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World of Warcraft High Level Rogue Daggers Chart
Created by Shadow Panther (Zodar on Earthen Ring Server)
This chart is used to compare High Level Rogue Daggers to see which are best.
Level 70 Starter Weapons PVP Weapons PVE Weapons Daggers Fist Weapons Maces Swords
Shadow Panther’s Guide for Getting Arena Ready Shadow Panther’s Guide for Getting Karazhan Ready
          Main Hand AEP (PVP) >         0 .65 1 .70 .60 .63 .65 .65 .60 .15 1 1     2.5 9 10 8 1 1  
          Dagger AEP (PVP) >         0 .65 1 .70 .60 .63 .65 .65 .60 .15 1 1     3.6 9 10 8 1 1  
          Offhand AEP (PVP) >         8 .65 1 .70 .60 .63 .65 .65 .60 .15 1 2     0 9 10 8 1 1  
Last Updated         Main Hand MAEP (PVE) >         0 .55 1.1 .01 1.15 .90 .50 1.25 1 .15 .001 3     1.75 4 9 9 1 1  
6/30/08         Dagger MAEP (PVE) >         0 .55 1.1 .01 1.15 .90 .50 1.25 1 .15 .001 3     2.5 4 9 9 1 1  
New/Updated Items in Gray         Offhand MAEP (PVE) >         8 .55 1.1 .01 1.15 .90 .50 1.25 1 .15 .001 2     0 4 9 9 1 1  
MAIN HAND: All High Level Rogue Main Hand and One-Hand Daggers (Ranked by Main Hand MAEP) - See Below for Offhand Weapons
DAGGERS (MH & Mutilate OH) AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has ArP Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special
Infinity Blade (Tempest Keep Only) 1108 1056 TK Spec Kael'thas Sunstrider O D 70 175 P 2.0     35   25 70         122.3 171 318 245       20 20 Various
Crux of the Apocalypse 948 942 SWP 1% Kil'jaeden O D 70 164 P 1.8   18 15     60   27     114.2 164 247 206   1        
Shiv of Exsanguination 890 888 SWP 15% Eredar Twins O D 70 154 P 1.8   25       42     196   108.1 136 253 195            
Brutal Gladiator's Mutilator (Mut OH) 893 867 PVP S4 1,125 Arena Points F D 70 154 P 1.8     31 9 22 38     49 12 108.1 136 253 195            
Brutal Gladiator's Shanker 891 865 PVP S4 2,625 Arena Points O D 70 154 P 1.8     31 9 22 38     49 12 107.8 155 233 194            
Shard of Azzinoth 883 864 BT 10% Illidan O D 70 151 P 1.9           64         106.1 161 242 202       10 10 Ember proc
Vengeful Gladiator's Mutilator (Mut OH) 851 826 PVP S3 1,125 Arena Points F D 70 146 P 1.8     30 8 21 34     49 12 103.1 130 241 186            
Vengeful Gladiator's Shanker 851 826 PVP S3 2,283 Arena Points O D 70 146 P 1.8     30 8 21 34     49 12 103.1 148 223 186            
The Mutilator (Mutilate Offhand) 835 823 IoQ Ven 45 Badge of Justice F D 70 146 P 1.8     30 24   44         103.1 130 241 186            
Blade of Serration 836 817 IoQ Ven 105 Badge of Justice O D 70 146 P 1.8     30   24 44         103.1 130 241 186            
Fang of Vashj 813 807 SSC 7% Lady Vashj O D 70 141 P 1.8     19     56 21       100.3 144 217 181            
Fang of Kalecgos 762 806 SWP ? Kalecgos O D 70 154 P 1.5   25       48   25     108.0 113 211 162            
Boundless Agony 797 805 HS 14% Azgalor O D 70 141 P 1.8         24       210   100.3 144 217 181            
Heartrazor 832 799 TK 22% Solarian O D 70 134 P 1.8   20 30               96.4 121 226 174       70 54 270 AP Proc
Dagger of Bad Mojo 783 781 ZA 15% Hex Lord Malacrass O D 70 132 P 1.8   21       40     140   95.6 137 207 172            
