIST
Malevolent Glad. Waistband of Cruelty 2665 2665 2741 2590 Wa PVP S12 1,750 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 725 1208   496 322     471 322   1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus LEGS
Tomb Raider's Girdle (489) 2617 2510 2900 2440 Wa MV 24% Feng the Accursed 90 489 P 691 1277       521 432       1   1   48 101 41 Socket Bonus FEET
Stalker's Cord of Eternal Autumn (496) 2510 2508 2690 2331 Wa TES ? Tsulong / Lei Shi 90 496 P 829 1363 521 593             1       22 23 19 Socket Bonus WRIST
Tomb Raider's Girdle (476) 2371 2276 2625 2211 Wa MV-RF ? Feng the Accursed 90 476 P 594 1131       452 373       1   1   48 101 41 Socket Bonus HANDS
Dreadful Glad. Waistband of Accuracy 2361 2333 2539 2209 Wa PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P 558 957 376   293 373     293   1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus FINGER
Cannoneer's Gunpowder Carrier 2342 2328 2426 2272 Wa VFW ? Galleon 90 496 P 829 1363   618       477       1     22 23 19 Socket Bonus TRINK.
Stalker's Cord of Eternal Autumn (483) 2244 2242 2407 2083 Wa TES-RF ? Tsulong / Lei Shi 90 483 P 725 1208 457 520             1       22 23 19 Socket Bonus BACK
Dreadful Glad. Waistband of Cruelty 2230 2228 2297 2163 Wa PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P 558 957   376 293     394 293   1       60 60 60 Socket Bonus ENCH.
Klaxxi Lash of the Borrower 2213 2212 2294 2132 Wa Klax Rev Klax Revered 1,750 VP 90 489 P 771 1277   391       607     1       22 23 19 Socket Bonus
Forgotten Waistband of the Galeburst 1796 1739 2042 1606 Wa Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 667 1001 445       445                      
Belt of Brazen Inebriation 1786 1727 2031 1600 Wa SB 12% Hoptallus 90 463 P 668 1002 412       465                      
Contender's Leather Belt 1784 1786 1816 1748 Wa LW 565 LW Recipe 90 450 E 592 888   423 236     346 236                  
Icewrath Belt 1590 1593 1628 1548 Wa Sch 12% Instructor Chillheart 90 463 P 668 1002   401       471                    
Ghost Fox Belt 1406 1409 1439 1371 Wa DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 450 P 592 888   423       346                    
Loksey's Lost Belt 1280 1282 1310 1248 Wa SH Q SH Quest Reward 90 440 P 539 808   386       315                    
Steppebeast Waistband 1271 1249 1392 1172 Wa TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 487 730 293     344                        
Steppebeast Belt 1159 1161 1187 1129 Wa TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 487 730   293       344                    
Cataclysmic Glad. Waistband of Accuracy 1136 1122 1219 1068 Wa PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508 206   135 226     135   1       10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Shado-Pan Initiate's Belt 1127 1074 1252 1053 Wa SPM Q SPM Quest Reward 87 420 P 448 671       328 248                      
Belt of Flayed Skin (410) 1113 1081 1203 1055 Wa DS-H 4% Warlord Zon'ozz 85 410 P 368 611   242     262         2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Riverblade Belt 1079 1060 1140 1038 Wa KW Q KW Quest Reward 86 419 P 443 665       321   252                    
Silentleaf Belt 1065 1016 1184 996 Wa KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 423 635       311 234                      
Cataclysmic Glad. Waistband of Cruelty 1058 1060 1077 1038 Wa PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508   206 135     226 135   1       10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Ruthless Glad. Waistband of Accuracy (S11) 1053 1053 1103 1004 Wa PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 390 P 319 483 206   226           1       10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Wasteland Leather Belt 1037 1038 1121 953 Wa Var Ven 44g 88 408 P 400 600 301         209                    
Belt of Flayed Skin (397) 997 969 1077 946 Wa DS 8% Warlord Zon'ozz 85 397 P 321 542   211     231         2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
LEGS AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Legguards of Failing Purification (516) 4214 4195 4528 3918 Le TES-HE ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 516 P 1314 2210 806         960     1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Leather Legguards (E) 3792 3737 3969 3670 Le PVP S12E 2,250 CP 90 483 P 924 1626   723 433 563     433   1 1     132 132 132 Socket Bonus NECK
Malevolent Glad. Leather Legguards 3792 3737 3969 3670 Le PVP S12 2,250 CP 90 483 P 924 1626   723 433 563     433   1 1     132 132 132 Socket Bonus SHOU.
Legguards of Failing Purification (503) 3783 3764 4068 3519 Le TES-H ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 503 P 1146 1959 705         841     1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus CHEST
Legguards of the Thousandfold Blades (509) 3759 3677 4101 3499 Le HoF-H ? Amber-Shaper Un'sok 90 509 P 1300 2071 659     1009           1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus WAIST
Stoneflesh Leggings (502) 3637 3532 3947 3431 Le MV-H 4% The Stone Guard 90 502 P 1134 1941   845     677       1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus LEGS
Legguards of Failing Purification (496) 3571 3552 3840 3322 Le TES ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 496 P 1063 1835 655         783     1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus FEET
Legguards of the Thousandfold Blades (496) 3355 3281 3661 3124 Le HoF ? Un'sok/Sha of Anger 90 496 P 1143 1835 580     890           1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus WRIST
Stoneflesh Leggings (489) 3272 3178 3552 3087 Le MV 25% The Stone Guard 90 489 P 986 1719   740     590       1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus HANDS
Legguards of Failing Purification 3214 3195 3458 2991 Le TES-RF ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 483 P 924 1626 571         685     1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus FINGER
Dreadful Glad. Leather Legguards 3179 3133 3329 3076 Le PVP S12 2,250 HP 90 458 P 698 1287   572 394 412     394   1 1     132 132 132 Socket Bonus TRINK.
