I've made a few adjustments to my level 80 AEP/MAEP formulas to correct stat values.
I've finally gotten around to updating my level 80 AEP/MAEP formulas for the 3.3 patch.
MAEP values have changed across the board, so you'll now notice major changes in item
rankings as a result. ArP and Crit have decreased in value while AP, Hit, Haste and Exp
have all increased in value. The values I've assigned to offhand weapon speeds have also
been increased significantly. Gems & socket values have been adjusted for these effects.
These changes have also been incorporated into my Armor Sets chart and Pawn scales.
As always, you can download my .XLS charts to use any values that work best for you.
I've added more items and updated all of the links now that Wowhead is finally updated.
I've added dozens of items to my charts, thanks to the terrific work at MMO-Champion.
I have made several updates to my Northrend Guide for Rogues for the 3.3 patch. If you
previously purchased the guide, you can go back to the Download Link provided in your
"Order Info" e-mail to download the updated guide. If your Download Link has already
expired, you can use that link to request an additional download. If you've lost or deleted
your "Order Info" email, contact me and I'll send you a copy for your records. Thanks!!!
I have updated numerous charts and other resources for the 3.3.0 patch released today.
I've updated my Rogue Powerleveling Chart, adding all of the BoA heirloom gear while
removing all invalid enchantments from the low level enchantments sections of the chart.
I have updated the PVE Resources section of my Rogue Links page to reflect the patch
versions covered by each of the major spreadsheets currently in use by raiding Rogues.
I have finished updating source information for all 3.3 items thanks to MMO-Champion.
When I originally developed my Starter Gear charts, they were intended for Rogues who
were having a tough time finding groups - - players who had to rely on gearing up mostly
through solo efforts. For the most part, I limited those charts to gear that could easily be
crafted, purchased or acquired from quests with minimal instancing or group assistance. I
knew from experience that it can be hard for a Rogue to get into groups sometimes, and
once you did, you were often competing against half the party for decent loot. With the
upcoming Dungeon Finder system, getting into groups should be easier than ever, so I'm
now adding 5-man Dungeon/Heroic loot and Emblem items to my Starter Gear charts.
I've fixed an error in my 51-60 & 60-69 Twink formulas that was causing sockets to be
valued a tad high. Despite this change, socket values will vary depending upon your own
situation, as you wouldn't waste epic gems in leveling gear but might want them for PVP.
I've added more items to my charts while updating badge prices and source location info.
I've added dozens more 3.3 items to my charts. I've also fixed a few items that changed.
I have overhauled my Rogue Stat Formulas page to show the progression of stat values
from level 80 all the way down to level 1, based on Combat Rating ratios and stat value
calculations, courtesy of Whitetooth, the author of RatingBuster. I have incorporated the
updated AEP/MAEP values derived from that chart into all of my other charts, resulting
in a slight reordering of overall item rankings throughout. My Pawn scales page has also
been updated, with new scales having been added for each of the Twink level brackets.
As always, you can download my .XLS charts to use any values that work best for you.
I've added a few more items and updated links and source information on many others.
I've finished adding all of the currently known 3.3 items to my weapons and amor charts
(thanks to MMO-Champion), but I'm still waiting for Wowhead to update all of its links.
I've added a few more 3.3 weapons to my charts. I'll be adding more 3.3 armor next.
I have added dozens of new Icecrown Citadel items to my armor and weapons charts.
I've started adding new 3.3 gear to my charts, starting with badge & quest reward gear.
I've added specs (16/0/55 and 51/6/14) to my PVP Specs page. These specs are being
used by a few successful Rogues listed in the top 500 of SK Gaming's Rogue Rankings.
I've made a few updates to all of my armor and weapons charts. I corrected the source
information for previous season Arena items (some of which are no longer available, yet
others now can be obtained by collecting armor tokens from BC raids.) I also removed
inferior items from many of those charts to reduce chart sizes and speed up downloads.
I also added new Twink Pawn scales for low level twink gear to my Pawn scales page.
I've corrected some errors in the uptime calculations for trinkets in my level 80 charts.
Those adjustments have resulted in a slight reordering of the rankings of those trinkets.
I have corrected a mistake in my Pawn formulas that was causing weapon speeds to be
calculated incorrectly. I have also added the new Headless Horseman gear to my charts.
I finally decided to powerlevel Engineering for both of my Rogues so they could have the
ability to shock one another back to life whenever either would perish while dual boxing
my way through instances. This project has inspired me to develop a new powerleveling
guide. However, unlike other powerleveling guides, this spreadsheet gives you the ability
to select alternate schematics, calculate material costs and customize your own personal
powerleveling plan based on resource availabilities and AH price fluctuations. Enjoy!!!
Powerleveling Spreadsheet for Engineering
Customizable .XLS Version
Static .HTM Version
You can find more information about
this new powerleveling guide here.
I've made several updates to my Northrend Guide for Rogues for the 3.2.2 patch. If you
previously purchased the guide, you can go back to the Download Link provided in your
"Order Info" e-mail to download the updated guide. If your Download Link has already
expired, you can use that link to request an additional download. If you've lost or deleted
your "Order Info" email, contact me and I'll send you a copy for your records. Thanks!!!
I've finally gotten around to updating my level 80 AEP/MAEP formulas for the 3.2/3.2.2
patches. Armor Penetration, which received a nerf in this latest patch, actually increased
in value in my Combat MAEP formula, since it seems that I was previously undervaluing
it. All of these changes have also been added to my Armor Sets chart and Pawn scales.
As always, you can download my .XLS charts to use any values that work best for you.
I've added all of the new Direbrew gear to my charts, including the iLvl 226 BoE Mace.
In preparation for the 3.2.2 patch, I've made updates to my PVE and PVP talent specs.
I've made numerous changes to my site to include adding all Arena Season 7 gear to my
charts, updating the prices for Arena Season 6 gear, moving Deadly/Furious items to my
Starter Gear charts, updating source and location information for most 3.2 items as well
as all heirloom items. I have also updated my Blacksmithing and Leatherworking guides.
I finally got around to updating my PVP Armories Chart. I was interested to see if any
of them had actually been using the Fan of Knives build before it gets nerfed. Just one.
I have updated my Northrend Guide for Rogues for the 3.2 patch. I've added a few new
sections to the guide as well as updating information in several other sections. If you have
previously purchased the guide, you can go back to the Download Link provided in your
"Order Info" e-mail to download the updated guide. If your Download Link has already
expired, you can use that link to request an additional download. If you've lost or deleted
your "Order Info" email, contact me and I'll send you a copy for your records. Thanks!!!
I've added several items from the 3.2.2 Onyxia's Lair to my Armor & Weapons charts.
I've added the new Heirloom chest and mace to my Twink Armor and Weapons charts.
I've also corrected some errors and added a few more items to some of my other charts.
I have updated my Talent Specs, Glyphs chart and Leveling Tips page with 3.2 changes.
I have updated numerous resources on my site with various changes from the 3.2 patch,
including Armor, Weapons, Professions, Consumables, Enchantments and Gems charts.
I've added 50+ items to my Armor charts, many with same names but different iLvl/stats.
I've added more weapons to my Weapons charts as well as increasing the value of gems
in my endgame Armor and Weapons charts. I have updated my Pawn page accordingly.
I'll add items to my Armor charts and update my Professions/Enchantments charts soon.
I added a few more 3.2 items to my charts and I updated all of the new drop locations.
I've added more 3.2 items to my Armor and Weapons charts while updating item links.
I've added 3.2 items to my Weapons charts and added more items to my Armor charts.
I have started adding new 3.2 gear to my Armor charts. I'll be adding the weapons next.
In preparation for the 3.2 patch, I have started adding Axes to my main weapons charts.
I've updated AEP/MAEP socket values in my charts to match my Gems charts. Those
adjustments have also been reflected on my Pawn and AEP/MAEP Formulas pages.
I've made numerous improvements to my site. I have finished updating the AEP/MAEP
formulas in all of my charts. I've incorporated various 3.1.2 Rogue changes throughout,
and I revised my Glyphs, PVE & PVP specs charts to provide more useful information.
