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Shadow Panther's Cata Powerleveling Guide for Leatherworking

I've mapped out what I believe to be the best route to take in order to minimize wasted time and gold when leveling your Leatherworking profession.

This guide is based upon the following assumptions:
  1. You have reached level 85 (or are close to it) and want to powerlevel your Leatherworking skill to 525 as quickly as possible.
  2. You are only interested in trainer recipes and/or recipes that can be obtained with minimal effort.
  3. You have an alt set aside to hold all of the materials you'll need to level up your Leatherworking. I recommend sending mats to your alt in the order provided below, and when you're ready, returning them in reverse order.
  4. Whenever possible, you'll only want to craft items that are Orange or Yellow difficulty, for maximum skill gain. When required to craft Yellow and/or Green difficulty items, I've adjusted the required materials to account for less than 100% skill gain per item created. I've also listed alternate recipes and materials in red to give you additional options to consider.

Total Materials Needed to Get to 525 Leatherworking

Listed below are the materials you'll need and the order in which you should craft items to get to 525 Leatherworking as efficiently as possible. It's highly recommended that you farm some of these materials yourself and/or purchase them from the auction house over a span of several days, because your need for certain items (Light Leather, Thick Leather, Rugged Leather, Knothide Leather, Borean Leather, Savage Leather, etc.) will most likely surpass the available supply on the AH at any given time.

Light Leather 275
Light Hide 20
Medium Hide 25
Heavy Hide 20
Heavy Leather 220
Thick Leather 539
Rugged Leather 360
Knothide Leather Scraps 100
Knothide Leather 210 (in addition to the 20 you'll make from Knothide Leather Scraps)
Fel Scales 30
Borean Leather Scraps 100
Borean Leather 490 (in addition to the 20 you'll make from Borean Leather Scraps)
Heavy Borean Leather 68 (in addition to the 35 you'll make from Borean Leather)
Crystallized Water 25
Eternal Air 5
Savage Leather Scraps 350
Savage Leather 411 (in addition to the 70 you'll make from Savage Leather Scraps)
Heavy Savage Leather 158 (in addition to the 15 you'll make from Savage Leather)
Volatile Air 2
Volatile Earth 2
Volatile Fire 52
Volatile Water 22

Recipes you may want to acquire before you start (Alt recipes in red)

Deviate Scale Cloak (Kalldan Felmoon, outside Wailing Caverns) - Limited Supply (1)
Fine Leather Boots (Check AH for the World Drop recipe)
Raptor Hide Belt (Alliance) (Androd Fadran, Arathi Highlands) - Limited Supply (1)
Raptor Hide Harness (Horde) (Tunkk, Arathi Highlands - Horde) - Limited Supply (1)
Wicked Leather Gauntlets (Leonard Porter, Western Plaguelands - Alliance) / (Werg Thickblade, Tirisfal Glades - Horde) - Limited Supply (1)
Heavy Scorpid Bracers (Zannok Hidepiercer, Silithus) - Limited Supply (1)
Heavy Knothide Leather (Cro Threadstrong, Shattrath City / Haferet, The Exodar / Zaralda, Silvermoon City) - Limited Supply (1)

Step-by-Step: 0 to 525 Leatherworking

Listed below is a step-by-step route for powerleveling Leatherworking using optimum recipes and expected quantities.

Learn Apprentice Leatherworking from your Leatherworking Trainer.

1 30 45 60
1 - 35 Light Armor Kit (1 Light Leather) x 35

1 20 30 40
(ALT) 1 - 35 Light Leather (3 Ruined Leather Scraps) x 45

35 55 65 75
36 - 55 Cured Light Hide (1 Light Hide, 1 Salt) X 20

55 85 100 115
56 - 85 Embossed Leather Gloves (3 Light Leather, 2 Coarse Thread) x 30

After level 75, learn Journeyman Leatherworking from your Leatherworking Trainer.

80 110 125 140
86 - 110 Fine Leather Belt (6 Light Leather, 2 Coarse thread) x 25 (Save these for later)

90 120 135 150
(ALT) 90 - 110 Deviate Scale Cloak (4 Deviate Scale, 1 Cured Light Hide, 1 Fine Thread) x 20 (Kalldan Felmoon, outside Wailing Caverns)

110 115 122 130
111 - 125 Cured Medium Hide (1 Medium Hide, 1 Salt) x 25 (Save these for later)

90 120 135 150
(ALT) 111 - 125 Fine Leather Boots (7 Light Leather, 2 Coarse Thread) x 15 (Check AH for the World Drop recipe)

100 125 137 150
(ALT) 111 - 125 Dark Leather Boots (4 Medium Leather, 2 Fine Thread, 1 Gray Dye) x 15

125 150 162 175
126 - 150 Dark Leather Belt (1 Fine Leather Belt, 1 Cured Medium Hide, 2 Fine Thread, 1 Gray Dye) x 25

120 145 157 170
(ALT) 126 - 150 Nimble Leather Gloves (1 Elixir of Minor Agility, 6 Medium Leather, 1 Fine Thread) x 25

After level 150, learn Expert Leatherworking from your Leatherworking Trainer.