Legguards of the Thousandfold Blades (483) 2997 2929 3270 2792 Le HoF-RF ? Amber-Shaper Un'sok 90 483 P 1004 1626 509     784           1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus BACK
Stoneflesh Leggings (476) 2950 2865 3203 2782 Le MV-RF ? The Stone Guard 90 476 P 855 1523   646     514       1 1     120 120 120 Socket Bonus ENCH.
Dreadsworn Slayer Legs 2941 2927 3035 2860 Le Klax Rev Klax Revered 2,250 VP 90 489 P 1066 1719   801       594       1     60 60 60 Socket Bonus
Forgotten Britches of the Galeburst 2419 2343 2751 2164 Le Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 899 1349 599       599                      
Contender's Leather Leggings 2407 2411 2453 2358 Le LW 565 LW Recipe 90 450 P 797 1195   492 318     555 318                  
Wall-Breaker Legguards (Heroic) 2245 2173 2461 2102 Le GSS-H ? Raigonn 90 463 P 899 1349         584 609                    
Tough Mushanhide Leggings 2181 2183 2329 2031 Le TS Ven 2,250 JP 90 458 P 858 1287 475         630                    
Ghostwoven Legguards 2178 2138 2292 2105 Le Sch 13% Jandice Barov 90 463 P 899 1349   497   660                        
Wall-Breaker Legguards 1990 1926 2181 1863 Le GSS ? Raigonn 87 450 P 797 1195         518 539                    
Silent Leggings of the Ghostpaw 1809 1752 1979 1695 Le KW 15% Ruun Ghostpaw 87 440 E 726 1088         460 498                    
Ghost Fox Legguards 1761 1698 1943 1643 Le DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 706 1058         511 402                    
Steppebeast Pantaloons 1691 1693 1819 1563 Le TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 655 983 481 362                            
Silentleaf Legguards 1632 1635 1670 1590 Le KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 434 P 686 1029   484       413                    
Leggings of Perfect Balance 1599 1518 1795 1484 Le R 85-87 Random World Drop 82 425 E 631 947       359 457                      
Leggings of the Empty Throne 1568 1571 1604 1530 Le MP Q MP Quest Reward 87 430 P 662 992   485       366                    
Steppebeast Legguards 1553 1556 1588 1515 Le TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 655 983   481       362                    
Blackfang Battleweave Legguards (410) 1540 1541 1629 1450 Le DS-H 13% Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 85 410 P 489 824 322 350               2 1   30 30 30 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Legguards 1480 1465 1529 1447 Le PVP S11 2,200 CP 85 390 P 415 683   304 182 264     182   1 1     22 22 22 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Legguards (E) 1480 1465 1529 1447 Le PVP S11E 2,200 AR + S11 85 403 P 415 683   304 182 264     182   1 1     22 22 22 Socket Bonus
Ruthless Glad. Leather Legguards (S11) 1320 1306 1363 1291 Le PVP S11 2,200 HP 85 377 P 363 605   269 161 229     161   1 1     22 22 22 Socket Bonus
FEET AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Treads of Deadly Secretions (509) 2810 2732 3043 2654 Fe HoF-H ? Amber-Shaper Un'sok 90 509 P 946 1538         568 685         1   24 50 20 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Boots of Alacrity (E) 2771 2741 2859 2712 Fe PVP S12E 1,750 CP 90 483 P 725 1208   471 322 496     322       1   66 66 66 Socket Bonus NECK
Malevolent Glad. Boots of Alacrity 2771 2741 2859 2712 Fe PVP S12 1,750 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 725 1208   471 322 496     322       1   66 66 66 Socket Bonus SHOU.
Boots of the Still Breath (509) 2747 2705 2869 2667 Fe HoF-H ? Imperial Vizier Zor'lok 90 509 P 946 1538   551   695             1   22 23 19 Socket Bonus CHEST
Malevolent Glad. Boots of Cruelty (E) 2737 2741 2779 2692 Fe PVP S12E 1,750 CP 90 483 P 725 1208   496 322     471 322       1   66 66 66 Socket Bonus WAIST
Malevolent Glad. Boots of Cruelty 2737 2741 2779 2692 Fe PVP S12 1,750 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 725 1208   496 322     471 322       1   66 66 66 Socket Bonus LEGS
Treads of Deadly Secretions (496) 2520 2452 2728 2382 Fe HoF ? Amber-Shaper Un'sok 90 496 P 829 1363         500 602         1   24 50 20 Socket Bonus FEET
Boots of the Still Breath (496) 2464 2427 2571 2393 Fe HoF ? Imperial Vizier Zor'lok 90 496 P 829 1363   485   610             1   22 23 19 Socket Bonus WRIST
Flamefoot Tabi 2360 2318 2580 2181 Fe VFW ? Galleon 90 496 P 909 1363 517     658                         HANDS
Dreadful Glad. Boots of Alacrity 2319 2296 2386 2274 Fe PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P 558 957   373 293 376     293       1   66 66 66 Socket Bonus FINGER
Dreadful Glad. Boots of Cruelty 2294 2296 2326 2259 Fe PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P 558 957   376 293     373 293       1   66 66 66 Socket Bonus TRINK.