I've been working on a complete overhaul of my level 80 charts & formulas the past few
weeks. I've removed many unnecessary fields like Armor, Defense, Parry & Dodge and
used that extra space to add several new PVE MAEP columns - - one each for Mutilate
Combat and HAT ratings. In addition to those changes, I have made some considerable
modifications to the way I rate and rank weapons. This is all still a work in progress and
some of my charts haven't been updated yet, but I think many players should find the end
results more useful. I've gone ahead and updated my Pawn scales with the new formulas.
I have updated stats on recently buffed Leatherworking items on my Twink Armor chart.
I have finally gotten around to answering the 100+ e-mails that were filling up my inbox.
I have adjusted the AEP value of Engineering gear on my charts to reflect current trends.
I've updated my Leveling Tips page and Twink Specs chart with the latest talent changes.
I have updated my PVP Rogue Armories chart for the first time in this new Arena season.
I've added several more items to my charts and I've also fixed source info for other items.
I've added some more items to my charts and I've updated Wowhead links for S6 gear.
Shadow Panther's Northrend Guide for Rogues
A Guide to Helping Players Maximize Their 70-80 Rogue
I have added all of the Arena Season 6 gear to my charts as well as updating Honor Point
and Arena Point costs for the older gear. I've also added a few Ulduar items to my charts.
I've updated my Weapon and Armor charts with several more drops from Ulduar bosses.
I've added several more items to my charts in addition to updating source info for T8 gear.
I've updated my Weapon and Armor charts with over a dozen recently discovered items.
I've updated the AEP/MAEP formulas in my charts with the PPM and Armor Penetration
changes. Those formulas may still need to be tweaked a little bit to achieve better results.
As always, you can download my .XLS charts to use whatever values work best for you.
I've fixed most of the links that were pointing to the old Wowhead PTR pages. Next I'll be
updating my AEP/MAEP formulas to incorporate the PPM & Armor Penetration changes.
I've updated my Talent Calculator and PVE and PVP talent spec pages with the 3.1 talent
changes. I have also updated my Glyphs chart and my List of Rogue Nerfs, Buffs & Fixes.
Patch 3.1 came out today, but I've been so busy working on other projects that I haven't
been able to update much other than the new/changed items over the past few weeks. To
give you an idea, I have over 50 unanswered emails sitting in my Inbox with more coming
in each day. I plan on updating the remaining stuff affected by the patch as soon as I can.
Today's updates include Ulduar 10/25 and a few Season 6 items from Vault of Archavon.
I've updated my Armor and Weapons charts with all of the latest Ulduar 10 & 25 items.
I have added dozens more Ulduar 10/25 items to my armor charts, including Tier 8 gear.
I've finally gotten around to updating my PVP Armories chart. 41/5/25 still seems to be
the most popular spec, although some Rogues are having success with Shadow Dance.
I have added numerous Ulduar 10 & Ulduar 25 items to my Armor and Weapons charts.
I've added Argent Tournament and Ulduar 25 Emblem of Conquest items to my charts.
I've updated my Armor & Glyphs charts with changes being introduced in the 3.1 patch.
I have updated my armor charts by listing Archavon drops with "VoA" in the source field.
I've also revised my Pawn page to clear up a bit of confusion about which scales to use.
For those who like to farm honor for their PVE & PVP starter gear, I've added all of the
Hateful Gladiator items which do not require any Arena ratings to my Starter Gear charts.
Since Heirloom items were announced, various sites have posted conflicting information
concerning these items. Originally, it was believed that they only changed stats every ten
levels, but apparently their stats improve every level. I have updated my all of my Twink
charts to reflect the most accurate stats I could find. Thanks to Kerb for your assistance.
If you've been farming Zandalar rep to enchant Zandalar Signet of Might on your twink's
heirloom shoulders, you can stop now. Blizzard stealth nerfed that enchantment in 3.0.8.
However, you can still enchant them with Greater Inscription of the Gladiator, for now...
I have updated multiple pages on my site over the past week. Significant changes include
updated dagger MAEP values, trinket ratings, Pawn scales and numerous updates to my
Rogue Links page, which now has separate 1v1 & 2v2 strategies vs. counter-strategies.
I have updated my charts for the 3.0.8 patch. My BS & LW guides were also updated.
I am frequently asked if I know of any useful sites for other classes. Well, here you go:
Links to Other Class Sites
Today ends three straight months of daily updates to my site. I hope everyone likes the
improvements I've been making. Now that I've finally finished my "To Do" list, it's time
for me to take a short break from working on the site to actually play the game. Enjoy!
I've added 3.0.8 Hyperspeed Accelerators to my Enchantments and Professions charts.
I also added Quicklinks to my Weapons charts. Thanks to Frank for your contributions.
I have made a few updates to enchantments in my Powerleveling Chart thanks to Chaisy.
I've added Quicklinks to my enchantments charts as well as links within my armor charts
that point to the corresponding enchant sections. Thanks to Oscassey for the great idea!
I've fixed a few issues thanks to help from Brandon, Shockin, Jag, Serennia and Diamue.
I have made more updates to my Links page and fixed some issues on a few other pages.
I have updated my Powerleveling Guide for Blacksmithing with an optimal path up to 440.
Here's a simple notepad I use to answer frequently asked questions on the Rogue forums.
Zodar's Notepad
I've corrected the titles in all of my charts so that they'll properly display in your taskbar.
I've added more updates to the 2v2 Strats and 1v1 Matchups sections of my Links page.
I also added Zandalar Signet of Might to the enchants section of my Powerleveling chart.
I have updated my weapons charts with the nerfed 3.0.8 stats for Blacksmithing weapons.
I have populated the 2v2 Strats and 1v1 Matchups sections of my Rogue Links page with
multiple links. Players should find this information useful when researching PVP strategies.
I have added a Secure mirror to my site for those who can only access secure "https" sites.
I have updated my Rogue Links page with current level 80 2v2 Strats. I have also added a
new 1v1 Matchups section. I'll be adding more strategies to those sections as they emerge.
I have added Minor and Major Glyph recommendations to my Rogue Leveling Tips page.
After updating my PVP Rogue Armories chart, it seems that 41/5/25 variants are emerging
as the most popular specs currently. The main difference between their specs appears to be
the choice between 2-3 points in Assassination - either Improved Kidney Shot, Deadened
Nerves or Focused Attacks. I have updated my PVP Specs and Twink Specs accordingly.
I've updated several charts on my site in the past few days. I added chart summaries to my
Races and Professions charts, I updated gem information in my Gems charts and I added a
"Hard Hitting MH" PVP dagger section back into my Daggers and Starter Weapons charts.
I also removed some outdated and inferior items from my charts to improve performance.
I have revised my Powerleveling Guide for Leatherworking with an optimal path up to 450.
I have added a Google Translate feature to my site to help foreign visitors find information.
I've added several recently introduced 3.0.8 items to my Armor and Enchantments charts.
I have updated my Armor and Weapons charts to reflect current information regarding S5
PVP gear. Some items can be bought with Honor Points, others require Honor Points and
Arena points, while others can be obtained with Emblems of Valor or Heroism. All Savage
Gladiator and Hateful Gladiator weapons have been removed since those weapons do not
seem to be currently in game. Thanks to Vifor and Musabi for submitting item corrections.
I've added more updates to my Leveling Tips and fixed an error thanks to Shadycreeper.
I've added Heirloom weapons to my Leveling Tips. I also fixed an issue sent in by morde.
I've replaced the obsolete SF/Hemo spec from my PVP Specs chart with a Shadowdance
Daggers spec. I've also updated the version I already had listed on my Twink Specs chart.
Now that Arena Season 5 has begun, I've started updating my PVP Armories chart again.
I've also corrected some issues with my Talent Spec charts in addition to an error in TCrit
calculations in some of my charts. Thanks to Dane, Jag & Jayc for submitting corrections.
I've added Race and Profession content to my Leveling Tips page, in addition to updating
my Rogue Links page and a few of my armor charts. Thanks to Ton, Silvus, and David P.
I have updated my FAQ to address several issues and provide information about my site.
I've finished updating most of my charts in an effort to improve their overall effectiveness.
