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Alliance Rogue Quest Completionist Guide

This Classic questing guide, currently updated through Level 35 in preparation for Phase 2 for Season of Discovery (SoD), is intended for Alliance players who want to achieve the following objectives:

  • Complete all reputation quests at the optimum level
  • Improve your leveling efficiency and effectiveness
  • Reap various benefits of professions while leveling
  • Focus on lower level mobs to make leveling easier
  • Reduce the need for grinding mobs to fill in gaps
  • Explore new SoD content and collect SoD Runes

While this guide is Rogue-specific, the leveling route laid out in this guide should be useful to any Alliance player looking to maximize their reputation gain and complete all quests at the appropriate level (before they turn gray). This is not a speed leveling guide, nor a powerleveling guide, but rather a quest completionist guide (up through level 40) designed for optimal reputation (rep) gain.

Unfortunately, reaching Exalted with Alliance factions before level 40 is not possible, but this guide will get you as close as you can get before you have to resort to repeatable turn-in quests to reach Exalted (which is a requirement for riding mounts belonging to other races in Classic). Completing all quests, and achieving Exalted with various factions, becomes even more relevant if/when you proceed to The Burning Crusade (TBC) and the Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) expansions.

With this quest plan, you want the majority of your experience (XP) to come from quests and not the mobs themselves. It's going to seem counterintuitive, but with this leveling strategy, you should always try to minimize XP from mobs by only killing the number of mobs required to complete each quest objective and focusing on fighting lower level green/gray mobs when you do (up through level 30). This strategy is especially effective for anyone wanting to play Hardcore mode, since you'll rarely face dangerous situations while following this carefully planned, methodical route.

When completing solo exploration and delivery quests, simply stealth past any mobs that get in your way. Even better, group up with other players to complete kill quests and reduce your overall experience received. Also, when you log out, don't log out in a city or inn to avoid getting excessive rest experience which could throw off the carefully designed questing plan.

These precautions can be relaxed after level 30, when you'll start to get less Alliance faction rep quests than you need to level and will probably want to supplement with optional non-Alliance quests, dungeons and/or grinding to stay above level.

Level 1: Complete your first starter zone quests


  • Create your Human Rogue (or create a Dwarf, Gnome or Night Elf Rogue and run them directly to Northshire in Elwynn Forest to begin questing).
  • Starting in Northshire, get the quest A Threat Within from Deputy Willem.
  • Go inside Northshire Abbey to turn in A Threat Within (40xp, 55SW) to Marshal McBride and get Kobold Camp Cleanup.
  • Return to Deputy Willem, get the quest Eagan Peltskinner, then run around the left side of the building to turn in Eagan Peltskinner (85xp, 55SW).
  • Get the quest Wolves Across the Border from Eagan Peltskinner.

Before you get started, create yourself a simple Attack macro:

/cast Sinister Strike

With that macro, you'll immediately start attacking your enemy, even if you don't have enough energy for Sinister Strike.

  • Head west, then around to the north, focusing your attacks on level 1 Young Wolves and Kobold Vermin.

When attacking a mob, always start your attacks from behind whenever possible. If they're facing you, run up and jump into the air, spin around to face their backside, then start your attacks from behind. Attacking from behind (at least to start battle) is a good habit to get into, because enemies cannot parry from behind and some of your Rogue abilities will eventually rely on positioning.

OPTIONAL: If Northshire is way too crowded to begin questing, then consider Exploration Leveling as an alternative to get to level 5, complete with an upgraded weapon, two gathering professions, a few early flight paths (FPs) and a little bit of spending money. Another leveling strategy is the Gladius Grind, where you just grind wolves or similar beasts from levels 1-6 until you have 15 silver and 36 copper (15s36c) to buy a Gladius and train in swords.

Level 2: Continue your starter zone quests

  • Kill just enough level 1 Young Wolves and level 1 Kobold Vermin to complete each quest, then return to Northshire Abbey.
  • Turn in Wolves Across the Border (170xp, Wolfskin Bracers, 110SW) to Eagan Peltskinner, equip the bracers and sell junk (all gray items are junk) to the vendors. If you find any gloves, hold onto the best set for your Rune of Shadowstrike.
  • Turn in Kobold Camp Cleanup (170xp, 25c, 110SW) to Marshal McBride inside Northshire Abbey, then get Investigate Echo Ridge and Encrypted Letter (Humans).

Level 3: Questing and saving copper to start gathering professions

  • Go back outside and get Brotherhood of Thieves from Deputy Willem.
  • Go around the east side of the building to turn in Encrypted Letter (40xp, 55SW) to Jorik Kerridan (but don't buy any skills yet).
  • Get the new SoD quest Thrice Stolen.
  • Go north and west to kill 10 Kobold Workers, then return to Northshire Abbey and sell junk.
  • Turn in Investigate Echo Ridge (250xp, 40c, 110SW) to Marshal McBride inside Northshire Abbey and get Skirmish at Echo Ridge.
  • Go northwest to the entrance of the mine and kill 12 Kobold Laborers.

If the caves are crowded with players waiting for Kobold Laborers, group up to get through this quest quicker (and reduce the total mob xp). All you need to do is click the player, then right-click their portrait (or right-click their name in chat), and click Invite to add them to your group (max group size is 5 for completing quests together).

Level 4: Use gathering professions to get an early weapon upgrade

  • Return southeast to Northshire Abbey.
  • Turn in Skirmish at Echo Ridge (450xp, Outfitter Belt, 110SW) to Marshal McBride inside Northshire Abbey and get Report to Goldshire.
  • Head south out of Northshire and get Rest and Relaxation from Falkhaan Isenstrider.
  • Go through the arch and turn right going west, closely hugging the northern hills, avoiding Defias Cutpurses until you reach a light post.
  • Go north up the path into the hills to your right until you reach the house of the Herbalism trainer outside Stormwind City.
  • Learn Apprentice Herbalism (10c) from Herbalist Pomeroy. Click on your Spellbook icon, go to the General tab and drag Find Herbs from your spellbook onto your Action bar, then click it to turn on your Herbalism "radar". Also make sure to re-click that button to turn it back on if you ever die. Save all herbs for now unless you need quick cash.

If you absolutely have to sell some herbs, only sell Peacebloom and never sell Silverleaf or Earthroot as you'll need more of them later on.

  • Go back down the path, then turn right, and go west around the Defias Cutpurses until you reach the other road.
  • Take that road south towards Goldshire, picking herbs and avoiding all mobs.

If you get attacked by a hostile mob, you can kite them to a nearby Stormwind Guard patrolling the road who will deal with the threat.


  • Head south into Goldshire and turn in Report to Goldshire (230xp, armor, 55SW) to Marshal Dughan but SKIP Fargodeep Mine.
  • Go inside the inn and turn in Rest and Relaxation (100xp, 5 Small Pumpkin, 27SW) to Innkeeper Farley.
  • Go outside and buy a Skinning Knife (82c) from the Trade Supplies vendor, Tharynn Bouden, under the covered cart.
  • Go northeast past the Goldshire Inn to the Skinning/Leatherworking house next to the Crystal Lake dock. Use the crates next to the building to climb up onto the roof and open the Rusty Lockbox next to the chimney for Rune of Slaughter. Right-click the rune in your inventory to learn Slaughter from the Shadows, then click Slaughter from the Shadows on your character screen to engrave it on your chestpiece. If you ever use Backstab or Ambush, that rune will reduce the high energy cost of those abilities by 20, leaving you more energy for any followup attacks.
  • Learn Skinning (10c) from Helene Peltskinner inside.

From now on, kill and skin all level 1-3 critters for Ruined Leather Scraps and Light Leather (rabbits, cows, deer, and especially sheep for Wool Cloth) and keep all scraps and skins unless you need cash. When your health gets low, and you're out of battle, use that downtime to kill/skin surrounding critters while you naturally heal up (assuming no enemies are around). Anytime you see a critter or a dead, looted beast, consider that a free resource waiting around to be gathered, just like any other herb.

  • Do a quick circle around Goldshire, picking herbs and killing/skinning critters, but avoiding killing higher level mobs that will give XP.
  • Go inside the building across the road from the Goldshire Inn, sell enough skins/herbs and, if necessary, any extra armor you've picked up along the way in order to reach 4s.
  • Sell your Worn Dagger and buy a Stiletto (4s1c) from Corina Steele. This is the best dagger you'll find for a while and will last you for several levels until you can afford to learn One Handed Swords and One Handed Maces. Those skills costs 10 silver each and can actually be learned as early as level 1, but gathering 15+ silver to buy one of those skills along with a matching weapon would take a while. If you happen to find a better Sword or Mace that does more damage, hold onto it so you won't have to buy one at a vendor when you eventually train that respective skill.
  • Pick herbs and kill/skin critters on your way back to Northshire.


  • Go left through the arch and skin critters around the hills to the west.
  • Return east to Northshire Abbey and sell enough skins/herbs/armor to reach 1s10c to buy your initial skills (or 2s10c if you also want Backstab). If you didn't find any gloves, and can afford them, you might consider buying a cheap set of Thin Cloth Gloves (24c) from Dermot Johns outside the Northshire Abbey so you can immediately apply your Rune of Shadowstrike without having to return to Jorik to turn in the quest first. Don't buy the more expensive Cracked Leather Gloves, because you'll be getting a free pair of those very soon.
  • Go around the east side of the building to buy your skills (Stealth, Pick Pocket, Optional: Backstab) from Jorik Kerridan.
  • Put the skills on your action bar, go into stealth, and put skills on that bar too (with Sinister Strike/Backstab on the same attack slot).

Even better, turn on autoloot and make a simple Pick Pocket + Attack macro to put on your stealth bar:

/cast Pick Pocket
/cast Sinister Strike

  • Unstealth and go southeast across the river to the southern side of the Northshire Vineyards while skinning all critters in the area.

You should notice a significant improvement in your effectiveness, partly because you're a level higher, but also because of the new dagger. As a Rogue, your most important piece of gear is your main hand weapon. The higher the average damage, the harder your special attacks hit. Previously, you could barely handle one enemy at a time, whereas now you should be able to safely take on two without breaking a sweat.

  • Go into stealth, get behind a lone Defias Thug, use Pick Pocket, then finish the mob off with Backstab/Sinister Strikes/Eviscerate.

When you're using Stealth around equal or higher level mobs, you need to be very careful to sneak up behind them or else you risk being seen. Pick Pocket allows you to get extra loot, including occasional healing potions, which will eventually be life savers in difficult situations. If you get any Minor Healing Potions from pick pocketing, put them on your action bar. New in SoD: You can pick pocket 4 pieces of a map to create one of several Treasure Maps (one for each starter zone). You can also find other helpful items, like Cutty's Note which alerts you to a hidden agent north of Crystal Lake who provides you with another Rune.

Backstab, despite being a fairly powerful attack, can often be frustrating to use for leveling. You must be using a main hand dagger, you must be behind your target and it costs 60 energy. The positional requirement can be especially annoying, sometimes forcing you to Gouge an enemy just to get yourself into place for your next attack.

Now it's time for a more advanced technique - - the jumping stealth attack.

  • Run towards a lone Defias Thug, jump for forward momentum, stealth in mid-air, then quickly get behind, pick pocket and finish them off.

Doing this allows you to save time (since stealthing is so slow) by getting as close as you possibly can before entering stealth. The key to this technique is knowing exactly how close you can get before you need to jump and stealth prior to being pulled into combat. The aggro radius varies depending upon the level difference between you and each mob, so it will take a little trial and error to perfect.

If you're faced with a group of enemies, throw a knife from maximum range to pull one from the group, run away in a safe direction, throw another knife to kite that same mob and repeat until any adds stop chasing, then kill that mob.

  • Pickpocket and kill Defias Thugs as you make your way to the two outhouses on the southern side of the vineyard where you will find a Defias Stashbox that contains your Rune of Shadowstrike. Right-click the rune in your inventory to learn Shadowstrike, then click Shadowstrike on your character screen to engrave it on your gloves (if you have any - - if not, you'll soon get some when you turn in the quest). Next, go into Stealth and move the Shadowstrike rune from your spellbook onto your bar.

Shadowstrike is a useful ability in various scenarios where you want to close the gap and get a surprise attack (although you won't get to pick pocket, so keep that in mind.) Not only that, but you can use it as a sort of quasi-blink, teleporting from critter to critter along your path, or even other player's mobs. Just find a critter (or gray low level mob) far ahead of you, make a mental note of the direction they're facing (because you'll always end up facing their backside), and as soon as you get into ranged attack distance, jump while running, then hit stealth and Shadowstrike in mid-air to blink to your target. Be careful though, as you could easily teleport into the aggro range of a more dangerous enemy and be caught out of stealth minus 20 energy and facing the wrong direction!

  • Continue pickpocketing and killing your way through Defias Thugs for 12 Red Burlap Bandanas, then return to Northshire Abbey.

Level 5: Finish Northshire quests and start up Fishing and Cooking

  • Turn in Brotherhood of Thieves (360xp, weapon, 110SW) to Deputy Willem, get Bounty on Garrick Padfoot and Milly Osworth.
  • Sell junk but try to hold onto Ruined Leather Scraps, Light Leather and herbs from now on unless you absolutely need to sell them.
  • Go around the east side of the building to turn in Milly Osworth (35xp, 11SW) and get Milly's Harvest.
  • Turn in Thrice Stolen (85xp, Cracked Leather Gloves, 55SW) to Jorik Kerridan. Save a 2nd pair of gloves for your next Rune unless you run out of bag space and/or need to sell them.
  • Go back southeast across the river to collect Milly's Harvest from crates around the field while avoiding combat as much as possible.
  • Stealth your way further east to Garrick Padfoot. Pickpocket him for Cutty's Note, kill him, loot his head and return to Northshire.
  • Turn in Milly's Harvest (180xp, 55SW) to Milly Osworth on the east side of Northshire Abbey and get Grape Manifest.
  • Turn in Bounty on Garrick Padfoot (340xp, Layered Tunic, 83SW) to Deputy Willem and go inside Northshire Abbey.
  • Go up to the very top of the spiral stairs to turn in Grape Manifest to Brother Neals (360xp, Wine-stained Cloak, 110SW).
  • Sell junk outside the Abbey, then head south out of Northshire.
  • If you pickpocketed Cutty's Note from Garrick Padfoot, when you go through the arch, turn left and go across the river where you'll find Cutty stealthed at the east end of the wall. Turn in the note for your Rune of Mutilation. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use it until you get Dual Wield at Level 10.
  • Continue south to Goldshire as you kill/skin critters, pick herbs, pick pocket Defias Cutpurses and avoid battles.


  • Do a quick circle around Goldshire, picking herbs, pick pocketing Defias Cutpurses and skinning critters, then buy a Fishing Pole (23c) from Tharynn Bouden under the cart. To reduce the chance for missed catches, you might also want to buy a Shiny Bauble (50c) to help out in your first 10 minutes of fishing.

Your bag is probably pretty full by this point. Assuming you haven't looted more bags, you'll need to manage your bag space wisely. Rather than buy more bags (5s each), save your money for now.

Organize your bag so it only contains the following items:

  • 1 Hearthstone
  • 1 Stiletto/Fishing Pole (these two items take turns sharing the same slot)
  • 1 Skinning Knife
  • 1 stack of Peacebloom (try to keep a stack, but you can sell some if you really need to)
  • 1 stack of Silverleaf (try not to sell any of these until after you have a full stack)
  • 1 stack of Light Leather (try to gather a full stack, and sell anything more than that)
  • 2-4 stacks of Ruined Leather Scraps (you may need to hold onto more until you've gathered a full stack of Light Leather)
  • 1 stack of Minor Healing Potions (try not to sell these unless you really need to)
  • 1 Fishing Bauble
  • 1 or more pieces of a treasure map

Total: 11-15 slots filled of your 16 slot bag, leaving a few slots for fish you'll be catching and cooking. If you're having trouble making space, sell any extra non-quest items, such as extra stacks of Ruined Leather Scraps, to the vendor and the most recent 12 items sold will remain in their Buyback tab (until you logout) if you need to get them back later on.

  • Go back to the Skinning/Leatherworking building, go out on the dock and learn Fishing (1s) from Lee Brown.

Fishing might seem slow, boring and pointless, but you will eventually be reaping multiple short term and long term benefits from it. Within 45 minutes, you'll have 75 Fishing, 75 Cooking, and plenty of great low level food, 4x better than any other food at your level. Later on, Fishing provides you with buff food, free loot, some easy quests, Alchemy reagents and even lock boxes to level your lock picking. Since you won't be grinding mobs for meat with this questing plan, fish will be your main source for skilling up Cooking as you level.

  • Equip the fishing pole, move Fishing from your spellbook to your action bar, apply the Shiny Bauble and cast your line. Make sure autoloot is on, and when the bobber splashes, use right-click on your mouse to loot the fish. Zoom your camera in and turn up your sound to make it easier.

Your initial goal is to fish for 50 Brilliant Smallfish to level up your cooking to 50, after which you'll be able to cook Longjaw Mud Snapper.

  • Fish from the dock until you reach Fishing level 25 (approximately 10 minutes), then make another circle around Goldshire, picking herbs, pick pocketing Defias Cutpurses and beating critters with a fishing pole before skinning them.
  • Return to the dock to continue fishing until Fishing level 75, then make another circle around Goldshire, picking herbs, pick pocketing Defias Cutpurses and skinning critters.

Note: Level 10 is required for Journeyman Fishing and crafting professions but not for Journeyman Cooking or Journeyman Herbalism. You may be approaching 50-75 Skinning by now, but don't learn Journeyman Skinning just yet, because you'll be temporarily dropping it soon.

  • Return to Tharynn Bouden, sell junk and buy the Recipe: Brilliant Smallfish (40c).
  • Go inside the inn, learn Apprentice Cooking (1s) from Tomas, then cook up and sell all Brilliant Smallfish.

Upon reaching level 20, with 60 Cooking and 50 Herbalism, you'll be able to harvest and make your own Thistle Tea, improving your overall effectiveness.

  • Sell skins/herbs and any non-fish junk you may have collected from fishing to reach 5s (and free up space), then fish up the rest of the 50 Brilliant Smallfish.
  • Make another circle around Goldshire, picking herbs, pick pocketing Defias Cutpurses and skinning critters, then cook and sell all Brilliant Smallfish to get to 50 Cooking.
  • Go outside the inn, pick herbs, pick pocket Defias Cutpurses and skin critters, then sell skins/herbs to reach 4s and buy Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper from Tharynn Bouden.
  • Cook Longjaw Mud Snapper until you reach 75 Cooking, then save any remaining raw fish to continue leveling later on when you can easily afford the 5s for Journeyman Cooking.
  • Buy back any herbs, Ruined Leather Scraps (which you'll no longer need once you have 20 Light Leather), etc. that you sold earlier (before they disappear from the Buyback tab), then sell all cooked fish except for a stack of Longjaw Mud Snapper.

From now on, use Longjaw Mud Snapper to quickly heal yourself up (it heals faster than Linen Bandages, however it can't be used in battle.)

  • Make one final circle around Goldshire, picking herbs, pick pocketing Defias Cutpurses and skinning critters, then head northwest into Stormwind City (85xp).


  • Get Wine Shop Advert from Renato Gallina as you walk in and Harlan Needs a Resupply from Harlan Bagley in the Lionheart Armory further ahead.
  • Go to the bank to put in all Ruined Leather Scraps, Light Leather and any uncooked Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper to save for later. Also, put any treasure map pieces in the bank to save for later.
  • Walk west through the tunnel towards the canal, go right and turn in Harlan Needs a Resupply to Rema Schneider (85xp, 17c, 55SW, 13Sp). Note: This is your first quest with Spillover rep (Sp).
  • Get Package for Thurman, then go south to the Gallina Winery to turn in Wine Shop Advert (130xp, Bottle of Pinot Noir, 82SW, 21Sp) to Suzetta Gallina.
  • Sell the Bottle of Pinot Noir, then go west across the bridge and left through the tunnel into Mage Quarter.
  • Go up the hill and to the right to turn in Package for Thurman to Thurman Schneider at Larson Clothiers (130xp, 83SW, 20Sp).
  • Go northeast across the city to take the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge. While waiting for the tram, set your action bars/macros/keybindings.


  • Leave the Deeprun Tram going into Ironforge (0xp?), go west and north into the Great Forge to grab the FP.
  • Go to the southwest and out through the Gates of Ironforge (65xp).


  • Walk down the sloping road from the Ironforge Gate, then at the bottom, turn left onto the road going south to Kharanos (45xp).
  • Kill/skin critters and pick herbs as you go south to Kharanos, staying close to the road.
  • When you reach the Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos on the left, go up the back left side of the building, then climb out onto the keg and open the box for Rune of Slaughter (if you still need it), then go into the inn and set your hearthstone at Kharanos.
  • If you can afford them, buy Small Brown Pouches for 5s each from Kreg Bilm and upgrade to Balanced Throwing Daggers for 30c.
  • Learn First Aid (1s) from Thamner Pol, then begin making bandages out of any Linen Cloth you find throughout your travels.

When your health gets low, and you're out of battle, use that downtime to make Linen Bandages while you naturally heal up (assuming no enemies are around). At low levels, you should heal up naturally in the time it takes to make a few bandages that you can then use in-combat the next time you get into trouble.

  • Leave the inn and go southwest along the road to Coldridge Pass (35xp).
  • When you get to the tunnel, zoom in your camera for a better view, then stealth/pick pocket the Rockjaw Raiders, but don't kill any of them. If one of them aggros, run through the rest of the tunnel until you escape out the other side into Coldridge Valley.


  • Go down the hill to the Dwarf/Gnome starting area.
  • Sell all junk (and also sell any herbs to temporarily hold in Buyback so you can free up space), then get Dwarven Outfitters from Sten Stoutarm (even if it's gray).
  • Kill/loot Ragged Young Wolves (Shadowstrike is perfect for these non-humanoid mobs, since they can't be pickpocketed) and skin rabbits, then turn in Dwarven Outfitters (80xp, Wolf Handler Gloves, 110IF/GE) to Sten Stoutarm and get Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery.
  • If the Encrypted Rune (Dwarf) or Encrypted Memorandum (Gnome) quest is offered to you, take it. Note: Not offered to Humans.
  • Get A New Threat from Balir Frosthammer, then go back east towards the hillside and pick pocket/kill Rockjaw Troggs and Burly Rockjaw Troggs.
  • If you haven't reached level 6 yet, you should be extremely close. Pickpocket/kill more troggs until you're 170xp away from level 6 then go back west to the Dwarf/Gnome starting area.
  • Turn in A New Threat (170xp, Bear Shawl, 110IF/GE) to Balir Frosthammer and sell all junk (always keep an eye on your herbs in Buyback and buy/sell them back if they get close to disappearing).

Level 6: Work on Coldridge Valley quests and continue to Teldrassil

  • Go north into Anvilmar.


  • Get A Refugee's Quandary from Felix Whindlebolt.
  • Turn in Encrypted Rune (Dwarf) or Encrypted Memorandum (Gnome) to the Rogue Trainer, Solm Hargrin, and get Thrice Stolen. Note: This version of Thrice Stolen is not offered to Humans.
  • Buy skills (Sinister Strike Rank 2, Gouge) for 2s and put Gouge on your action bar.

Gouge is mainly a delay ability, giving you time to use a partial bandage, kite a mob, or slow them down long enough for you to regain energy or just get away.

  • Walk further inside and buy Cracked Leather Boots (unless you've already looted decent boots) from Durnan Furcutter and equip them.
  • Leave Anvilmar.


  • Head west along the road.
  • Stop by the trogg camp on your left to quickly stealth through and pick all of their pockets for free loot, since they'll rarely aggro, then continue west.
  • Turn in Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery (190xp, 83IF/GE) to Talin Keeneye and get Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery Pt. 2 and The Boar Hunter.
  • Kill (Shadowstrike) Small Crag Boars around the area, then turn in The Boar Hunter (250xp, Dwarven Leather Pants, 110IF/GE) to Talin Keeneye and equip your pants.

If you need to free up space in your bag(s), turn on Autorun between objectives and throw out the least valuable items. As a general rule, you can throw away any gray cloth/leather armor that you won't equip, as well as jerky/bread/water, since they usually sell for 5c or less. Always hold onto quest items, as well as tusks, pelts, leather scraps and similar pieces that stack, because they can sell for 20c or more per stack.

  • Continue south along the road and turn in Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery Pt 2. (270xp, 7c, 82IF/GE) to Grelin Whitebeard and get The Troll Cave.
  • SKIP Scalding Mornbrew Delivery from Nori Pridedrift (for now).
  • Go due west to the first of three troll camps to kill Frostmane Trolls while picking up all of Felix's gear.
  • Get Felix's Box, then go southeast to the next camp to get Felix's Chest, then east to the Troll Cave entrance for Felix's Bucket of Bolts.
  • Kill any Frostmane Trolls you still need, then return to the campground to turn in The Troll Cave (360xp, weapon, Healing Herb, 110IF/GE) to Grelin Whitebeard and get The Stolen Journal.
  • If you are more than 1,250xp away from level 7, get Scalding Mornbrew Delivery from Nori Pridedrift, otherwise skip it for now (you don't want to hit level 7 until after reaching Teldrassil). Throw away the Healing Herbs if your bag is full.
  • Return northeast to Anvilmar, briefly stopping by the trogg camp to pick pockets.


  • Turn in Refugee's Quandary (250xp, 50c, 110IF/GE) to Felix Whindlebolt.
  • Turn in Scalding Mornbrew Delivery (230xp, 55IF/GE) to Durnan Furcutter but SKIP Bring Back the Mug.
  • Hearth to Kharanos.


  • Sell junk and buy Small Brown Pouches for 5s each from Kreg Bilm.


Closely follow the exact route listed below to avoid getting extra exploration experience.