Treads of Deadly Secretions (483) 2263 2202 2448 2140 Fe HoF-RF ? Amber-Shaper Un'sok 90 483 P 725 1208         439 528         1   24 50 20 Socket Bonus BACK
Tukka-Tuk's Hairy Boots 2241 2208 2460 2054 Fe AC Rev AC Revered Reward 90 489 P 851 1277 601     512                         ENCH.
Boots of the Still Breath (483) 2212 2180 2307 2150 Fe HoF-RF ? Imperial Vizier Zor'lok 90 483 P 725 1208   426   535             1   22 23 19 Socket Bonus
Forgotten Boots of the Galeburst 1796 1739 2042 1606 Fe Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 667 1001 445       445                      
Boots of Raging Haze 1791 1795 1835 1745 Fe TS Q TS Quest Reward 90 496 P 754 1131   429       546                    
Contender's Leather Boots 1789 1792 1823 1752 Fe LW 565 LW Recipe 90 450 E 592 888   375 236     406 236                  
Boots of Plummeting Death (Heroic) 1700 1615 1905 1579 Fe MP-H 13% Xin the Weaponmaster 90 463 P 668 1002       434 452                      
Dashing Strike Treads 1589 1592 1627 1547 Fe SM 9% Commander Durand 90 463 P 668 1002   391       478                    
Boots of Plummeting Death 1507 1432 1689 1400 Fe MP 11% Xin the Weaponmaster 88 450 P 592 888       385 401                      
Ghost Fox Boots 1432 1413 1502 1380 Fe DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 450 P 592 888       318   440                    
Tesslah's Ticking Treads 1322 1299 1448 1218 Fe R 87-88 Random World Drop 83 433 E 505 758 312     352                        
Ghost Fox Shoes 1317 1256 1462 1232 Fe DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 524 786       389 282                      
Steppebeast Boots 1184 1165 1243 1145 Fe TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 487 730   317   330                        
Molten Blood Footpads (416) 1174 1129 1280 1112 Fe DS-H 4% Spine of Deathwing 85 416 P 391 647       313 193         2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Interrogator's Bloody Footpads (410) 1155 1138 1248 1079 Fe DS-H 5% Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 85 410 P 368 611 220     273           2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Riverblade Boots 1079 1061 1132 1043 Fe VFW Q VFW Quest Reward 86 419 P 443 665   296   296                        
Cataclysmic Glad. Boots of Alacrity 1078 1065 1115 1052 Fe PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508   226 135 206     135       1   11 11 11 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Boots of Alacrity (E) 1078 1065 1115 1052 Fe PVP S11E 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508   226 135 206     135       1   11 11 11 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Boots of Cruelty 1064 1066 1083 1044 Fe PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508   206 135     226 135       1   11 11 11 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Boots of Cruelty (E) 1064 1066 1083 1044 Fe PVP S11E 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508   206 135     226 135       1   11 11 11 Socket Bonus
WRIST AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Malevolent Glad. Armwraps of Accuracy 1944 1945 2060 1828 Wr PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906 432 353 241       241                   HEAD
Smooth Beetle Wristbands (509) 1895 1844 2055 1785 Wr ? ? ? 90 483 E 769 1154         414 571                     NECK
Bracers of Unseen Strikes (509) 1869 1837 1963 1807 Wr HoF-H ? Blade Lord Ta'yak 90 509 P 769 1154   487   528                         SHOU.
Malevolent Glad. Armwraps of Alacrity 1858 1832 1940 1802 Wr PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906     241 432   353 241                   CHEST
Bracers of Violent Meditation (502) 1825 1827 1941 1708 Wr MV-H ? Spirit Kings 90 502 P 720 1081 410 522                             WAIST
Smooth Beetle Wristbands (496) 1679 1634 1820 1582 Wr ? ? ? 90 496 E 682 1022         366 506                     LEGS
Bracers of Unseen Strikes (496) 1657 1629 1740 1602 Wr HoF ? Blade Lord Ta'yak 90 496 P 682 1022   432   468                         FEET
Quillpaw Family Bracers 1646 1647 1762 1528 Wr AC Hon AC  Honored 1,250 VP 90 489 P 638 958 426 426                             WRIST
Bracers of Violent Meditation (489) 1618 1619 1720 1513 Wr MV 19% Spirit Kings 90 489 P 638 958 363 463                             HANDS
Dreadful Glad. Armwraps of Accuracy 1586 1587 1677 1493 Wr PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717 342 280 220       220                   FINGER
Dreadful Glad. Armwraps of Alacrity 1517 1497 1582 1473 Wr PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717     220 342   280 220                   TRINK.
Smooth Beetle Wristbands (483) 1488 1448 1613 1401 Wr ? ? ? 90 483 E 604 906         325 448                     BACK
Bracers of Unseen Strikes (483) 1468 1443 1541 1419 Wr HoF-RF ? Blade Lord Ta'yak 90 483 P 604 906   383   414                         ENCH.