Improvements include:
1. I completely overhauled my AEP/MAEP formulas to reflect current PVP/PVE trends.
2. I adjusted Dagger & OH weapon speed MAEP weights to reflect raid weapon values.
3. I added a Meta Socket column to my armor charts so players could alter those values.
4. I added Quicklinks to my armor charts to give you easier navigation between sections.
The first two changes have caused item rankings to change a bit, which is to be expected.
As always, you can download my .XLS charts to use whatever values work best for you.
I'm making some major updates to all of my charts, which should be ready in a day or so.
I've corrected several items on my charts today thanks to Genji, nbcaffeine & Twinsteel.
Apparently, someone found out that Rogues were still having fun using older PVP gloves
with a superior special ability (Deadly Throw Interrupt), so the fun's over when the next
patch comes out. Fan of Knives and Feint also receive changes. More information here.
Players often ask why I don't include slow offhand weapons like Unholy Persuader, Pride
or The Stray on my weapons charts. The answer to this is that Rogues benefit more from
having a fast offhand weapon for increased poison procs and similar proc effects. If your
Rogue is Combat Fists, then you'll be more effective wielding a faster offhand dagger like
Librarian's Paper Cutter since Close Quarters Combat affects daggers and fist weapons.
There are 2 items (Amanitar Skullbow & Fury of the Encroaching Storm) that seem to have
conflicting stats depending on where you look. Thanks to Sutri and Graon for the heads up.
I've corrected and added more items thanks to submissions sent in by Rekless and Jaikon.
I have corrected several items on my charts. Thanks to Shadycreeper, Hooty and Rodney.
Every one of my armor charts has been updated with corrected level information and drop
percentages. I have also increased the value of meta sockets to better reflect their worth.
I've updated listings for incorrectly labeled Nexus Heroic armor items on my charts. I have
also added a couple of links to my Links page. Thanks to Grant, Tstki, TFB and Drayner.
I've updated all of my weapons charts with corrected faction/level information. Previously,
Wowhead was listing many of those weapons as being Alliance or Horde-only, some with
higher level requirements than they were supposed to have. Now that Wowhead has fixed
their data, I've gone through my weapons charts making corrections as needed. The most
noticeable result from these changes is that more weapons have been added to my 60-69
and 70-79 Twink/Leveling charts. I will be updating my armor charts in the next few days.
I've made a few minor updates to items on my charts, thanks to submissions from David P.
I've discontinued my Raid Mutilate Daggers chart and replaced the Dagger MAEP formula
in all of my Weapons Charts with the Raid Mutilate Dagger MAEP formula. Since Mutilate
is the prevalent PVE Dagger spec, then it makes since to use that formula for Raid Dagger
ratings. My traditional Dagger AEP formula will still favor "Hard Hitting" daggers for use in
PVP/Twinking/Leveling. I've also updated my "SP MAEP Dag" Pawn formula accordingly.
I have made a significant number of updates to my armor and weapons charts today. I've
finished adding Heirloom items to my Armor charts, Twink charts and Powerleveling chart.
I've also added all of the WotLK "of the Bandit" items (blue & green) to my various charts.
Heirloom weapons aren't optimal for Twink BGs but rank well in my Powerleveling Chart.
I've added Heirloom weapons to my Twink Weapons Chart (some with estimated stats).
I've fixed a few errors on my charts. Thanks to Eloradius, Gondann, Agrippa and Drooler.
Over the years, I have received multiple requests for an AEP/MAEP comparison of racial
abilities. Many of those abilities are hard to quantify, so feel free to use your own values.
Rogue Races Chart
I've created a chart comparing professions to help players determine the optimal choices.
Rogue Professions Chart
I've updated my Rogue Links, removing the outdated WotLK & Rogue Tanking sections
while adding new links to other sections. Recently added links have been marked "NEW".
I've switched all of the "wotlk.wowhead" links in my charts over to "www.wowhead" links.
Hopefully, that change should improve access time to those external Wowhead tooltip/links.
I've updated my weapons and armor charts with corrected drop/quest locations. I've also
re-sorted all of the WotLK items into sections by location in my Armor Locations chart.
I've added some newly discovered items to my charts as well as correcting several errors.
Thanks to Hoods, Ikon, Gornak, Fungus and Santawest for sending in those corrections.
I've finally gotten around to adding the WotLK PVE & PVP sets to my Armor Sets chart.
I'm still in the process of tweaking AEP/MAEP values to get better results, and as always,
trinket values are going to be all over the place until I can pin down proc chances, ability
uptimes, etc. I've also converted socket values in my charts to correspond to WotLK rare
gem AEP/MAEP ratings. So, if you don't plan on using newer gems in your leveling gear,
then you'll want to adjust socket values accordingly. I've also updated Pawn configuration
settings for players who use that mod, adding a new scale for Raid Mutilate MH Daggers.
Some items in my armor/weapons charts were missing ArP values, which I've now fixed.
I've updated my Starter Gear charts to help players prepare for endgame PVE & PVP.
I have updated my 51-60 AV and 60-69 BG armor/weapons charts with WotLK gear.
I've also created new Twink Armor Charts for the 61-70 AV and 70-79 BG brackets.
61-70 AV Twink Armor Chart
70-79 Twink Armor Chart
I have created new Twink Weapons Charts for the 61-70 AV and 70-79 BG brackets.
61-70 AV Twink Weapons Chart
70-79 Twink Weapons Chart
I've updated my weapons charts with current item information and drop/quest locations.
I've updated item info and drop/quest locations on my Level 70 & Level 80 armor charts.
I'm currently working on updating various charts in preparation for the release of WotLK.
I've made multiple updates to my site today, including updating my Powerleveling Chart.
Also, it appears that Figurine - Shadowsong Panther does not have a 1 minute cooldown
as it's currently listed on Wowhead. I have updated my armor charts to correct that error.
Thanks to Drumbum, Guzim and Tristan for sending in corrections and other submissions.
I've updated my PVP Armories, my Rogue Nerfs/Buffs List and my Rogue Links page.
I've updated the PVP gloves on my armor charts with the inferior Kick cooldown ability.
I've updated my Stealth Chart for 3.0.2/3.0.3. I've also updated Figurine - Shadowsong
Panther on my armor charts, another trinket which had its cooldown reduced to 1 minute.
* * * Correction: It seems this trinket does not actually have a 1 minute cooldown. * * *
To help people navigate my site more easily, I've consolidated my Twink Resources here:
Shadow Panther's Twink Resources
I have updated various charts and other pages to account for minor 3.0.3 patch changes.
I have made several updates today, adding a few items to my armor and weapons charts.
I've updated my PVP Armories Chart, and it appears that there's no real consensus as to
the most effective PVP spec right now, although Mutilate variants outnumber other builds.
I've finished updating my Rogue Consumables Chart to add the new WotLK consumables.
Another chart I plan on retiring soon is my Rogue Avoidance Tank Armor Chart due to the
recent introduction of diminishing returns for Avoidance Stats (Agility, Defense, Dodge and
Parry.) Due to those changes, Rogues will no longer be able to surpass 100% avoidance.
I've retired all of the non-Rogue Consumables charts that I used to maintain. I'm currently
working on updating my Rogue Consumables Chart to add the new WotLK consumables.
I've made updates to all of my Talent Spec charts, which includes Level 70 (PVE / PVP),
Level 80 (PVE / PVP) and my Twink Specs Chart. I've also added a HAT (Honor Among
Thieves) raid build to my PVE specs charts, based on the build being designed by Ippon.
I'm still updating some sections of my site to be current with the 3.0.2/3.0.3 patch changes.
Today's updates include my FAQ, my Basic Tips, and even my old Guide to Maximizing
Gear for Raid DPS. I've also updated Duskbat Drape on my Twink Armor charts, an item
which lost its unique Fall Damage Reduction ability in this patch (switched to Hit Rating.)
I have updated my Enchantments Charts with more WotLK recipes, including profession-
required recipes for Leatherworkers, Inscribers and even one for Rogue Tailors (heh heh).