Merciless Gladiator's Shanker 798 775 PVP S2 18,000 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 136 P 1.8     27 10 19 30       12 97.5 140 211 176            
Umbral Shiv 777 766 ZA 7% Timed Event O D 70 132 P 1.8   12 30 13   6         95.6 137 207 172   1 1      
Tracker's Blade 697 743 HS 9% Rage Winterchill O D 70 141 P 1.5       20 23 44         100.3 105 196 151            
Direbrew's Shanker 773 739 BRD ? Coren Direbrew O D 70 115 P 2.0   19 18     36         87.5 122 228 175            
Malchazeen 740 732 Kar 11% Prince Malchezaar O D 70 125 P 1.8     16 15   50         91.9 132 199 166            
Gladiator's Shanker 739 721 PVP S1 18,000 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 123 P 1.8     21 9 15 28       10 91.1 131 197 164            
Messenger of Fate 678 699 BT 13% Gurtogg Bloodboil O D 70 141 P 1.4   22 31     44         100.4 112 169 141            
Emerald Ripper 710 695 Kar 7% Moroes O D 70 115 P 1.8   19 18     36         87.5 126 189 158            
Prowler's Strikeblade 682 688 ZA 16% Hex Lord Malacrass O D 70 132 P 1.5     30     42     140   95.7 100 187 144            
Blade of the Unrequited 650 656 Kar 38% Julianne O D 70 115 P 1.6     13   9 26         87.5 112 168 140 1 1 1      
Riftmaker 650 651 Tan Exa KoT Exalted O D 70 100 P 1.8   21       22         81.4 117 176 147       6 6 10% Slow Pr
The Night Blade 624 625 R 68-71 Random World Drop O D 70 100 E 1.8                     81.4 117 176 147       15 15 3x Sund Proc
Vileblade of the Betrayer 626 620 Arc-H 1% Harbinger Skyriss O D 70 105 P 1.8           56         78.9 113 171 142            
Guile of Khoraazi 593 609 Neth Exa Consortium Exa O D 70 100 P 1.6   19       38         81.3 104 156 130            
Feltooth Eviscerator 552 592 HR-R 1% Nazan O D 70 110 P 1.4         22 34         85.4 83 156 120            
Kingsfall 577 590 Naxx 24% Kel'Thuzad O D 60 89 P 1.8   16   10 14           73.1 105 158 132            
Whispering Blade of Slaying 605 589 SL 9% Murmur O D 70 115 P 1.9     21     26 15       71.8 109 164 137            
Edge of Oppression 547 581 MT-H 19% Vexallus O D 70 115 P 1.3     25     36   17     87.3 79 148 114            
Dirge 541 579 BS 365 BS recipe O D 70 105 E 1.4         20 40         83.2 81 152 117            
Bombardier's Blade 582 579 IoQ Ven SSO Revered O D 70 115 P 1.8   14 12 11   26         71.7 90 168 129            
Grand Marshal's Shanker 588 572 PVP All 15,300 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 115 P 1.8     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 103 155 129            
High Warlord's Shanker 588 572 PVP Hor 15,300 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 115 P 1.8     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 103 155 129            
Retainer's Blade 555 571 SC Exa Scryers Exalted O D 70 100 P 1.5   22 21               81.0 97 146 122            
Terror Flame Dagger 577 571 HR-H 1% Omor the Unscarred O D 70 115 P 1.8     15 14   34         71.7 103 155 129            
Crystal-Infused Shiv 581 570 BEM Q BEM Quest Reward O D 70 115 E 1.8   11 12     40         71.7 103 155 129            
Ced's Carver 575 567 R 69-72 Random World Drop O D 70 115 E 1.8     13   16 30         71.7 103 155 129            