  • Leave the inn and go north up the road, then just before the river, turn right at the crossroad and follow the other road going east all the way across Dun Morogh.
  • At the fork, turn left and go northeast through North Gate Pass and North Gate Outpost (85xp) into Loch Modan.


  • Head east out of the tunnel to Algaz Station (85xp).
  • Pick herbs and kill/skin rams and sheep (if you no longer need to sell Wool Cloth, start saving it in your bank to eventually make Wool Bandages) as you go south or die/resurrect (rez) to the south outside Thelsamar (85xp).

OPTIONAL: If you're playing Hardcore mode (or just don't want to die needlessly), then obviously ignore any steps where I recommend that you die/rez in order to save time. In particular, you're going to want to skip the next few steps where I have you make several corpse runs to get to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands. Instead, I recommend that you take a safer, but longer route (approx. 40 minutes total) to Menethil Harbor.

For the safe route, take a gryphon flight from Thelsamar back to Stormwind, then go south through Elwynn Forest to Goldshire, west along the road towards Westfall, then when you reach the river bordering Westfall, follow it north to the waterfall. Get your Minor Healing Potion button ready for use as you carefully make your way west over the hill, then north down to the shore, going around the murloc huts to the The Great Sea.

Swim your way north (avoiding all darker colored, deep water on your left which causes Fatigue death), hugging the cliffs all the way around until you eventually reach Wetlands (it will take about 30 minutes of swimming). When you reach Baradin Bay, stop hugging the coastline and instead swim due east until you reach Menethil Harbor (you'll want to avoid the much higher level murlocs on the south end of Menethil Harbor). Now skip ahead to the Menethil Harbor section.

  • Grab the Thelsamar FP, then go back north, picking herbs and killing/skinning rams and sheep close to the road, past Algaz Station and into the tunnel.
  • Go north through the Dun Algaz (85xp) tunnels until you reach the Dragonmaw Orcs. Run past them as far as you can until you die. Despite technically dying in the Wetlands, you'll have to run your ghost from Thelsamar back to your body, then safely rez past the guards, continue through the tunnels, then carefully drop down into Wetlands. Die to an enemy outside the lower tunnel exit.


  • Rez at the Wetlands graveyard, then carefully go west towards Menethil Harbor, hugging the rock wall on the left until you reach the Dragonmaw Raiders.
  • Move closer to the road to get past them, then get back over to the left, climbing along the rock wall to avoid the crocolisks on the right.
  • Wait for the best opening, then run west on the road past the raptors and crocolisks, hugging/hopping over obstacles to slow them down.
  • You should reach Sundown Marsh (85xp) before you eventually die and rez at the Baradin Bay graveyard, but it may take an additional graveyard run.
  • From the Baradin Bay graveyard, swim south and go west over the bridge to Menethil Harbor (85xp).


As you travel in and around large bodies of water, always keep an eye out for pools of Floating Wreckage that you can fish for free loot. Ideally, you'd like to score one or more Watertight Trunks, which are the equivalent of floating treasure chests. If so, you might be able to get enough silver selling the loot to buy a full set of 4 bags, which will make bag organization much easier.

  • Repair your dagger and fishing pole, then get the FP.

To maximize your chance to catch fish/loot here, you can buy a Shiny Bauble (50c) or Nightcrawlers (1s) from Stuart Fleming on the dock.

  • Make a quick circle around the peninsula of Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage, while watching for any hostile mobs.

When fishing at a pool of Floating Wreckage, keep recasting your line until it lands in the circle.

  • When you're done fishing for loot, save all raw fish and sell anything you don't want to keep.
  • Go out to the right (northern) dock to take the ship to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Check for pools of Floating Wreckage on the outer end of the dock, but stay away from the town of Auberdine to avoid the extra 85xp.
  • Go across to the other dock where the ship going to Rut'theran Village/Teldrassil lands and get in some more fishing while waiting for the ship (save all Darkshore Groupers for a quest).

  • When the ship for Rut'theran Village/Teldrassil arrives at the Auberdine dock, go across its deck to get as close to the lighthouse island as possible. Get your Minor Healing Potion button ready, and wait for the Darkshore Threshers on either side to open a path for you to swim through, then quickly jump across and swim over to that island. Climb up to the top where you'll find a Lighthouse Stash next to the base of the topmost tree. Loot it to get your Rune of Saber Slash. If you didn't save a 2nd pair of gloves, you'll get a free set soon. Now you'll need to get your Minor Healing Potion button ready again, then carefully swim southeast back to Auberdine, keeping a close eye out for any nearby Darkshore Threshers.

Saber Slash is superior to Sinister Strike, and will replace it as your primary attack, so make all of the necessary changes in your macros. You can create different attack macros for each rune. For example:

Shadowstrike Macro (use in stealth against critters and other easily killed gray mobs):

/equip Cracked Leather Gloves
/cast Shadowstrike
/cast Sinister Strike

Saber Slash Macro:

/equip Wolf Handler Gloves
/cast Saber Slash
/cast Sinister Strike

Note: If you open with Shadowstrike on a mob, then you'll be stuck wearing your Shadowstrike gloves, and will be unable to use Saber Slash, so Sinister Strike has been added as a fallback attack in both macros for those types of situations. Also, make sure to update your Shadowstrike and Saber Slash macros each time you replace your gloves.

  • Take the ship going to Rut'theran Village/Teldrassil.


  • When you arrive in Rut'theran Village (85xp), buy Recipe: Slitherskin Mackerel (40c) from Nessa Shadowsong, but try to save 2s25c. If you don't have that much saved up, then sell some loot, including all of the armor you're wearing (except for your gloves), until you do.
  • Get the FP at the end of the eastern walkway, then go west back down the walkway, turn right at Nessa, and go north to take the glowing teleporter into Darnassus (85xp).


Whenever you're in Darnassus, try to hang around for the the excellent Boon of Blackfathom world buff, which increases the critical chance of spells, melee, and ranged by 2%, grants 20 attack power, and increases movement speed by 20% for 2 hours. In SoD, that world buff is being constantly refreshed as players turn in the Perfect Blackfathom Pearl quest from BFD. That buff will greatly speed up your overall progress and effectiveness, and is well worth the wait. So go take a bio break, finish up some chores, etc. and resume questing once you're buffed.

  • Go to the bank in central Darnassus, deposit your Fishing Pole, all uncooked fish, all map pieces, and any other items you want to save for later.
  • Take out all Light Leather and Ruined Leather Scraps, then go northeast to the Craftsmen's Terrace and up to the 2nd floor of the Tailoring/Leatherworking tree.
  • Click on your character's Skills tab, select Skinning and click the red "cancel" icon to drop that profession (temporarily).
  • Learn Leatherworking (10c) from Darianna and buy 8 Coarse Thread (80c) from Saenorion.
  • Convert all Ruined Leather Scraps into Light Leather, then craft yourself a Handstitched Leather set and 14 Light Armor Kits.

You should have enough leather to reach skill level 25+ to craft Handstitched Leather Pants (50c) and a Handstitched Leather Belt (75c). This starter set of armor should last you for the next 5-10 levels until you start picking up quest gear with better stats.

  • Use the Light Armor Kits to buff all of your chestpieces/pants/boots/gloves, (which does not replace your Runes), and any upgrades that you eventually get for those slots.

The reason you waited until now to craft that armor is so you wouldn't have to repair it all after making your death run through Wetlands. Unfortunately, the Leatherworking profession doesn't fit into the rest of this leveling plan beyond this point, so I recommend dropping it. If you can't sell your damaged low level gear that's being replaced, don't try to repair and sell, just throw it away.

  • Once you've crafted all of your armor (including the Handstitched Leather Pants and Handstitched Leather Belt), use any remaining leather to craft more Light Armor Kits.
  • Click on your character's Skills tab, select Leatherworking and click the red "cancel" icon to drop that profession.
  • Learn Skinning (10c) again from Eladriel, then sell all skins from now on to help fund your adventures.

OPTIONAL: If you have any interest in Cenarion Circle rep, put all skins in your bank as you're leveling until you've saved up and/or purchased 6-9 stacks of Light Leather and 6-18 stacks of Ruined Leather Scraps (more of one would require less of the other), which is what you would need to temporarily level up Leatherworking to skill level 70 to complete the Leatherworking quest Moonglow Vest for Cenarion Circle rep after level 15.

If you're playing in Phase 1 of SoD, consider saving all optional quests (highlighted in red) until you reach max level 25, then go back and complete any optional quests that you skipped. You'll get little or no rep for lower level quests, but at least you won't have to worry about the extra experience from those quests causing other, more important quests to go gray.

  • Put anything you don't need right now in the bank.
  • If you still have silver to spend, check the Auction House (AH) for any bags that cost less than 5s (which is what you would pay for a 6 slot bag from a vendor).
  • Head east out of Darnassus to Teldrassil.


  • Go east on the road across Teldrassil, hugging the left side of the road to avoid exploration XP from Ban'ethil Hollow.
  • Get The Road to Darnassus from Moon Priestess Amara along the road, then continue east to Dolanaar (45xp).


  • Skin all critters around Dolanaar, then go into the inn on the right and sell junk.
  • Get Recipe of the Kaldorei from Zarrin the Cook just outside the inn to the south.
  • Go north across the road, get Denalan's Earth from Syral Bladeleaf and get A Troubling Breeze from Athridas Bearmantle.
  • Go up the ramp inside the tree and purchase Small Brown Pouches and Balanced Throwing Daggers from Aldia (if you still need them).
  • Continue to the top of the tree and get Twisted Hatred and The Emerald Dreamcatcher from Tallonkai Swiftroot.


  • Leave the tree and go east, picking herbs and skinning critters (but avoiding all mobs) and get Zenn's Bidding from Zenn Foulhoof on the left side of the road.
  • Continue east and north into Shadowglen, past Porthannius and further north to the village of Aldrassil.


If everything works out properly, you will arrive in Aldrassil just before reaching level 7. You might have one initial gray quest, but all of the remaining quests will still be green, giving full reputation and experience.

  • Get The Woodland Protector from Melithar Staghelm in front of the building (even if it's gray).
  • Go east and get A Good Friend from Dirania Silvershine, then go west across the path.
  • Get The Balance of Nature from Conservator Ilthalaine, then go further west to turn in The Woodland Protector (40xp, 55D) to Tarindrella.
  • Get The Woodland Protector Pt 2., then kill 7 Young Nightsabers and 4 level 1 Young Thistle Boars. Note: These animals cannot be skinned.
  • Turn in The Balance of Nature (170xp, Archery Training Gloves, 110D) to Conservator Ilthalaine and get The Balance of Nature Pt 2. Apply your Rune of Saber Slash to those gloves, and setup your macros, if you still need to.
  • Get the Night Elf Rogue quest Encrypted Sigil if it is offered to you. Note: Not offered to Humans.

Level 7: Finish Shadowglen quests and start on Dolanaar quests

  • Go northeast into the main building, repair and sell junk to the vendor.
  • Turn in Encrypted Sigil (40xp) to Frahun Shadewhisper and get Second-Story Work.
  • Go out of the building and turn right and to the north to get Webwood Venom from Gilshalan Windwalker. If you are a Night Elf and have the quest Second-Story Work, go up the ramp behind him all the way to the top of the tree, then jump down onto the roof of the building and make your way down to the right until you find the idol of an owl on the southeast corner of the lowermost rooftop, which contains your Rune of Shadowstrike. Turn in Second-Story Work (85xp, Cracked Leather Gloves, 55D) to Frahun Shadewhisper inside the building.


  • Go northeast past the pools to kill/loot 7 Mangy Nightsabers and 4 Thistle Boars. Note: These cannot be skinned.
  • Go west towards Shadowthread Cave, killing/looting Webwood Spiders outside the cave for Webwood Venom Sacs, then go into the narrow valley west of the cave entrance.
  • Turn in A Good Friend (270xp, 83D) to Iverron and get A Friend in Need, then return east to the entrance of Shadowthread Cave.
  • Go into the cave to kill/loot Webwood Spiders for 10 Webwood Venom Sacs, then return south to Aldrassil.

Don't hearth back, because your hearthstone is set in Dun Morogh. You can die/rez to get back quicker, but it will cost about 1s to repair.


  • Turn in Webwood Venom (360xp, Thistlewood Dagger, 110D) to Gilshalan Windwalker and get Webwood Egg (save the dagger for your offhand when you get level 10 Dual Wield).
  • Go south and turn in The Balance of Nature Pt 2 (250xp, Blackened Leather Belt, 50c, 110D) to Conservator Ilthalaine.
  • Go northeast to turn in A Friend in Need (90xp, 27D) to Dirania Silvershine and get Iverron's Antidote.
  • Go northwest into the main building and sell junk to the vendor.


  • Go west to kill/loot Grellkin (not Grells) for 8 Fell Moss and 7 Hyacinth Mushroom, then go northeast to get 4 Moonpetal Lily around the pond.
  • Go northwest to Shadowthread Cave, kill spiders for 1 Webwood Ichor, then zoom in your camera and carefully stealth your way into the caves.
  • Go forward, turn right at the first intersection, then turn left at the next, and go up the hill and around the corner to the very top.
  • At the top, you'll see eggs behind the spiders. Go to the safest egg on either side, kill any nearby spider, loot the egg, then die/rez back in Aldrassil, or else stealth your way back out of the cave.


  • Turn in Webwood Egg (550xp, Woodland Tunic, 165D) to Gilshalan Windwalker and get Tenaron's Summons.
  • Go up the ramp to the top of the tree to turn in Tenaron's Summons (45xp, 11D) to Tenaron Stormgrip, get Crown of the Earth, then make your way back down.
  • Go south to turn in The Woodland Protector Pt 2 (250xp, Canopy Leggings, 3 Healing Herb, 110D) to Tarindrella.
  • Go northeast into the main building, repair and sell junk to the vendor (the Healing Herbs are junk).
  • Go southeast to turn in Iverron's Antidote (360xp, 110D) to Dirania Silvershine and get Iverron's Antidote Pt 2. (which starts a 5 minute timer).


  • Quickly go northwest to turn in Iverron's Antidote (450xp, armor, 165D) to Iverron before the timer runs out.
  • Go east and fill the Crystal Phial in the moonwell.
  • Return south to Aldrassil.


  • Go back up the tree and turn in Crown of the Earth (340xp, 83D) to Tenaron Stormgrip and get Crown of the Earth Pt. 2.
  • Go back down the tree, sell junk and go south out of Shadowglen.
  • Get Dolanaar Delivery from Porthannius, then continue south.


  • Head southwest to Dolanaar, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning nightsabers/owls/spiders for quest items along the way.


  • When you reach Dolanaar, if you still need bags, then go into the tree on the right, up the ramp to the second floor and buy Small Brown Pouches from Aldia.
  • Go south across the road into the inn.
  • Turn in Dolanaar Delivery (110xp, 5 Darnassian Bleu, 27D) to Innkeeper Keldamyr and sell all junk (don't sell Small Eggs or Small Spider Legs).
  • Go south through the inn to the moonwell just outside.
  • Turn in Crown of the Earth Pt. 2 (230xp, 55D) to Corithras Moonrage and get Crown of the Earth Pt. 3.

Level 8: Finish low level Teldrassil quests, then return to Dun Morogh

  • Visit the Rogue Trainer, Jannok Breezesong, to learn new skills (Evasion, Eviscerate Rank 2) for 4s and put Evasion on your action bars.

Evasion is your primary defense mechanism, allowing you to dodge attacks from multiple opponents, both melee and ranged. With a 5 minute cooldown, you'll want to save it for those times when you really need it. Also, when you do use it, make sure that your enemies stay in front of you to get the full effect.


  • Pick herbs and kill/loot/skin nightsabers/owls/spiders as you go east to the moonwell outside Starbreeze Village to fill the Jade Phial.
  • Stealth your way east into the village to the first building on the right, and go up to the top floor.
  • Turn in A Troubling Breeze (270xp, 55D) at the body of Gaerolas Talvethren, then get Gnarlpine Corruption.
  • From that building, stealth your way east to a small house, where you'll loot the Emerald Dreamcatcher from the dresser.
  • If the dresser isn't there, go out and pick herbs in the immediate area, then come back and check again.
  • Pick herbs as you go southwest down the hill, avoiding Timberlings, to Lake Al'Ameth.
  • Turn in Denalan's Earth (230xp, 50c, 55D) to Denalan and get Timberling Seeds and Timberling Sprouts.
  • Go north, avoiding Timberlings, and finish killing owls/nightsabers/spiders, then turn in Zenn's Bidding (450xp, 1s, Severed Voodoo Claw) to Zenn Foulhoof.
  • Go west to Dolanaar.


  • Get Seek Redemption! from Syral Bladeleaf.
  • Turn in Gnarlpine Corruption (550xp, 1s25c, 110D) to Athridas Bearmantle and get The Relics of Wakening.
  • Go up the ramp to the second floor of the tree to buy Small Brown Pouches from Aldia if you still need them.
  • Go to the top of the tree to turn in The Emerald Dreamcatcher (410xp, 1s, 83D) to Tallonkai Swiftroot and get Ferocitas the Dream Eater.
  • Go back down and across the road and through the inn.
  • Turn in Crown of the Earth Pt. 3 (340xp, 110D) to Corithras Moonrage and get Crown of the Earth Pt. 4.
  • Turn in Recipe of the Kaldorei (625xp, 85c, 3 Kaldorei Spider Kabob, 110D) to Zarrin the Cook and cook up any leftover Small Eggs and Small Spider Legs.


  • Pick herbs, avoid mobs and look for Fel Cones on the ground around trees as you go southwest around the south end of the mountain range to the next moonwell.

When you reach the mountains west of Dolanaar, keep an eye out for Earthroot along the hillsides.

  • Near the Pools of Arlithrien you'll find the next moonwell, where you'll fill the Tourmaline Phial.
  • Return northeast to Dolanaar, picking herbs and Fel Cones along the way.


  • Turn in Crown of the Earth Pt. 4 (775xp, 110D) to Corithras Moonrage and get Crown of the Earth Pt. 5.


  • Finish picking up 3 Fel Cones on the ground around trees, then head east to Zenn Foulhoof and turn in Seek Redemption! (625xp, 1s75c, 220D).
  • Hearth to Kharanos.


  • Sell junk and buy Small Brown Pouches for 5s each from Kreg Bilm if you still need them.
  • Get the quest Beer Basted Boar Ribs from Ragnar Thunderbrew standing outside the inn.
  • Get Tools for Steelgrill from Tharek Blackstone standing in front of the other building.

OPTIONAL: Temporarily drop Skinning and switch to Mining until level 17 to complete two Blacksmithing quests that give Ironforge/Stormwind rep - - Supplying the Front and Gearing Redridge. You can buy a Mining Pick from Thrawn Boltar in the building behind Tharek Blackstone and learn Mining from Yarr Hammerstone at Steelgrill's Depot, but note that you can only have one gathering "radar" on at a time, so this would require constantly switching back and forth from Find Herbs to Find Minerals on your "radar" (use this easy 1 button macro: /castsequence Find Herbs, Find Minerals). To level up Blacksmithing at level 17 and complete those two quests, you'll need to gather and/or purchase approximately 100 Rough Stone, 160 Copper Ore, 8 Light Leather and 12 Linen Cloth.

  • Go north and get Operation Recombobulation from Razzle Sprysprocket in the building on the left with the spinning gear on top.


  • Go northeast to Steelgrill's Depot and turn in Tools for Steelgrill (110xp, 25c, 28IF/GE) to Beldin Steelgrill.
  • Get Ammo for Rumbleshot from Loslor Rudge, Stocking Jetsteam from Pilot Bellowfiz and The Grizzled Den from Pilot Stonegear.
  • Kill/loot/skin level 5/6 boars and bears around Steelgrill's Depot.

As you begin finding chests and looting higher level mobs (level 6+), you'll start occasionally getting Waylaid Supplies crates. These can be turned in at capital cities for Azeroth Commerce Authority reputation (ACA rep), which you'll need to work on in order to reach Friendly (no longer Honored as of 12/12/23) if you want to get Rune of Teasing for the Just a Flesh Wound tanking rune. The Waylaid Supplies crates can be turned in with or without the missing crafted item, but you'll get more rep if you add the missing item.

Unfortunately, turning in lower level 10 supplies only works until Friendly. Once you reach Friendly, you'll need to turn in higher level 25 supplies if you want to reach Honored for the 12 slot bag. To further complicate matters, Waylaid Supplies are unique and soulbound, so you'll need to go out of your way to turn them in one at a time. If you already have a Waylaid Supplies box in your inventory and another one drops that looks easier/cheaper to complete, feel free to throw away the old one in order to pick up the new one.

Level 9: Continue working on low level Dun Morogh quests

  • Turn in Stocking Jetsteam (675xp, 2s50c, 165IF/GE) to Pilot Bellowfiz and get Evershine.


  • Return to Kharanos, go inside the inn and buy one Rhapsody Malt from Inkeeper Belm, sell any junk gray items but save all meat (you need 4 Chunks of Boar Meat for another quest and all other meat will be used to level Cooking after you train Journeyman Cooking).
  • Turn in Beer Basted Boar Ribs (625xp, 1s75c, 5 Beer Basted Boar Ribs, Recipe: Beer Basted Boar Ribs, 110IF/GE) to Ragnar Thunderbrew outside the inn.


  • Go west down into the valley of Grizzled Den.
  • Grab the crate at the camp, then go northwest towards the cave entrance.
  • Kill/loot/skin Wendigos outside the cave and make your way in until you've completed the quest.
  • Return south back to the road and follow it southwest, then turn in Ammo for Rumbleshot (550xp, 1s25c, 110IF/GE) to Hegnar Rumbleshot.
  • Sell junk to Hegnar Rumbleshot, then continue southwest to Coldridge Valley, checking for Earthroot along the hillsides.

When you get to the tunnel, stealth/pick pocket/kill Rockjaw Raiders until you exit out the other side.


  • Go northwest into Anvilmar and get Bring Back the Mug from Durnan Furcutter.
  • Go southwest back to the Troll Cave and zoom in your camera to better see your way inside the cave tunnels.
  • Stealth your way through the cave along the left side, then kill any roving patrols that might wander near the boss, Grik'nir the Cold.
  • Stealth up to Grik'nir the Cold, use Evasion and quickly kill/loot him, then kill any other adds who jump into the battle. If you don't already have it, get the Rune of Shadowstrike from the Frostmane Loot Cache on the ledge to the left of Grik'nir the Cold.
  • Stealth your way back out of the cave to turn in The Stolen Journal (550xp, weapon, 165IF, 220GE) to Grelin Whitebeard and get Senir's Observations.
  • Turn in Bring Back the Mug (450xp, 50c, 110IF/GE) to Nori Pridedrift, or if you didn't get it earlier, get Scalding Mornbrew Delivery.
  • If you just got Scalding Mornbrew Delivery, quickly return northeast to Anvilmar to turn it in, get Bring Back the Mug, then return to Nori Pridedrift to turn it in.
  • Go northest back to Anvilmar.
  • Sell junk, turn in Thrice Stolen (85xp, Cracked Leather Gloves, 55IF/GE) to Solm Hargrin, then go northeast up the trail back towards the tunnel that leaves Coldridge Valley.
  • Turn in Senir's Observations (340xp, 82IF/GE) to Mountaineer Thalos and get Senir's Observations Pt. 2.
  • Get Supplies to Tannok from Hands Springsprocket.


  • Stealth/pick pocket/kill Rockjaw Raiders on your way north back through the tunnel, then go northwest to Brewnall Village.
  • Turn in Evershine (160xp, 28IF/GE) to Rejold Barleybrew, get A Favor for Evershine, The Perfect Stout and Bitter Rivals from Marleth Barleybrew, then sell junk.
  • Kill/loot/skin all Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards as you complete the next few steps.
  • Go east past Iceflow Lake, then go up the path to Shimmer Ridge. At the top of the mountain, go right (southeast) towards the troll village.

Be very careful. These trolls run for help when they get low on health, and it's easy to get overwhelmed (especially with the casters firing at you from a distance), so you'll need to start slow and end fast. Pick an isolated troll, kite them away from any adds, hit them with a couple of Sinister Strikes, or preferably Saber Slashes, then whittle them down with autoattacks while your energy recharges. Once recharged, unleash a couple more Sinister Strikes (Saber Slashes) and finish them off with an Eviscerate before they get a chance to run off. Saber Slash is a very good ability for this tactic, as the bleed can help whittle them down and virtually guarantee that they die before they can get away and bring back any adds. If you get in trouble at any point, pop Evasion, use your Minor Healing Potions, and Gouge/Bandage (these trolls drop Linen Cloth to make Linen Bandages).

  • Continue to carefully kill/loot Frostmane trolls and get Shimmerweed from Shimmerweed Baskets.

Level 10: Imp. Sinister Strike 1/2, Dun Morogh quests

  • Once you're done, carefully make your way down the steep south side of the mountain into Chill Breeze Valley.
  • Go west, then southwest through the cluster of trees into another valley towards Old Icebeard's cave, watching carefully for Old Icebeard.
  • When you reach the clearing outside Old Icebeard's cave, go north up the mountain path and get Tundra MacGrann's Stolen Stash from Tundra MacGrann.
  • Go back down the mountainside, wait patiently (up to 6 minutes) for Old Icebeard to leave the cave, loot the Old Meat Locker and return to Tundra MacGrann.
  • Turn in Tundra MacGrann's Stolen Stash (900xp, armor, 110IF/GE), then drop down the north side of the mountain and go northwest to Brewnall Village.
  • Turn in The Perfect Stout (775xp, Goat Fur Cloak, 110IF/GE) to Rejold Barleybrew, but SKIP Shimmer Stout (for now).
  • Hearth to Kharanos.