Bracers of Violent Meditation (476) 1434 1436 1525 1342 Wr MV-RF ? Spirit Kings 90 476 P 566 849 322 410                            
Forgotten Bindings of the Galeburst 1348 1306 1533 1205 Wr Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 501 751 334       334                      
Contender's Leather Bracers 1342 1344 1368 1315 Wr LW 550 LW Recipe 90 450 E 444 666   300 177     288 177                  
Saboteur's Stabilizing Bracers (Heroic) 1274 1211 1426 1185 Wr GSS 12% Saboteur Kip'tilak 90 463 P 501 752       339 326                      
Lightblade Bracer 1189 1191 1216 1160 Wr SM 12% Armsmaster Harlan 90 463 P 501 752   363       285                    
Cruel Mercy Bracers 1132 1134 1157 1104 Wr Var Ven 1,250 JP 90 458 P 478 717   355       257                    
Saboteur's Stabilizing Bracers 1128 1073 1263 1050 Wr ? ? ? 87 450 P 444 666       300 288                      
Ghost Fox Armwraps 1008 1009 1076 938 Wr DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 393 590 249 270                            
Ghost Fox Wristwraps 998 949 1115 929 Wr DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 393 590       270 249                      
Silentleaf Armwraps 985 986 1056 914 Wr KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 434 P 382 573 259 248                            
Frozen Zandalari Bracer 967 951 1061 890 Wr KLS 12% KLS Rare Drop 85 430 P 369 553 234     253                        
Subjugation Bracers 967 951 1061 890 Wr MP Q MP Quest Reward 87 430 P 369 553 234     253                        
Steppebeast Armwraps 886 871 931 857 Wr TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 365 547   225   254                        
Silentleaf Wristwraps 823 824 887 759 Wr KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 318 476 221         196                    
Cataclysmic Glad. Armwraps of Accuracy 816 817 862 769 Wr PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381 169 169 101       101                  
Bladeshadow Wristguards 788 777 844 745 Wr LW 525 LW Recipe 85 397 E 231 406 117     186           2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Shadow Wing Armbands (410) 788 778 819 766 Wr DS-H 4% Warmaster Blackhorn 85 410 P 286 459   211   167           1     10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Armwraps of Alacrity 783 773 817 759 Wr PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381     101 169   169 101                  
Ruthless Glad. Armwraps of Accuracy (S11) 724 725 765 683 Wr PVP S11 1,250 HP 85 377 P 225 338 150 150 90       90                  
HANDS AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Bonebreaker Gauntlets (509) 2832 2778 3100 2617 Ha HoF-H ? Garalon 90 509 P 946 1538 495     730         1       23 35 22 Socket Bonus HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Leather Gloves (E) 2814 2812 2976 2655 Ha PVP S12E 1,650 CP 90 483 P 725 1208 457 537 322       322   1       70 70 70 SB,-10 Energy Kick NECK
Malevolent Glad. Leather Gloves 2814 2812 2976 2655 Ha PVP S12 1,650 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 725 1208 457 537 322       322   1       70 70 70 SB,-10 Energy Kick SHOU.
Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades (509) 2646 2648 2841 2450 Ha HoF ? Mel'jarak 90 509 P 1026 1538 724 616                             CHEST
Bonebreaker Gauntlets (496) 2531 2482 2772 2338 Ha HoF ? Garalon 90 496 P 829 1363 434     643         1       23 35 22 Socket Bonus WAIST
Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades (496) 2345 2346 2517 2171 Ha HoF ? Mel'jarak/Sha of Anger 90 496 P 909 1363 641 546                             LEGS
Dreadful Glad. Leather Gloves 2336 2334 2467 2208 Ha PVP S12 1,650 HP 90 458 P 558 957 345 425 293       293   1       70 70 70 SB,-10 Energy Kick FEET
Bonebreaker Gauntlets (483) 2264 2220 2481 2090 Ha HoF-RF ? Garalon 90 483 P 725 1208 380     565         1       23 35 22 Socket Bonus WRIST
Murderer's Gloves 2169 2173 2221 2113 Ha LW 600 LW Recipe 90 496 E 909 1363   615       591                     HANDS
Gauntlets of the Shadow's Caress 2156 2117 2290 2061 Ha TES-RF ? Tsulong 90 483 P 725 1208   457   520         1       23 35 22 Socket Bonus FINGER
Fingers of the Loneliest Monk 2128 2054 2342 1987 Ha AC Rev AC Revered 1,750 VP 90 489 P 851 1277         593 526                     TRINK.
Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades (483) 2077 2079 2230 1923 Ha HoF ? Mel'jarak 90 483 P 805 1208 568 484                             BACK
Greyshadow Gloves 1799 1803 1843 1753 Ha LW 600 LW Recipe 90 476 E 754 1131   490       510                     ENCH.
Forgotten Gloves of the Galeburst 1796 1739 2042 1606 Ha Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 667 1001 445       445                      
Contender's Leather Gloves 1786 1788 1819 1750 Ha LW 565 LW Recipe 90 450 E 592 888   418 236     356 236                  
Tombstone Gauntlets 1722 1690 1879 1597 Ha Sch 15% Darkmaster Gandling 90 463 P 668 1002 349     502                        
Hound Trainer's Gloves 1655 1607 1803 1555 Ha SM 12% Houndmaster Braun 90 463 P 668 1002         391 478                    
Surehand Grips 1523 1525 1559 1483 Ha Var Ven 1,750 JP 90 458 P 638 957   432       415                    
Syrio's Gloves of Tutelage 1393 1394 1485 1299 Ha R 88-90 Random World Drop 84 442 E 550 824 295         408                    
Ghost Fox Handwraps 1343 1344 1438 1246 Ha DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 524 786 315         370                    
Crimson Monk Handwraps 1314 1291 1387 1264 Ha SM Q SM Quest Reward 90 440 P 539 808       380   324                    
Ghost Fox Gloves 1278 1256 1349 1230 Ha DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 524 786       370   315                    
Steppebeast Gloves 1241 1242 1326 1154 Ha TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 487 730 277         353                    
Silentleaf Gloves 1210 1213 1240 1179 Ha KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 434 P 510 765   282       374                    
Blackfang Battleweave Gloves (410) 1142 1108 1287 1030 Ha DS-H 11% Warlord Zon'ozz 85 410 P 388 611 256       268         1     10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Gloves 1118 1119 1175 1060 Ha PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P 319 508 206 226 135       135   1       11 12 11 -10 Energy Kick
Cataclysmic Glad. Leather Gloves (E) 1118 1119 1175 1060 Ha PVP S11E 2,200 AR + S11 85 390 P 319 508 206 226 135       135   1       11 12 11 -10 Energy Kick
Blackfang Battleweave Gloves (397) 1017 987 1145 918 Ha DS 23% Warlord Zon'ozz 85 397 P 341 542 225       237         1     10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Ruthless Glad. Leather Gloves (S11) 994 994 1044 943 Ha PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P 280 450 180 200 120       120   1       11 12 11 -10 Energy Kick
Gloves of Burrow Spelunking 993 975 1048 955 Ha VFW 12% VFW Rare Drop 85 410 P 408 611       295   232                    
Master Brewer's Gloves 993 975 1048 955 Ha SB Q SB Quest Reward 85 410 P 408 611       295   232                    
FINGER AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Regail's Band of the Endless (516) 1988 1958 2081 1925 Fi TES-H ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 516 P 821 1231   571   507                         HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Ring of Accuracy 1951 1952 2074 1828 Fi PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906 432   241     353 241                   NECK
Painful Thorned Ring (509) 1902 1848 2069 1789 Fi HoF-H ? Wind Lord Mel'jarak 90 509 P 769 1154         438 557                     SHOU.