Hungering Spineripper 575 567 Arc 6% Harbinger Skyriss O D 70 115 P 1.8     13   16 30         71.7 103 155 129            
Claw of the Netherwing Flight 550 565 SV Q SV Quest Reward O D 70 108 P 1.8   15   15   30 15       66.4 83 156 120            
Twin-Bladed Ripper 548 549 Neth Q Neth Quest Reward O D 70 109 P 1.8   12 12 11   24 7       66.9 84 157 121            
Illidari-Bane Dagger 536 543 SV Q SV Quest Reward O D 70 115 P 1.8                     71.7 90 168 129       0 5 93 AP vs Dem
Borak's Reminder 542 542 SV Q SV Quest Reward O D 68 109 P 1.8   11   7   40         66.9 84 157 121            
Death's Sting 533 526 AQ40 7% C'Thun O D 60 84 P 1.8     10     38 7       66.4 95 144 120            
Talon of Anzu 504 522 SH-H 22% Anzu O D 70 115 P 1.5   10 3     36         71.7 75 140 108   1        
Maexxna's Fang 523 519 Naxx 11% Maexxna O D 60 83 P 1.8     8 10   36         65.3 94 141 118            
Grand Marshal's Dirk 520 503 PVP All 15,300 HP + 20 AB O D 60 78 P 2.0     7   14 28         59.5 95 143 119            
High Warlord's Razor 520 503 PVP Hor 15,300 HP + 20 AB O D 60 78 P 2.0     7   14 28         59.5 95 143 119            
Phantom Dagger of the Bandit 504 497 R 71-72 Random World Drop O D 70 120 E 1.7   12 18     25         65.0 77 144 111            
Harbinger of Doom 470 490 Naxx <1% Trash Mobs O D 60 83 P 1.6   8 8 10 14           65.3 83 126 105            
Ceremonial Warmaul Blood-blade 489 482 Nag Q Nag Quest Reward O D 65 103 P 1.7   13 19     26         62.6 74 139 107            
OFF HAND: All High Level Off Hand and One-Hand Daggers (Ranked by Off Hand MAEP)
Weapon AEP MAEP Loc Info Source H T Lvl ilvl Bi Sp Str Agi Sta Hit Cri AP Exp Has ArP Res DPS Min Max Avg B R Y PVP PVE Special
Fang of Kalecgos 399 405 SWP ? Kalecgos O D 70 154 P 1.5   25       48   25     108.0 113 211 162            
Crux of the Apocalypse 410 402 SWP 1% Kil'jaeden O D 70 164 P 1.8   18 15     60   27     114.2 164 247 206   1        
Infinity Blade (Tempest Keep Only) 422 394 TK Spec Kael'thas Sunstrider O D 70 175 P 2.0     35   25 70         122.3 171 318 245       20 20 Various
Brutal Gladiator's Shiv 421 393 PVP S4 1,125 Arena Points F D 70 154 P 1.4     31 9 22 38     49 12 107.9 105 197 151            
Shiv of Exsanguination 386 382 SWP 15% Eredar Twins O D 70 154 P 1.8   25       42     196   108.1 136 253 195            
Vengeful Gladiator's Shiv 407 379 PVP S3 978 Arena Points F D 70 146 P 1.4     30 8 21 34     49 12 103.2 101 188 145            
Tracker's Blade 368 378 HS 9% Rage Winterchill O D 70 141 P 1.5       20 23 44         100.3 105 196 151            
Swift Blade of Uncertainty 382 368 IoQ Ven 45 Badge of Justice F D 70 146 P 1.5     30 24   44         103.0 108 201 155            
Messenger of Fate 393 367 BT 13% Gurtogg Bloodboil O D 70 141 P 1.4   22 31     44         100.4 112 169 141            
Merciless Gladiator's Shiv 383 359 PVP S2 9,000 HP + 20 EoS F D 70 136 P 1.4     27 10 19 30       12 97.5 95 178 137            
Heartrazor 392 357 TK 22% Solarian O D 70 134 P 1.8   20 30               96.4 121 226 174       70 54 270 AP Proc
Prowler's Strikeblade 373 346 ZA 16% Hex Lord Malacrass O D 70 132 P 1.5     30     42     140   95.7 100 187 144            
Dagger of Bad Mojo 347 343 ZA 15% Hex Lord Malacrass O D 70 132 P 1.8   21       40     140   95.6 137 207 172            