  • Turn in Supplies to Tannok (110xp, 5 Tough Jerky, 27IF/GE) to Tannok Frosthammer.
  • Sell junk, save all meat, buy one Thunder Ale from Inkeeper Belm, then go through the doorway to the left into the basement of the Inn.
  • Click the Guarded Thunder Ale Barrel, click Jarven Thunderbrew, then wait for the Unguarded Thunder Ale Barrel to appear.
  • Click on the Unguarded Thunder Ale Barrel to turn in Bitter Rivals (140xp, 28IF/GE), get Return to Marleth, then go back upstairs.
  • OPTIONAL: Get Road to Salvation from the Rogue Trainer, Hogral Bakkan. Note: This quest gives no rep, but does lead to a nice dagger, Blade of Cunning.
  • Train skills (Dual Wielding, Sprint, Slice and Dice, Sap) for 12s.

Sprint is a very helpful ability, one that can be used offensively to quickly close in on enemies, defensively to bolt away from dangerous situations, or you can just use it to cover long distances every 5 minutes and speed along your overall leveling progression. Slice and Dice is a finishing move mostly used for raiding, but can also be helpful in longer battles while leveling. Sap is your long-duration creature control (CC) ability, allowing you to separate individuals from groups and control the battlefield. After using Sap, be ready to fight any other mob that's nearby, as you'll be immediately pulled out of stealth when you use it.

  • Put the skills on your action bars and equip the Thistlewood Dagger in your offhand. You can now finally put your Mutilate rune on a set of gloves and start using Mutilate with two daggers.
  • Get Rejold's New Brew (the breadcrumb quest which precedes Shimmer Stout) from Tharek Blackstone across from the inn.
  • Turn in Senir's Observations Pt. 2 (340xp, 82IF/GE) to Senir Whitebeard south of the inn, get Frostmane Hold, then sprint northeast to Steelgrill's Depot.
  • Turn in The Grizzled Den (625xp, 1s75c, 110IF/GE) to Pilot Stonegear.


  • Go back east to Brewnall Village, killing/looting/skinning Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards along the way.
  • Return to Brewnall Village and turn in Return to Marleth (625xp, 1s75c, 110IF/GE) to Marleth.
  • Turn in Rejold's New Brew (85xp, Mug of Shimmer Stout, 11IF/GE) to Rejold Barleybrew and get Shimmer Stout.
  • Sell junk (including the Mug of Shimmer Stout), then go northwest and kill/loot Leper Gnomes until you've gathered 8 Restabilization Cogs and 8 Gyromechanic Gears. Much like with the Frostmane Trolls, you'll want to play carefully here, because these Leper Gnomes will run off to grab adds when their health gets low.
  • Finish killing/looting/skinning Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards, then return to Brewnall Village. You may want to group up with someone to get this completed quicker.
  • Turn in A Favor for Evershine (525xp, 83IF/GE) to Rejold Barleybrew and get Return to Bellowfiz.

Level 11: Imp. Sinister Strike 2/2, weapon upgrade, Elwynn Forest quests

  • Go west to Frostmane Hold.
  • Zoom in your camera and carefully stealth your way through the cave, killing lone Frostmane Headhunters and completing the exploration quest. This is another quest that might benefit from grouping up.

If you're going into the cave solo, Sap will come in very handy here, allowing you to incapacitate one mob while you focus on another. Try to kill the 5 Frostmane Headhunters before you go too deep into the caves. Once you've killed all 5, carefully stealth your way through the caves until you complete the exploration portion of the mission. If you make a mistake and drop out of stealth before completing the exploration, pop Sprint and Evasion and race through the caves to get that done before you die. If you die, you should rez back at Kharanos, which is where you want to end up anyway.


  • Hearth or return east to Kharanos, sell junk (but not meat) and buy as many Rhapsody Malt from Inkeeper Belm as you have Crag Boar Ribs.
  • Go outside the inn and turn in Frostmane Hold (600xp, armor, 82IF/GE) to Senir Whitebeard and get The Reports.
  • Go north to turn in Operation Recombobulation (850xp, Driving Gloves, 110IF/GE) to Razzle Sprysprocket in the building with the spinning gear on top.
  • Go east to Steelgrill's Depot to turn in Return to Bellowfiz (875xp, weapon, 165IF/GE) to Pilot Bellowfiz.
  • Sprint north to Ironforge.


  • Put all Rhapsody Malt, Crag Boar Ribs, any other cookable meat (except 4 Chunks of Boar Meat), map pieces, and any other items you want to save in the bank, but try to sell enough loot to get to 35s to learn One Handed Swords (10s) and to buy a decent sword (20-25s) unless you already picked one up during your adventures.
  • Also put Senir's Report, the Amethyst Phial and the Barrel of Shimmer Stout in the bank to free up bag space until you turn them in later.
  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (90xp, 15s, 495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH. Try to complete the shipment if you can afford to do so, but make sure you have 35s left over for your sword and sword training.
  • Go to the Forlorn Cavern near the Rogue Trainers. Get yourself prepared, loot the Rune of Precision from the Dusty Chest, pop Evasion and kill the two Cut-throat Muggers that appear. Apply Between the Eyes to your pants.
  • Check the AH to see if you can find a better or comparable mainhand sword or mace (Redridge Machete, Cranial Thumper, Weighted Sap) that you can equip at your level for less silver than Feral Blade (24s7c, 12-24 Damage, 6.9 DPS). You can always check my Twink Weapons Chart to compare most weapons as you're leveling. If you find a good mace on the AH, then go to Timberline Arms on the south side of Military Ward to train in One-handed maces (10s) from Buliwyf Stonehand.
  • If you still need bags, check the AH for any bags that cost less than 5s.

For extra convenience, you should make a level 1 character and run them to a capital city to be your bank alt to buy/sell goods, mail stuff back and forth, provide extra storage space for your main, etc. Note: Mail takes one hour in Classic so keep that in mind when sending items and money back and forth. The exception to this rule is when returning mail previously sent to you, which happens instantly.

  • If you plan to purchase Feral Blade, take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan (1s10c), otherwise, take the free Deeprun Tram to Stormwind City.


  • Buy a Feral Blade (24s7c) or Enamelled Broadsword (28s77c) from Morhan Coppertongue outside the first building on the left.

Those are two of the better weapons you can wield at your level. However, if they're sold out or you can't afford either of them, you'll still have other options.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City (1s60c).


  • Set your hearthstone in the Stormwind City Inn.
  • Visit Woo Ping in The Trade District to train in One-Handed Swords (10s). If you couldn't get a Feral Blade (or equivalent), then buy a Cutlass (20s23c) from Gunther or Marda. If you can't afford a sword, then you'll have one more chance at a decent sword in Elwynn Forest. Hold onto your daggers until you get your swords skill leveled up. In any case, you'll continue using one of them in your offhand until you find a better replacement.

If you have plenty of silver leftover, go learn Journeyman Fishing (5s) from Arnold Leland located in the Canals west of the AH, and learn Journeyman Herbalism (5s) from Tannysa in the Mage Quarter (don't upgrade Skinning yet). You can also buy a 12 slot Herb Pouch (10s) from Eldraeith to manage all of your herbs. As far as consumables are concerned, EZ-Thro Dynamite is great for AoE damage, so see if you can get some cheaply off the AH or from an Engineer. Also, Adair Gilroy in the northeast Mage Quarter outside The Stockade sells scrolls that can help in your adventures. Charys Yserian in the western Mage Quarter sells Healing Potions (3s) that you can start using at level 12.

  • If you haven't already gotten your Between the Eyes Rune, go north to the canal side of The Dwarven District, then through the open building to Cut-Throat Alley. Turn right and go up to the top floor of the building at the end of the street. Get yourself prepared (you haven't skilled up with Swords yet, so probably best to stick to your daggers for now), loot the Rune of Precision from the Dusty Chest, pop Evasion and kill the two Cut-throat Muggers that appear. Apply Between the Eyes to your pants.
  • Sprint out to Elwynn Forest.


  • Check for Earthroot along the hillsides on either side of the Stormwind City gates, then go south to Goldshire.


  • Get Gold Dust Exchange and A Fishy Peril from Remy "Two Times".
  • Turn in A Fishy Peril (85xp, 11SW) to Marshal Dughan and get Further Concerns and The Fargodeep Mine but SKIP Report to Gryan Stoutmantle.
  • Go inside the inn and get Kobold Candles from William Pestle.


  • From Goldshire, head southwest to The Stonefield Farm while picking herbs and killing/skinning critters (and leveling up your swords skill).

When traveling near the road, keep an eye out for Antonio Perelli, the traveling salesman who sells Lesser Healing Potions.

  • Speak to "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield to get the quest Lost Necklace and get Princess Must Die! from Ma Stonefield.
  • Go southeast, pickpocketing/killing/looting kobolds past Fargodeep Mine to The Maclure Vineyards to turn in Lost Necklace (140xp, 27SW) to Billy Maclure and get Pie for Billy.
  • Speak to Maybell Maclure in the small house on the southeast side of the vineyard to get the quest Young Lovers.
  • Continue picking herbs and killing kobolds on your way back west, around the north side of Fargodeep Mine, to The Stonefield Farm.
  • Turn in Pie for Billy (410xp, 83SW) to "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield and get Back to Billy.
  • Turn in Young Lovers (140xp, 27SW) to Tommy Joe Stonefield on the far western side of The Stonefield Farm and get Speak with Gramma.
  • Go east across the farm to Gramma Stonefield to turn in Speak with Gramma (140xp, 28SW) and get Note to William.
  • Return east, while killing kobolds, to Billy Maclure at The Maclure Vineyards to turn in Back to Billy (140xp, 27SW) and get Goldtooth.
  • Go west to Fargodeep Mine and make your way through the mine killing/looting kobolds as you complete all quests.

By the time you reach Goldtooth, you should have most or all of the 8 Large Candles and 10 Gold Dust that you need.

  • Use Evasion, kill/loot Goldtooth, then finish off any adds. Finish killing kobolds for 8 Large Candles and 10 Gold Dust.
  • Exit the mine and go west to turn in Goldtooth (875xp, Lion-stamped Gloves, 165SW) to "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.
  • Pick herbs on your way back to Goldshire.


  • Turn in Gold Dust Exchange (650xp, 1s75c, Bag of Marbles, 110SW) to Remy "Two Times".
  • Save the Bag of Marbles for use on particularly tough 1-on-1 battles against Rares/Elites as you're leveling (or save it for endgame use).
  • Turn in The Fargodeep Mine (480xp, 1s25c, 83SW) to Marshal Dughan, then get The Jasperlode Mine.
  • Go in the inn and sell junk.
  • Turn in Note to William (140xp, 27SW) and Kobold Candles (450xp, 1s25c, 5 Glowing Wax Stick, 83SW) to William Pestle and get Collecting Kelp and Shipment to Stormwind.


  • Go east around the northern side of Crystal Lake while picking herbs to pickpocket/kill Murlocs for 4 Crystal Kelp Frond.
  • If you still need a sword, or want a second sword (without having to buy it), then go northeast around the mountainrange to Stone Cairn Lake. Search the gnoll camps on the northwestern side of the lake for the rare gnoll, Fedfennel. He has a chance to drop the Cutlass-equivalent Pale Skinner sword as well as an 8 slot bag.

You'll want to have 6+ Earthroot, 11+ Peacebloom, and 21+ Silverleaf by the time you return to Teldrassil. You can find Earthroot along the hills just to the north of Crystal Lake. Once you're done, make your way back southwest to Goldshire.


  • Go into the inn and turn in Collecting Kelp (320xp, 55SW) to William Pestle, wait a few seconds, then get The Escape.
  • OPTIONAL: Get the quest Seek out SI: 7 from the Rogue Trainer, Keryn Sylvius, upstairs. Note: This quest gives no rep, but does lead to a nice dagger, Blade of Cunning.


  • Go south to the Maclure Vineyard, while picking herbs, to turn in The Escape (800xp, 5 Minor Healing Potion, 165SW) to Maybell Maclure.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Sell junk and deposit any items you want to keep long term in the bank. Put the Delivery to Mathias in the bank.
  • Turn in Shipment to Stormwind (800xp, 3s50c, 15 Explosive Rocket, 165SW) to Morgan Pestle in The Trade District.
  • Put the Explosive Rockets on your action bar and save them for tough battles against multiple enemies.

Level 12: Lightning Reflexes 1/5, choose professions, level 7-9 Teldrassil quests

  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Elaine Compton standing outside the AH.
  • Visit Osborne the Night Man in the SI:7 Headquarters near Old Town to get new skills (Kick/Parry) for 16s and put Kick on your action bar.

Use Kick on spellcasters when they're casting powerful spells with long casting times, and use it at the last possible second for maximum effect. To see what spell your enemy is casting, go to Options, Interface, then scroll down to the Display section and click Show Enemy Cast Bar. Parry, on the other hand, is a passive ability that increases your ability to avoid melee attacks from the front, and really shines when you get Riposte. If you have any level 12 Healing Potions, put them on your action bar.

  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your professions, but not Skinning because you'll be dropping it again soon. Try to save about 5s for gryphon flights.
  • If you can afford it, buy a Strong Fishing Pole (8s10c) from Catherine Leland located in the canal area to replace the one in your bank.
  • Visit the bank, drop off map pieces and anything you want to save and get out your fishing pole.
  • Take a gryphon flight for 50c or the free Deeprun Tram to Ironforge.


  • Set your hearthstone in the Ironforge Inn.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands (3s30c).


  • Two different vendors in Menethil Harbor sell Healing Potions (3s), Samor Festivus on the top floor of the inn and Dewin Shimmerdawn in the house next to the northern dock.
  • If you still need it, buy a Strong Fishing Pole (8s10c) from Stuart Fleming on the dock.
  • Go around Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage.
  • When you're done fishing for loot, go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Check for pools of Floating Wreckage around the dock, then go into Auberdine to get the FP and fly to Rut'Theran Village (for free even).


  • Take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • Cook and/or drop off all extra fish at the bank.
  • Sell junk and clear out your bags as much as possible. Try to sell enough loot to get to at least 15s-40s.

If you have 40+ silver, upgrade your ranged weapon to bows, otherwise save your silver for skills.

  • Go east to the Warrior's Terrace and learn the Bows skill for 10s from Ilyenia Moonfire.
  • If you can afford it and want a more powerful ranged weapon, buy a Laminated Recurve Bow (17s52c) and Sharp Arrows (50c) from Ariyell Skyshadow nearby. Replace Throw with Shoot Bows on your action bar and get rid of your throwing daggers.

The more powerful ranged weapon will really help with taking down runners before they aggro more mobs.

  • Go east out of Darnassus to Teldrassil.


  • Head southeast to Lake Al'Ameth, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning all gray skinnable mobs along the way.

From this point forward, treat all gray skinnable mobs as easy critter kills for quick loot and skins. Also, if your Herbalism is 50+, you'll be able to pick Mageroyal now, so save all Swiftthistle you get from those plants for eventually making Thistle Teas.

  • Go around the east end of the lake, pickpocketing/killing/looting level 5/6 Timberlings and using time between kills to collect sprouts/herbs as you heal.
  • Return to Denalan to turn in Timberling Seeds (650xp, food, 110D) and Timberling Sprouts (800xp, armor, 3s50c, 165D) and get Rellian Greenspyre.
  • Return northwest to Dolanaar, picking herbs along the way.


Once you have 6+ Earthroot, 11+ Peacebloom and 21+ Silverleaf, it's time to switch professions again (at least temporarily) to complete another reputation quest.

  • Click on your character's Skills tab, select Skinning (or Mining if you switched to that) and click the red "cancel" icon to drop that profession.
  • Go to the small house by the cooks in Dolanaar and learn Alchemy from Cyndra Kindwhisper.
  • Go north across the road and up to the second floor of the tree to buy 40 Empty Vials (1s52c) from Narret Shadowgrove.
  • Craft 6 Elixir of Lion's Strength, 2 Elixir of Minor Defense and 11 Minor Healing Potions to reach skill level 20 for a Darnassus rep quest.
  • Go back outside the tree and turn in Elixirs for the Bladeleafs (700xp, 6 Earthroot, 6 Mageroyal, 2s25c, 110D) to Syral Bladeleaf.
  • Return to Cyndra Kindwhisper to learn Weak Troll's Blood Potion, then keep a stack of each herb and Empty Vials to make potions as needed.

At this point, you have an important decision to make - - What do you want your leveling professions to be? Assuming as a Rogue that you want to keep Herbalism for Swiftthistle (Thistle Tea) and Fadeleaf (Blind), what about your 2nd profession? Would you rather have the increased short term income from Herbalism/Skinning, allowing you to sell extra herbs and skins as you level? Or would you rather be self sufficient long term with Herbalism/Alchemy, able to make your own potions and elixirs for leveling and raiding?

The current benefits of Alchemy (50 Armor, 4 Strength, Regen 2 Health/5 sec, and 70-91 instant heals) definitely make it worth consideration. Those potions and elixirs can be very helpful for buffing you up and keeping you alive in tough situations. Eventually, you can craft stronger potions and elixirs including Agility, Water Breathing, resistance/protection potions and raiding flasks. On the downside, you'll no longer get the increased income from selling skins and herbs and would need to seek out and buy Alchemy recipes. Picking Alchemy also means dedicating bag space for herbs/vials/potions, which is a significant hassle to deal with while leveling.

I recommend dropping Alchemy for Skinning as you level, allowing you to sell all skins and herbs (other than Swiftthistle and Fadeleaf). If you decide on Skinning (there is no Mining in Teldrassil), make as many potions as you need, then drop Alchemy and learn Skinning again from Radnaal Maneweaver near the bridge on the road back to Darnassus. If you decide to keep Alchemy, sell your Skinning Knife, save all Minor Healing Potions (along with Briarthorn which you won't see for a while) to make Lesser Healing Potions at skill level 55+, then mail and/or bank any extra herbs (and all Alchemy-related fish) to level up later on.

  • Sell all unneeded Minor Healing Potions and other stuff you don't need to free up space in your bags.


  • Go east and around to the northern side of Starbreeze Village to pick pocket/kill Gnarlpine Mystics and kill Ferocitas the Dream Eater.

These Furbolgs are a bit tougher than the Furbolgs at Starbreeze Village, so buff up, be careful and pull individual mobs with your ranged weapon. Gnarlpine Mystics will run and bring back help, so after your initial attack, let your energy refill as your autoattacks whittle them down. When their health starts to get low, unleash Sinister Strike/Eviscerate to finish them off before they run away and aggro more Furbolgs. When you've killed 6 of 7 Gnarlpine Mystics, it's time to fight Ferocitas who is guarded by the final 7th Gnarlpine Mystic you'll need.

  • Stealth up, use Evasion, quickly kill the Gnarlpine Mystic, then kill Ferocitas, using a Healing Potion/Severed Voodoo Claw if needed.
  • Loot the Gnarlpine Necklace from Ferocitas and open it to get Tallonkai's Jewel.
  • Follow the mountains to the northwest, picking herbs, past Dolanaar into a narrow valley that leads to a cave to the north called Fel Rock.
  • Zoom in your camera and carefully stealth and pickpocket your way through the cave, going right and up the slope past all enemies until you find Lord Melenas on a balcony.
  • When you're ready, use Evasion and a Healing Potion/Severed Voodoo Claw if needed to kill Lord Melenas and loot his head and the Rune of Mutilation if you haven't already gotten it.
  • Stealth and pickpocket your way back out of the cave. And/or pickpocket/kill gray, level 6+ sprites/grells on your way back. If you don't have a Waylaid Supplies crate by this point, consider quickly plowing through a bunch of gray level 6+ mobs until you get one. Anytime you return to a capital city (SW/IF/Darnassus), you'll want to turn in one of those shipments to keep working on your ACA rep.
  • Return south to Dolanaar.


  • Turn in Twisted Hatred (625xp, Feral Bracers, 110D) and Ferocitas the Dream Eater (875xp, 4s50c, 165D) to Tallonkai Swiftroot at the top of the tree.


  • Go west while picking herbs, then stop off at the Leatherworking/Skinning house by the bridge if you need to learn Skinning again. Make the last few potions you need before you drop Alchemy.
  • Go southwest, while skinning/picking herbs and avoiding mobs, to the Pools of Arlithrien, then continue further south to Gnarlpine Hold and get The Glowing Fruit from the glowing Strange Fruited Plant.
  • If you haven't already gotten your Between the Eyes Rune, go further south to pickpocket Gnarlpine Avengers and Gnarlpine Pathfinders for the Gnarlpine Stash Key. Then go further south out onto a limb to find the Gnarlpine Stash. Get yourself prepared, loot the Rune of Precision from the Gnarlpine Stash, pop Evasion and kill the two furbolgs that appear. Apply Between the Eyes to your pants.
  • Go north, while skinning/picking herbs and avoiding mobs, back to the road, then west to Darnassus.


Go southwest to Tradesmen's Terrace and visit the AH. Check prices for the following items to see if it's more profitable to vendor or sell them on the AH (vendor prices listed below):

Stack of Ruined Leather Scraps: 1.4s
Stack of Light Leather: 3s
Stack of Peacebloom: 2s
Stack of Silverleaf: 2s
Stack of Earthroot: 4s
Stack of Mageroyal: 4s

Keep that information in mind as you continue gathering those items. Will it be worth it to you to use up bag space holding items while waiting to return to the AH or would you just be better off vendoring them every chance you get? To make those decisions even easier, get an Auction addon that can quickly provide that pricing information for you.

  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.
  • Go northwest to the Cenarion Enclave, turn in Rellian Greenspyre (320xp, 55D) to Rellian Greenspyre and get Tumors.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your professions.
  • If you were unable to upgrade to bows earlier, go to the Warrior's Terrace and do so now.
  • If you have plenty of leftover silver, upgrade to 8 slot bags. You can buy Brown Leather Satchels for 25s each from Ellandrieth in the Tradesmen's Terrace, but you can probably get cheaper 8 slot Woolen or Leather bags on the AH.
  • Sell junk and clear out your bags as much as possible.
  • Visit the bank and drop off map pieces and anything you want to save. If you replaced any of your 6 slot bags with an 8 slot bag, consider buying a bank slot and using your old 6 slot bag in that slot. Get the Amethyst Phial out.
  • Go east out of Darnassus back to Teldrassil.


  • Go northeast to Wellspring Lake.
  • Make your way around Wellspring Lake and north along Wellspring River, pickpocketing/killing/looting all level 8-10 Timberling Tramplers and Timberling Mire Beasts for 5 Mossy Tumors.

As you head north up the river, keep an eye out for the rare Blackmoss the Fetid who drops the Moss-twined Heart, a Darnassus rep quest item. Blackmoss the Fetid has a 2 hour respawn and appears along the river near the crescent shaped rise northeast of the river on your map. If you want to, camp by Blackmoss' spawn point and work on leveling your fishing in the river while waiting for him to appear.

  • Once Blackmoss the Fetid appears, kill him and loot the Moss-twined Heart. Don't accept the quest The Moss-twined Heart until later.
  • When you're done waiting, go west to the Oracle Glade (you can always check back for Blackmoss the Fetid later) and fill the Amethyst Phial in the moonwell.
  • Go northwest and get The Shimmering Frond from the glowing Strange Fronded Plant.
  • Die to a mob west of the road and rez back in Darnassus (or just walk back to save the repair costs).


  • If it's available, get Nessa Shadowsong from Mydrannul in eastern Darnassus. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.
  • Go northwest to the Cenarion Enclave and turn in Tumors (975xp, 6s, Pruning Knife, 165D, 41Sp) to Rellian Greenspyre and get Return to Denalan.
  • Sell junk and repair, then go east out of Darnassus back to Teldrassil.


  • Go east past the Leatherworking/Skinning house until you reach the bridge, where you'll drop down and go southeast into the valley of Ban'ethil Hollow.
  • Kill 6 Gnarlpine Ambushers, then go southwest past more Furbolgs into the Ban'ethil Barrow Den.

These caves are often referred to as the suicide caves, but with your higher level, skills, consumables and gear, you can easily solo this area now. Trying to stealth through these caves at level 9/10 with daggers is a very frustrating experience compared to level 12/13 with a sword. However, just to be safe, you may still want to group up for these caves since it's easy to make a mistake and get overwhelmed by multiple furbolgs.

  • Buff up and stealth your way south and down into the den until you reach two bridges.
  • If you don't already have your Slaughter from the Shadows Rune, keep an eye out for a Gnarlpine Cache which should have a Rune of Slaughter inside.
  • Go across each bridge, pickpocket/kill furbolgs and loot the chests for the Rune of Nesting and Black Feather Quill.
  • Go down a level and through the tunnel going southwest deeper into the caves until you reach another bridge. Go across and pickpocket/kill any Furbolgs.
  • Get The Sleeping Druid from Oben Rageclaw, then stealth through the tunnels pickpocketing/killing/looting all Gnarlpine Shaman for the Shaman Voodoo Charm while you complete the next step.
  • From Oben Rageclaw, go down a level southeast through a tunnel where you'll reach Greenpaw and his guards, who are guarding another chest.
  • Use Sap and Evasion to defeat them, then loot that chest for the Sapphire of Sky.
  • Continue killing/looting all Gnarlpine Shamans for the Shaman Voodoo Charm, then make your way back to Oben Rageclaw. If you're having trouble finding Gnarlpine Shamans, go to the surface where you will encounter more of them. Just make sure you follow the detailed instructions listed above to find your way back to Oben Rageclaw. Alternatively, you might want to group with one or more others on the same quest and just blast your way through all Furbolgs until you get the Shaman Voodoo Charm and complete the next steps of the questline together.
  • Turn in The Sleeping Druid (700xp, 110D) to Oben Rageclaw and get Druid of the Claw.
  • From Oben Rageclaw, go down a level, then north through the lower tunnel until you reach a donut-shaped room at the northern end of the den.
  • Rageclaw patrols this circular area, so carefully pull single Furbolgs to clear out a safe area to fight him alone.
  • Use Evasion and a Healing Potion/Severed Voodoo Claw if needed to kill Rageclaw. DO NOT FORGET to use the Voodoo Charm on his dead body.
  • From the south side of that circular room, go up the ramp onto a platform, across the eastern bridge and up a narrow tunnel past Furbolgs.
  • At the end of the narrow tunnel going up, you'll reach the final chest on a balcony, where you'll loot the Raven Claw Talisman.
  • Drop down from that balcony and return south all the way back through the lower tunnel and up the ramp on your left to Oben Rageclaw.
  • Turn in Druid of the Claw (1,050xp, Brushwood Blade, 165D) to Oben Rageclaw and equip your new sword (which straps across your back!)