Regail's Band of the Endless (509) 1863 1835 1951 1804 Fi TES-H ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 509 P 769 1154   536   475                         CHEST
Malevolent Glad. Ring of Cruelty 1844 1823 1910 1799 Fi PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906   432 241 353     241                   WAIST
Hereditary Saurok Loop 1788 1758 1960 1645 Fi VFW ? Galleon 90 496 P 682 1022 432     468                         LEGS
Regail's Band of the Endless (503) 1761 1734 1844 1705 Fi TES-H ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 503 P 727 1091   506   449                         FEET
Feng's Seal of Binding (502) 1719 1722 1760 1675 Fi MV-H 4% Feng the Accursed 90 502 P 720 1081   488       468                     WRIST
Painful Thorned Ring (496) 1686 1638 1834 1585 Fi HoF ? Wind Lord Mel'jarak 90 496 P 682 1022         388 494                     HANDS
Regail's Band of the Endless (496) 1651 1626 1728 1598 Fi TES ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 496 P 682 1022   474   421                         FINGER
Seal of the Windreaver 1648 1649 1775 1520 Fi DW Q DW Quest Reward 90 489 P 638 958 485 323                             TRINK.
Anji's Keepsake 1641 1610 1790 1523 Fi GL Hon GL Honored 1,250 VP 90 489 P 638 958 323     485                         BACK
Dreadful Glad. Ring of Accuracy 1591 1592 1688 1493 Fi PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717 342   220     280 220                   ENCH.
Feng's Seal of Binding (489) 1523 1526 1560 1484 Fi MV 21% Feng the Accursed 90 489 P 638 958   432       415                    
Dreadful Glad. Ring of Cruelty 1506 1490 1559 1470 Fi PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717   342 220 280     220                  
Painful Thorned Ring (483) 1493 1451 1624 1404 Fi HoF-RF ? Wind Lord Mel'jarak 90 483 P 604 906         343 437                    
Perculia's Peculiar Signet 1470 1444 1607 1358 Fi R 90 Random World Drop 90 476 E 566 849 322     410                        
Regail's Band of the Endless (483) 1463 1441 1531 1416 Fi TES-RF ? Asani/Regail/Kaolan 90 483 P 604 906   420   373                        
Seal of Ghoulish Glee 1359 1360 1447 1270 Fi SM 3% Headless Horseman 90 470 P 535 802 313 382                            
Feng's Seal of Binding (476) 1351 1353 1383 1316 Fi MV-RF ? Feng the Accursed 90 476 P 566 849   383       368                    
Stormbound Ring of the Galeburst 1348 1306 1533 1205 Fi Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 501 751 334       334                      
Seal of Hateful Meditation 1289 1265 1406 1196 Fi SP ? Taran Zhu 90 463 P 501 752 254     381                        
Signet of Dancing Jade 1246 1203 1366 1170 Fi TJS 12% Liu Flameheart 90 463 P 501 752   309     349                      
Pulled Grenade Pin 1193 1195 1221 1163 Fi GSS 12% Saboteur Kip'tilak 90 463 P 501 752   349       309                    
Mark of the Dancing Crane 1163 1143 1221 1124 Fi TS Ven 1,250 JP 90 458 P 478 717   311   324                        
Roguestone Shadowband 1145 1146 1228 1062 Fi JC 575 JC Recipe 90 450 E 444 666 305 281                            
Delicate Mark of the Golden Lotus 1063 1046 1167 977 Fi VEB Q VEB Quest Reward 90 440 P 404 607 263     274                        
Seal of Taran Zhu 1063 1064 1140 985 Fi TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 442 P 412 618 287 254                            
Band of Sudden Dreams 1015 1016 1092 938 Fi DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 393 590 289 218                            
Xaril's Ring 933 935 954 910 Fi DW Q DW Quest Reward 90 437 P 393 590   285       224                    
Band of the Faithful Scout 922 923 980 864 Fi TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 365 547 202 268                            
Lao-Chin's Ring 871 872 891 848 Fi TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 365 547   247       237                    
Nesignwary's Signet 825 795 908 773 Fi VFW Q VFW Quest Reward 86 419 P 332 498   184     244                      
Cataclysmic Glad. Ring of Accuracy 819 820 869 769 Fi PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381 169   101     169 101                  
Seal of Primordial Shadow (410) 811 788 879 765 Fi DS-H 1% DS Bosses 85 410 P 286 459         184 200       1     10 10 10 Socket Bonus
Jade Inlaid Signet 810 810 865 753 Fi KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 318 476 181         230                    
Band of Pricking Needles 799 786 843 768 Fi R 85-87 Random World Drop 81 417 E 327 490       221   212                    
Cataclysmic Glad. Ring of Cruelty 779 769 810 759 Fi PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381   169 101 169     101                  
TRINKET AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Malevolent Glad. Insignia of Conquest 2354 2354 2354 2354 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P         322       1342           1328 1328 1328 2989 Agi Proc HEAD
Dreadful Glad. Insignia of Conquest 2262 2262 2262 2262 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P         293       1223           1328 1328 1328 2989 Agi Proc NECK
Malevolent Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A) 1800 1803 1854 1742 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P         322     1021 322           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m SHOU.