Fang of Vashj 352 343 SSC 7% Lady Vashj O D 70 141 P 1.8     19     56 21       100.3 144 217 181            
Boundless Agony 335 342 HS 14% Azgalor O D 70 141 P 1.8         24       210   100.3 144 217 181            
Gladiator's Shiv 360 340 PVP S1 9,000 HP + 20 EoS F D 70 123 P 1.4     21 9 15 28       10 91.1 89 166 128            
Blade of Serration 359 338 IoQ Ven 105 Badge of Justice O D 70 146 P 1.8     30   24 44         103.1 130 241 186            
Edge of Oppression 354 338 MT-H 19% Vexallus O D 70 115 P 1.3     25     36   17     87.3 79 148 114            
Shard of Azzinoth 344 334 BT 10% Illidan O D 70 151 P 1.9           64         106.1 161 242 202       10 10 Ember proc
Umbral Shiv 342 329 ZA 7% Timed Event O D 70 132 P 1.8   12 30 13   6         95.6 137 207 172   1 1      
Feltooth Eviscerator 327 328 HR-R 1% Nazan O D 70 110 P 1.4         22 34         85.4 83 156 120            
Searing Sunblade 338 325 SC Ven 50 Badge of Justice F D 70 110 P 1.3   24 22               85.4 77 145 111            
Dirge 325 324 BS 365 BS recipe O D 70 105 E 1.4         20 40         83.2 81 152 117            
Blade of the Unrequited 338 322 Kar 38% Julianne O D 70 115 P 1.6     13   9 26         87.5 112 168 140 1 1 1      
Malchazeen 325 314 Kar 11% Prince Malchezaar O D 70 125 P 1.8     16 15   50         91.9 132 199 166            
Warp Splinter's Thorn 305 306 TB 6% Warp Splinter O D 70 115 P 1.3   16 13 15             71.5 74 112 93            
Guile of Khoraazi 309 305 Neth Exa Consortium Exa O D 70 100 P 1.6   18       38         81.3 104 156 130            
Emerald Ripper 318 302 Kar 7% Moroes O D 70 115 P 1.8   19 18     36         87.5 126 189 158            
Retainer's Blade 311 298 SC Exa Scryers Exalted O D 70 100 P 1.5   22 21               81.0 97 146 122            
Grand Marshal's Shiv 315 298 PVP All 15,300 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 115 P 1.4     18 8 13 26       9 71.8 80 121 101            
High Warlord's Shiv 315 298 PVP Hor 15,300 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 115 P 1.4     18 8 13 26       9 71.8 80 121 101            
Timeslicer 302 297 OHF-H 1% Epoch Hunter O D 70 115 P 1.4     13     30 15       71.8 80 121 101            
Twinblade of Mastery 292 296 M-T-H 1% Pandemonius O D 70 115 P 1.4     12   21   11       71.8 80 121 101            
Talon of Anzu 301 293 SH-H 22% Anzu O D 70 115 P 1.5   10 3     36         71.7 75 140 108   1        
Riftmaker 292 291 Tan Exa KoT Exalted O D 70 100 P 1.8   21       22         81.4 117 176 147       6 6 10% Slow Pr
Claw of the Netherwing Flight 274 288 SV Q SV Quest Reward O D 70 108 P 1.8   15   15   30 15       66.4 83 156 120            
Direbrew's Shanker 302 286 BRD ? Coren Direbrew O D 70 115 P 2.0   19 18     36         87.5 122 228 175            
Ashtongue Blade 298 286 SV Q SV Quest Reward O D 70 109 P 1.4   11 10     40         66.8 65 122 94            
Kingsfall 265 276 Naxx 24% Kel'Thuzad O D 60 89 P 1.8   16   10 14           73.1 105 158 132            
Vileblade of the Betrayer 282 274 Arc-H 1% Harbinger Skyriss O D 70 105 P 1.8           56         78.9 113 171 142            