Level 13: Lightning Reflexes 2/5, Teldrassil/Dun Morogh quests

  • From Oben Rageclaw, stealth your way back across the bridge and straight through the southeast tunnel and up ramps out of the caves, back up to the surface.
  • Leave Ban'ethil Barrow Den and go northeast back to the road.
  • Take the main road east to turn in The Road to Darnassus (700xp, 2s25c, 110D) to Moon Priestess Amara, then go further east to Dolanaar.


  • Turn in The Relics of Wakening (775xp, weapon, 3s, 110D) to Athridas Bearmantle and get Ursal the Mauler.
  • If you've reached 40 in First Aid, learn Heavy Linen Bandage from Byancie inside the tree, make them and put them on your bar, then sell your regular Linen Bandages.
  • OPTIONAL: Go across the road into the inn and get The Apple Falls from Jannok Breezesong. (You can get more than one Rogue class quest, but they do not give any rep.)
  • Turn in Crown of the Earth Pt. 5 (650xp, 82D) to Corithras Moonrage outside the inn and get Crown of the Earth Pt. 6.


  • Go southeast to Denalan at Lake Al'Ameth, pickpocketing/killing all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies.
  • DO NOT turn in The Moss-twined Heart yet. You'll be saving that quest for later.
  • Turn in The Glowing Fruit (850xp, 3s50c, 110D) to Denalan and kill the 3 Boglings that appear for their Bogling Roots.
  • Turn in The Shimmering Frond (850xp, 3s50c, 110D) and click on the Sprouted Frond in the planter to complete The Sprouted Fronds (85xp, 5 Sprouted Fronds, 11D). Put the Sprouted Fronds on your bar and you can use them to heal you in battle, and they don't share a cooldown with healing potions.
  • Turn in Return to Denalan (80xp, 11D) and get Oakenscowl.
  • Go west to the small cave at southwest Lake Al'Ameth, while pickpocketing/killing all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies, then pull single timberlings until Oakenscowl is mostly alone.
  • Buff up and kill/loot Oakenscowl, using Evasion, a Severed Voodoo Claw, a Bogling Root, a Sprouted Frond and a Healing Potion if necessary.
  • Return east, while pickpocketing/killing all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies, to turn in Oakenscowl (975xp, 6s, armor, 165D) to Denalan.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.
  • Sell junk, then go to the bank and get out Senir's Report and the Barrel of Shimmer Stout while depositing map pieces, the Moss-twined Heart, the Filled Vessel and Jannok's Rose.

OPTIONAL: If doing Supplying the Front and Gearing Redridge, get a stack of Rough Stone and all Copper Ore out of the bank, go to the center of The Great Forge, drop Skinning for Blacksmithing, make 20 Rough Sharpening Stones and/or Rough Weightstones (which require Linen Cloth), then drop Blacksmithing for Mining (learn from Geofram Bouldertoe in the Deep Mining Guild building just to the north), smelt Copper Ore into Copper Bars (to skill back up), learn Journeyman Mining from Geofram Bouldertoe, put the Copper Bars in the bank, then continue mining ore and stone until level 17. Use the Rough Sharpening Stones and/or Rough Weightstones on your weapons until you get poisons (and even after that save them for poison immune mobs).

  • Turn in The Reports (420xp, 1s75c, 55IF/GE) to Senator Barin Redstone in the southwestern section of the Great Forge.
  • Go southwest to Timberline Arms on the south side of Military Ward to train in One-handed maces (10s) and Guns (10s) from Buliwyf Stonehand (if you haven't already).
  • If you want a better ranged weapon, check the AH, or go downstairs and buy a Hunter's Boomstick (13s24c) and Heavy Shot (50c) from Thalgus Thunderfist, then replace Throw with Shoot Guns on your action bar.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your professions.
  • If your Skinning is 50+ and you plan to continue with that gathering profession throughout your travels, then go learn Journeyman Skinning from Balthus Stoneflayer on the northwest side of The Great Forge.
  • Check the AH for a better mainhand weapon if you need one (you'll be getting Compact Hammer from a quest soon).
  • Go out the Gates of Ironforge to Dun Morogh.


  • Go southeast to Gol'Bolar Quarry, picking herbs and skinning critters, while pickpocketing/killing all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies.
  • Get the quests The Public Servant from Senator Mehr Stonehallow and Those Blasted Troggs! from Foreman Stonebrow.

Be careful with these two quests. These troggs have a knockdown ability and always run for help when they get low on health.

  • Buff up, go down into the quarry, zoom in your camera and carefully pick pocket/kill all troggs inside the cave.

Pick an isolated trogg, pick pocket, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, and whittle them down with autoattacks while your energy recharges. Draw them away from adds, unleash two Sinister Strikes and finish them off with an Eviscerate before they get a chance to run off.

  • Turn in The Public Servant (650xp, 3s, 82IF/GE) to Senator Mehr Stonehallow and Those Blasted Troggs! (600xp, 2s, 83IF/GE) to Foreman Stonebrow.
  • If you don't already have your Mutilate Rune, go east around Gol'Bolar Quarry to the mountains south of Helm's Bed Lake to pickpocket a Dark Iron Spy for Blackrat's Note, then go northwest to Misty Pine Refuge to get your rune from Blackrat stealthed on a boat.
  • Sell all junk, then head northeast along the road, picking herbs and skinning critters, while pickpocketing/killing all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies to North Gate Pass.
  • Continue through the tunnel into North Gate Outpost, then get the quest The Lost Pilot from Pilot Hammerfoot.
  • Go northwest up the road until you reach The Dwarven Corpse, turn in The Lost Pilot (420xp, armor, 55IF/GE) and accept A Pilot's Revenge.
  • Head west up the hill past The Dwarven Corpse and defeat Mangeclaw.
  • Return to Pilot Hammerfoot to turn in A Pilot's Revenge (650xp, Compact Hammer, 82IF/GE). You can use that hammer to level up your Maces skill.
  • Go back south, then east through South Gate Pass to South Gate Outpost.
  • Turn in Shimmer Stout (420xp, 55IF/GE) to Mountaineer Barleybrew and get Stout to Kadrell.
  • Continue east into Loch Modan.


OPTIONAL: If doing Supplying the Front and Gearing Redridge, keep an eye out for Tin Ore that you can mine for Coarse Stone in Loch Modan. Coarse Stone is used to make Coarse Weightstones/Coarse Sharpening Stones to use on your weapons until you get Poisons at level 20.

  • Go to the watchtower and get In Defense of the King's Lands from Mountaineer Cobbleflint outside and The Trogg Threat from Captain Rugelfuss inside.
  • Go north along the road past Stonesplinter Valley to Thelsamar.


  • Turn in Stout to Kadrell (625xp, 83IF/GE) to Mountaineer Kadrell walking through Thelsamar and get Mountaineer Stormpike's Task and Rat Catching.

Level 14: Lightning Reflexes 3/5, Loch Modan/Flight Paths/Elwynn Forest

  • Go in the Thelsamar Inn and get the quest Thelsamar Blood Sausages from Vidra Hearthstove and sell junk (but save any meat).

You won't be doing the Thelsamar Blood Sausages quest just yet, but if you happen to pick up any Bear Meat, Boar Intestines or Spider Ichor during your travels, hold onto them.

  • Go to the eastern building in Thelsamar and get Honor Students from Brock Stoneseeker. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Turn in Honor Students (200xp) to the Thelsamar Gryphon Master and get the quest Ride to Ironforge. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Hearth or fly to Ironforge.


  • Go around to the northern section of the Great Forge to turn in Ride to Ironforge (420xp, 1s75c) to Golnir Bouldertoe and get Gryth Thurden. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Visit the Rogue Trainer to train skills (Sinister Strike Rank 3 and Garrote for 24s, SKIP Expose Armor) and put Garrote on your Stealth bar.

Garrote is an underestimated skill for leveling, one that can be used very effectively to help kill off runners before they bring back adds. Rather than using your ranged weapon to pull single mobs, if you can, safely stealth up to a mob near a group (but not too near), pick pocket, Garrote, then fight them while walking backwards away from the group. By the time the mob decides to run for help, Garrote will help ensure that they die before they get back in time to pull in any adds. It's also useful at the start of long battles against tougher Elite/Rare mobs and any enemies with lots of armor, since the damage bypasses armor. Unfortunately, Garrote doesn't work on all mobs.

  • Turn in Gryth Thurden (210xp) to the Ironforge Gryphon Master and get Return to Brock. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your professions.
  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.
  • Visit the bank, drop off map pieces, Bear Meat, Boar Intestines, Spider Ichor and anything else you want to save.
  • If you have Return to Brock, take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan. Otherwise, skip ahead and fly directly to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Turn in Return to Brock (1,050xp, 3s50C) to Brock Stoneseeker in Thelsamar. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Go out onto the left (south) dock to take the ship to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh.


  • Grab the FP, then jump into the Great Sea on the north side of Theramore Isle. Swim north along the coast, carefully avoiding all Murloc-infested islands to your left and threshers to your right while keeping an eye out for pools of Floating Wreckage, until you reach Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • Grab the Ratchet FP, then take the ship to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Rogues can train skills with Ian Strom located in one of the bedrooms above the Salty Sailor Tavern and buy poison supplies from Sly Garrett located in the alley beneath the Deep South Tannery while in Booty Bay.
  • Grab the Booty Bay FP and buy Expert Fishing - The Bass and You (1g) from Old Man Heming on the lower level of the dock (if you can afford it). Not available in Phase 1 of SoD.

OPTIONAL: If you really want to be a quest completionist and get an early start on Steamwheedle Cartel reputation (Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, Ratchet), then you can return to Ratchet and take a short field trip to Durotar, deep in Horde territory. If you're on a PVP server, this might be a challenge for you. However, keep in mind that the extra experience you get from killing non-essential mobs while completing non-Alliance quests may cause later Alliance quests to go gray and give you less rep.

  • Take the ship back to Ratchet.


  • From the Ratchet dock, jump in the water and swim east, then around to the north until you reach the eastern shore of Durotar.


  • Walk far northwest or die and rez at Razor Hill, then continue north, around the Razor Hill fort and its guards, and continue north along the canyon road until you reach the goblin Rezlak located south of Orgrimmar.
  • Get Winds in the Desert from Rezlak on the west side of the road.
  • Go across the road to the east, then south into Razorwind Canyon to retrieve the 5 Stolen Supply Sacks.
  • Return northwest to Rezlak, turn in Winds in the Desert (775xp, 3s, 110Rat) and get Securing the Lines. Note: If you complete this quest at level 25, you'll get 7s80c but only 11 Ratchet rep.
  • Go back east to Razorwind Canyon, then go further south and through a cave into Razorwind Pass to kill 12 Dustwind Savages and 8 Dustwind Storm Witches.
  • Return through the cave, then go northwest back to Rezlak to turn in Securing the Lines (450xp, Harpy Wing Clipper, 110Rat) or 5s40c and 11 Ratchet rep at level 25.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.

  • Take a flight to Stormwind City.


  • OPTIONAL: Get Delivery to Mathias out of the bank, then go southeast to the SI:7 Headquarters near Old Town to turn in Seek out SI: 7 (210xp, 85c, 0Rep) to Master Mathias Shaw and get Snatch and Grab.

If you need them, Adair Gilroy in the northeast Mage Quarter outside The Stockade sells scrolls that can help in your adventures. Note: Scroll of Protection and Scroll of Strength cannot be combined with Elixir of Minor Defense and Elixir of Lion's Strength. Charys Yserian in the western Mage Quarter also sells Healing Potions (3s).

  • Sprint out to Elwynn Forest.


  • Go south to Goldshire while pickpocketing/killing all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies.


  • Set your hearthstone at the Goldshire Inn.


  • Go northeast along the ridgeline until you reach Jasperlode Mine.
  • Pickpocket/kill your way through all of the kobolds outside and inside Jasperlode Mine, following the tracks around to the right and straight through the 3-way intersection to finish the exploration quest, then leave the mine (unless you have Mining and want to stick around to mine copper).
  • Pick herbs while pickpocketing/killing/looting all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies as you go southeast towards Azora's Tower where Dawn Brightstar on the top floor sells scrolls and Lesser Healing Potions. Sell junk to empty out your bags.
  • Go east to the bridge, and turn in Further Concerns (420xp, 55SW) to Guard Thomas and get Find the Lost Guards and Protect the Frontier but SKIP Report to Gryan Stoutmantle. Note: Bounty on Murlocs is not available until after you turn in Deliver Thomas' Report.
  • Go north along the west side of the river, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning all Young Forest Bears along your path.
  • Turn in Find the Lost Guards (210xp, 27SW) at the half-eaten body just to the west of where the river meets the lake and get Discover Rolf's Fate.
  • Go southeast over the river to Eastvale Logging Camp while picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning all Young Forest Bears and Prowlers.
  • Get Red Linen Goods from Sara Timberlain.
  • OPTIONAL: Get A Bundle of Trouble from Supervisor Raelen. Note: This quest gives no reputation.
  • Sell junk to the vendor nearby, then buff up.
  • Collect bundles of wood around trees to the northeast between Eastvale Camp and the Murloc camp while killing Prowlers/Young Forest Bears.

In that Murloc camp, you'll find Rolf's corpse between two huts surrounded by Murlocs. After clearing out the wolves and bears, start pulling single Murlocs. If you pull a 2nd or 3rd Murloc, use your Explosive Rockets and pop Evasion and back up a little so they face your dodges from the front. If you pull any more Murlocs, gouge and kite the first one while running south until the adds break off, then kill the one you gouged.

  • Repeat this process until you can safely turn in Discover Rolf's Fate (420xp, 55SW) at Rolf's corpse. Get Report to Thomas, then leave the Murloc camp heading south.
  • Finish killing Prowlers and Young Forest Bears south of the Murloc camps while collecting Bundles of Wood.
  • Return south to Eastvale Logging Camp and sell junk to the vendor.
  • OPTIONAL: Turn in A Bundle of Trouble (775xp, 3s, 0Rep) to Supervisor Raelen. This quest gives no rep.
  • Go southwest to the bridge to turn in Protect the Frontier (625xp, 2s50c, 2 Lesser Healing Potion, 83SW) and Report to Thomas (210xp, 27SW) to Guard Thomas and get Deliver Thomas' Report.
  • Go southwest to Brackwell Pumpkin Patch.
  • Use Evasion to kill Princess, loot her, then finish off her guards.
  • Pickpocket/kill/loot Defias Bandits around Brackwell Pumpkin Patch for 6 Red Linen Bandanas and hopefully the Westfall Deed until your Evasion is ready again.
  • Stealth inside the house, sap Surena Caledon and use Evasion to defeat Morgan the Collector and Erlan Drudgemoor, then kill Surena Caledon (these three have a higher chance of dropping the Westfall Deed).
  • Repeat the two prior steps until you have 6 Red Linen Bandanas and hopefully the Westfall Deed.

If you can't get the Westfall Deed, then set that quest aside for later, and stick to killing just gray level 8 Defias mobs until level 15. If you keep killing level 9/10 mobs for it now, then you'll end up having other quests turn gray later on at the expense of completing this one quest.

  • When you do finally get the Westfall Deed, read it to get the quest Furlbrow's Deed.
  • Hearth or sprint back west to Goldshire.


  • Cook up meat and sell junk.
  • If you've reached 40 in First Aid, learn Heavy Linen Bandage from Michelle Belle upstairs, make them and put them on your bar, then sell your regular Linen Bandages.
  • If you've reached 50 in First Aid, learn Journeyman First Aid also.
  • Go outside the inn and turn in The Jasperlode Mine (850xp, 3s50c, 110SW) and Deliver Thomas' Report (1,050xp, 7s, 165SW) to Marshal Dughan and get Cloth and Leather Armor.


  • Go southwest along the road to The Stonefield Farm.
  • Turn in Princess Must Die! (800xp, Weather-worn Boots, 110SW) to Ma Stonefield.
  • If you have Furlbrow's Deed, briefly go west along the road to Westfall to turn it in just across the bridge before the quest turns gray at level 15.
  • Go back east along the road, past Goldshire, back to the bridge.
  • Get Bounty on Murlocs from Guard Thomas.
  • Go northeast to Eastvale Logging Camp.
  • Turn in Cloth and Leather Armor (210xp, Patched Pants, 28SW) and Red Linen Goods (775xp, Red Linen Shirt and Sash, 110SW) to Sara Timberlain.
  • Sell junk to the vendor nearby, then buff up if you aren't still buffed from before.
  • Go north to the Murloc camps again and carefully pickpocket/kill/loot Murlocs for 8 Torn Murloc Fins.

Level 15: Deflection 1/5, Elwynn Forest/Westfall/Teldrassil/Darkshore

  • Return southwest to the bridge.
  • Turn in Bounty on Murlocs (850xp, Long Bayonet, 110SW) to Guard Thomas.

  • OPTIONAL: Go southwest through the forest to Jerod's Landing (saving your sprint), killing all gray level 8/9 Defias Bandits/Defias Dockworkers if you still need Westfall Deed.
  • When you reach the dock, be patient and wait for all mobs to leave the dock area.
  • Stealth out onto the dock and hide behind the shed to wait for The Defias Dockmaster. The Defias Dockmaster will eventually walk outside and stand on the dock.
  • The moment he turns around to go back into the building, sprint and pick pocket him to get the Defias Shipping Schedule, then sprint away using Evasion to escape any guards.

  • Go northwest back to Goldshire.


  • Get Report to Gryan Stoutmantle and Westbrook Garrison Needs Help! from Marshal Dughan.
  • Sell junk.


  • Go west along the road to Westbrook Garrison which will be on your right.
  • Turn in Westbrook Garrison Needs Help! (210xp, 27SW) to Deputy Rainer, then get Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty and Wanted: "Hogger" from the signpost.
  • Continue west along the road to Westfall.


  • Turn in Furlbrow's Deed (600xp, 5 Ripe Watermelon, 5 Small Pumpkin, 83SW) to Farmer Furlbrow (if you have it) and get The Forgotten Heirloom.
  • Get Westfall Stew and and Poor Old Blanchy from Verna Furlbrow.
  • Go southeast to Saldean's Farm and turn in Westfall Stew (420xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Salma Saldean and get Westfall Stew Pt. 2 and Goretusk Liver Pie.
  • Head further south to Sentinel Hill.


  • Turn in Report to Gryan Stoutmantle (625xp, 2s50c, 82SW) to Gryan Stoutmantle but SKIP The People's Militia and The Defias Brotherhood.
  • Get A Swift Message from Quartermaster Lewis inside the tower behind Gryan Stoutmantle and sell all junk.
  • Turn in A Swift Message (200xp, 28SW) to Thor the Gryphon Master located just to the south and get Continue to Stormwind.
  • If you don't already have your Saber Slash Rune, carefully stealth up behind the Defias Scout on the hill to the west overlooking Sentinel Hill and pickpocket her for the rune.
  • If you have a Waylaid Supplies shipment to turn in, fly to Stormwind to turn it in and empty out your bags, including any map pieces.


  • Go to Hogger's camp, located south of Westbrook Garrison in western Elwynn Forest.
  • Buff up and kill gnolls and/or the rare Gruff Swiftbite for 8 Painted Gnoll Armbands and the Gold Pickup Schedule.

As before with the Westfall Deed, you'll be killing many gray/green mobs until you hopefully get a single quest drop, the Gold Pickup Schedule, so stop after 8 Painted Gnoll Armbands and come back later if you wish. If your bags start to get full, you can sell junk to Homer Stonefield just across the river to the east.

  • Save Hogger for last, then use Garrote, a Severed Voodoo Claw, a Bogling Root, a Sprouted Frond and a Healing Potion if necessary, to solo him (or just group up with others for an easier kill).
  • If you get the Gold Pickup Schedule, click on it to accept The Collector.
  • Go north to Westbrook Garrison.
  • Turn in Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty (850xp, armor, 110SW) to Deputy Rainer at Westbrook Garrison.

If you still need the Westfall Deed, all Defias Bandits and Defias Dockworkers will be gray to you now. The quest will also be gray, but should still give 80% rep and experience at just one level past green.

  • Return east to Goldshire, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray mobs and Defias Bandits for Waylaid Supplies along the way (save your hearthstone for now).


  • Turn in Wanted: "Hogger" (875xp, Footman Tunic, 110SW) and The Collector (210xp, 85c, 27SW) to Marshal Dughan and get Manhunt.
  • Go in the inn and sell junk.
  • If you've reached 40 in First Aid, learn Heavy Linen Bandage from Michelle Belle upstairs, make them and put them on your bar, then sell your regular Linen Bandages.
  • If you've reached 50 in First Aid, learn Journeyman First Aid also.


  • Go southeast through the forest, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray mobs and Defias Bandits for Waylaid Supplies to Brackwell Pumpkin Patch.
  • Stealth inside the house, sap Surena Caledon and use Evasion to defeat Morgan the Collector and Erlan Drudgemoor, then kill Surena Caledon.
  • Loot The Collector's Ring from Morgan the Collector.
  • Continue east to Redridge Mountains, while pickpocketing/killing/looting all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies.


  • Carefully go past any spiders and gnolls and go northeast along the road towards Lakeshire.
  • Get the FP, then return southwest on the road (save your Sprint for Duskwood).
  • Climb over the rocks and around the log to the left, then hug the mountainside and hop into the river to avoid the spiders on the right.
  • Swim west to the bridge into Duskwood.


  • Cross the bridge into Duskwood, then buy Healing Potions (3s) from Kzixx on the side of the road.
  • Use Sprint/Evasion to get past any spiders/wolves close to the road as you head into Darkshire (or die/rez and return there).
  • Buy a Bottle of Moonshine (12s65c) from Barkeep Hann inside the inn, then go to the east side of town to get the FP.
  • Hearth to Goldshire.


  • Buy a Skin of Sweet Rum (6s75c) from Barkeep Dobbins inside the inn.
  • Turn in Manhunt (850xp, armor, 110SW) to Marshal Dughan outside.
  • Get the quest Elmore's Task from Smith Argus inside the building behind Marshal Dughan.
  • If you still need Westfall Deed and/or the Gold Pickup Schedule, now is your last chance before leaving Elwynn Forest for a while.
  • Go north into Stormwind City.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Elaine Compton standing outside the AH.
  • Starting at level 15, check the AH for inexpensive weapon upgrades and rings.
  • Put the Skin of Sweet Rum, Bottle of Moonshine, and any Westfall quest items (but not Lewis' Note) you may have collected in the bank.
  • Take out any raw meat and fish, then go to Catherine Leland in the western canals.
  • Buy Recipe: Rainbow Fin Albacore (4s) and Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish (12s).
  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Charys Yserian in the western Mage Quarter.
  • Go east to Stephen Ryback in the Old Town inn, learn Journeyman Cooking (if you don't have it) and cook up meat and fish.
  • Go upstairs and buy any recipes you'd like from Kendor Kabonka, Master of Cooking Recipes.
  • Turn in Continue to Stormwind (420xp, 1s75c, 55SW) to Osric Strang in Old Town and get the quest Dungar Longdrink.
  • OPTIONAL: Turn in Snatch and Grab (850xp, Blade of Cunning, 0Rep) to Master Mathias Shaw in the SI:7 Headquarters near Old Town. This quest gives no rep.
  • Go northeast to The Dwarven District to turn in Elmore's Task (110xp) to Grimand Elmore and get Stormpike's Delivery.
  • Check the Engineering Supplies vendor, Billibub Cogspinner in northernmost Dwarven District for 1 Bronze Tube (8s), which you'll need later (or you may just be able to get it for less on the AH.)
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your professions.
  • You should have Journeyman in most or all of your professions by this point.
  • Sell junk and extra food, then return to your bank and deposit all items you want to save, including Package for Stormpike.
  • Turn in Dungar Longdrink (210xp) to the Gryphon Master and get Return to Lewis.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Turn in Return to Lewis (1,050xp, 3s50c, 165SW) to Quartermaster Lewis inside Sentinel tower.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • Set your hearthstone in the Ironforge Inn.

OPTIONAL: Turn in Road to Salvation (420xp, 1s75c, 0Rep) to Hulfdan Blackbeard in the Forlorn Cavern and get Simple Subterfugin'. That quest sends you to western Dun Morogh to turn it in (850xp, 0Rep) to Onin MacHammar (who can be found stealthed on top of a wooden tower outside Gnomeregan) and back to Ironforge to complete Onin's Report (850xp, Blade of Cunning, 0Rep) for another Blade of Cunning. This is the Dwarven version of the level 10 Rogue class questline. Class quests do not give any reputation rewards and the extra experience may cause later rep quests to go gray. Also, unfortunately, Blade of Cunning is a unique weapon, so you can't actually hold or wield two of them. You'll have to sell the first one in order to complete the final quest for a new Blade of Cunning.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Samor Festivus on the top floor of the inn and from Dewin Shimmerdawn in the house next to the northern dock.
  • Go around Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage.
  • When you're done fishing for loot, go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • When you get to Auberdine, go to the inn and Get Buzzbox 827 and Gaffer Jacks from Wizbang Cranktoggle upstairs above the inn.
  • Get The Family and the Fishing Pole from Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master and SKIP Fruit of the Sea.
  • Equip your Compact Hammer if you need to level up your Maces skill (you'll be getting a better mace soon).
  • Kill low level Pygmy Tide Crawlers all along the beach around Auberdine while avoiding the Murlocs to the south.
  • Turn in Buzzbox 827 (850xp, 3s50c, 110GE, 28Sp) to the box next to the Hippogryph Master and get Buzzbox 411.
  • Check for pools of Floating Wreckage around the dock, then fly to Rut'Theran Village.