150 160 165 170
151 - 165 Cured Heavy Hide (1 Heavy Hide, 3 Salt) x 20 (Save these for later)

150 170 180 190
(ALT) 151 - 165 Hillman's Cloak (5 Heavy Leather, 2 Fine Thread) x 15

150 170 180 190
166 - 180 Hillman's Cloak (5 Heavy Leather, 2 Fine Thread) x 20

175 195 205 215
181 - 190 Barbaric Shoulders (8 Heavy Leather, 1 Cured Heavy Hide, 2 Fine Thread) x 10

165 185 195 205
(ALT) 181 - 190 Raptor Hide Belt (Alliance) / Raptor Hide Harness (Horde) (4/6 Raptor Hide, 4 Heavy Leather, 2 Fine Thread) x 10 (Androd Fadran, Arathi Highlands - Alliance) / (Tunkk, Arathi Highlands - Horde)

185 205 215 225
(ALT) 186 - 190 Dusky Bracers (16 Heavy Leather, 1 Black Dye, 2 Silken Thread) x 5

190 210 220 230
191 - 200 Guardian Gloves (4 Heavy Leather, 1 Cured Heavy Hide, 1 Silken Thread) x 10

After level 200, learn Artisan Leatherworking from your Leatherworking Trainer.

200 220 230 240
201 - 220 Thick Armor Kit (5 Thick Leather, 1 Silken Thread) x 20

205 225 235 245
221 - 239 Nightscape Headband (5 Thick Leather, 2 Silken Thread) x 25

After level 225, you have the option to learn a Leatherworking Specialization. Elemental Leatherworking is the preferred specialization for Rogues although I don't list any Elemental Leatherworking recipes in this guide. To specialize into Elemental Leatherworking, you'll need to complete a simple quest requiring you to deliver 2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth and 2 Breath of Wind to Sarah Tanner in Searing Gorge.

230 250 260 270
240 - 250 Nightscape Pants (14 Thick Leather, 4 Silken Thread) x 11

235 255 265 275
251 - 260 Nightscape Boots (16 Thick Leather, 2 Silken Thread) x 10

250 250 260 270
(ALT) 251 - 260 Rugged Armor Kit (5 Rugged Leather) x 10

260 280 290 300
261 - 265 Wicked Leather Gauntlets (8 Rugged Leather, 1 Black Dye, 1 Rune Thread) x 5 (Leonard Porter, Western Plaguelands - Alliance) / (Werg Thickblade, Tirisfal Glades - Horde)

255 275 285 295
(ALT) 261 - 265 Heavy Scorpid Bracers (4 Rugged Leather, 4 Heavy Scorpid Scale, 1 Rune Thread) x 5 (Zannok Hidepiercer, Silithus)

265 285 295 305
266 - 290 Wicked Leather Bracers (8 Rugged Leather, 1 Black Dye, 1 Rune Thread) x 25

255 275 285 295
(ALT) 266 - 290 Heavy Scorpid Bracers (4 Rugged Leather, 4 Heavy Scorpid Scale, 1 Rune Thread) x 30 (Zannok Hidepiercer, Silithus)

After level 275, learn Master Leatherworking from Darmari in Shattrath City.

280 300 310 320
291 - 300 Wicked Leather Headband (12 Rugged Leather, 1 Black Dye, 1 Rune Thread) x 10

300 300 305 310
301 - 310 Knothide Leather (5 Knothide Leather Scraps) x 20 (Save these for later)

300 310 325 340
(ALT) 301 - 310 Knothide Armor Kit (4 Knothide Leather) x 10

300 310 325 340
311 - 325 Knothide Armor Kit (4 Knothide Leather) x 20

325 325 330 335
325 - 335 Heavy Knothide Leather (5 Knothide Leather) x 30 (Cro Threadstrong, Shattrath City / Haferet, The Exodar / Zaralda, Silvermoon City)

335 345 355 365
336 - 350 Scaled Draenic Boots (2 Heavy Knothide Leather, 2 Fel Scales, 3 Rune Thread) x 15

After level 350 (and character level 65 or higher), learn Grand Master Leatherworking from your Leatherworking Trainer.

350 350 362 375
351 - 365 Borean Leather (5 Borean Leather Scraps) x 20 (make more up to skill level 375 if you can and save them all for later)

350 375 380 385
(ALT) 351 - 365 Borean Armor Kit (4 Borean Leather) x 15

350 355 360 365
(ALT) 351 - 365 Heavy Knothide Armor Kit (3 Heavy Knothide Leather) x 35

350 375 380 385
366 - 375 Borean Armor Kit (4 Borean Leather) x 10

350 350 362 375
(ALT) 366 - 375 Borean Leather (5 Borean Leather Scraps) x 50

365 365 372 380
(ALT) 366 - 375 Drums of Battle (6 Heavy Knothide Leather, 4 Thick Clefthoof Leather) x 16 (Almaador, Shattrath City - Must be Honored with The Sha'tar)

370 385 395 405
376 - 385 Arctic Boots (8 Borean Leather) x 10

385 400 410 420
386 - 390 Arctic Wristguards (12 Borean Leather) x 5

After level 400, keep in mind that you can add Nerubian Leg Reinforcements and Fur Lining - Attack Power to your own gear for a few skillups. Try the Nerubian Leg Reinforcements first, since they go gray at 405.