Bombardier's Blade 277 273 IoQ Ven SSO Revered O D 70 115 P 1.8   14 12 11   26         71.7 90 168 129            
Twin-Bladed Ripper 269 269 Neth Q Neth Quest Reward O D 70 109 P 1.8   12 12 11   24 7       66.9 84 157 121            
Harbinger of Doom 263 268 Naxx <1% Trash Mobs O D 60 83 P 1.6   8 8 10 14           65.3 83 126 105            
Pulse Dagger 256 268 Neth Ven Weapon Vendor O D 66 108 E 1.3       21             57.7 52 98 75            
Vibro Shanker 262 266 BEM Q BEM Quest Reward O D 65 105 P 1.4   10       20 11       55.7 54 102 78            
The Night Blade 266 266 R 68-71 Random World Drop O D 70 100 E 1.8                     81.4 117 176 147       15 15 3x Sund Proc
Grand Marshal's Shanker 283 265 PVP All 15,300 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 115 P 1.8     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 103 155 129            
High Warlord's Shanker 283 265 PVP Hor 15,300 HP + 20 EoS O D 70 115 P 1.8     18 8 13 26       9 71.7 103 155 129            
Terror Flame Dagger 272 265 HR-H 1% Omor the Unscarred O D 70 115 P 1.8     15 14   34         71.7 103 155 129            
Crystal-Infused Shiv 277 264 BEM Q BEM Quest Reward O D 70 115 E 1.8   11 12     40         71.7 103 155 129            
Borak's Reminder 263 262 SV Q SV Quest Reward O D 68 109 P 1.8   11   7   40         66.9 84 157 121            
Ced's Carver 270 261 R 69-72 Random World Drop O D 70 115 E 1.8     13   16 30         71.7 103 155 129            
Hungering Spineripper 270 261 Arc 6% Harbinger Skyriss O D 70 115 P 1.8     13   16 30         71.7 103 155 129            
Blade of Unquenched Thirst 263 260 R 63-65 Random World Drop O D 64 97 E 1.3           22         58.1 53 98 78       5 5 48-54 LS
Dib'Muad's Crysknife 257 259 TF Q TF Quest Reward O D 63 94 P 1.4         19 18         56.4 55 103 79            
AEP: Agility Equivalence Points.  A method to convert the value of item attributes to compare them in terms of Agility points.  Based on the forum discussion by Ming from Lightning's Blade.
AEP: PVP-Oriented formula which focuses on Attack Power, Stamina and Resilience. MAEP: Maximum DPS AEP for use in maximizing PVE raid DPS.
See for current AEP/MAEP formulas
Loc: The location where the weapon can be found, usually the initials for a zone.  BS = Blacksmithing, R = Random World Drop.
Info: Additional information about the weapon, such as drop percentage, random mob levels, the skill level required to create it, reputation, honor ranking or (Q)uest item.
Source: The source of the weapon.  Either the boss who drops it, the location of the recipe or the type of faction or quest required.
H: Which hand can use the weapon. (M)ain Hand, (O)ne-Hand or Of(F) Hand. T: Weapon Type (Sword/Mace/Fist/Dagger) , Lvl: Level requirement, ilvl: Item Level, Bi: Bind on (P)ickup or (E)quip, Sp: Weapon Speed.
Str: Strength, Agi: Agility, Sta: Stamina, Hit: Hit Rating, Cri: Crit. Rating, AP: Attack Power, Exp: Expertise, Has: Haste Rating, ArP: Armor Penetration, Res: Resilience, B/R/Y: Sockets, Spe.: Special
DPS: Damage per second, Min: Minimum Damage, Max: Maximum Damage, Avg: Average damage, PVP: PVP Special Value, PVE: PVE Special Value
World of Warcraft High Level Rogue Daggers Chart © 2008 - Data courtesy of - World of Warcraft © 2008 Blizzard Entertainment