Malevolent Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H) 1800 1803 1854 1742 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P         322     1021 322           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m CHEST
Relic of Xuen 1782 1782 1782 1782 Tr DMF Ven Darkmoon Tiger Deck 90 476 E 956                           826 826 826 3027 Agi Proc WAIST
Malevolent Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A) 1779 1783 1813 1742 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P       1021 322       322           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m LEGS
Malevolent Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H) 1779 1783 1813 1742 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P       1021 322       322           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m FEET
Malevolent Glad. Emblem of Tenacity 1752 1756 1807 1694 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P         322     1021 322           852 852 852 +42617 Health 15s WRIST
Malevolent Glad. Emblem of Cruelty 1732 1735 1766 1694 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P       1021 322       322           852 852 852 +42617 Health 15s HANDS
Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Conquest 1731 1731 1731 1731 Tr PVP S12 1,750 CP 90 483 P         322       1342           706 706 706 4236 Agi 20s FINGER
Dreadful Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A) 1674 1676 1717 1628 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P         293     809 293           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m TRINK.
Dreadful Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H) 1674 1676 1717 1628 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P         293     809 293           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m BACK
Dreadful Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A) 1657 1660 1684 1628 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P       809 293       293           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Dreadful Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H) 1657 1660 1684 1628 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P       809 293       293           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Terror in the Mists (509) 1645 1648 1677 1610 Tr TES-H ? Lei Shi 90 509 P 1300                           348 377 310 5079 Crit Proc
Dreadful Glad. Badge of Conquest 1640 1640 1640 1640 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P         293       1223           706 706 706 4236 Agi 20s
Dreadful Glad. Emblem of Tenacity 1626 1629 1669 1580 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P         293     809 293           852 852 852 +42617 Health 15s
Jade Bandit Figurine (502) 1616 1560 1748 1542 Tr MV-H 2% MV-H Trash Drop 90 502 P 1218                           342 530 324 3595 Has 15s
Dreadful Glad. Emblem of Cruelty 1610 1612 1637 1580 Tr PVP S12 1,750 HP 90 458 P       809 293       293           852 852 852 +42617 Health 15s
Bottle of Infinite Stars (502) 1587 1591 1652 1518 Tr MV-H ? Elegon 90 502 P               1218             1128 1128 1128 2539 Agi Proc
Bottle of Infinite Stars (489) 1535 1538 1592 1474 Tr MV ? Elegon 90 489 P               1079             1128 1128 1128 2539 Agi Proc
Zen Alchemist Stone (Alch) 1527 1529 1567 1484 Tr Alch 500 Alchemy Recipe 85 450 P               751             1244 1244 1244 4561 Agi Proc
Terror in the Mists (496) 1497 1500 1529 1462 Tr TES ? Lei Shi 90 496 P 1152                           348 377 310 5079 Crit Proc
Bottle of Infinite Stars (476) 1489 1492 1540 1434 Tr MV-RF ? Elegon 90 476 P               956             1128 1128 1128 2539 Agi Proc
Hawkmaster's Talon 1477 1421 1609 1403 Tr SP Rev SP Revered 1,750 VP 90 489 P 1079                           342 530 324 3595 Has 15s
Jade Bandit Figurine (489) 1477 1421 1609 1403 Tr MV 2% MV Trash Drop 90 489 P 1079                           342 530 324 3595 Has 15s
Terror in the Mists (483) 1366 1369 1398 1331 Tr TES-RF ? Lei Shi 90 483 P 1021                           348 377 310 5079 Crit Proc
Jade Warlord Figurine (502) 1362 1364 1400 1322 Tr ? ? ? 90 502 P   1827                         268 303 226 2822 Mas 15s
Jade Bandit Figurine (476) 1354 1298 1486 1280 Tr MV-RF 2% MV-RF Trash Drop 90 476 P 956                           342 530 324 3595 Has 15s
Windswept Pages 1309 1243 1462 1222 Tr TJS-H 12% Lorewalker Stonestep 90 463 P 847                           396 615 375 3386 Has Proc
Searing Words 1298 1301 1326 1267 Tr Sch-H 15% Darkmaster Gandling 90 463 P       847                     996 996 996 3386 Agi Proc
Cataclysmic Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A) 1278 1279 1300 1253 Tr PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P         135     429 135           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Cataclysmic Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H) 1278 1279 1300 1253 Tr PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P         135     429 135           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Cataclysmic Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A) 1269 1270 1283 1253 Tr PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P       429 135       135           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Cataclysmic Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H) 1269 1270 1283 1253 Tr PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P       429 135       135           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Flashing Steel Talisman 1264 1264 1468 1061 Tr SM 13% High Inq. Whitemane 90 463 P     847                       705 705 705 4232 Agi 15s
Jade Warlord Figurine (489) 1237 1239 1275 1197 Tr MV 2% MV Trash Drop 90 489 P   1619                         268 303 226 2822 Mas 15s
Lao-Chin's Liquid Courage 1237 1239 1275 1197 Tr SP Rev SP Revered 1,750 VP 90 489 P   1619                         268 303 226 2822 Mas 15s