  • Turn in Nessa Shadowsong (200xp) to Nessa Shadowsong (if you have that quest) and get The Bounty of Teldrassil. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Turn in The Bounty of Teldrassil (420xp, 1s75c) to the hippogryph master Vesprystus, then get Flight to Auberdine. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • If you completed the two previous quests, take a hippogryph flight back to Auberdine to complete the next two followup quests, otherwise take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus and skip ahead to the Darnassus section further below.


  • Turn in Flight to Auberdine (210xp) to Laird inside the inn and get Return to Nessa. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Take a hippogryph flight back to Rut'theran Village.


  • Turn in Return to Nessa (1,050xp, 3s50c) to Nessa Shadowsong. Note: Not available to Humans.
  • Take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • Get The Temple of the Moon from Sister Aquinne behind you.
  • Cook and/or drop off all extra fish and put any Darkshore Grouper and Gaffer Jacks in the bank. Get the Filled Vessel and Jannok's Rose out of the bank.

OPTIONAL: Turn in The Apple Falls (420xp, 0Rep) to Syruna in the cave beneath the tree in the Cenarion Enclave to the north and get Destiny Calls. These are the Night Elf versions of the Rogue class quests which send you to northern Teldrassil and back to Darnassus for a Blade of Cunning. Just like Simple Subterfugin', you can complete these quests, but this questline does not give any reputation rewards and the extra experience may cause later rep quests to go gray. Also, you'll have to sell your current Blade of Cunning in order to complete Destiny Calls (850xp, Blade of Cunning, 0Rep) for a new Blade of Cunning.

  • Sell junk and try to clear out your bags as much as possible. If you don't plan on completing the optional rogue questline above, then you can safely throw away Jannok's Rose and remove The Apple Falls from your quest log.
  • Go south and turn in The Temple of the Moon (85xp, 11D) to Priestess A'Moora inside The Temple of the Moon and get Tears of the Moon.
  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.
  • Go east out of Darnassus to Teldrassil.


  • Go northeast to Wellspring Lake to keep checking for Blackmoss the Fetid if you still need him.
  • If he's not there, continue north and check along the northern edge east of the river for Lady Sathrah. Kill/loot Lady Sathrah, then go southwest to the Oracle Glade.
  • Get The Enchanted Glade from Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak.
  • OPTIONAL: Go north from the Oracle glade until you reach the opening in the outer tree wall that leads to a long branch where you'll find Sethir the Ancient. Carefully stealth up behind him and pick his pockets for Sethir's Journal.
  • Go southwest past the glowing Strange Fronded Plant until you find the trapped panther, Mist, behind a large tree surrounded by Bloodfeather harpies.
  • Pickpocket/kill/loot just enough Bloodfeather Harpies to clear a path for Mist, get the escort quest, then escort the panther east to Oracle Glade.
  • Turn in Mist (900xp, Scout's Cloak, 110D) to Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak.
  • Go southwest to pickpocket/kill/loot gray, lower level harpies for the remaining Bloodfeather Belts, then return northeast to the Oracle Glade.
  • Turn in The Enchanted Glade (440xp, Rain-spotted Cape, 55D) to Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak, then get Teldrassil.
  • If you need to, go east and camp by Blackmoss' spawn point and work on leveling your fishing in the river while waiting for him to appear.
  • Once he appears, kill him and loot the Moss-twined Heart. Don't accept the quest The Moss-twined Heart until later.
  • Die to a mob west of the road and rez back in Darnassus or just run back to save repair costs.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.
  • Repair and sell junk. Put the Silvery Spinnerets in the bank.
  • If you've been pickpocketing all mobs up until now, the harpies should have provided you the final map piece that you need to complete the Teldrassil Treasure Map. Take all treasure map pieces out of your bank, and click on all of them until the map is created. Walk through the teleporter to Rut'theran Village, jump down the hill to your immediate right, go inside the tree stump behind the building, click the treasure map to reveal a chest, and click the chest to get your Rune of Quick Draw. You can now discard all other map pieces.
  • Go north to the Cenarion Enclave and up to the top of the northern tree to Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm.
  • Turn in Crown of the Earth Pt. 6 (1,100xp, weapon, 165D) and Teldrassil (440xp, 55D) and get Grove of the Ancients.

Level 16: Deflection 2/5, Darkshore/Dun Morogh/Loch Modan/Westfall

  • Visit the Rogue Trainer in the cave under the tree to learn Eviscerate Rank 3 (16s), but skip Pick Lock for now and use your money on a weapon upgrade instead.
  • Go through the glowing teleporter to Rut'theran Village.


  • Take a hippogryph flight to Auberdine in Darkshore.


  • Get Washed Ashore from Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde next to the Hippogryph Master.
  • Go to the south until you find a Beached Sea Creature surrounded by Greymist Murlocs.

These Murlocs will sprint back to other Murlocs for help, so don't mess around here. Use your ranged weapon to pull single Murlocs, then slowly walk backwards as you start slow, then kill fast, to prevent them from running for help.

  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs, and hopefully collected some Murloc Eyes for your Westfall Stew quest, click on the Beached Sea Creature and get the Sea Creature Bones.
  • Go further south down the coast to the fisherman, Heldan Galesong, to buy/learn the Clam Chowder recipe (8s), then return north towards Auberdine.


  • Turn in Washed Ashore (675xp, 4s, 82D, 21Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde by the Hippogryph Master and get Washed Ashore Pt 2.
  • Go out on the dock, jump off the end of the left (south) dock and swim down to get the Sea Turtle Remains from the Skeletal Sea Turtle.
  • Turn in Washed Ashore Pt. 2 (975xp, Dryweed Belt, 110D, 27Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde next to the Hippogryph Master and equip your belt upgrade.


  • Go way southeast down the main road over the two Wildbend River bridges to turn in Grove of the Ancients (875xp, 110D) to Onu (before this quest goes gray).
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.
  • Sell junk.
  • Get all Bear Meat, Boar Intestines and Spider Ichor out of your bank. See if you can inexpensively buy those remaining quest items that you need (includng Murloc Eyes) on the AH. Put all Murloc Eyes in the bank to save for a later quest.
  • Go out the Gates of Ironforge to Dun Morogh.


  • Go east towards Amberstill Ranch while pickpocketing/killing/looting all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies and get Protecting the Herd from Rudra Amberstill.
  • Climb up the mountainside past the closest tree just to the left of the building, up to the edge of the cliff trail outside Vagash's cave.
  • Buff up and wait at the edge of the cliff, stealthed near the two "carcasses". When your cooldowns are ready, and he turns around facing away from you, attack.

Use Garrote, Slice and Dice, Evasion, a Severed Voodoo Claw, a Bogling Root and/or Bag of Marbles and a Healing Potion. If your health gets low, Gouge him and Sprint due south down the mountain (but not too far) to bandage while you wait for him to catch up, then use a combination of Gouge and your ranged weapon to kite him down to the Dun Morogh Mountaineer guarding the main road to the south.

  • Turn in Protecting the Herd (900xp, Soft Leather Tunic, 110IF/GE) to Rudra Amberstill at the bottom of the mountain, then head northeast while pickpocketing/killing/looting all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies through North Gate Outpost to Loch Modan.


  • Go into Algaz Station and sell junk to Gothor Brumn (but save all quest items and meat) because your bags are going to get very full.
  • Go south from Algaz Station, picking herbs while killing/looting/skinning all of the boars/bears/spiders/kobolds you need for your quests.

While picking Mageroyal/Briarthorn, save all Swiftthistle for making Thistle Teas. Keep picking Peacebloom and Silverleaf until they go gray. Also, if you loot any Moss Agates from mobs or chests, save a couple in your bank for later.


  • When both quests are complete, go into the Thelsamar inn and sell some gray junk to free up bag space.
  • Turn in Thelsamar Blood Sausages (875xp, 5 Thelsamar Blood Sausages, Recipe: Blood Sausage, 4s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Vidra Hearthstove.
  • Buy the Recipe: Smoked Bear Meat (2s50c) from Drac Roughcut.
  • Save any Crisp Spider Meat and Boar Ribs, then cook up extra meat and sell all other junk.
  • Turn in Rat Catching (875xp, Burnt Hide Bracers, 4s, 110IF, 27Sp) to Mountaineer Kadrell outside the inn.
  • Buy Brown Leather Satchels from Yanni Stoutheart if you still need them (unless you can get cheaper 8 slot bags on the AH).


  • Go west of Thelsamar (or further southeast to Stonesplinter Valley) buff up and kill/loot troggs to complete In Defense of the King's Lands and The Trogg Threat.

Be very careful. These Troggs will gang up on you, some of them throwing daggers from a distance, and you can easily be overwhelmed. Pick an isolated trogg, pick pocket, Garrote, Slice and Dice, and whittle them down with autoattacks while your energy recharges. Draw them away from adds, unleash two Sinister Strikes and finish them off with an Eviscerate before they get a chance to run off. Repeat until both quests are complete.

  • Go south to turn in In Defense of the King's Lands (900xp, 5s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Mountaineer Cobbleflint and The Trogg Threat (900xp, 5s, 110IF, 27Sp) to Captain Rugelfuss.
  • Get In Defense of the King's Lands Pt. 2 from Mountaineer Gravelgaw, then hearth or take a gryphon flight from Thelsamar to Ironforge.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.
  • Put any Crisp Spider Meat and Boar Ribs in the bank to save for a later quest and cooking. Take out any Westfall quest items (Murloc Eyes).
  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City, unless you want to complete the optional quests below, in which case, go to the Deeprun Tram in eastern Ironforge.

OPTIONAL: Complete two Deeprun Tram quests. You may want to skip these as neither gives reputation and the extra experience may push some of your later rep quests into gray territory. Get the Deeprun Rat Roundup quest from Monty, round up 5 Deeprun Rats, turn it in (900xp, 0Rep), get Me Brother, Nipsy, then take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind City to turn that quest in to Nipsy (90xp, 5s, 10 Deeprun Rat Kabob, 0Rep).


  • If you have 47s, visit Woo Ping in The Trade District to train in Crossbows (10s). Buy a Fine Light Crossbow (36s40c) and a stack of Sharp Arrows (50c) from Marda Weller.

Crossbows are slower than other ranged weapons but hit a lot harder, which is great for softening up mobs before they get in melee range. You might want to save a stack of throwing daggers if you ever have a need for faster ranged pulls.

  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Charys Yserian in the western Mage Quarter.
  • If you still need Westfall Deed and/or the Gold Pickup Schedule (both quests are gray now), return to Elwynn Forest.
  • Otherwise, take a gryphon flight to Setinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Get Red Leather Bandanas from Scout Galiaan outside the inn.
  • Get The People's Militia and The Defias Brotherhood from Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill.
  • Get Patrolling Westfall from Captain Danuvin.
  • Sell junk to Quartermaster Lewis to empty out your bags as much as possible.


  • While picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning boars and vultures, search for Handfuls of Oats around the fields as you complete the next few steps.
  • Go north to Saldean's Farm.
  • SKIP The Killing Fields from Farmer Saldean, but sell junk to him now, and every time you see him, because your bags will fill up quickly.
  • Go north to Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm while picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning boars and vultures.
  • Pickpocket/kill/loot all Defias Trappers/Defias Smugglers around the farm and get Furlbrow's Pocket Watch inside the house.

You should be able to pickpocket a Discreet Envelope from those Defias mobs which contains a Message from Emily and an Equipment Stash Key. In order to get your next rune, you'll need to go to the southwestern tip of Westfall, where you'll find the rear exit of The Deadmines up on a hill, located in the Dagger Hills west of Moonbrook. Climb up to that mineshaft exit, and just inside on the left side, you'll find an Equipment Stash. Open it to get your Rune of Blade Dance. You can safely throw away the Message from Emily.

  • Turn in The Forgotten Heirloom (900xp, Bread/Milk, 110SW, 28Sp) to Farmer Furlbrow, then finish killing boars and vultures.

Level 17: Deflection 3/5, Westfall/Teldrassil/Darkshore

For the 3 Okra you need, kill gray, lower level Rusty Harvest Golems to avoid getting experience off of higher level Harvest Watchers. If you ever switch to Engineer, save all Flasks of Oil, Handfuls of Copper Bolts, Copper Tubes and Copper Modulators that they drop. Also, save 5 Hops and 5 Flasks of Oil for later quests.

  • If you still need Murloc Eyes, go north to the beach to kill/loot gray Murlocs, then return south to the Saldean Farm.
  • Turn in Westfall Stew Pt. 2 (900xp, 3 Westfall Stew, recipe, armor, Sharp Kitchen Knife, 110SW, 27Sp) and Goretusk Liver Pie (900xp, 3 Goretusk Liver Pies, recipe, 110SW, 28Sp) to Salma Saldean.
  • Sell all junk to Farmer Saldean and SKIP The Killing Fields for now.
  • Finish pickpocketing/killing/looting all Defias Trappers/Defias Smugglers (plenty can be found inside and outside Jangolode Mine), then return southeast to Sentinel Hill.
  • Turn in The People's Militia (900xp, 5s, 110SW, 27Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill and get The People's Militia Pt. 2.

Save all higher level quest turn-ins (Handfuls of Oats, Red Leather Bandanas, Gnoll Paws, Hops, Flasks of Oil) for later.

OPTIONAL: If doing Supplying the Front and Gearing Redridge, you may want to mine some Tin Ore for Coarse Stone in western Westfall (Jangolode Mine/Gold Coast Quarry) before leaving. Coarse Stone is used to make Coarse Weightstones/Coarse Sharpening Stones to use on your weapons until you get Poisons at level 20.

  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.
  • Put all remaining Westfall quest items (Handfuls of Oats, Red Leather Bandanas, Gnoll Paws, Hops, Flasks of Oil) in the bank.
  • Try to find a Tailor who can cheaply make Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders (3 Bolt of Woolen Cloth or 9 Wool Cloth and 2 Fine Thread).

OPTIONAL: If you want to complete the Supplying the Front and Gearing Redridge quests, now is the time to do so.

  • Get all Copper Ore and Copper Bars out of the bank, along with 100 Rough Stone, 8 Light Leather and 12 Linen Cloth, then empty out the rest of your bags into the bank to make space in your bags to craft multiple items.
  • Go to the Great Forge and smelt Copper Ore until you have 160 Copper Bars, then drop Mining for Blacksmithing (learn from Groum Stonebeard next to you).
  • Craft 30-40 Rough Sharpening Stones/Rough Weightstones to skill level 30 (save these for use on your weapons against poison immune mobs), then learn and make 25-30 Rough Grinding Stones to skill level 54.
  • Buy a Blacksmith Hammer and 14 Weak Flux from Thurgrum Deepforge and learn and craft 6 Copper Axes, 6 Copper Chain Belts, 4 Heavy Copper Mauls and finally 4 Runed Copper Belts.
  • Use any Coarse Stone to learn and make Coarse Weightstones/Coarse Sharpening Stones to use on your weapons until you get Poisons at level 20.
  • Get Supplying the Front and Gearing Redridge from Tormus Deepforge in the center of Ironforge.
  • Turn in Supplying the Front (900xp, Plans: Copper Chain Vest, 110IF, 28Sp) to Thorvald Deepforge at the southern watchtower in Loch Modan.
  • Turn in Gearing Redridge (1,150xp, Plans, Ironforge Breastplate, 110SW, 27Sp) to Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed in Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Samor Festivus on the top floor of the inn and from Dewin Shimmerdawn in the house next to the northern dock.
  • Go around Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage.
  • When you're done fishing for loot, go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Check for pools of Floating Wreckage around the dock, then fly to Rut'Theran Village.


  • Take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • Cook and/or drop off all extra fish and put any Darkshore Grouper and Gaffer Jacks in the bank. Get out the Silvery Spinnerets and the Moss-twined Heart.
  • Go south to Temple of the Moon, go up the ramp, turn in Tears of the Moon (1,150xp, 10s, 165D) to Priestess A'moora and get Sathrah's Sacrifice.
  • Drop down to use Sathrah's Sacrifice in the fountain, then go back up and turn in Sathrah's Sacrifice (900xp, Cushioned Boots, 110D) to Priestess A'moora.
  • Get Trouble In Darkshore? from Chief Archaeologist Greywhisker outside the entrance of the Temple of the Moon around on the west side.

OPTIONAL: If you want to complete the Moonglow Vest quest, now is the time to do so. Make sure you have 6-9 stacks of Light Leather and 6-18 stacks of Ruined Leather Scraps, then drop Skinning, Blacksmithing or Mining for Leatherworking, buy 45 Coarse Thread, convert all Ruined Leather Scraps into Light Leather, make Light Armor Kits until skill level 50, make 5 Small Leather Ammo Pouches, 5 Embossed Leather Gloves, 5 Embossed Leather Boots and 5 Embossed Leather Cloaks to reach skill level 70, turn in the Moonglow Vest quest to Lotherias in the Craftsmens Terrace in Darnassus, drop Leatherworking for Skinning, then powerlevel Skinning back to 50+ on gray mobs in eastern Teldrassil. Or, if you plan on choosing Engineering at some point, you may want to switch back to Mining instead and save all stone and ore for leveling that profession. However, that may require mining/smelting Copper Ore again to get your Mining high enough for Tin/Coarse Stone in the higher level zones.

  • Go east to Teldrassil.


  • Go to the far south, picking herbs while pickpocketing/killing/looting all gray, level 6+ mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies, to Gnarlpine Hold, beyond the Strange Fruited Plant.
  • Stealth your way west past many furbolgs until you find Ursal the Mauler, carefully pull any single Furbolgs around him, then kill him.

If you still need Blackmoss the Fetid, go northeast to Wellspring River to get him. This will be your last visit to Teldrassil for a while.

  • Go east to Lake Al'Ameth.
  • Click on the Moss-twined Heart to get the quest The Moss-twined Heart.
  • Turn in The Moss-twined Heart (460xp, 55D) to Denalan and get Planting the Heart.
  • Click on Denalan's Planter to turn in Planting the Heart (900xp, Cleansed Timberling Heart, 110D).
  • Go northwest to Dolanaar.
  • Turn in Ursal the Mauler (1,150xp, Thornroot Club, 165D) to Athridas Bearmantle.

OPTIONAL: If you switched back to Skinning from another profession, use this time to quickly powerlevel Skinning to 50+ on all of the gray, low level sabers and critters throughout Teldrassil before you leave this area.

  • Go west to Darnassus.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.
  • If your Skinning is 50+ and you plan to continue with that gathering profession throughout your travels, then go learn Journeyman Skinning from Eladriel on the 2nd floor of the Tailoring/Leatherworking tree in Craftsmen's Terrace.
  • If you still need bags, buy Brown Leather Satchels (25s) from Ellandrieth in the Tradesmen's Terrace (unless you can get cheaper 8 slot bags on the AH).
  • Sell all junk and empty out your bags as much as possible of anything you don't absolutely need. You're going to want plenty of bag space when you start questing in Darkshore.
  • Get all Darkshore Grouper and Gaffer Jacks out of the bank, and also make sure you have your fishing pole.
  • Go through the glowing teleporter to Rut'theran Village.


  • Buy any fishing supplies you need (recommend 4 lures to be safe) from Nessa Shadowsong to help you with a few fishing quests you'll complete in Darkshore.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Auberdine in Darkshore.


You will have access to over a dozen quests in Auberdine, but to keep your quest log from filling up, only get the ones specified below.

  • Get For Love Eternal from Cerellean Whiteclaw on the dock.
  • You should already have The Family and the Fishing Pole from Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master, but don't turn it in yet if you've completed it.
  • You should already have Gaffer Jacks from Wizbang Cranktoggle upstairs above the inn, but don't turn it in yet if you've completed it.
  • SKIP Cave Mushrooms from Barithras Moonshade outside the inn.
  • Get The Red Crystal from Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea outside the inn.
  • DO NOT turn in Trouble In Darkshore? (490xp) to Archaeologist Hollee outside the northern building (yet).
  • SKIP Deep Ocean, Vast Sea from Gorbold Steelhand outside the northern building.
  • Get Easy Strider Living from Alanndarian Nightsong inside the northern building.
  • Get Bashal'Aran and Tools of the Highborne from Thundris Windweaver inside the northern building.
  • Get Plagued Lands from Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building.
  • Get How Big a Threat? from Terenthris inside the eastern building.
  • SKIP The Tower of Althalaxx from Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze on the top floor of the eastern building.
  • Apply a lure to your fishing pole and fish next to Auberdine until you get 8 Gaffer Jacks (hold onto Darkshore Groupers for later).
  • Equip your weapons, swim out along the north side of the dock, picking any Strangekelp you find, then tread water and use your bow to pull Darkshore Threshers.
  • Kill/loot/skin Darkshore Threshers until you have 3 Thresher Eyes, then return to Auberdine.
  • DO NOT turn in The Family and the Fishing Pole to Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master (yet).
  • Turn in Gaffer Jacks (460xp, 2s50c, 55GE, 14Sp) to Wizbang Cranktoggle upstairs above the inn and get Electropellers.
  • Cook all raw meat/fish, sell junk (but NOT your Darkshore Groupers) and mail any items you want to save for later to your bank alt.

You can buy Mild Spices from Gorbold Steelhand outside the northern building. Inside the northern building, Dalmond sells Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Simple Wood and Flint and Tinder. Simple Wood and Flint and Tinder can be used to make a Basic Campfire for cooking when there isn't a cooking stove or fire around (but in this case, there's a campfire right outside the northern building you can use). Dalmond also sells Brown Leather Satchels if you still need them.

  • Empty out your bags as much as possible, because you're going to need plenty of space as you adventure far from Auberdine and any vendors.


Focus on only killing gray mobs when possible in this zone, or you will hit level 18 too quickly, causing your level 12 quests to go gray. As you pick Mageroyal/Briarthorn in this zone, save all Swiftthistle for eventually making Thistle Teas. Also, check for Stranglekelp along the coast, watching out for any nearby Murlocs.

  • Go north along the coast, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning low level Foreststrider Fledglings nearby (stick to gray level 11 ones if you can), until you reach the next Beached Sea Creature.
  • Once again, be careful and use your ranged weapon to safely pull single Murlocs, then slowly walk backwards as you kill them.
  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs, click on the Beached Sea Creature and accept the quest Beached Sea Creature.
  • Continue north along the beach until you reach the next Buzzbox.
  • Turn in Buzzbox 411 (1,150xp, 10s, 165GE, 41Sp) and get Buzzbox 323.
  • Go east into the woods to kill/loot/skin low level/gray Foreststrider Fledglings/Moonstalker Runts and capture a Rabid Thistle Bear with Tharnariun's Hope.

After that, completely avoid all bears you see (especially rabid ones), because they will knock you down and gang up on you very quickly.

  • Continue northeast, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray Foreststrider Fledglings and Moonstalker Runts, until you reach the bridge at Cliffspring Falls.
  • Apply a lure on your fishing pole and fish for 12 Electropellers in the river.
  • Your bags are going to be very full at this point, so instead of returning all the way back to Auberdine, throw out the least valuable items that sell for 50c or less per slot/stack (unused fishing lures, gray/white cloth/leather armor, Light Feathers, Raw Brilliant Smallfish, Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper, and any other raw fish that can no longer level up your Cooking skill) in order to make space. You only need 6 Darkshore Grouper, so you can throw out any extra stacks of those as well.
  • Equip your weapons, go south through the woods along the west side of the road, avoiding bears while picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray Foreststrider Fledglings and Moonstalker Runts until you reach Bashal'Aran.
  • Stealth up past the Vile Sprites to the blue light on a hill to turn in Bashal'Aran (675xp, 83D, 20Sp) to Asterion and get Bashal'Aran Pt. 2.
  • Kill all gray sprites and grells for 8 Grell Earrings, while picking Bruiseweed in the area, then turn in Bashal'Aran Pt. 2 (900xp, 110D, 28Sp) to Asterion and get Bashal'Aran Pt. 3.
  • Kill Deth'ryll Satyrs until the Ancient Moonstone Seal drops, then turn in Bashal'Aran Pt. 3 (900xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Asterion and get Bashal'Aran Pt. 4.

You should be Honored with both Darnassus and Stormwind at this point, or soon thereafter.

  • Go southeast along the edge of the mountains, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray Foreststrider Fledglings and Moonstalker Runts, until you find the Moonkin camp and the glowing red crystal. Carefully stealth past all Moonkin, then go up the ramp and explore the crystal.
  • Finish collecting 5 Strider Meat, then return west to Auberdine.


  • Sell junk (but not meat/fish) to make some space before turning in your Level 12 quests. Hold off on turning in the level 13+ quests noted below until all of your level 12 quests have been turned in the next time you return to Auberdine.
  • DO NOT turn in Trouble In Darkshore? (490xp) to Archaeologist Hollee outside the northern building (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in Plagued Lands to Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in The Red Crystal to Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea outside the inn (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in Beached Sea Creature to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde next to the Hippogryph Master (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in The Family and the Fishing Pole to Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master (yet).
  • Turn in Easy Strider Living (900xp, Recipe: Strider Stew, 5 Strider Stew, 110D, 28Sp) to Alanndarian Nightsong inside the northern building.
  • Turn in Electropellers (900xp, 5s, 20 Aquadynamic Fish Lens, 110GE, 28Sp) to Wizbang Cranktoggle upstairs above the inn.
  • Cook all raw meat/fish, sell any extra cooked meat/fish (you may have several different types of buff foods by now, so pick the best one in the largest quantity and sell the rest) and sell any other items you don't need, then mail all items you want to save for later to your bank alt.