I have made a few updates to my site today, including adding information about the benefits
of Wound Poison to my Leveling Tips page and adding the Leatherworker-only Fur Linings
to my Enchantments charts. Thanks to Oscassey for reminding me about those Fur Linings.
I have updated my Arena/Karazhan Ready guides one last time for the 3.0.2/3.0.3 patch. If
you have previously purchased a guide, you can go back to the Download Link provided in
your "Order Info" email to download the updated guide. If your Download Link has already
expired, you can use that link to request an additional download. If you have lost or deleted
your "Order Info" email, contact me and I will send you a copy for your records. I want to
thank all of the Rogues who have helped support my website over the past year. Thanks!!!
I've added four new items available during the WotLK Zombie Invasion to my armor charts.
I've corrected an oversight in my MAEP calculations for items with blue sockets. Previously,
I was manually adjusting those specific items to account for optimal gem choices, but since I
now score all blue sockets the same, I had to revert those manual adjustments in my charts.
I've added some new items to my armor and weapons charts. In addition to that, I've updated
Bladefist's Breadth with the new 1 minute cooldown. I've also added several new Engineering
PVP armor enhancements to my Enchantments charts. Thanks to Denia for providing that info.
I've made a few minor updates today, fixing my MAEP formula on a couple of pages and
adding some websites to my Links page, including links to three different guides on how to
beat Ret Paladins in PVP. Most of my time is still focused on updating my own two guides.
I've updated my PVP Armories Chart so you can see some examples of the new PVP builds.
One major change in the 3.0.2 patch is how Mutilate main hand daggers are valued for raiding.
Unlike other Rogue specs, Mutilate Raid specs now prefer a faster weapon in the main hand to
provide more damage through Instant Poison and Focused Attacks. In an effort to simulate this
change in dagger valuation, I've modified my Daggers chart to create two Raid Mutilate Dagger
charts that should help players find good, fast, main hand daggers for their Raid Mutilate builds.
3.0.2 Raid Mutilate Daggers Chart
WotLK Raid Mutilate Daggers Chart
I've updated my Enchantments charts (PVE / PVP) with WotLK enchantments. I've also updated
enchantments that changed in 3.0.2. Thanks again to Rambaral for notifying me of those changes.
I've updated my Gems charts (PVE / PVP) with all of the WotLK gems. I've also added some older
gems that gained melee stats in the 3.0.2 patch. Thanks to Rambaral for pointing out those changes.
I've updated my Glyphs Chart with the 3.0.3 Beta Glyphs. Other 3.0.3 changes include the 2 second
cooldown being removed from Shadow Dance and Combat Potency only working on autoattacks.
For those who have purchased my guides, I'm working on updating them one final time for the 3.0.2
patch, and I should be releasing them shortly. I'll let you know when I've finished updating them.
I've updated configuration settings for using the Pawn mod to calculate AEP/MAEP values in game.
I've updated my Rogue Twink Specs chart and my Leveling Tips page by specifying exactly which
"Primary Attacks" should be used (Sinister Strike/Hemorrhage/Backstab/Mutilate) for each spec.
To clear up confusion concerning my 3.0.2 charts and WotLK gem values, I've reverted my Level 70
armor charts to current BC rare gem values and created a new set of WotLK charts using WotLK
rare gem values. I've also updated my Starter Gear charts to match the Level 70 armor chart values.
WotLK PVE Armor Chart
WotLK PVP Armor Chart
With the 3.0.2 Patch coming out today, I've archived pre-3.0.2 versions of my charts, talent specs,
etc. on my Archives page. I plan on updating my Gems and Enchantments charts later this week.
I've finally updated the MAEP values in my PVE Armor Chart. I reduced the values for Haste, Hit
Rating, Expertise Rating and Armor Penetration due to changes in 3.0.2 combat mechanics and raid
buffs. As always, feel free to download my .XLS charts to fill in whatever values work best for you.
I've updated my 3.0.2 Leveling Tips page and my Rogue Twink Specs chart with Non-Dagger
Assassination Specs. Thanks to Motionless for the spec idea and for the outline of leveling talents.
Rogue Twink Specs
I've updated my 3.0.2 Leveling Tips with two Subtlety leveling specs for those bored with Combat.
I've updated the value of blue sockets in my armor and weapons charts. Since the increased value
of WotLK gems will outweigh the relatively minor socket bonuses in most gear, then it will usually
be more beneficial to put red/yellow gems in those sockets. So I've increased the value of all blue
sockets while subtracting those socket bonuses (marked in italics) from items with blue sockets.
I've posted a 3.0.2 Leveling Tips page in preparation for the 3.0.2 patch and WotLK expansion.
Changes include new talents, level 70-79 weapons and an alternative Assassination leveling spec.
I've made several updates to my site, adding a few items to my armor and weapons charts while
making minor changes to my 3.0.2 Talent Trees/Talent Specs, which are current as of Build 9061.
I've moved some Glyphs in the 3.0.2 section of my Rogue Glyphs Chart down to the WotLK section
due to the expected unavailability of Ink of the Sea, an ink which is needed for Level 350+ inscriptions
and which can only be obtained from Northrend herbs. Thanks to Tahmurath for reporting this issue.
I've updated my 3.0.2 Talent Trees/Talent Specs with the latest Build 9038 changes.
I've updated my Rogue Stat Formulas Chart (XLS / HTM) with the addition of Level 80 Combat
Ratings and Stat Calculations based on the excellent work by Whitetooth, Author of RatingBuster.
I've updated my 3.0.2 Talent Trees/Talent Specs & Glyphs Chart with the latest Build 9014 changes.
I've updated my weapons charts with 150+ weapons from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
I've updated my WotLK PVP & PVE armor charts with corrected values for Level 80 sockets,
Armor Penetration and TCrit calculations. Thanks to Sannin and Oboke for reporting those issues.
I've finally updated my main armor charts (PVP & PVE) with gear from the upcoming Wrath of
the Lich King expansion, adding over 600 items to those charts. Some items still have missing
data that hasn't been completely captured during the Beta/PTR process and a few of those items
will likely change between now and the release of the 3.0.2 patch and the expansion itself. I plan
on tweaking my AEP/MAEP formulas soon, so use the current values as general guidelines only.
As always, feel free to download my .XLS charts to fill in whatever values work best for you.
For those still focused on pre-WotLK gear, I've archived previous versions of those charts here.
I've updated all of my 3.0.2 Talent Trees/Talent Specs with the latest Build 8982 changes.
I've added an Arena 2v2 Guides, Strategies & Discussions section to my Rogue Links page.
I've updated all of my 3.0.2 Talent Trees/Talent Specs with the latest Build 8970 changes.
Much like how BoE "Bandit" items started popping up after the 2.0 patch, I expect that WotLK
Bandit items will show up when the 3.0.2 patch arrives. With this in mind, I've added all of the new
level 70 BoE items to my armor and weapons charts to give players an idea of how useful those
items will be leading up to expansion. I plan to start adding more WotLK gear to my charts soon.
I've updated all of my 3.0.2 Patch Content with the latest Build 8962 changes.
Rogue Glyphs Chart
I've updated my Talent Calculator and Talent Tree Analysis chart for the upcoming 3.0.2 patch.
3.0.2 Rogue Talent Calculator
3.0.2 Rogue Talent Tree Analysis
I've also updated my PVE & PVP Talent Specs with new versions based on the 3.0.2 talents.
These experimental talent specs are works in progress that I will be updating as time goes on.
Experimental 3.0.2 Rogue PVE Specs
Experimental 3.0.2 Rogue PVP Specs
To help players seeking out more Rogue information, I've compiled a list of Rogue-related websites.
Rogue Links
I've updated all of my Consumables charts with Wowhead links with mouseover tooltips, which
means that my entire site has now been converted to Wowhead links for your convenience.
I've updated all of my Resistance Gear charts with Wowhead links with mouseover tooltips.
I've updated my Enchantments and Gems charts with Wowhead links with mouseover tooltips.
I've updated all of my Twink Weapons charts with Item Levels and Wowhead links with mouseover tooltips.
I've updated all of my Twink Armor charts with Item Levels and Wowhead links with mouseover tooltips.
I've also updated my 0 to Drakefist Blacksmithing Guide with skill level progressions and Wowhead links.