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A-S11) 1235 1236 1255 1214 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P         120     380 120           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H-S11) 1235 1236 1255 1214 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P         120     380 120           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A-S11) 1228 1229 1240 1214 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P       380 120       120           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H-S11) 1228 1229 1240 1214 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P       380 120       120           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A) 1216 1217 1235 1196 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP / Occu'thar 85 371 P         113     359 113           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H) 1216 1217 1235 1196 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP / Occu'thar 85 371 P         113     359 113           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A) 1209 1210 1221 1196 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP / Occu'thar 85 371 P       359 113       113           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Ruthless Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H) 1209 1210 1221 1196 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP / Occu'thar 85 371 P       359 113       113           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A) 1180 1181 1197 1162 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP 85 358 P         100     319 100           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H) 1180 1181 1197 1162 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP 85 358 P         100     319 100           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A) 1174 1175 1184 1162 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP 85 358 P       319 100       100           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H) 1174 1175 1184 1162 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP 85 358 P       319 100       100           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (A) 1165 1166 1181 1148 Tr PVP S9 No Longer Available 85 352 P         95     301 95           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Tenacity (H) 1165 1166 1181 1148 Tr PVP S9 No Longer Available 85 352 P         95     301 95           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (A) 1159 1160 1169 1148 Tr PVP S9 No Longer Available 85 352 P       301 95       95           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vicious Glad. Medallion of Cruelty (H) 1159 1160 1169 1148 Tr PVP S9 No Longer Available 85 352 P       301 95       95           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Bloodthirsty Glad. Medallion of Tenacity 1135 1136 1149 1120 Tr Var Ven 1,650 HP 85 339 P         84     267 84           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Bloodthirsty Glad. Medallion of Tenacity 1135 1136 1149 1120 Tr Var Ven 1,650 HP 85 339 P         84     267 84           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Bloodthirsty Glad. Medallion of Cruelty 1130 1131 1139 1120 Tr Var Ven 1,650 HP 85 339 P       267 84       84           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Bloodthirsty Glad. Medallion of Cruelty 1130 1131 1139 1120 Tr Var Ven 1,650 HP 85 339 P       267 84       84           900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Jade Warlord Figurine (476) 1126 1128 1164 1086 Tr ? ? ? 90 476 P   1434                         268 303 226 2822 Mas 15s
Coren's Cold Chromium Coaster 1075 1161 1166 899 Tr BRD 2% Coren Direbrew 90 470 P       904                     836 813 610 10164 AP proc
Medallion of the Alliance 1068 1068 1068 1068 Tr PVP PVP 945 HP 80 264 P         153                   900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Medallion of the Alliance 1068 1068 1068 1068 Tr PVP PVP 945 HP 80 264 P         153                   900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Medallion of the Horde 1068 1068 1068 1068 Tr PVP PVP 945 HP 80 264 P         153                   900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Medallion of the Horde 1068 1068 1068 1068 Tr PVP PVP 945 HP 80 264 P         153                   900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Medallion of the Alliance 1019 1019 1019 1019 Tr PVP PVP No Longer Available 80 226 P         108                   900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Medallion of the Horde 1019 1019 1019 1019 Tr PVP PVP No Longer Available 80 226 P         108                   900 900 900 Rem Effects, 2m
Vial of Shadows (410) 1017 1017 1017 1017 Tr DS-H 1% DS Bosses 85 410 P 517                           500 500 500 4546-6819 proc
Ghost Iron Dragonling (Eng) 978 864 1398 672 Tr Eng 525 Eng Recipe 87 450 E                             864 1398 672 3x Cog,Sum Dragon
Gerp's Perfect Arrow 954 956 977 928 Tr R 88-90 Random World Drop 84 442 E       697                     705 705 705 4232 Agi 20s
Ruthless Glad. Insignia of Conquest 946 946 946 946 Tr PVP S10 1,650 HP / Occu'thar 85 371 P 359       113       113           406 406 406 1218 Agi Proc
Ruthless Glad. Badge of Conquest (S11) 929 929 929 929 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P 380       120       120           357 357 357 2144 Agility 20s
Cataclysmic Glad. Emblem of Tenacity 865 867 888 841 Tr PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P         135     429 135           488 488 488 +24378 Health 15s
Cataclysmic Glad. Emblem of Cruelty 857 858 871 841 Tr PVP S11 1,650 CP 85 390 P       429 135       135           488 488 488 +24378 Health 15s
Ruthless Glad. Emblem of Tenacity (S11) 767 769 788 746 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P         120     380 120           432 432 432 +21608 Health 15s
Ruthless Glad. Emblem of Cruelty (S11) 760 761 772 746 Tr PVP S11 1,650 HP 85 377 P       380 120       120           432 432 432 +21608 Health 15s
BACK AEP ASS COM SUB Sl Loc Info Source Lv ilvl Bi Agi Sta Hit Cri Res Has Exp Mas PP AP B R Y M ASp CSp SSp Special LINKS
Malevolent Glad. Cape of Prowess 1929 1930 2037 1820 Ba PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906 353   241     432 241                   HEAD
Malevolent Glad. Cape of Cruelty 1844 1823 1910 1799 Ba PVP S12 1,250 CP/Sha of Anger 90 483 P 604 906   432 241 353     241                   NECK
Legbreaker Greatcloak (509) 1838 1841 1882 1790 Ba HoF-H ? Garalon 90 509 P 769 1154   513       513                     SHOU.