  • Go south through the forest, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray Moonstalker Runts, until you find the Blackwood Furbolg camp, then stealth your way in until you complete the How Big a Threat? exploration mission.
  • Go west to the shore, then south down the coast, past Heldan Galesong, until you find the Beached Sea Turtle.
  • Once again, be careful and use your ranged weapon to safely pull single Murlocs, then slowly walk backwards as you kill them.
  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs, click on the Beached Sea Turtle and accept the quest Beached Sea Turtle.
  • Go northeast back to the road and get The Fall of Ameth'Aran from Sentinel Tysha Moonblade standing outside Ameth'Aran.
  • Kill/loot gray, level 10/11 Highborne mobs, find the two tablets, kill/loot Anaya Dawnrunner, and destroy the Ancient Moonstone Seal at the ancient flame.
  • Turn in The Fall of Ameth'Aran (900xp, 5s, 110D, 28Sp) to Sentinel Tysha Moonblade standing near the road outside Ameth'Aran.
  • Return north to Auberdine, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning Moonstalker Runts along the way.


  • Sell junk to make some space before turning in your quests.
  • Turn in Tools of the Highborne (900xp, 5s, Ivy Cuffs, 110D, 28Sp) to Thundris Windweaver inside the large building.

Level 18: Deflection 4/5, Level 14-16 quests in Darkshore

Now that all of your level 12 quests have been completed, you can turn in the remaining quests you've completed.

  • Turn in Trouble In Darkshore? (490xp, 55IF, 13Sp) to Archaeologist Hollee outside the northern building but SKIP The Absent Minded Prospector (for now).
  • Turn in Plagued Lands (975xp, 6s, 110D, 28Sp) to Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building and get Cleansing of the Infected.
  • Turn in How Big a Threat? (750xp, 83D, 20Sp) to Terenthris inside the eastern building and get How Big a Threat? Pt. 2 and Thundris Windweaver.
  • Turn in Thundris Windweaver (110xp, 11D, 3Sp) to Thundris Windweaver inside the northern building and get The Cliffspring River.
  • Turn in The Red Crystal (490xp, 6s, 55D, 14Sp) to Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea outside the inn and get As Water Cascades.
  • Fill the Empty Water Tube (but not the Empty Sampling Tube) in the moonwell a feet away from you.
  • Turn in Beached Sea Creature (460xp, 3s, 55D, 14Sp) and Beached Sea Turtle (460xp, 3s, 55D, 13Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde next to the Hippogryph Master.
  • Turn in The Family and the Fishing Pole (975xp, Blump Family Fishing Pole, 110IF, 27Sp) to Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master but SKIP Fruit of the Sea. You can sell any extra Darkshore Groupers you may still have.
  • Turn in For Love Eternal (875xp, Tear of Grief, 83D, 21Sp) to Cerellean Whiteclaw on the dock.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Rut'theran Village.


  • Take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • If you're using a dagger in your main hand, visit the Rogue Trainer in the cave under the tree to learn Ambush (26s), and make sure Slaughter from the Shadows is engraved on your chestpiece.
  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.

By now, you should be getting close to Friendly with the Azeroth Commerce Authority. Once you hit Friendly, you're going to have to wait until you reach higher level zones (Deadmines/Redridge Mountains/Duskwood/Wetlands/Ashenvale) in order to find level 25 crates if you wish to continue to Honored, because the lower level 10 crates, whether filled or unfilled, will no longer give rep. So you can stop farming them for now until you get to higher level zones if you wish to continue to Honored with ACA.

  • Check the AH for cheap weapon upgrades as well as any other cheap armor upgrades/consumables you can find.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your professions.
  • Go to the bank and drop off anything you don't need.
  • Go through the glowing teleporter to Rut'theran Village.


  • Take a hippogryph flight to Auberdine.


  • Buff up, then go south, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning gray Moonstalker Runts and low level Rabid Thistle Bears in the woods next to the beach.
  • Keep an eye out for the next Beached Sea Creature along the beach.
  • Once again, be careful and use your ranged weapon to safely pull single Murlocs, then slowly walk backwards as you kill them.
  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs, click on the creature and accept the quest Beached Sea Creature.
  • Continue killing/looting/skinning Moonstalker Runts and Rabid Thistle Bears as you return north to the Blackwood Furbolg camp.
  • Pickpocket/kill 8 Blackwood Pathfinders and 5 Blackwood Windtalkers.
  • Go northeast across the road, stealthing past Moonkin back to the Red Crystal.
  • Kill any guards, then turn in As Water Cascades (490xp, 55D, 14Sp) and get The Fragments Within.
  • Go west back to Auberdine.


  • Turn in How Big a Threat? Pt. 2 (975xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Terenthris inside the small building across the east bridge and SKIP A Lost Master.
  • Turn in The Fragments Within (975xp, Briarsteel Shortsword, 110D, 28Sp) to Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea outside the inn and offhand the sword.
  • Turn in Beached Sea Creature (490xp, 3s, 55D, 13Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde next to the Hippogryph Master.
  • Cook all raw meat/fish, sell junk and mail any items you want to save for later to your bank alt.


  • Go north, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning Moonstalker Runts and Rabid Thistle Bears in the woods on way back to Bashal'Aran.
  • Turn in Bashal'Aran Pt. 4 (675xp, Vagabond Leggings, 82D, 21Sp) to Asterion standing in the blue light on the hill, equip the pants, then continue north.

If you still need Moonstalker Fangs, switch to regular Moonstalkers around the bridge, which have a better Moonstalker Fang drop rate.

  • When you have 6 Moonstalker Fangs, turn in Buzzbox 323 (975xp, 6s, 110GE, 28Sp) by the bridge and get Buzzbox 525.
  • Jump off the bridge and fill the Empty Sampling Tube at the base of the Cliffspring Falls waterfall.
  • Follow the beach northeast to the northernmost (unguarded) Beached Sea Turtle. Click on it to get Beached Sea Turtle.
  • Go further north along the beach and get Gyromast's Retrieval from Gelkak Gyromast. You should get the Middle of Gelkak's Key from a Murloc pretty soon, but you'll be waiting a while for the other two parts.
  • Follow the beach back to the southwest past the bridge and you'll find another Beached Sea Turtle, but this one is guarded by Murlocs.
  • Once again, be careful and use your ranged weapon to safely pull single Murlocs, then slowly walk backwards as you kill them.
  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs, get close and click the creature to accept the quest Beached Sea Turtle.
  • Continue south through the woods, killing/looting/skinning the final Rabid Thistle Bears you need, back to Auberdine.


  • Cook all raw meat/fish, sell junk and mail any items you want to save for later to your bank alt.
  • Turn in The Cliffspring River (800xp, 82D, 21Sp) to Thundris Windweaver in the northern building but SKIP The Blackwood Corrupted.
  • Turn in Beached Sea Turtle (550xp, 3s50c, 55D, 14Sp) and Beached Sea Turtle (550xp, 3s50c, 55D, 14Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde.
  • Turn in Cleansing of the Infected (1,150xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building but SKIP Tharnariun's Hope.


  • Go way south down the beach past a Murloc village where you'll find a Beached Sea Creature next to sand dunes by the water.
  • Once again, be careful and use your ranged weapon to safely pull single Murlocs, then slowly walk backwards as you kill them.
  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs, get close and click the creature to accept the quest Beached Sea Creature.
  • Go northeast to kill low level Grizzled Thistle Bears for 4 Grizzled Scalps.
  • Turn in Buzzbox 525 (1,150xp, 8s, Wizbang's Gunnysack, 5 Wizbang's Special Brew, 110GE, 28Sp) at Buzzbox 525 south of the Grove of the Ancients, across the road from Grimclaw.

Level 19: Deflection 5/5, Level 14-16 quests in Darkshore/Loch Modan/Redridge

  • Go south along the road until you reach the southern Darkshore graveyard on the left.
  • Go east until you reach the mountains, where you'll find Sentinel Aynasha hiding between two hills.

If she's not bugged, she will offer the quest One Shot. One Kill.

  • Make sure that you're buffed up with all cooldowns ready, then get One Shot. One Kill. and go into stealth.

There will be three waves of attackers - - two furbolgs, then three furbolgs, then one higher level furbolg. Let one attacker from the first wave fight Sentinel Aynasha while you Garrote and kill the other, then help kill her attacker. Quickly heal up, then get ready for the next wave. Pop Evasion, use Explosive Rockets, and take them down. The final battle will be against a single, higher level furbolg, which shouldn't be as tough as the previous battle.

  • After the quest is completed, go south down the road into Ashenvale.


Beware: PVP is back on the menu, and you're the main course. In addition to being a zone with mobs at, or above your level, you are entering contested PVP territory and will be flagged for PVP. If you stay on the road, you can avoid most of the mobs, but then you'll be an easy target for any Horde in the area. So have all of your defensive cooldowns and consumables ready to go in case you get attacked.

If you join in PVP in Ashenvale and help kill a Warsong Outrider combatant during the Battle for Ashenvale World PvP event, you will be able to pickup a Warsong Outrider Mark, which you turn in for the weekly quest Repelling Invaders (2,000xp, 1g20s, Silverwing Battle Hymn, 200SS) to Felore Moonray in the Astranaar Inn. The Silverwing Battle Hymn can be used to ncrease all damage and healing done by 5% for 2 hours. Also, once you reach Friendly with the Silverwing Sentinels, you can purchase a Trainee's Sentinel Nightsaber mount (10g) for use only in Ashenvale. You can also purchase a Rune of Duty (2g) and a Resilient Leather Mask (2g50s).

  • Continue south along the road to Maestra's Post on the left.
  • Turn in One Shot. One Kill. (1,050xp, 14s, 110D, 27Sp) to Onaeya, then continue southeast along the road to Astranaar.
  • Get the FP, then carefully continue along the road far to the east until you reach the Falfarren River, then turn northeast and keep following the road past the Warsong Outrider patrol (he won't attack you), all the way to Azshara.


  • Go across the bridge into Azshara and get the Talrendis Point FP (adding this one FP will make future travel back and forth across Kalimdor quicker and more convenient), then take a hippogryph flight back to Auberdine in Darkshore.


  • Turn in Beached Sea Creature (575xp, 4s, 55D, 14Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde next to the Hippogryph Master.

All level 12-16 quests should be completed in Darkshore. You'll want to return to Darkshore by level 22 to resume level 17 quests.

  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.
  • Put all remaining Darkshore quest items, including any parts of Gelkak's Key, in the bank and get out Package for Stormpike.
  • Cook all raw meat/fish, sell junk and mail any items you want to save for later to your bank alt.
  • Check the AH for cheap weapon upgrades as well as any other cheap armor upgrades/consumables you can find.
  • Go to Tinker Town to get Find Bingles and Speak with Shoni from Gnoam.
  • If you've reached 80 in First Aid, learn Wool Bandages from Nissa Firestone and make Wool Bandages.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up any of your other professions.

OPTIONAL: Get in some level 19 PVP at the top of the 10-19 bracket while completing a Warsong Gulch (WSG) quest. Get Fight for Warsong Gulch from Alliance Brigadier General in the southeastern side of The Military Ward, then speak to Lylandris next to him to queue up for WSG. Save the quest turn-in until level 24.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Go north to Algaz Station while killing/skinning all gray mobs along the way for Waylaid Supplies (or not, if you've already reached Friendly ACA rep).
  • Turn in Stormpike's Delivery (1,050xp, 7s, 110IF, 27Sp) and Mountaineer Stormpike's Task (550xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to Mountaineer Stormpike.
  • Get Stormpike's Order and Filthy Paws from Mountaineer Stormpike.
  • Go east to Silver Stream Mine, zoom in your camera, then carefully stealth through the mine looking for 4 Miner's League Crates.
  • Go west to turn in Filthy Paws (1,350xp, armor, 165IF, 41Sp) to Mountaineer Stormpike.
  • Go south to Thelsamar.
  • Go to the eastern building in Thelsamar and get Ironband's Excavation from Jern Hornhelm.
  • Go southeast around the Loch picking herbs to Ironband's Excavation Site.
  • Turn in Ironband's Excavation (340xp, 27IF, 7Sp) to Magmar Fellhew but SKIP Gathering Idols.
  • Get Excavation Progress Report from Prospector Ironband.
  • Continue north along the edge of the Loch and turn in Find Bingles (270xp, 27GE, 7Sp) to Bingles Blastenheimer and get Bingles' Missing Supplies.
  • Go east to Farstrider Lodge, picking herbs and killing/skinning gray mobs, while avoiding all non-gray mobs.
  • Sell/repair and buy Agile Boots (26s) from Kat Sampson if they're available (unless you already have better boots).
  • Get Crocolisk Hunting from Marek Ironheart.
  • Carefully return west to the "Crocolisk Islands", picking herbs and killing/skinning gray mobs, while avoiding all non-gray mobs.
  • Kill/loot/skin Loch Crocolisks until your quest is complete, then swim to the northern islands.

If possible, group up with someone to fight your way through these camps, otherwise be very careful, buff up and pull single enemies away from groups.

  • Kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers while carefully searching for Bingles' Missing Supplies. You'll find one at each campsite.
  • Go southeast to turn in Bingles' Missing Supplies (1,050xp, 7s, Bingles' Flying Gloves, 110GE, 28Sp) to Bingles Blastenheimer and equip your new gloves (make sure to engrave your runes and update your macros accordingly).
  • Return east to Farstrider Lodge, picking herbs and killing/skinning gray mobs, while avoiding all non-gray mobs, saving your Sprint if you plan to complete the optional quests listed further below.
  • Turn in Crocolisk Hunting (1,050xp, Recipe: Crocolisk Steak, Rugged Cape, 110IF, 27Sp) to Marek Ironheart.
  • Sell/repair and buy Agile Boots (26s) from Kat Sampson if you still need them.

OPTIONAL: Complete a few kill quests for non-critical weapon upgrades, however these quests give no reputation. You might want to skip these quests, especially if you're getting close to level 20, at which point your remaining level 14 quests in Redridge Mountains and Westfall will only give 80% rep and experience.

  • When your Sprint is ready, buff up and get A Hunter's Boast from Daryl the Youngling, then immediately sprint southwest to kill 6 Mountain Buzzards. If you're having trouble finding enough Mountain Buzzards to the southwest, go around to the east and you should be able to find more south of Farstrider Lodge.
  • Quickly return to Farstrider Lodge to turn in A Hunter's Boast (875xp, Daryl's Hunting Rifle, 0Rep) to Daryl the Youngling.
  • Wait until your Sprint is ready, then get A Hunter's Challenge and immediately go kill 5 Elder Mountain Boar northwest towards the shore.
  • Quickly return to Farstrider Lodge to turn in A Hunter's Challenge (950xp, Daryl's Shortsword, Fine Cloth Shirt, 0Rep) to Daryl the Youngling and offhand the sword.
  • Get Vyrin's Revenge from Vyrin Swiftwind, then ask if anyone wants to group up to kill Ol' Sooty.
  • Go west around the Loch to Ol' Sooty's lair, located at the top of the winding mountain path in Grizzlepaw Ridge, located east of Stonesplinter Valley.
  • If you have a group, kill/loot Ol' Sooty, otherwise save him for later.

  • Go west across Loch Modan, picking herbs and killing/skinning gray mobs, then north and west through Grizzlepaw Ridge and Stonesplinter Valley all the way to the road, then go south to the southern watchtower.
  • Turn in In Defense of the King's Lands Pt. 2 (1,050xp, 7s, 3 Lesser Healing Potion, 110IF, 28Sp) to Mountaineer Gravelgaw.
  • Get In Defense of the King's Lands Pt. 3 from Mountaineer Wallbang inside the watchtower and go northeast back to Stonesplinter Valley.
  • OPTIONAL: If you have a group, kill/loot Ol' Sooty, otherwise save him for later.
  • Go to the southeastern end of the valley and, if possible, group up with someone to stealth and/or fight your way through the caves.
  • If you go in alone, be very careful and stealth deep into the caves past Stonesplinter Seers and Stonesplinter Skullthumpers.
  • Buff up and kill 10 Stonesplinter Shaman and 10 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers at the bottom of the caves, then die/rez back at Thelsamar, or stealth your way back out of the cave.
  • Return south along the road to the southern watchtower.
  • Turn in In Defense of the King's Lands Pt. 3 (1,050xp, 3 Coarse Sharpening Stone, 110IF, 27Sp) to Mountaineer Gravelgaw
  • Get In Defense of the King's Lands Pt. 4 from Captain Rugelfuss upstairs.
  • Go north back to Thelsamar, head into the inn and sell junk.
  • Turn in Excavation Progress Report (270xp, 27IF, 7Sp) to Jern Hornhelm in Thelsamar and get Report to Ironforge.
  • Hearth or take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • Check the AH for cheap weapon upgrades as well as any other cheap armor upgrades/consumables you can find.
  • Go northwest to the Hall of Explorers to turn in Report to Ironforge (550xp, 1s75c, 55IF, 14Sp) to Prospector Stormpike and get Powder to Ironband.
  • If you've reached 80 in First Aid, learn Wool Bandages from Nissa Firestone and make Wool Bandages.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Turn in Powder to Ironband (270xp, 28IF, 7Sp) to Jern Hornhelm in northern Thelsamar and get Resupplying the Excavation.
  • Go southeast around the Loch while picking herbs to Huldar at the southern tip of the Loch.
  • Jump into the battle that takes place before turning in Resupplying the Excavation (270xp, 27IF, 7Sp) to Huldar.
  • Get After the Ambush (110xp, 11IF, 2Sp) from Huldar, turn it in to Miran (you may have to wait for him to respawn), then get Protecting the Shipment.
  • Carefully escort Miran to the excavation site, watching for spiders and eventually an ambush from several dark iron dwarves.
  • Turn in Protecting the Shipment (1,050xp, Foreman Belt, 110IF, 28Sp) to Prospector Ironband and equip your new belt (the Stamina outweighs the armor).
  • Return west to Thelsamar.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • Turn in Waylaid Supplies (70xp-110xp, 1s-5s, 110ACA) or A Full Shipment (80xp-180xp, 6s-20s, 330ACA-495ACA) to Elaine Compton standing outside the AH. You should be Friendly by now, so once you can afford it, purchase your Rune of Teasing for 2g, and a 10 slot bag for 45s if you need it (the Courier Treads aren't as good as the Agile Boots you should already have, or can soon get). Also, once you've hit Friendly with ACA, you'll no longer get rep from lower level 10 turn-ins, so you can stop farming them for now until you get to higher level zones if you wish to continue to Honored with ACA.
  • Set your hearthstone in Stormwind City.
  • If you have it, put Ol' Sooty's Head in the bank.
  • Turn in Stormpike's Order (975xp, 6s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Furen Longbeard in The Dwarven District.

You should now be honored with Ironforge, or close to it.

  • Turn in Speak with Shoni (270xp, 28GE, 7Sp) to Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District but SKIP Underground Assault.
  • Check the Engineering Supplies vendor, Billibub Cogspinner in northernmost Dwarven District for 1 Bronze Tube (8s), which you'll need later.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • Go across the bridge into Lakeshire.
  • Get The Lost Tools from Foreman Oslow and The Price of Shoes from Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed.
  • Get Messenger to Stormwind from Magistrate Solomon inside the main building.
  • OPTIONAL: Go into the inn next door and get A Free Lunch from Darcy (this questline gives no reputation).
  • DO NOT turn in The Defias Brotherhood to Wiley the Black (yet).


  • Go southwest along the road back towards Elwynn Forest.
  • OPTIONAL: Turn in A Free Lunch (550xp, 0Rep) to Guard Parker and get Visit the Herbalist (this questline gives no reputation).
  • Get Encroaching Gnolls from Guard Parker (this questline does give rep).
  • Continue west to Elwynn Forest, then further west to Goldshire.


  • Turn in The Price of Shoes (350xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Smith Argus and get Return to Verner.
  • Visit Keryn Sylvius upstairs in the inn to get SI:7. Also get the Pick Lock skill (16s) if you haven't already gotten it.
  • If you haven't already, buy a Skin of Sweet Rum (6s75c) from Barkeep Dobbins inside the inn.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • If you still need it, check the Engineering Supplies vendor, Billibub Cogspinner in northernmost Dwarven District for 1 Bronze Tube (8s).
  • Turn in SI:7 (120xp) to Renzik "The Shiv" in the SI:7 Headquarters in Old Town and get Redridge Rendezvous.
  • Turn in Messenger to Stormwind (490xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to General Marcus Jonathan at the entrance of Stormwind and get Messenger to Stormwind Pt 2.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • DO NOT turn in Encroaching Gnolls to Deputy Feldon (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in Return to Verner to Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed (yet).
  • Turn in Messenger to Stormwind Pt 2 (250xp, 1s50c, 28SW, 8Sp) to Magistrate Solomon inside the main building and get Messenger to Westfall.
  • Turn in Redridge Rendezvous (120xp) to Lucius on the dock and get Alther's Mill.
  • Get Hilary's Necklace from Hilary on the end of the dock.


  • Go northeast up the road, stealthing past orcs guarding the road and other high level enemies, to Alther's Mill.
  • Open practice lockboxes (but not Lucius's Lockbox yet) until you get to Pick Lock skill 94 (or 99 if you've already reached level 20). Leveling up your Pick Lock skill is just as boring, but also just as useful, as leveling up Fishing. Stand near the two leaning boards in the middle, towards the outer edge of the building, so you don't aggro any nearby spiders. Also, if you move your camera down to floor level looking at three boxes in a near line, you can open a box, clicking every six seconds without having to move your mouse.
  • Open Lucius's Lockbox for your 95th (or 100th) Pick Lock point, get the Token of Thievery, then go southwest over the hill and stealth down into the lake.
  • Swim west past the murlocs, unstealth, then continue swimming to Lakeshire while looking for Waterlogged Footlockers for free loot (and Lockpicking skill-ups later on).
  • Continue swimming west to the letter "L" in "Lake" on your map to get Oslow's Toolbox from the Sunken Chest.
  • Keep swimming west, looking for a mound of Glinting Mud to get Hilary's Necklace, then return to Lakeshire.


  • DO NOT turn in The Lost Tools to Foreman Oslow (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in Hilary's Necklace to Hilary on the end of the dock (yet).
  • Turn in Alther's Mill (1,550xp, Certificate of Thievery, 0Rep) to Lucius on the dock.

You should be Level 20 now, but if not, then go complete the three quick and easy delivery quests highlighted in red, both above and below this section, starting with A Free Lunch, which you can get from Darcy inside the inn. If that still doesn't get you to 20, turn in these other quests in the following order, then stop as soon as you reach Level 20 (and don't take any of their follow-up quests): Return to Verner, The Lost Tools, Hilary's Necklace, The Defias Brotherhood (inside the inn), Encroaching Gnolls (by the FP), Messenger to Westfall (Sentinel Hill).

Level 20: Riposte 1/1, Westfall/Redridge

Riposte is an excellent offensive and defensive ability, doing nice damage for minimal energy while disarming enemies in the process.

  • Make a Riposte macro to replace your Sinister Strike attack button.

/cast Riposte
/cast Sinister Strike
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

  • Fly or hearth to Stormwind City.


In your mailbox, you should have a letter from: "C" with the subject: "An Offer", which tells you to go check out a cabin beside Pyrewood Village. Save that until you go to Arathi Highlands around level 23.

  • Visit the Rogue Trainer to learn new skills (Rupture, Stealth Rank 2) for 60s.

Rupture is a bleed attack, much like Garrote, that is most effective in long battles against tougher Elite/Rare mobs with lots of armor and also to help kill off runners before they bring back adds.

  • Get Mathias and the Defias from Master Mathias Shaw in the SI:7 Headquarters in Old Town.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Turn in Messenger to Westfall (490xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill and get Messenger to Westfall Pt. 2.
  • Go far to the southeast and turn in Mathias and the Defias (390xp) to Agent Kearnen, who is stealthed next to a tree alongside the river near the tower, and get Klaven's Tower.

Try to group up with another Rogue for this quest to make it easier.

  • Carefully stealth over to the the tower, get up behind the Malformed Defias Drone and pick pocket the Defias Tower Key from him (he doesn't drop it if you kill him). Watch out for the other drones that are also walking around the tower.
  • Carefully stealth into the tower, past several guards, up to the top floor. The guards are all level 23-24, so don't try to fight them solo, and don't be caught in front of them, or they will see you. Be patient, watch their routines, and you can safely get around them.
  • Once you reach the top floor of the tower, get behind the elite, Klaven Mortwake, sap him, pick the lock on the chest, take Klaven Mortwake's Journal, then quickly escape from the tower using Spint/Evasion/Healing Potion or die/rez back at Sentinel Hill.
  • Fly or hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Put your Certificate of Thievery in the bank to remain there forever. You can safely throw away Kearnen's Journal.
  • Get all Swiftthistle and a Bronze Tube out of your bank.
  • Turn in Klaven's Tower (1,950xp, Recipe: Thistle Tea, Poisons, 0Rep) to Mathias Shaw and get The Touch of Zanzil.
  • Buy 40 Dust of Decay, 20 Essence of Pain and 60 Empty Vial from Jasper Fel, the Shady Dealer.
  • Go to the Rogue Trainer and learn Crippling Poison.
  • Go to the basement to turn in The Touch of Zanzil (0xp) to Doc Mixilpixil.
  • /lay down to start the next part, then get up and make poisons while you're waiting for him and put them on your action bar.

Don't sell any weightstones/sharpening stones you might have, as you'll want to save those for enemies that are immune to poisons.