I've updated my level 70 Weapons Charts with Item Levels and Wowhead links with mouseover tooltips.
I have updated my Arena/Karazhan Ready guides for the start of Arena Season 4. If you have previously
purchased a guide, you can go back to the Download Link provided in your "Order Info" email to download
the updated guide. If your Download Link has expired, you can use that link to request additional downloads.
If you have lost or deleted your "Order Info" email, contact me and I will send you a copy for your records.
I've created a new chart that's specifically tailored towards players who have tons of gold and want to level
up an Alt / Twink Rogue as quickly as possible. This chart contains the best possible gear, enchantments &
consumables that can be purchased to powerlevel your Rogue. This chart doesn't include Quest/BoP items,
so you'll want to cross-reference my Twink Charts to see if specific upgrades are really worth purchasing.
Rogue Powerleveling Chart
Kagero has created configuration settings for using the Pawn mod to calculate AEP/MAEP values in game.
After receiving requests from multiple players, I've added a Rogue Avoidance Tank Armor Chart to my site.
This chart is based on the excellent work done by Gaeowyn of Illidan, a Rogue who has successfully tanked
Mother Shahraz and Gruul, in addition to other bosses. Rogue Avoidance Tanking relies heavily on Agility,
Defense Rating, Dodge Rating and Parry Rating to achieve 100% or better avoidance from physical attacks.
Rogue Avoidance Tank Armor Chart
I've updated my weapons and armor charts with the new Arena Season 4 Brutal Gladiator & Guardian gear.
0 to Drums
A Powerleveling Guide
for Leatherworking
I've made some adjustments to my Weapons charts, increasing the MAEP value for DPS and decreasing the
MAEP value for Average Damage. Now that I've broken out the Weapon Ratings into two distinctly different
fields (AEP for PVP and MAEP for PVE) I felt that these adjustments were necessary to better reflect PVE
main hand rankings. As always, my charts don't take talent specs into account, so if you don't like the values
I've used, you're welcome to download my customizable XLS Charts and use whatever values work for you.
I have just finished revising my Arena/Karazhan Ready guides for the new 2.4 patch. If you have previously
purchased a guide, you can go back to the Download Link provided in your "Order Info" email to download
the updated guide. If your Download Link has expired, you can use that link to request additional downloads.
If you have lost or deleted your "Order Info" email, contact me and I will send you a copy for your records.
I've updated my Nature Resistance Gear Chart to help people prepare for Felmyst from Sunwell Plateau.
I've been making various improvements to my site over the past few weeks:
1. I added 2 separate links to each Armory in my PVP Rogue Armories Chart in case one site is down.
2. I added Wowhead links to each of the items and abilities in my Stealth Chart and Leveling Tips page.
3. I added a set of Sample Attack Routines for increasing numbers of targets to my Leveling Tips page.
4. I added Wowhead links to my Talent Spec charts, and updated the Shadowstep and Mutilate specs.
I know that this has been long overdue, but I've finally updated my Fire Resistance Gear Chart.
I'm always looking for ways to improve the usefulness of my charts. With this in mind, I've converted all of the
links in my main level 70 armor charts to Wowhead links, complete with built-in mouseover tooltips. Enjoy!
Lately, I've noticed some players on the Rogue Forums using some of my charts incorrectly, so I've made a FAQ
to answer common questions about my site and to clear up some confusion about how to properly use my charts.
Frequently Asked Questions
Epic Forum Thread
I've separated my Main Weapons chart into two separate PVP & PVE Weapons charts:
PVP Weapons Chart
PVE Weapons Chart
To help people navigate my site more easily, I've created two separate resource pages:
Shadow Panther's PVP Resources
Shadow Panther's PVE Resources
I've added more 2.4 items to my armor/weapons charts and I've also revised my Talent Spec charts by adding
2.4 Mutilate specs that include the new Puncturing Wounds talent that will be replacing Improved Backstab.
I've started adding new items from the 2.4 PTR to my Armor and Weapons charts.
I've consolidated a few of my charts and tried to organize my site a little bit better.
One change that I've made is to remove the redundant DAEP formula from my charts.
Now there are two main formulas being used - - AEP for PVP and MAEP for PVE.
I also split the weapon AEP column in my weapons charts into AEP/MAEP columns.
Hopefully these changes will reduce confusion and make my charts more user friendly.
Shadow Panther's Guide for Getting Arena Ready
A Guide to Preparing Level 60-70 Rogues for Endgame PVP
I've been very busy working on several related projects over the past few weeks...
Rogue Talent Tree Analysis
An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Rogue Talents, Talent Trees and Talent Specs.
Rogue Talent Calculator
An Excel-based Talent Calculator for Rogues that calculates PVE/PVP values for your Spec.
Rogue PVE Specs & Rogue PVP Specs
A listing of the major PVE and PVP talent specs using the Rogue Talent Calculator format.
Improving AEP for Level 70 PVP
Happy New Year!
I've put together a chart that compares the specs, ratings, stats, gear, gems and enchantments
of certain noteworthy and influential PVP Rogues from the Rogue Forums. This information
can be used to help you see what some of the "pros" are doing to maximize their gear and stats
for high-level PVP. This data is a static snapshot of their current Armory info as of today.
PVP Rogue Armories Chart
I finally got around to updating my Shadow Resistance Chart for those working on Black Temple.
I'd like to bring two PVP-related items to everyone's attention:
1. As of 11/27/07, all level 70 Rogues should have a set of 90+ DPS weapons (S1 or better).
2. I just added Vindicator's Dragonhide Bracers to my charts and the results are surprising.
I've made a few more adjustments to my AEP/DAEP/MAEP formulas. I slightly increased the
value of Expertise for PVE/Raiding and slightly decreased the value of Hit Rating for PVP.
I also made some changes to my Weapons charts, adding Speed, DPS and Average Damage
values to the top of each chart. Now, if you disagree with the weighting of those values,
you can download the XLS versions of my charts and modify them however you see fit.
I've made some adjustments to my AEP/DAEP/MAEP formulas. To minimize the effect of less
useful stats like Dodge & Armor, I've reduced their value from .01 to .001. Doing so has caused
the relative value of Crit Rating in my AEP Balance Sheet to increase slightly from .85 to .90.
I've also decreased the value of Stamina in my MAEP formula from .05 to .01 to more closely
model the true value of items when evaluating them for maximum raid DPS. In addition to that,
I've increased the value of Strength and Agility in my MAEP formula by 10% to account for the
Blessing of Kings buff, which you'd normally expect to have in raid situations. And finally, I've
given Armor Penetration effects a small increase in value from .10 to .15 in all three formulas.
Thanks to Zvi who has sent me about a dozen item changes that I've added to my Twink Charts.
Shadow Panther's Basic Tips for Improving Your Rogue
I've updated my 19-59 Twink Armor Chart with the 2.3 changes and additions to gear.
I've increased the value of Relentless Earthstorm Diamond from 20 to 40 AEP/DAEP/MAEP, which
increases the value of all Meta Socket helms in my charts by 20. Apparently, I'd been undervaluing
the Crit Damage bonus. Also, I've added the Executioner enchant to my Enchantments chart.
I've added Zul'Aman and Vengeful Gladiator (S3) weapons to my Weapons Charts.
I'm in the process of updating my Weapons Charts. All current weapons are now updated with
changes from the upcoming 2.3 patch. Next I'll be adding the new 2.3 weapons to the charts.
Ok, I think I've finally fixed my Contact Form problem. Here is my new Contact Form.
Some people still want to have access to previous versions of my Armor charts, specifically
the last version before I removed all of the old and inferior gear. So, with that in mind...
Chart Archives
To make my armor charts more user-friendly, I've removed old & inferior items, reducing
chart sizes and download times considerably. All of the old & inferior items can still be
found in my Armor Locations Chart. Many of those lower level items can also be found
in my 60-69 Twink Armor Chart, which can be used as a general guide for leveling gear.
I've added Vindicator's BG gear and updated the Arena Points/BG Honor prices for all armor.
If my charts are missing any 2.3 armor, let me know. Now I'll be updating my weapons charts.