Arrow Breaking Windcloak (502) 1813 1729 2016 1695 Ba ME-H 3% Spirit Kings 90 502 P 720 1081       529 399                       CHEST
Blackguard Cape 1654 1656 1782 1525 Ba SP Hon SP Honored 1,250 VP 90 489 P 638 958 444         394                     WAIST
Legbreaker Greatcloak (496) 1628 1631 1667 1586 Ba HoF ? Garalon 90 496 P 682 1022   454       454                     LEGS
Arrow Breaking Windcloak (489) 1606 1532 1785 1501 Ba ME 17% Spirit Kings 90 489 P 638 958       468 353                       FEET
Dreadful Glad. Cape of Prowess 1574 1575 1659 1487 Ba PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717 280   220     342 220                   WRIST
Dreadful Glad. Cape of Cruelty 1506 1490 1559 1470 Ba PVP S12 1,250 HP 90 458 P 478 717   342 220 280     220                   HANDS
Dory's Pageantry 1446 1448 1543 1348 Ba R 90 Random World Drop 90 476 E 566 849 349 394                             FINGER
Legbreaker Greatcloak (483) 1442 1445 1477 1405 Ba HoF-RF ? Garalon 90 483 P 604 906   402       402                     TRINK.
Arrow Breaking Windcloak (476) 1433 1360 1609 1329 Ba ME-RF ? Spirit Kings 90 476 P 566 849       313 415                       BACK
Stormbound Cloak of the Galeburst 1348 1306 1533 1205 Ba Daily R Daily Random Scenario 90 463 P 501 751 334       334                       ENCH.
Aerial Bombardment Cloak 1256 1257 1329 1181 Ba SNT 12% General Pa'valak 90 463 P 501 752 254 381                            
Wind-Soaked Drape 1190 1192 1218 1161 Ba TJS 12% Wise Mari 90 463 P 501 752   358       293                    
Bladesong Cloak 1160 1141 1215 1122 Ba Var Ven 1,250 JP 90 458 P 478 717   328   303                        
Quick Strike Cloak 1057 1059 1082 1029 Ba LW 580 LW Recipe 90 450 E 444 666   267       313                    
Aquino's Cloak of Unity 966 966 1029 901 Ba R 87-89 Random World Drop 83 433 E 379 568 228 267                            
Softfoot's Drape 964 965 987 938 Ba VEB 19% VEB Rare Drop 85 440 P 404 607   250       282                    
Mantid Exterminator's Cloak 964 965 987 938 Ba GSS Q GSS Quest Reward 90 440 P 404 607   250       282                    
Sapmaster's Cloak 937 939 960 912 Ba DW Q DW Quest Reward 89 437 P 393 590   243       274                    
Scorpion Drape 886 870 931 856 Ba TS Q TS Quest Reward 88 429 P 365 547   219   258                        
Cataclysmic Glad. Cape of Prowess 819 820 869 769 Ba PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381 169   101     169 101                  
Cataclysmic Glad. Cape of Cruelty 779 769 810 759 Ba PVP S11 1,250 CP 85 390 P 254 381   169 101 169     101                  
Dreadfire Drape (Heroic) 772 773 816 728 Ba FL-H 3% Lord Rhyolith 85 391 P 241 384 158         113       2     20 20 20 Socket Bonus
Snowblind Cape 769 754 809 743 Ba KLS Q KLS Quest Reward 87 414 P 318 476   166   239                        
Stormstout Drink Napkin 742 732 780 715 Ba SB Q SB Quest Reward 85 410 P 306 459       174   222                    
Wasteland Cape 728 715 765 704 Ba Var Ven 65g 88 408 P 300 450   180   212                        
Ruthless Glad. Cape of Prowess (S11) 727 728 771 683 Ba PVP S11 1,250 HP 85 377 P 225 338 150   90     150 90                  
Imperial Lotus Cape 713 700 779 660 Ba KW Q KW Quest Reward 86 399 P 276 414 148     205                        
Batwing Cloak 707 697 739 687 Ba SW/O Ven 1,250 VP 85 397 P 251 406   162   176           1     10 10 10 Socket Bonus
AEP: Agility Equivalence Points.  A method to convert the value of item attributes to compare them in terms of Agility points.  Based on the forum discussion by Ming from Lightning's Blade.
AEP: PVP formula which places extra emphasis on Stamina and Resilience. MAEP: Maximum DPS AEP for use in maximizing PVE raid DPS.  Average of (Ass)assination, (COM)bat and (Sub)tlety values.
See for current AEP/MAEP formulas
Sl: Slot. Loc: The location where the item can be found, usually the initials for a zone.  BS = Blacksmithing, Enc = Enchanting, Eng = Engineering, R = Random World Drop, LW = Leatherworking.
Info: Additional information about the item, such as drop percentage, random mob levels, the skill level required to create it, reputation, honor ranking or (Q)uest item.
Source: The source of the item.  Either the boss who drops it, the location of the recipe or the type of faction or quest required. Lv: The level required to wear the armor, ilvl: Item Level, Bi: Bind on (P)ickup or (E)quip
Agi: Agility, Sta: Stamina, Hit: Hit Rating, Cri: Crit. Rating, Res: Resilience, Has: Haste Rating, Exp: Expertise, Mas: Mastery Rating, PP: PVP Power, AP: Attack Power
B/R/Y: Gems, M: Meta Socket, ASp: Assassination Special Value, CSp: Combat Special Value, SSp: Subtlety Special Value.
World of Warcraft High Level Rogue PVP Armor Chart © 2012 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft © 2012 Blizzard Entertainment