  • Get The Touch of Zanzil Pt. 2 (160xp) and turn that in.
  • Get The Touch of Zanzil Pt. 3 then gather the following throughout Stormwind City:
  • Leaded Vial: Sold by Jasper Fel, the Shady Dealer, in the SI:7 Headquarters.
  • Bronze Tube: Sold by Billibub Cogspinner in northernmost Dwarven District or get from the Auction House.
  • Spool of Light Chartreuse Silk Thread: Located on the floor of the Finest Thread shop in the northwestern canals outside Cathedral Square.
  • Simple Wildflowers: Sold by Felicia or Bernard Gump in the Fragrent Flowers shop in the eastern canals outside the Trade District for 2s.
  • Turn in The Touch of Zanzil Pt. 3 (1,150xp, Eau de Mixilpixil, 0Rep) to Doc Mixilpixil.
  • Visit Erika Tate in the kitchen of the inn in Old Town, buy Refreshing Spring Waters and cook up all Thistle Tea and put it on your action bar.
  • Put any extra Refreshing Spring Water and the 4 leftover Leaded Vials in the bank (used for higher level poisons later on), and get out all Westfall/Redridge quest items, including Handfuls of Oats, Red Leather Bandanas, Gnoll Paws, Hops, Flasks of Oil, the Skin of Sweet Rum, and the Bottle of Moonshine.
  • Buy a Cask of Merlot (8s15c) from Roberto Pupellyverbos by the canals.
  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Charys Yserian in the western Mage Quarter.
  • Go north to Cathedral Square and get Humble Beginnings from Baros Alexston in the building northeast of the Cathedral entrance.
  • Sell junk.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Go to northern Westfall to Turn in Poor Old Blanchy (1,250xp, Old Blanchy's Blanket, Old Blanchy's Feed Pouch, 110SW, 28Sp) to Verna Furlbrow.
  • Go further north, apply Instant Poison and kill gray Gnolls for 8 Gnoll Paws.

Make sure you have 5 Hops from the gray Rusty Harvest Golems in this area.

  • Return south to Sentinel Hill to turn in Patrolling Westfall (975xp, armor, 110SW, 28Sp) to Captain Danuvin.
  • Sell junk.
  • Go west to Alexston's Farmstead and carefully kill 15 Defias Looters and 15 Defias Pillagers while getting the Simple Compass inside the ruins. The Defias Pillagers are infamous for blasting players from a distance, so don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Pick your fights with caution, use Sap, and keep an eye out for adds.
  • Go south past Moonbrook (or stop off and buy Agile Boots for 26s from the Defias Profiteer located on the 2nd floor of the Inn) to Dagger Hills to turn in Thunderbrew Lager (Keg of Thunderbrew Lager) to Grimbooze Thunderbrew.
  • Run or die/rez back to Sentinel Hill, repair, sell junk, mail stuff to your bank alt, turn in The People's Militia Pt. 2 (975XP, 6s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle and get The People's Militia Pt. 3.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • Turn in Messenger to Westfall Pt. 2 (250xp, 1s50c, 28SW, 8Sp) to Magistrate Solomon inside the main building (which should be your final level 14 quest) and get Messenger to Darkshire.
  • Turn in Return to Verner (675xp, 5s, 55SW, 14Sp) to Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed, and get Underbelly Scales but SKIP A Baying of Gnolls.
  • Turn in The Lost Tools (875xp, 2 Medium Armor Kits, 82SW, 21Sp) to Foreman Oslow but SKIP The Everstill Bridge.
  • Turn in Hilary's Necklace (1,350xp, 110SW, 0Sp) to Hilary on the end of the dock.
  • OPTIONAL: Turn in Visit the Herbalist (270xp, 0Rep) to Martie Jainrose in western Lakeshire and get Delivering Daffodils but SKIP An Unwelcome Guest.
  • Get Redridge Goulash from Chef Breanna in the other building on the west side of Lakeshire.
  • OPTIONAL: Turn in Delivering Daffodils (270xp, 10 Sauteed Sunfish, 0Rep) to Marcy inside the inn.
  • Turn in Dry Times (1,050xp, Finely Woven Cloak, Bulging Coin Purse, 110SW, 28Sp) to Barkeep Daniels.
  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood (1,350xp, 110SW, 28Sp) to Wiley the Black upstairs, get The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 2, then leave the inn.
  • Turn in Encroaching Gnolls (290xp, 2s, 28SW, 7Sp) to Deputy Feldon by the Gryphon Master but SKIP Assessing the Threat.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 2. (675xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill and get The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 3.
  • Turn in Red Leather Bandanas (1,050XP, Cloak of the People's Militia, 110SW, 28Sp) to Scout Galiaan outside the inn.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Go to Cathedral Square and turn in Humble Beginnings (1,050xp, 7s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Baros Alexston.
  • Go northwest and get Underground Assault from Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District.
  • Go southeast to the last building in the Dwarven District on the left.
  • Get Collecting Memories and Oh Brother. . . from Wilder Thistlenettle inside that building.
  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 3 (675xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Mathias Shaw in the SI:7 Headquarters and get The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 4.
  • Sell junk.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up your professions.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 4 (340xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill and get The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 5.
  • Go north to Saldean's Farm and get The Killing Fields from Farmer Saldean.
  • Visit each of the three farms, killing 20 Harvest Watchers. They're immune to Instant Poison, so use sharpening/weightstones if you have them.
  • Turn in The Killing Fields (1,050xp, Harvester's Pants, 110SW, 28Sp) to Farmer Saldean. Save 5 Flasks of Oil if you plan on completing the optional quests listed below, otherwise sell all of them and sell any other junk.
  • Go southwest to Dagger Hills, apply Instant Poison, and kill 15 Defias Highwaymen, 5 Defias Pathstalkers and 5 Defias Knuckledusters.

Level 21: Precision 1/5, Finish Westfall, Deadmines prep, new weapon

OPTIONAL: Go southwest to Westfall Lighthouse to complete the Murloc and Treasure Map quests. If you're only interested in reputation, then you can skip those quests as they give no rep whatsoever and require a lot of running around.

  • Turn in Keeper of the Flame (1,150xp, 3 Minor Healing Potion, Scroll of Stamina, 0Rep) to Captain Grayson.
  • Get The Coast Isn't Clear and The Coastal Menace from Captain Grayson and pick Stranglekelp in the area, while watching for Old Murk-Eye.

Be very careful fighting the higher level Murlocs around Westfall Lighthouse, because they will root you and run to pull more. Always have your Sprint and Evasion ready and only fight lone Murlocs, slowly pulling them away from the group as you fight.

  • Kill all of the Murloc Tidehunters and Murloc Oracles that you need here, then go east to Kriggon Talsone on the pier to sell junk.
  • Clear out your bags as much as possible, because you will fill them very quickly over the next few steps.
  • When you run into Old Murk-Eye, use stealth, Garrote, Slice and Dice, Evasion, and a Healing Potion to solo him.
  • Continue north along the coast, while picking Stranglekelp, to find the Murloc Warriors and Murloc Coastrunners.
  • If you get Captain Sander's Treasure Map off a Murloc, then follow the treasure map instructions below.
  • Go west of the words "Gold Coast" on the map, in the middle of a beached shipwreck surrounded by Murlocs (so be careful), to turn in Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure (575xp, 0Rep) at the Captains Footlocker.
  • Kill all the Murloc Warriors you need while you're here.
  • Keep an eye out for the Defias Messenger during these next two steps. Pick pocket and kill him and loot A Mysterious Message.
  • Head due east to the road to turn in Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure (Part 2) (575xp, 0Rep) at the Broken Barrel near the chimney.
  • Go north past Jangolode Mine to turn in Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure (Part 3) (575xp, 0Rep) at the Old Jug next to the windmill.
  • Go north and the east along the coastline, picking Stranglekep and killing all the Murloc Coastrunners you need while you're here.
  • Go back west until you reach a shipwreck, then swim further west to the large middle island to turn in Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure (Part 4) (1,150xp, stuff, 0Rep) at the Locked Chest.
  • Throw away all pieces of the treasure map to free up room in your bags. Don't sell the Silver Bar as you'll need it later.
  • Go back east to the coast and kill the last of the Murloc Warriors/Murloc Coastrunners if you still need any.
  • If you still need the Defias Messenger, continue east to the road and follow it south to Moonbrook, then southwest back to the Lighthouse.
  • However, if you've already killed the Defias Messenger, follow the coast back to the south instead, picking Strangekelp along the way, while looking for Old Murk-Eye if you still need him.
  • Turn in The Coast Isn't Clear (1,450xp, 11s, 0Rep) and The Coastal Menace (1,550xp, 0Rep) to Captain Grayson.
  • Go east to sell junk to Kriggon Talsone.

  • Go north to the road going from Moonbrook (or stop off and buy Agile Boots for 26s from the Defias Profiteer located on the 2nd floor of the Inn) to Jangolode Mine and follow it north until you find and kill the Defias Messenger.
  • Return east to Sentinel Hill.


  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 5 (1,350xp, 110SW, 28Sp) and the People's Militia Pt. 3 (1,600xp, weapon, 165SW, 41Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle.

The Defias Traitor should be waiting at the foot of the tower. If not, someone else is on the escort quest, so wait for him to return. Use that time to make bandages, repair, sell junk, etc. You can do the Defias Traitor quest solo, but it may be tough, so try to group up.

  • Once you and/or your group are ready, and all on the same step of the quest chain, get The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 6 from The Defias Traitor.
  • Escort The Defias Traitor to the entrance of The Deadmines in Moonbrook to complete the quest.
  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 6 (1,700xp, 165SW, 41Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle and get The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 7.
  • Go to the top of the Sentinel Hill tower and get the Red Silk Bandanas quest from Scout Riell (this quest is easy to miss!)
  • Sell junk, mail stuff to your bank alt, and empty out your bags as much as possible before heading to Deadmines. The last thing you want is to be worrying about organizing your overflowing bags and throwing out junk on the run in the middle of a dungeon.
  • If you haven't already, type /join World and /join LookingForGroup where you can find all sorts of dungeon groups.
  • If you're waiting around to join a Deadmines group, go southwest to The Deadmines entrance in Moonbrook to work on Red Silk Bandanas solo.


  • From Moonbrook, go into the Deadmines building, down to the mine, and carefully kill single Defias Diggers outside the instance for 10 Red Silk Bandanas.

When faced with elites, use Evasion and Thistle Tea if necessary to defeat them. Don't let runners get away, otherwise you'll need to sprint all the way back outside to escape.

  • Return northeast to Sentinel Hill.


  • Turn in Red Silk Bandanas (1,250xp, Solid Shortblade, 110SW, 28Sp) to Scout Riell at the top of the Sentinel Hill tower.
  • If you still can't get into a Deadmines group (it can be rough, because Tanks and Healers are in high demand, while DPS are a dime a dozen), try to make your own group, or continue questing and keep an eye on the General/World/LookingForGroup channels.


Your objective in The Deadmines will be to complete all quests and hopefully get one or both weapons upgraded, without getting too much experience in the process. A full quest run through The Deadmines at this level should get you about halfway through your experience bar. If you want even less experience from mobs, you can wait as late as level 23 and still get full reputation credit from your Deadmines quests. When your group is finally formed, make sure to ask that they go kill Foreman Thistlenettle, who is located outside the instance. Loot all undead mobs on your way to him, and you should get the 4 Miners' Union Cards you'll need for the other quest. If your group isn't interested in completing those two quests, you can try to solo or duo them with another player.

  • Oh Brother. . . and Collecting Memories are completed just outside the instance down a tunnel on the left side. Kill/loot Foreman Thistlenettle and his undead miners.
  • Pickup a Level 25 Waylaid Supplies crate (if you're continuing to Honored with ACA).
  • Underground Assault is completed with a quest item drop from Sneed's Shredder.
  • The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 7 requires that you get the Head of VanCleef.
  • Also, pick up An Unsent Letter from VanCleef's body to start the next questline that leads to The Stockade.
  • Your ultimate objective here is to get Cruel Barb from VanCleef. You may want to run the instance more than once for that excellent weapon, since it will last you 5-10 levels.

If you can't get Cruel Barb, Cookie's Tenderizer is still a decent upgrade and Thief's Blade (Mr. Smite) is ideal for your offhand.

  • Leave the instance and return northeast to Sentinel Hill.


  • Return northeast to Sentinel Hill (you can die/rez to get back if you have no more Westfall quests other than The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 7).
  • Sell junk and make Wool Bandages with all of the Wool Cloth you picked up in Deadmines. When you reach 115 First Aid, go back to a First Aid Trainer to learn Heavy Wool Bandages. When you reach 150, learn Silk Bandages.
  • Turn in The Defias Brotherhood Pt. 7 (2,600xp, Tunic of Westfall, 220SW, 55Sp) to Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill, equip your chestpiece and apply a Medium Armor Kit.
  • If you haven't already, turn in Red Silk Bandanas to Scout Riell at the top of the Sentinel Hill tower.
  • If you still need to complete any other Westfall quests, do so now.

OPTIONAL: If you want to continue working on Steamwheedle Cartel reputation, and/or quest in the Wailing Caverns dungeon, take a gryphon flight to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale, then take the ship to Ratchet in The Barrens. Note: You can get 100 Darnassus rep from the end of a questline which begins inside Wailing Caverns.


  • Get Samophlange from Sputtervalve by the gryphon master and SKIP Ziz Fizziks.
  • Get Southsea Freebooters from Gazlowe, located upstairs in the northern, Engineering Trainer building.
  • Get WANTED: Baron Longshore from the sign on the wall to the left of the bank.
  • Get Root Samples and Raptor Horns from Mebok Mizzyrix standing west of the bank. SKIP Deepmoss Spider Eggs and Blueleaf Tubers.
  • Put Thistlenettle's Badge, the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket and the Unsent Letter in your bank. If you have a Silver Bar, also put that in the bank.

You will be questing in Horde territory again, so watch your back and be ready for some PVP.

  • Pick herbs as you go south to kill/loot 12 Southsea Brigands, 6 Southsea Cannoneers and Baron Longshore (if he's around), then return to Ratchet. Each of these pirate kills gives you 5+ Ratchet rep, so feel free to come back later at a higher level and grind them when they're gray if you want more Ratchet rep.
  • DO NOT turn in WANTED: Baron Longshore (unless you're already level 25+, then go ahead and turn it in for 21s80c and 22 Ratchet rep), but do turn in Southsea Freebooters (750xp, 75Rat) to Gazlowe in the northern building and get The Missing Shipment.
  • Turn in The Missing Shipment (125xp, 10Rat) to Wharfmaster Dizzywig on the dock and get The Missing Shipment Pt. 2 and Miner's Fortune.
  • Turn in The Missing Shipment Pt. 2 (125xp, 10Rat) to Gazlowe in the northern building and get Stolen Booty.
  • Pick herbs as you return to the southernmost pirate camps to loot from the items marked Drizzlik's Emporium and Fragile - Do Not Drop. If you still need to kill and loot Baron Longshore, then do so now.
  • Return north to Ratchet, sell all junk and put the Shipment of Boots, Telescopic Lens and Baron Longshore's Head in the Ratchet bank.


  • Go to the far northeast, picking all herbs for Root Samples (even if they're gray to you) and killing/looting/skinning Sunscale Scytheclaws, to Boulder Lode Mine.
  • Kill/loot low level Venture Co. Enforcers and Venture Co. Overseers for the Cats Eye Emerald.
  • Go southwest along the hills, collecting herbs, Root Samples and Intact Raptor Horns, past the Sludge Fen.
  • Continue southwest to the Control Console (located at the Venture Company research site which has a distinctive tall chimney east of the Gold Road) to turn in Samophlange (750xp, 75 Rat) and get Samophlange Pt. 2.
  • Shut off the three valves on each side of the contraption connected to the Control Console, then turn in Samophlange Pt. 2 (196xp, 50Rat) and get Samophlange Pt. 3.
  • Go northeast to kill/loot Tinkerer Sniggles inside the building, then return to the Control Console to turn in Samophlange Pt. 3 (750xp, 75 Rat) and get Samophlange Pt. 4.
  • Once you've finished collecting 8 Root Samples and 5 Intact Raptor Horns (more Sunscale Scytheclaws can be found further west across the Gold Road, and they share spawns with Ornery Plainstriders), return to the Sludge Fen.
  • Go just south of the letter "G" on your map to find Wizzlecrank's Shredder next to a multilevel platform in a pool of water. You may have to wait around for him to reappear, following a completed escort quest.
  • Stealth up to Wizzlecrank's Shredder and get the quest Ignition when he appears.
  • Go south across the pool, and stealth up the ramp to the top of the platform to kill/loot Supervisor Lugwizzle.
  • Stealth back down and turn in Ignition (1,350xp, 100Rat) to Wizzlecrank's Shredder.

You may have to stealth around and ninja the followup escort quest from Horde players waiting around to do the same quest. Feel free to skip it if you die and can't complete the quest.

  • Clear out a path of enemies to the west (or let the Horde do it for you), then get The Escape from Wizzlecrank's Shredder.
  • Escort Wizzlecrank's Shredder (staying in stealth as much as possible) to the west until the escort quest is complete (or you die trying).
  • Return southeast to Ratchet.


  • Sell junk, then get the Shipment of Boots, Telescopic Lens and Baron Longshore's Head out of the Ratchet bank.
  • Ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if a Wailing Caverns group is forming that wants to complete all quests and kill the Serpent Lords.

Not many Alliance players run Wailing Caverns (aside from players looking for twink gear) so you may not be able to get a group together. Try doing a /who Wailing command and a /who Barrens command to find interested players and try to join or form a group.

  • Turn in Miner's Fortune (1,700xp, Sack of Coins, 150Rat) to Wharfmaster Dizzywig on the dock.
  • Turn in The Escape (1,700xp, 20s, Greasy Tinker's Pants, 150Rat) and Samophlange Pt. 4 (920xp, weapon, 100Rat) to Sputtervalve by the gryphon master and get Ziz Fizziks. You can safely throw away the Control Console Operating Manual.
  • Get Trouble at the Docks from Crane Operator Bigglefuzz by the gryphon master.
  • Turn in Stolen Booty (920xp, 8s, armor, 100Rat) and WANTED: Baron Longshore (920xp, 8s, 100Rat) to Gazlowe in the northern building.
  • Turn in Root Samples (920xp, 8s, armor, 100Rat) and Raptor Horns (1,350xp, 5 Raptor Punch, Barkeeper's Cloak, 100Rat) to Mebok Mizzyrix standing west of the bank and get Smart Drinks and Deepmoss Spider Eggs, but SKIP Blueleaf Tubers.
  • Go west to the Wailing Caverns, located at the base of the mountain southwest of Crossroads.


  • Get Deviate Hides from Nalpak in the cave above the instance entrance.
  • Get Deviate Eradication from Ebru in the cave above the instance entrance.
  • Sell junk and empty out your bags at the vendor next to Ebru as much as possible before heading into Wailing Caverns.
  • Drop down, go into stealth and enter the cavern, following the tunnel around to the right, checking alcoves for the stealthed Mad Magglish. He hides in one of several locations inside the caves, but outside the instance entrance. Once you find him, kill and loot him for the 99-Year-Old Port.

See if you can join a Wailing Caverns group that wants to complete all quests and kill the Serpent Lords. After completing quests and killing all Serpent Lords, speak to the Disciple of Naralex at the instance entrance, escort him to the boss room, kill Mutanus The Devourer and loot the Glowing Shard (which eventually leads to 100 Darnassus rep). Save that final quest turn-in for level 30.

  • Turn in Deviate Hides (1,600xp, 18s, Slick Deviate Leggings) to Nalpak in the cave above the instance entrance, then return to Ratchet.
  • Turn in Smart Drinks (1,350xp, 10s, 100Rat) to Mebok Mizzyrix standing west of the bank but SKIP Blueleaf Tubers.
  • Turn in Trouble at the Docks (1,350xp, 10s, 100Rat) to Crane Operator Bigglefuzz by the gryphon master.
  • At level 26, turn in Deviate Eradication (2,050xp, 25s, Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt) to Ebru in the cave above the instance entrance.
  • At level 30, accept the quest from The Glowing Shard, then talk to Sputtervalve by the Ratchet gryphon master and get The Glowing Shard Pt. 2 and Further Instructions.
  • At level 30, turn in The Glowing Shard Pt. 2 (2,650xp) to Falla Sagewind in the building on the mountain above Wailing Caverns and get In Nightmares.
  • At level 30, turn in In Nightmares (2,000xp, Talbar Mantle, 100D) to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave in northwestern Darnassus.

  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Turn in A Full Shipment (140-200xp, 15-30s, 550-880ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH.
  • If you haven't already, put Thistlenettle's Badge, the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket and the Unsent Letter in your bank. If you have a Silver Bar, also put that in the bank. If you have any Crisp Spider Meat, Underbelly Whelp Scales or any other Redridge Mountain quest items in the bank, get them out. You'll need 5 Crisp Spider Meat, 5 Great Goretusk Snouts and 5 Tough Condor Meat for a quest, so check the AH for any that you can get inexpensively.
  • Turn in Collecting Memories (1,350xp, Dusty Mining Gloves, 110IF, 28Sp) but NOT Oh Brother. . . to Foreman Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District.
  • At level 25, turn in Oh Brother. . . (1,600xp, weapon) and Underground Assault (1,550xp, wand) to Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District.
  • At level 27, turn in The Unsent Letter (1,050xp, 10s) to Baros Alexston in Cathedral Square.

Level 22: Precision 2/5, Level 17 Redridge/Loch Modan/Darkshore

  • Visit the Rogue Trainer to learn new skills (Garrote Rank 2, Sinister Strike Rank 4, Distract, Vanish) for 1g44s.
  • Buy 20 Flash Powder from Jasper Fel, the Shady Dealer, in the SI:7 Headquarters.

Distract is useful for forcing mobs to face away from you, allowing you to sneak by, pick their pockets and/or or set them up for a surprise attack. Vanish is the ultimate emergency button for Rogues, providing you with an escape from a variety of nasty situations. Not only that, it can also be used offensively to initiate another stealth opener. When using Vanish, try to make sure that you don't have any Damage over Time (DoT) effects on you that might break the effect. In addition to that, you also want to be certain that you don't accidentally autoattack yourself back out of stealth. Most importantly, make sure you have a sufficient supply of Flash Powder on hand, otherwise you'll try to Vanish and end up dead. Here's a simple macro to prevent you from autoattacking out of Vanish

/cast Vanish

  • Buy two Elixirs of Water Breathing off the AH or from an Alchemist.
  • If you were unable to get a weapon upgrade from The Deadmines, then check the AH for a cheap Fighter Broadsword.
  • Empty out your bags as much as possible.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Turn in Messenger to Darkshire (1,000xp, 83SW, 21Sp) to Lord Ebonlocke and get Messenger to Darkshire Pt. 2.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • Get Assessing the Threat from Deputy Feldon by the Gryphon Master.
  • Turn in Messenger to Darkshire Pt. 2 (340xp, 2s50c, 27SW, 7Sp) to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire.


  • Apply poisons and go along the road southeast of the lake killing/looting/skinning all Black Dragon Whelps, spiders/boars/condors (but not if you already have 5 Crisp Spider Meat, 5 Great Goretusk Snouts and 5 Tough Condor Meat), Redridge Mongrels and Redridge Poachers until you've completed Assessing the Threat. Save your Sprint, Evasion, and most importantly Vanish, in case you aggro too many mobs or get ganked by a higher level Horde player.
  • Return northwest to Lakeshire.


  • Turn in Assessing the Threat (950xp, 7s, 83SW, 21Sp) to Deputy Feldon by the gryphon.
  • Sell junk and mail stuff to your bank alt.


  • Go northeast up the road, stealthing past orcs guarding the road, while killing/looting/skinning Black Dragon Whelps and spiders/boars/condors (if needed), to Alther's Mill.
  • Continue leveling up your Lockpicking skill on the practice lockboxes until they go gray.
  • Finish killing/looting/skinning Black Dragon Whelps/spiders/boars/condors around Alther's Mill until you've completed your quests.
  • Go south into Lake Everstill, stealthing past Murlocs, then swim west to Lakeshire, keeping an eye out for Waterlogged Footlockers to further improve your Lockpicking skill.


  • Turn in Underbelly Scales (1,700xp, Black Whelp Gloves, 165SW, 41Sp) to Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed but SKIP A Baying of Gnolls.
  • Turn in Redridge Goulash (1,350xp, 10s, 5 Redridge Goulash, Recipe: Redridge Goulash, 110SW, 28Sp) to Chef Breanna in the building on the west side of Lakeshire.

You should now be Honored with Gnomeregan Exiles or close to it.

  • Sell junk and mail stuff to your bank alt.
  • If you have a Level 25 Waylaid Supplies crate, fly to Stormwind and turn in A Full Shipment (140-200xp, 15-30s, 550-880ACA) to Elaine Compton standing outside the AH.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Set your hearthstone at Thelsamar.
  • Go southeast to Stonesplinter Valley.
  • OPTIONAL: If you still need to kill/loot Ol' Sooty, try to get a group.
  • Go to the caves on the southeastern end of the valley and stealth your way along the right side, over the river and to a balcony on the left, where you'll find Grawmug, and his two guards, Gnasher and Brawler.
  • Use your cooldowns and other items (Thistle Tea) to kill them all.
  • Hearth back to Thelsamar.
  • Repair and return south along the road to the southern watchtower.
  • Turn in In Defense of the King's Lands Pt. 4 (1,600xp, Frontier Britches, 165IF, 41Sp) to Captain Rugelfuss upstairs.
  • Go back north to Thelsamar.

OPTIONAL: Complete a run in the Shadowfang Keep dungeon if you still want a chance at a weapon upgrade (Shadowfang or Face Smasher). Unfortunately, you won't have any quests for that dungeon, but you might be able to join a Paladin and/or Warlock looking to complete one of their class quests there. If you're interested, then fly to Ironforge, get any consumables you need and ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels for a Shadowfang Keep (SFK) group, then take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor, go north into Arathi Highlands, get the Refuge Pointe FP, go west to Hillsbrad Foothills, get the Southshore FP, then go further west to Silverpine Forest. When the dungeon is complete, hearth back to Thelsamar.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • OPTIONAL: Get The Greenwarden from First Mate Fitzsimmons outside the inn (this questline gives no rep).
  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Samor Festivus on the top floor of the inn and from Dewin Shimmerdawn in the house next to the northern dock.
  • Go around Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage.
  • When you're done fishing for loot, go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Check for pools of Floating Wreckage around the dock.
  • Get Fruit of the Sea from Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master.
  • Get Cave Mushrooms from Barithras Moonshade outside the inn.
  • Get Deep Ocean, Vast Sea from Gorbold Steelhand outside the northern building.
  • Get The Blackwood Corrupted from Thundris Windweaver inside the northern building.
  • Get Tharnariun's Hope from Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building.
  • Fill the Empty Cleansing Bowl in the Moonwell nearby.
  • If you weren't able to get an Elixir of Water Breathing, see if there are any Warlocks around who can cast Unending Breath on you.