390 390 395 405
391 - 405 Heavy Borean Leather (6 Borean Leather) x 35 (Save these for later)

385 400 410 420
(ALT) 391 - 405 Arctic Wristguards (12 Borean Leather) x 15

395 400 402 405
(ALT) 396 - 405 Heavy Borean Armor Kit (4 Heavy Borean Leather) x 25

400 400 400 405
(ALT) 401 - 405 Nerubian Leg Reinforcements (2 Nerubian Chitin) x 20

400 425 430 435
(ALT) 401 - 405 Fur Lining - Attack Power (1 Arctic Fur) x 5

385 400 410 420
406 - 410 Arctic Wristguards (12 Borean Leather) x 10

395 410 420 430
(ALT) 406 - 410 Dark Frostscale Leggings (4 Heavy Borean Leather, 5 Crystallized Water) x 5

400 405 410 415
(ALT) 406 - 410 Nerubian Leg Armor (4 Heavy Borean Leather, 1 Nerubian Chitin) x 10

405 405 405 410
(ALT) 406 - 410 Jormungar Leg Reinforcements (2 Jormungar Scale) x 40

400 425 430 435
(ALT) 406 - 410 Fur Lining - Attack Power (1 Arctic Fur) x 5

395 410 420 430
411 - 415 Dark Frostscale Leggings (4 Heavy Borean Leather, 5 Crystallized Water) x 5

405 410 415 420
(ALT) 411 - 415 Jormungar Leg Armor (3 Heavy Borean Leather, 12 Jormungar Scale) x 10

400 425 430 435
(ALT) 411 - 415 Fur Lining - Attack Power (1 Arctic Fur) x 5

415 420 422 425
416 - 420 Pack of Endless Pockets (8 Heavy Borean Leather) x 5

400 425 430 435
(ALT) 416 - 420 Fur Lining - Attack Power (1 Arctic Fur) x 5

420 425 430 435
421 - 425 Eviscerator's Bindings (8 Heavy Borean Leather, 1 Eternal Air) x 5 (Recipe obtained from Braeg Stoutbeard for 3 Heavy Borean Leather)

420 425 430 435
(ALT) 421 - 425 Overcast Bracers (8 Heavy Borean Leather, 1 Eternal Water) x 5

400 425 430 435
(ALT) 421 - 425 Fur Lining - Attack Power (1 Arctic Fur) x 5

After level 425 (and character level 75 or higher), learn Illustrious Grand Master Leatherworking from your Leatherworking Trainer.

425 435 442 450
426 - 450 Savage Leather (5 Savage Leather Scraps) x 70 (Save these for later)

425 450 452 455
(ALT) 426 - 450 Savage Armor Kit (5 Savage Leather) x 25

450 460 465 470
451 - 460 Darkbrand Bracers (7 Savage Leather, 1 Eternium Thread) x 10

460 470 475 480
461 - 470 Savage Cloak (7 Savage Leather, 1 Eternium Thread) x 10

465 465 465 470
(ALT) 465 - 470 Dragonbone Leg Reinforcements (2 Blackened Dragonscale) x 14

471 475 480 485
471 - 475 Darkbrand Boots (10 Savage Leather, 1 Eternium Thread) x 5

475 485 490 495
476 - 480 Darkbrand Shoulders (12 Savage Leather, 1 Eternium Thread) x 5

480 490 495 500
481 - 485 Darkbrand Chestguard (12 Savage Leather, 1 Eternium Thread) x 5

485 485 487 490
486 - 490 Heavy Savage Leather (5 Savage Leather) x 15 (Save these for later)

480 490 495 500
491 - 495 Darkbrand Chestguard (12 Savage Leather, 1 Eternium Thread) x 8

495 505 507 510
496 - 508 Darkbrand Helm (5 Heavy Savage Leather) x 13

495 510 512 515
509 - 511 Cloak of Beasts (8 Heavy Savage Leather, 2 Volatile Air, 2 Volatile Earth, 2 Volatile Fire, 2 Volatile Water) x 1 - 3 skill points per craft.

Visit Misty Merriweather (Alliance) / Threm Blackscalp (Horde) in Twilight Highlands to purchase the next few recipes, each one costing 10 Heavy Savage Leather. Your epic armor recipes can also be purchased from those vendors for the same price.

510 515 520 525
512 - 515 Bloodied Leather Bracers (10 Heavy Savage Leather, 10 Volatile Fire) x 2 - 2 skill points per craft.

515 520 525 530
516 - 521 Bloodied Leather Shoulders (10 Heavy Savage Leather, 10 Volatile Fire) x 3 - 2 skill points per craft.

520 525 530 535
522 - 525 Bloodied Leather Belt (10 Heavy Savage Leather, 10 Volatile Water) x 2 - 2 skill points per craft.