I've added Vengeful Gladiator (S3) gear to my armor charts. More updates to come.
I've updated my main Armor charts with changes from the 2.3 patch. They're still
a work in progress, so expect more items to be added in the next few days/weeks.
Changes include adding columns for Expertise, Haste Rating and Armor Penetration.
All new items and recently changed items have been highlighted in gray. After I get all
the new items added, I'll be reducing the size of my charts by taking out older/inferior
items. Once I get my armor charts in order, I'll start working on my weapons charts.
I've decided to discontinue my Armory Rating Service. It was just taking
up too much of my time, preventing me from working on other projects,
like updating my charts with all of the new 2.3 items and abilities.
It seems that my Contact Form has been acting up lately. So, for the time being,
I have that page forwarding to an alternate Contact Form until I can straighten
this out. If you sent me a message in the past few weeks and did not receive
a reply, please resend your message. I apologize for the confusion.
I'm currently working on updating my charts and
will be adding new 2.3 items to them very soon
Shadow Panther's Guide for Getting Karazhan Ready
A Guide to Preparing Level 60-70 Rogues for Endgame Raiding
Zodar's Rogue Leveling Tips
A Brief History and Explanation of the AEP System
I've just completed a bunch of changes to my charts to update them for 2.2.
In addition to that, I've revised my AEP/DAEP/MAEP formulas to correct some
inconsistencies that had been bugging me. Specifically, I've done the following:
Crit Rating: I've decreased the value of Crit Rating in all formulas by 15%.
If you check the math in the AEP Balance Sheet section of my Formulas Chart,
you'll see that Agility almost exactly equals AEP when you reduce Crit Rating to 0.85.
Before now, my charts had slightly overvalued Crit Rating, which was causing some
items to be ranked higher than they should have been.
Hit Rating: I've increased the value of Hit Rating in my DAEP/MAEP formulas by 15%.
I've also decreased the value of Hit Rating in my AEP formula by 15%. These changes
reflect the premium value Hit Rating deserves for PVE Raiding while minimizing its
value in PVP, where Hit Rating is unneccesary above a certain level.
I've added new Twink Charts for the 51-60 AV bracket and the 60-69 BGs bracket.
51-60 AV Twink Armor Chart
51-60 AV Twink Weapons Chart
60-69 Twink Armor Chart
60-69 Twink Weapons Chart
I've updated the rest of my charts with the new Arena Season 2 gear and prices.
I've added the newly revealed Arena Season 2 Merciless Gladiator
weapons to my charts. I should have the armor up by tomorrow.
Shadow Panther's
Armory Rating Service
I've updated most of my charts with new SSC, Mount Hyjal and Black Temple items.
I also added some Outlands items I'd overlooked to the 50-59 bracket of my Twink Charts.
I've updated my Armor charts, removing all items with pre-2.1 stats and adding a few new items.
Zodar's Guide to Maximizing Gear for Raid DPS
To help Rogues who have recently reached level 70, I've created a Rogue Starter Weapons chart
that can be used along with my PVE Rogue Starter Gear and PVP Rogue Starter Gear charts.
Rogue Starter Weapons
I've finished adding 2.1 items to my Armor charts. If any changes or new items are missing,
let me know. I've also corrected some errors and modified how I score ranged weapons.
I've added the new 2.1 Arena Gladiator gear to my Weapons and Armor charts.
I've added more 2.1 items to my Weapons and Armor charts.
The masses have been clamoring for a Pure DPS armor chart, ignoring Stamina altogether.
So, with that in mind, I'm now introducing a chart based on MAEP - Maximum DPS AEP.
In the MAEP formula, the value of Stamina is reduced to 1/20th the value of Agility.
As a result, all Blue Sockets have also been reduced in value. The MAEP formula can be
used to help you maximize your DPS output with almost complete disregard for Stamina.
Maximum DPS Armor Chart
DPS Test - Can you break 1,000 Unbuffed DPS?
I've updated my armor charts with the new Tier 6 Rogue Set - Slayer's Armor.
With the discovery of new items and changes to current items in the upcoming 2.1
patch, I've been updating all of my charts with these new items, including the buffed
stats to the Tier 5 Deathmantle set. Also, in response to the upcoming Alchemy Nerf,
I've created a new Consumables Rankings Chart which ranks consumables using the
DAEP formula to help Rogues determine which will have the most effect.
Consumables Rankings Chart
Pre-BC, I used to be an officer in a fairly successful raiding guild, Order of Sanctus
on the US Earthen Ring server. Unfortunately, a month or two before Burning Crusade
released, my guild fell apart and I've pretty much been playing solo ever since. I just
recently hit level 70, but a lot of that time was spent updating information on my site.
Eventually, I knew there would come a time when I would need to look for another guild.
And to give myself the best possible chance to get into a guild, I needed to make sure
that my gear was as good as it could be, considering the circumstances. Like many
guildless Rogues out there, I've had a tough time getting into successful PUGs and my
Outlands instance experience is minimal. But with the help of my own armor charts, I
think I've put together a respectable set of pre-Heroic/pre-Karazhan raiding gear.
I still have a few items to upgrade (Shoulder/Gloves) and I need to get my rep-based
Head/Shoulder enchants, but aside from that, I think I've done pretty well so far.
To help other Rogues in a similar situation, I've created charts that list the best Rogue
Starter items (PVP & PVE) that can be crafted, purchased or acquired from quests with
minimal instancing or group assistance:
PVE Rogue Starter Gear
PVP Rogue Starter Gear
Ever wondered how high your stealth level could get, or how easily players with stealth
detection could see through it? I've created a chart which lists every known item, ability,
skill, talent, consumable, etc. that effects a player's stealth level or stealth detection level.
Stealth Chart
Much thanks to Eric Anderson, who helped compile most of this information!
In an effort to reconcile the discrepancy of Agility not equaling AEP in the AEP system
I've created a spreadsheet with the sole purpose of working out the math on this problem
as well as other Combat Rating conversions. This spreadsheet is a work in progress and
I welcome comments/corrections/complaints from the advanced Mathcrafters out there.
Level 70 Rogue
Combat Ratings
and AEP Formulas
(HTM version)
I'm constantly tweaking my charts to provide the most useful information for Rogues.
I've now modified my armor charts so you can see AEP/DAEP values side by side.
I've also added columns that list Total Crit % (TCrit) and Total AP (TAP) values.
This will make it easier for you to see how gear upgrades affect your overall Crit/AP.
Using those TCrit and TAP values, I've created new armor charts sorted by those stats.
Max Crit Chart
Max AP Chart
I've also compiled "Ultimate Sets" for PVP, PVE, Crit and AP in my Armor Sets Chart.
As a side note, I've now removed the .PDF versions of my charts, because it just takes way
too much time to convert every single chart any time I make a simple change or correction.
Most of my charts are available in .XLS format which can be opened in Excel/OpenOffice.
Want 525+ Arcane Resistance? Of course not, but with Burning Crusade you can
actually reach that amount now. I've updated my Arcane Resistance Chart to
include all of the new Arcane Resistance gear and enchantments for people wanting
to collect their Arcane Resistance set for Karazhan. I'll eventually get around to
updating all of my other resistance gear charts...
0 to Drakefist
A Powerleveling Guide
for Blacksmithing
Over the past few weeks, I've made numerous improvements to my charts:
1. I added socket bonuses to items, with the assumption that people use matching gems.
2. I modified the value of sockets to better reflect the value of gems in PVP vs. PVE gear.
3. I reduced the AEP value of defensive stats such as Defense Rating, Dodge, Parry, etc.
4. I filled in previously unknown item drop locations, rep info, bosses, zones, sources, etc.
5. I removed many abbreviations I'd been using in item names to improve search results.
6. I added 2.0.10 stats for Gladiator, Deathmantle, Netherblade and a few other items.
7. I added Orange, Purple and Green sections and a DAEP column to my Gems Chart.
8. I corrected a few errors and added some more new items to most of my charts.
I updated my Enchantments Chart with Glyph and Inscription
reputation rewards and sorted all the enchantments by AEP. I also
reduced the value of sockets on my Weapons and Armor charts by 25%,
since many people don't have access to or won't be willing to spend crazy
amounts to put the best possible gems in their transitional gear.
I updated my Enchantments Chart with all of the new Leatherworking
armor kits. I know they're not technically enchants, but they serve the
same purpose. Rogue Twinks will be especially pleased to learn that the new
Agi/Stam and Crit/AP Leg Armors can be placed on BOE Twink Gear!
I've updated my Twink Charts with all of the Level 59 "of the Bandit" items. Level 57-59
Bandit Armor obliterates all previous 50-59 Twink Armor and the weapons are decent too.
I've updated my Armor and Weapons Charts by adding all of the best
possible Bind on Equip "of the Bandit" items (both Green and Blue)
so you know what to look for when browsing the AH.
I've updated my Rogue Bandit Gear Chart with the new AEP/DAEP formulas.
I've updated my Weapons Charts with the new AEP formulas and other changes listed below.
I've redesigned my Armor Charts to address some issues people had
asked about. Listed below are the changes I made to my Armor Charts
and will eventually be making to my Weapons Charts as well:
1. I incorporated a modified version of Ming's new AEP formulas into my Armor/Gems charts.
2. I uploaded .xls versions of my charts, to make it easier for people to modify AEP weightings.
3. I updated the Loc/Info/Source fields on many new items to help people find them more easily.
4. I moved Resistances data to the Special column to make room for 4 separate Gems columns.
5. I separated out the Defense and Resilience columns, which I'd previously combined together.
6. I moved Hit/Crit/AP next to Str/Agi/Sta to keep these important stats together in one section.
7. I separated out Thrown weapons from the Ranged Weapons section. Deadly Throw FTW...
8. I updated a couple of bad links and I also corrected a few other errors I found in my charts.
I've updated my Rogue Enchantments Chart and Consumables
Checklists to include items from the Burning Crusade.
Rogue DPS Armor Chart
I've often heard complaints that the AEP system I use for my armor
charts places too much emphasis on Stamina and other defensive stats.
Stamina is highly valued in PVP, but less valuable when you're trying
to maximize your Raid DPS. Now, with the release of Burning Crusade,
Stamina is abundantly available, which throws off the valuation of gear.
To adjust for this, I've created a Rogue DPS Armor Chart using a
DPS-Oriented AEP formula (DAEP), which places more emphasis on
offensive stats and less emphasis on Stamina and other defensive stats.
Rogue Bandit Gear Chart
I put this chart together to illustrate how quickly you can replace
Tier 1, 2, 2.5 & 3 gear with common green "of the Bandit" items
purchased from the Auction House. Armor can be replaced early on,
but quality weapons (like those GM/HWL weapons you grinded for
over the past two months) should last you well into your late 60s.
This chart is still a work in progress, so more items will be added soon.
Rogue Gems Chart
To help players decide which Gems are best for using in their
socketed gear, I've created this Rogue Gems Chart.
Happy Expansion Day!
I've started updating all of my Armor and Weapons Charts
with new items from the Burning Crusade expansion.
I'll be adding more items in the days to come.
Happy New Year!
I've updated all of my Armor, Weapons and Twink Charts with the new 2.0 stats.
These changes include converting all percentage values to the new Combat Rating System.
I've also updated all of the PVP rewards to reflect their new Honor Point costs.
I plan to update the rest of my site to reflect these changes within the next week.
I'll also start adding new TBC items to my charts now that I have these changes in place.
Frequently Asked Questions
A compilation of answers to questions people often ask me about my site.
Consumables Shopping List
This chart is used to generate a shopping list of components used to craft
consumables needed for raids. Enter the quantities of consumables you need
and the number of necessary components will be calculated at the bottom.
Rogue Twink Armor Chart
Rogue Twink Weapons Chart
To assist players in twinking their Rogues for Battlegrounds PVP,
I've created a Rogue Twink Weapons Chart which lists the top
weapons within each PVP level range up to 59 to see which are best.
I hope to make a Twink Armor Chart soon, but that will take time.
Consumables Checklist in Chinese!
Brian (SWOE) took the time and effort to translate my
Consumables Checklist into Chinese!
How cool is that?
I've revised my Molten Core/Ragnaros Checklists and made them into general
Consumables Checklists, which contain every known consumable that could be
used to increase your DPS and Survivability. These lists will be especially
useful in fights like Patchwerk, where you must deal as much damage as is
humanly possible within a certain amount of time.
I want to thank all of the people who have contributed donations to my site.
I'm glad that people have found my site to be useful and informative.
I've updated all of my Weapon, Armor and Resistance charts with new
items from the 1.11 patch. New items are highlighted in gray
I've added links for my Site Mirror and my
PDF Charts page in the directory table above.
I've added new 1.11 items to my Frost Resistance Chart.
After receiving a request from a satisfied Rogue, I've added a

link to my site. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Note: A Paypal account is not required to make donations.

My Rogue
Click on the picture to see my gear.
I've added 1.11 PVP Armor and more Naxxramas items to my charts.
I've added some Naxxramas items to my Rogue Weapon Charts.
I've added the upcoming 1.11 Bonescythe Armor Set to my Rogue Armor Charts.
I've retired some of my previous projects (Xbox Clan Registry,
Co-op Games List, Halo 2 and MechAssault) to focus my efforts on
providing quality information for World of Warcraft Rogues.
Rogue Enchantments
Rogue Arcane Resistance Gear
Rogue Shadow Resistance Gear
Rogue Frost Resistance Gear
Thanks to Koda & Anjari from the MORTE guild on the EU Hakkar server, I now have
Zul'Gurub epics and rares listed in my Epics Distribution Chart. Thanks for the help!
I've updated my Rogue Armor Charts by adding new 1.10 patch info, including stats for the
new Tier 0.5 Darkmantle Armor. I've also added a few more Ahn'Qiraj items.
I've added the 1.10 Rogue Changes to my Rogue Nerfs, Buffs & Fixes page.
Rogue Nature Resistance Gear
Complete List of Rogue Nerfs, Buffs & Fixes
I've added all Four Dragons epics to my Epic Distribution Chart.
I've added all Blackwing Lair epics to my Epic Distribution Chart.
I've added more 1.9 Ahn'Qiraj items to my Rogue Armor and Weapons Charts.
Happy New Year!!
I've added a quicklinks bar to the top of my site to
make it easier to find the information you're looking for.
I've also updated my Rogue Armor and Weapons Charts by
adding new 1.9 patch info for Ahn'Qiraj and Silithus Quest items.
I've added a considerable number of possible buffs to my
Improving the Effectiveness of your Rogue article. Buff away!
Ragnaros Checklists12/2/05
Molten Core Checklist11/10/05
High Level Rogue Weapons Charts11/3/05
Epic Distribution Chart11/2/05
I've updated my High Level One-Handed Mace Chart by incorporating amodified AEP system to rate weapons. This will allow players to compare different
types of weapons to each other and also compare the value of weapon upgrades against
armor upgrades. I plan on eventually doing the same for Swords and Daggers.
I've updated my Rogue Armor Charts by adding moredetailed information for each item including the bosses
who drop the items and their approximate drop percentages.
I've updated my Rogue Armor Charts by addingnew 1.8 patch info for Silithius and Zul'Gurub items.
Farming the Cenarion Salve Plants in Felwood
Useful Macros for Rogues (and other classes too!)
I've updated my Rogue Armor Charts by addingnew 1.7 patch info for Zul'Gurub items
as well as Arathi Basin Rewards.
Rogue Fire Resistance Gear
A Detailed Analysis of PVP Rankings
Earthen Ring PVP Rankings
Improving the Effectiveness
of your Rogue
I've updated my Rogue Armor Charts by adding
new 1.6 patch info for Blackwing Lair items
I've updated my Rogue Armor Charts by adding
new 1.5 patch info for Bloodfang and Nightslayer Sets
as well as Battlegrounds Rewards.
World of Warcraft
High Level Rogue Armor Charts
World of Warcraft
High Level One-Handed Mace Chart
It sure has been a while.
All I can say is WOW. As in...
World of Warcraft
It's taken over all my free time.
What a great game.
Look forward to some charts soon.
Would you expect anything less?
I guess...
Lately, my personal and professional life
have just been too busy to play.
Too busy for spreadsheets.
Too busy for much of anything.
I was on "vacation" last week but only got to play twice.
It was sad.
Hopefully, things will improve...
MechAssault 2 Clan List
Thanks to Lazarus, Lonewolf and xoque for contributing more games to my Co-op Games List.
I've added Steel Savior, X-Men Legends, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 4, Kingpin: Life of Crime (PlanetKingPin.com Mod)
and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (team-assault.com mod).
I've made some updates to my Halo 2 Weapons Statistics. The updates include:
-Corrected stats for the Battle Rifle
-Corrected Melee attack speeds for the Needler
-Added "Melee Hits" to show how many frontal melee attacks are required with
each weapon to take out (S)hields and to destroy (A)rmor (ie. kill the player.)
-Added a FAQ section to address some common questions
Halo 2 Weapon Stats & Rankings
Thanks to Cristiano and dru77 for contributing more games to my Co-op Games List.
I've added Halo 2, Ghost Recon 2, Rage of Mages I & II and Conflict: Vietnam.
My Halo 2 Clan List has reached 400 clans!
Over the past few days I've painstakingly gone through my entire Xbox Clan Registry, removing more
than 200 defunct clans in preparation for the inevitable onslaught of new clans forming for Halo 2.
Thanks to Lonewolf and Simon Male for contributing more games to my Co-op Games List. I've
added Full Spectrum Warrior (PC), Midway Arcade Treasures (1 & 2), Codename: Panzers, Phase 1,
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War.
Easy enough to remember, huh?
I've cleaned up some clutter and made some changes
to my Xbox Clan Registry in order to streamline my site.
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List including Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow,
Pikmin 2, Alien Swarm (UT 2004 Mod), Freedom Fortress (Freedom Force Mod),
Rune (Co-op Mod) and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
Much thanks to lonewolf for alerting me to a lot of these co-op games that I wasn't even aware of!
In an interview with the developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl,
they've announced that the game will not have cooperative play.
I've removed it from the Future Games section of my Co-op Games List.
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List including Soldiers: Heroes of World War II,
Obscure, Simple 2000 V. 31: The Chikyuu Boueigun (Japan import), and Splinter Cell 3,
which is supposedly due out for the PC by the end of this year!
Several new co-op games came out this week - - Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising,
Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus & Rainbow Six 3 for the GameCube.
These games have been added to my Co-op Games List.
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List including Deus Ex,
Battlezone II, Star Trek: Away Team and Battlefield Vietnam.
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List including Metal Slug 3,
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos 2: Men of Courage,
Circus Maximus, Myth II: Soulblighter & Myth III: The Wolf Age.

November 9, 2004
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury Clan List
I've added Shadow Ops: Red Mercury, RalliSport Challenge 2 and
ToCA Race Driver 2 to my Xbox Clan Registry.
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List including Shadow Ops: Red Mercury,
Full Spectrum Warrior, Serious Sam: Next Encounter, Ghost Recon 2,
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow & SWAT 4. WOW!
It's been reported that Doom 3 for the Xbox will have a 2-player cooperative mode
(System Link or Xbox Live), so I've added it the Future Games section of my Co-op Games List.
I've added Black Stone: Magic & Steel to my Co-op Games List, and
Fable has been removed from the Future Games section of my list, because
"Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we will not be including the
multiplayer feature in Fable."
Thanks to various contributors, I've added over a dozen games to my Co-op Games List.
With more than 100 co-op games available, I'm surprised that people still
complain about a lack of co-op games. You just have to know where to look.
I've added Sacred and Resident Evil Outbreak to my Co-op Games List.
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Clan List
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List, including
Tenchu: Return From Darkness and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (PS2).
I've also added some new games to my Xbox Clan Registry Input Form,
including ESPN Major League Baseball, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow,
Ninja Gaiden, Trivial Pursuit: Unhinged and Tenchu: Return From Darkness.
If your Xbox clan plays any of these new games,
then you might want to update your clan's information.
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List, including
Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death, Dead Man's Hand and Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater
That's a lotta "D"s...
I've added Steel Battalion: Line of Contact
and Halo 2 to my Xbox Clan Registry
Halo 2 Clan List
Steel Battalion Clan List
I've added more games to my Co-op Games List, including
Unreal II: The Awakening, James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing,
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and Champions of Norrath: Realms of Everquest.
Unreal 2 Clan List
Could it be true? MechAssault 2 coming out Holiday 2004?
If so, I'm going to be very busy again at the end of this year...
I've added a PC Games section to my Co-op Games List.
I've also added Unreal II to my Xbox Clan Registry.
I'm currently going through and updating both lists.
Halo 2 being released Fall 2004!
We hope...
An Analysis of Mech Torso Rotation Speeds
I updated my MechAssault Spreadsheets today.
Basic Stats - - Advanced Rankings
I added Torso Rotation Speed and I split Mech Heat Ratings into
two separate columns in the Scores section of my Rankings chart.
Now each Mech gets a rating for Maximum Heat,
Cooldown Time and Torso Rotation Speed.
This means that a few Mechs have moved up or down in the Rankings.
I cleaned up my site a little and added a new feature.
If you bookmark my site, you should see a small

I've also added more games to my Co-op Games List, including
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and Half-Life.
I've added a lot more games to my Co-op Games List,
including The Sims, The Sims: Bustin' Out, Deathrow,
Midway Arcade Treasures, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2,
Defender, Legend of Alon D'ar and Army Men: Air Attack 2.
Or maybe not...
GameSpot Halo 2 Story
Happy New Year!
Hey, maybe, if we're lucky...
Halo 2 might actually come out this year!
Click-click. BOOM!
Those are the last sounds you hear...
when you stumble into the kill-zone of my Remote Charges.
My clan and I are playing lots of Rainbow Six 3.
We're currently 10-0 in clan matches.
Crimson Skies Planes & Weapons Stats
Compiled by HAL and icylightning
Counter-Strike Clan List
I've added several more games to the Co-op Games List, including
SWAT: Global Strike Team, Starsky & Hutch, Gladius,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
The Xbox Clan Registry now contains over 450 clans!
I've added new Xbox Live games to the list, including Counter-Strike
Project Gotham Racing 2, Amped 2, Links 2004, NBA Inside Drive 2004,
NHL Rivals 2004, Top Spin, and Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds.
I'm heavily into Rainbow Six 3 right now.
I've created Clan Lists specifically for
Rainbow Six 3 and Crimson Skies.
Co-op Games List
I've added about 30 new clans to the Xbox Clan Registry.
I've also added new games to the list, including Crimson Skies,
Rainbow Six 3 and ESPN NFL Football and NHL Hockey.
Mirrodin Limited Ratings Database
8th Edition Limited Ratings Database
I've added over a dozen new clans to the Xbox Clan Registry
As always, I welcome clans to update their information.
A Project/Challenge for
Moviemakers and A/V Gurus
RTCW Maps provided by NunyaBitnez
I need your help updating the Xbox Clan Registry
If your clan changes websites or starts competing in different games,
then please update your clan's information to keep the XCR accurate and complete.
If a clan has disbanded and should be removed from the list, please let me know. Thanks!
New and Improved
Xbox Clan Registry
(Added Contact Information and Complete XBL Games List)
MechAssault Maps provided by NunyaBitnez
A Complete Analysis of MechAssault Weapons
Xbox Clan Registry
Over 300 Xbox Live Clans!!!
Here's a little Halo-related humor you might enjoy.
I sure am looking forward to Halo 2...
If you're a fan of Halo, check out these movies I made a while back.
Random RTCW Stuff
Add My Banner to Your Webpage
Updated MechAssault Spreadsheets
Updates Include:
Flamer X1
Crossbow X3
Javelin X1
An Analysis of The Alpha Strike
An Analysis of Mech Cooldown Rates
Various Things You Probably Don't Know About MechAssault
Advanced Mechs and Weapons Rankings Spreadsheet
A Complete Analysis of PPCs
Complete Mechs and Weapons Spreadsheet