  • Go north along the beach, picking Stranglekelp, until you reach the first of two partially submerged ships, then apply your poisons and drink your Elixir of Water Breathing.

If you don't have Water Breathing or Unending Breath, then lure Murlocs out of the ship and kill them up at the surface to avoid drowning. The lockboxes are at the very bottom of each ship, so you don't want to be caught in battle, struggling for air, trying to loot those boxes.

  • If you do have Water Breathing, then either stealth swim or fight gray Murlocs on your way down into the ships to loot the Silver Dawning's Lockbox and Mist Veil's Lockbox. Both boxes are hard to see in the dark, located at the very bottom on the western side of each ship.
  • Continue north along the beach, past a beached sea turtle, picking Stranglekelp and killing/looting low level Reef Crawlers (and Encrusted Tide Crawlers beyond Cliffspring River until you get the Bottom of Gelkak's Key) for 6 Fine Crab Chunks, then go south to the road and east to the bridge.
  • Go southeast along the south side of the Cliffspring River until you reach the Blackwood furbolg camps to get the Talisman of Corruption from Xabraxxis.
  • Assuming the Talisman of Corruption isn't already in a bag on the ground, go through the furbolg camps to the southwest, looting the Blackwood Fruit Stores, the Blackwood Nut Stores and the Blackwood Grain Stores.
  • South of the furbolg camps, go up the mountain path to kill the Den Mother. Pull the cubs individually, then kill the Den Mother. Or just burst her down and sprint out.
  • Return northeast to the first camp with the bonfire, clear out any Furbolgs around the bonfire, summon Xabraxxis using the bowl, kill him and loot the Talisman of Corruption from the bag that drops on the ground.
  • Go north over the river across the log and northeast up the mountain path to the Naga cave.
  • Go into the Naga cave and carefully stealth your way through, collecting 5 Scaber Stalks and 1 Death Cap.
  • If you don't already have your Rune of Blade Dance, kill/loot Stormscale Sirens and Stormscale Wave Riders for the Cliffspring Key which opens the Clliffspring Chest located at the eastern end of the lower cave.

This cave is much like Ban'ethil Barrow Den - - a miserable solo experience at lower levels, but a breeze at max quest level. If you get a quest item called Book: The Powers Below, from any Twilight Disciples or Twilight Thugs, hold onto it until level 25 (don't accept the quest so you keep your quest log from hitting the limit). If it doesn't drop, you'll have more chances to get it later.

  • Stealth your way out of the cave (or die/rez), then return southwest to Auberdine.


  • Repair, sell junk (save all Crawler Meat/Claws for Cooking), cook up fish/meat, and mail stuff to your bank alt.
  • DO NOT turn in Tharnariun's Hope to Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building (yet).
  • DO NOT turn in The Blackwood Corrupted to Thundris Windweaver in the northern building (yet).
  • Turn in Cave Mushrooms (1,250xp, 9s, cloak, food, 110D, 27Sp) to Barithras Moonshade outside the inn and get Onu.
  • Get WANTED: Murkdeep! from the signpost outside the inn.
  • Turn in Fruit of the Sea (1,250xp, armor, 110IF, 28Sp) to Gubber Blump beneath the Hippogryph Master.
  • Turn in Deep Ocean, Vast Sea (1,250xp, 18s, armor, 110D, 28Sp) to Gorbold Steelhand outside the northern building.
  • If you have a Level 25 Waylaid Supplies crate, fly to Rut'theran Village/Darnassus and turn in A Full Shipment (140-200xp, 15-30s, 550-880ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH, then return to Auberdine.


  • Go far to the southeast to the Grove of the Ancients to turn in Onu (625xp, 55D, 14Sp) to Onu and get The Master's Glaive.
  • If One Shot. One Kill. was bugged earlier, go southeast to see if you can complete it, then turn it in to Onaeya at Maestra's Post in Ashenvale and return to Darkshore.
  • Go to The Master's Glaive, southwest across the road from the Grove of Ancients, and stealth across the water to the table.
  • Click on the Phial of Scrying in your inventory to create the Scrying Bowl, then click the Scrying Bowl on the table.
  • Turn in The Master's Glaive (625xp, 55D, 14Sp) and get The Twilight Camp and you can safely throw away the Phial of Scrying, which you won't need anymore.
  • Click on the book on the pedastal next to the table to turn in The Twilight Camp (1,250xp, 9s, 110D, 28Sp) and get Return to Onu.
  • Return northeast to the Grove of the Ancients to turn in Return to Onu (940xp, 7s, 83D, 21Sp) to Onu, wait for him to study the parchment, then get Mathystra Relics.
  • Go back to the southwest to The Master's Glaive where you'll find Therylune just south of the table on the other side of the wall.
  • Get Therylune's Escape from Therylune, then escort her around to the east and up the path to the road.
  • Go south around the rim of The Master's Glaive, then west to the shore to work on the final murloc and beached animal quests.
  • Go west out into the water where you'll find a Beached Sea Creature on an island guarded by Murlocs, located south of two Beached Sea Turtles. Make sure that you have enough emply slots in your inventory to collect three quest items. Also wait until Vanish is ready in case anything goes bad.
  • Once you've cleared out all nearby Murlocs on the east side of the Beached Sea Creature, get close and click it to accept the quest Beached Sea Creature.
  • North of that Beached Sea Creature you'll find the final two Beached Sea Turtles, also located on islands.
  • Be extra careful, as you'll have very little dry ground to work with and they can swim faster than you. Also, make sure Vanish is off cooldown.
  • Once you've cleared out all Murlocs near the clickable head/arm of each turtle, get close, click and accept the Beached Sea Turtle quests.
  • Check in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels for anyone wanting to kill Murkdeep as you go north up the coast to the Murloc camp.
  • Carefully pull single murlocs from a distance until you've cleared out the camp. Walk into the camp to start the Murkdeep event, use Evasion, kill more murlocs, then kill Murkdeep.
  • Go north, while picking Stranglekelp, back to Auberdine.


  • Turn in Beached Sea Creature (725xp, 5s, 55D, 13Sp), Beached Sea Turtle (725xp, 5s, 55D, 14Sp) and Beached Sea Turtle (725xp, 5s, 55D, 14Sp) to Gwenneth Bly'Leggonde.
  • Turn in WANTED: Murkdeep! (1,700xp, Ridgeback Bracers, 165D, 41Sp) to Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea outside the inn and equip your new bracers.
  • Turn in The Blackwood Corrupted (1,700xp, 20s, Wildkeeper Leggings, 165D, 41Sp) to Thundris Windweaver in the northern building.
  • Turn in Tharnariun's Hope (1,350xp, armor, 110D, 28Sp) to Tharnariun Treetender outside the eastern building.

Level 23: Precision 3/5, Darkshore/Ashenvale/Loch Modan

  • Get The Tower of Althalaxx from Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze on the top floor of the eastern building.
  • Sell junk, cook up fish/meat, and mail stuff to your bank alt.
  • If you have a Level 25 Waylaid Supplies crate, fly to Rut'theran Village/Darnassus and turn in A Full Shipment (140-200xp, 15-30s, 550-880ACA) to Marcy Baker standing outside the AH, then return to Auberdine.


  • Go northeast beyond the Cliffspring bridge to turn in The Tower of Althalaxx (675xp, 55D, 14Sp) to Balthule Shadowstrike and get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 2.
  • Kill/loot Dark Strand Fanatics outside the tower for 4 Worn Parchment, then turn in The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 2 (1,350xp, 10s, 110D, 28Sp) to Balthule Shadowstrike and get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 3.
  • Go north to the Ruins of Mathystra and use a combination of Distract, Sap and/or Vanish to stealth around avoiding battles and looting 6 Mathystra Relics.

OPTIONAL: While you're in the Ruins of Mathystra, open every Cat Figurine you see, and you might get lucky and find yourself a 10 minute Ghost Saber battle companion. Anytime you're here, do a circuit around the Ruins of Mathystra and open every Cat Figurine. They're often hiding in tough to find locations, so swivel your camera around as you go so you can see from all different angles. You'll know you're successful when a hostile (Hunter tameable) Ghost Saber spawns that you have to kill for a chance to earn your very own 10 minute pet.

  • Return (or die/rez) southwest to Auberdine, repair and sell junk.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • Get The Zoram Strand from Shindrell Swiftfire by the Hippogryph Master.
  • Get Journey to Stonetalon Peak from Faldreas Goeth'Shael by the glowing "gazebo".
  • Get Raene's Cleansing from Raene Wolfrunner inside the large northern building.

As you're questing in Ashenvale, join in PVP and help kill a Warsong Outrider combatant during the Battle for Ashenvale World PvP event to get a Warsong Outrider Mark, which you turn in for the weekly quest Repelling Invaders (2,000xp, 1g20s, Silverwing Battle Hymn, 200 SS) to Felore Moonray in the Astranaar Inn.

As soon as you reach Friendly with Silverwing Sentinels, and have 10g to spare, leave Astranaar and go along the road far to the east until you reach the Falfarren River, then go south past Silverwing Outpost, all the way to Silverwing Grove, to purchase a Trainee's Sentinel Nightsaber mount (10g) from Illiyana Moonblaze for use only in Ashenvale. That mount will greatly help out as you ride back and forth across Ashenvale completing quests (and engage in more PVP for the weekly Repelling Invaders quest). You can also purchase a Rune of Duty (2g) and a Resilient Leather Mask (2g50s) in case you don't have a trinket and/or helm yet.


  • Leave Astranaar going east along the main road (keeping an eye out for Horde) for a while until you reach the base of a river on your left. Turn right and go due south over the hills down to Talondeep Path.
  • If you can afford it, go east to Silverwind Refuge to buy Expert Cookbook (1g) from Shandrina, then return west to Talondeep Path. Not available in Phase 1 of SoD.
  • Go south through the tunnel into Stonetalon Mountains.


  • Go southwest to Windshear Crag, picking herbs and looking for Battered Footlockers to level up your Lockpicking, while keeping an eye out for Horde, then go northwest along the road all the way to Stonetalon Peak.
  • Turn in Journey to Stonetalon Peak (675xp, 55D, 0Sp) to Keeper Albagorm located by the moonwell northeast of the letter "L" on your map but SKIP Reclaiming the Charred Vale.
  • Grab the Stonetalon Peak FP nearby and take a hippogryph flight back to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • If you weren't able to get an Elixir of Water Breathing, see if there are any Warlocks around who can cast Unending Breath on you.
  • Go west from Astranaar, keeping an eye out for Horde, then southwest down the path on the left, past the small pools to the Shrine of Aessina to turn in Therylune's Escape (1,350xp, 10s, 110D, 28Sp) to Therysil.
  • Go northeast back to the road, then north to Maestra's Post to turn in The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 3 (1,000xp, 82D, 20Sp) to Delgren the Purifier but SKIP The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 4.
  • If you still haven't completed One Shot. One Kill., go north to Darkshore to complete that quest, then return to Maestra's Post and turn it in to Onaeya.
  • Go west across the road, then southwest to Lake Falathim at the base of the mountain, watching for Murlocs around the lake.
  • Turn in Raene's Cleansing (1,450xp, 110D, 28Sp) at Teronis' Corpse on the island in the center of the lake, but SKIP Raene's Cleansing Pt. 2.
  • Go northwest and around the mountains on your left, then a short ways south to get The Ancient Statuette from Talen.

Be extra careful questing here, as you will be in contested territory near Blackfathom Deeps, with a Horde outpost just to the south. The entire area may be crawling with Horde, so you should stay underwater as much as possible to avoid them.

  • Apply your poisons and drink your Elixir of Water Breathing, then go west into the water and head north, carefully killing/looting Wrathtail Wave Riders and Wrathtail Sorceresses, while picking Stranglekelp and picklocking Waterlogged Footlockers, until you reach a small beached boat where you'll find the Ancient Statuette.
  • Finish collecting 20 Wrathtail Heads (and leveling up your Lockpicking on Waterlogged Footlockers found along the beach), then return southeast to Astranaar, repair and sell junk. Note: Don't die/rez to try to get back to Astranaar because you'll end up at the southern Darkshore graveyard rather than the Astranaar graveyard.
  • Turn in The Zoram Strand (1,450xp, 11s, 110D, 27Sp) to Shindrell Swiftfire by the Hippogryph Master but SKIP Pridewings of Stonetalon.
  • You should be finished with all level 18/19 quests in Darkshore/Ashenvale now, so hearth back to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Sell junk and repair.
  • If you have a Level 25 Waylaid Supplies crate, fly to Ironforge and turn in A Full Shipment (140-200xp, 15-30s, 550-880ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH, then return to Loch Modan.
  • Get Mercenaries from Magistrate Bluntnose located at the building up the hill across from the Thelsamar Inn.
  • Get WANTED: Chok'sul from the sign outside the eastern building in Thelsamar.
  • OPTIONAL: If you still need to kill Ol' Sooty, check in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels to see if anyone wants to form a party, or you can try to solo him with all of your consumables and cooldowns, then loot his head.


  • Go east around the loch, picking herbs and skinning mobs, to Ironband's Excavation Site and get Gathering Idols from Magmar Fellhew.
  • Go east into the dig site to kill/loot low level Stonesplinter troggs for 8 Carved Stone Idols.
  • Turn in Gathering Idols (1,350xp, weapon, 110IF, 41Sp) to Magmar Fellhew.
  • Sell junk and repair.
  • Go far north to the middle of the Stonewrought Dam, while picking herbs and skinning mobs, to get A Dark Threat Looms from Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII.
  • If you don't already have your Saber Slash Rune, pick it up from the Stonemason's Toolbox nearby.
  • Go across to the east end of the dam, then turn in A Dark Threat Looms (675xp, 55IF, 13Sp) at the Suspicious Barrel located on the ground next to the cylindrical structure. You can click the barrel, turn in and accept the next quest, then vanish to avoid killing any guards.
  • If you don't already have your Rune of Blade Dance, pickpocket Dark Iron dwarves near the dam for a Dark Iron Lockbox.
  • Get A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 2 then return back across the dam to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII.
  • Turn in A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 2 (1,350xp, 110IF, 28Sp) to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII and get A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 3.
  • Go west to the tunnel entrance to Dun Algaz, then make your way northwest down through all of those tunnels into Wetlands.


  • Go out of the last tunnel into Wetlands, while picking herbs and avoiding mobs, north past Thelgen Rock, then follow the road northwest through The Green Belt, to the Wetlands graveyard.
  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Kixxle near the intersection of the roads by the graveyard.
  • SKIP Daily Delivery from Einar Stonegrip standing at the intersection (for now).
  • OPTIONAL: Go east over the river and around the hill to Rethiel the Greenwarden. Turn in The Greenwarden (825xp, 0Rep) to Rethiel the Greenwarden and get Tramping Paws.
  • Go north up the road to Dun Modr.
  • Turn in A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 3 (1,375xp, 110IF, 28Sp) to Ashlan Stonesmirk and get A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 4.
  • Continue north to Arathi Highlands.


  • Carefully go northwest to Refuge Pointe and get the FP.
  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Drovnar Strongbrew.
  • Carefully go west along the main road, while avoiding the traveling group of Forsaken Bodyguards, until you reach Stromgarde Keep on your left.
  • Go south across the land bridge, then turn right before entering the gate.
  • Go west along the outer wall until you find a crack, go through it, turn left and go across the bridge.
  • Buy Expert First Aid - Under Wraps (1g), Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage (22s) and Manual: Mageweave Bandage (50s) from Deneb Walker on your right. In SoD Phase 1, he sells Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage but not Expert First Aid - Under Wraps! In any case, save 75s for your next Rune.

As you train higher in First Aid, and move on to Silk Bandages, save 12 stacks of Wool Cloth to eventually turn in for rep and put them in your bank.

  • Return east to Refuge Pointe (or continue west if playing SoD, see below).

  • It's time to get two more Runes. Carefully continue west past the wall into Hillsbrad Foothills (save Sprint/Evasion/Vanish in case you run into trouble), then go northeast to Durnholde Keep. Go past bears and spiders around to the back side of the keep until you reach a group of trees, then climb up to the top, where you'll find the vendor Kris Legace. Buy a Hot Tip for 75s from her and open it for a Safe Combination and a Hillsbrad Treasure Map. Go west to the river past more bears and spiders, follow it southeast to Southshore to grab the FP, then follow the river all the way northeast into Western Plaguelands, where you'll find a Rusty Safe at the bottom of a waterfall which contains your Rune of Venom. Engrave the Envenom Rune on your pants. You can safely throw away the Hillsbrad Treasure Map.
  • Follow the river back southwest until you reach a group of fallen trees with a hill rising up to your right. From there, carefully go north up the hill around any Hulking Mountain Lions, then take the road north to Chillwind Point (keeping an eye out for the Rare Elemental Stone Fury who patrols that section of road) to grab that FP, then fly back to Southshore.
  • Continue west to Silverpine Forest, where you'll visit a cabin in the southwestern part of the zone located just outside the Pyrewood Village wall, at the bottom of the ramp leading up to Shadowfang Keep (SFK). Open the Dead Drop chest inside the cabin and get the quest The Horn of Xelthos. As part of that process, you'll be directed to go to Stonetalon Mountains to get a Breaching Charge (Goblin Lockpicks) from Veenix, who asks you to pickpocket Venture Co. mobs for a Venture Co. Work Order, however you can completely skip the Goblin Lockpicks portion of the quest chain and instead get a mob inside SFK to open the gate for you.
  • Leave the cabin, turn left, go up the ramp and across the bridge into the SFK instance (you'll need to go in solo for this). Once inside the instance, immediately turn right and stealth through the very first door next to you. Go up all of the stairways until you reach the locked courtyard gate above Rethilgore's room, who is located down below you to the left next to prison cells. Beside Rethilgore is a lever on the wall. Stealth over to the lever and activate it, pop Evasion, walk into the cell, quickly talk to the captive, then vanish and follow him back up to the locked gate.
  • Once he's opened the gate, go through it and wait for your Vanish to reset. Go down the stairs, northwest across the Courtyard, through a doorway into the Butcher's Room and further into the Ball Room, then turn right onto the stage where you'll find Gemela. Pick her pocket for the Sister's Half-Key.
  • Continue through to the end of the Ball Room, up either set of curved stairs, then turn right, go up more stairs to another room where you'll find Gefell. Pick his pocket for the Brother's Half-Key (don't combine them into the Twin Key yet). Go back down the stairs, back through the Ball Room and Butcher's Room, out into the Courtyard, turn right, and go into the Stables, where you can safely combine the keys into the Twin Key and open the Ornamented Chest for The Horn of Xelthos.
  • Return to the hut outside SFK to turn in The Horn of Xelthos, then hearth back to Loch Modan, fly to Ironforge (you have to check your mail in a major city), fly back to Southshore and return to the cabin outside SFK to get your Rune of Deadly Brew from the Dead Drop chest. Once you engrave Rune of Deadly Brew, you can stop using Instant Poison, and instead switch to sharpening/weightstones for your weapons, since they will automatically proc both Instant and Deadly Poisons with Deadly Brew in effect.
  • Return east to Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • Turn in A Full Shipment (140-200xp, 15-30s, 550-880ACA) to Tamelyn Aldridge standing outside the AH.

From this point forward, if you find any more Level 25 Waylaid Supplies crates, and are no longer working on ACA rep, gather the items needed and put the completed Supply Shipments in the bank to hold until the beginning of SoD Phase 2 (SoD-P2) for 200XP per shipment. Note: As of 2/7/24, it was believed that those stored up crates would not give XP at level 25, but on Phase 2 launch day (2/8/24) it turned out they actually did give XP, along with rep and silver.

  • Repair, sell junk, and buy poison supplies.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up your professions. You should be close to 150 in most of them by this point. Make sure that you go train Silk Bandages when you reach 150 in First Aid, make a stack, then sell all of your Heavy Wool Bandages.
  • Check the AH for any inexpensive helms (cloth or leather) in the 24-26 level range.
  • Put all unlearned First Aid books and any quest items you don't currently need (6 Mathystra Relics, Ancient Statuette, Book: The Powers Below if you got it, and any parts of Gelkak's Key) in the bank, and if you have it, get Ol' Sooty's Head out of the bank.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • As soon as you return to Loch Modan, ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if anyone wants to form a party for Mercenaries! and WANTED: Chok'sul.
  • Go north back to the Stonewrought Dam.
  • Turn in A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 4 (270xp, 22IF, 5Sp) to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII and get A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 5.
  • Go east across the dam, apply your poisons, and kill spiders and crocolisks to the south for 1 Lurker Venom and 1 Crocolisk Tear.
  • As soon as your group forms, go east into Mo'grosh Stronghold and kill 4 Mo'grosh Ogres and 4 Mo'grosh Enforcers outside the cave. If you can't get a group, you can solo these elite ogres, but you'll have to be very careful.
  • Go into the northeastern cave to kill 4 Mo'grosh Brutes (these can also be solo'd, but are a bit tougher, so buff up and use your cooldowns), then kill Chok'sul and loot his head. Yes, even Chok'sul can be burst killed at your level, using a Severed Voodoo Claw, Evasion, Thistle Tea and a Healing Potion, although it may require several attempts. If you want, you can wait and come back at level 26 to solo that quest.
  • Make sure you have a Lurker Venom, a Crocolisk Tear, a Mo'grosh Crystal, and Chok'sul's Head, then return northwest to Stonewrought Dam.
  • Turn in A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 5 (1,100xp, 110IF, 28Sp) to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII and get A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 6.
  • Go east across the dam, past the last cannon to the letter "U" on your map, and swim down to turn in A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 6 (550xp, 55IF, 14Sp) at the Explosive Charge and get A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 7.
  • Swim east to get out of the water, then go back west across the dam to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII.
  • Turn in A Dark Threat Looms Pt. 7 (1,950xp, weapon, 165IF, 42Sp) to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII.
  • OPTIONAL: Go southeast to Farstrider Lodge to turn in Vyrin's Revenge (775xp) to Daryl the Youngling and get Vyrin's Revenge Pt. 2.
  • Turn in Vyrin's Revenge Pt. 2 (1,550xp, Hunting Ammo Sack) to Vyrin Swiftwind nearby.
  • Hearth or die/rez back to Thelsamar, repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in Mercenaries (1,800xp, 20s, 165IF, 41Sp) to Magistrate Bluntnose located at the building up the hill across from the Thelsamar Inn but DO NOT turn in WANTED: Chok'sul (yet).

Level 24: Precision 4/5, Redridge/Duskwood/Darkshore

  • Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills (Eviscerate Rank 4 for 45s) and professions.
  • Check the AH for any inexpensive helms (cloth or leather) in the 24-26 level range.
  • Set your hearthstone at the Ironforge Inn.
  • If you have it, put Chok'sul's Head in the bank. Get the Thistlenettle's Badge and the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket, then buy 8 Murloc Fins off the AH.
  • Take the Deeprun Tram (or a gryphon flight) to Stormwind City.


  • See if you can inexpensively purchase 6 Gooey Spider Legs on the AH for a quest.
  • Turn in Oh Brother. . . (1,550xp, weapon, 110IF, 27Sp) to Foreman Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District.
  • Turn in Underground Assault (1,550xp, wand, 110SW/GE, 28Sp) to Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District but SKIP Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators. Note: This quest gives 110 Gnomeregan Exiles rep, in addition to 28 more spillover Gnomeregan Exiles rep.

OPTIONAL: (SoD-P1) Get Fight for Warsong Gulch from the Alliance Brigadier General in Stormwind Keep, located in the far northeast part of Stormwind (or get that quest from an Alliance Brigadier General in any major city or at any BG entrance) then go into WSG to win battles and collect/save Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to turn in at the beginning of SoD Phase 2 for XP. (SoD-P2) Turn in Fight for Warsong Gulch (2,350xp, 25s, 150SS) to any Alliance Brigadier General. Note: As of 2/7/24, it's believed that those stored up Marks of Honor will not give XP at level 25 on P2 launch day, but they'll still give honor and rep.

For those wanting to save 20 quests, as well as additional quest turn-ins, for maximum XP at the beginning of SoD Phase 2, don't complete quest steps marked as (SoD-P2) until Phase 2 starts. Then, on launch day, run around and quickly complete those quests, and any easy followup quests, for a quick burst of XP to level you up a few levels. Until then, all other non-marked quest steps can be completed while waiting around at max level 25 if you want to get ahead on your quest/rep progression.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • Get The Everstill Bridge from Foreman Oslow by the bridge.
  • Get A Baying of Gnolls from Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed.
  • If you already have 8 Murloc Fins, turn in Murloc Poachers (1,550xp, Dwarven Fishing Pole, 110SW, 27Sp) to Dockmaster Baren in front of the inn. Otherwise, get Selling Fish from Dockmaster Baren and go southeast to the lake to kill/loot low level Murlocs on the southern shore for 8 Murloc Fins. Hold onto any Spotted Sunfish for later.
  • While you're in the area, keep searching for Waterlogged Footlockers in the lake for Lockpicking skill-ups.
  • Go along the ridge north of Lakeshire, killing 10 Redridge Brutes and 8 Redridge Mystics while collecting 5 Iron Pikes and 5 Iron Rivets.
  • Turn in The Everstill Bridge (1,550xp, Smith's Trousers, 110SW, 27Sp) to Foreman Oslow by the bridge.
  • Turn in A Baying of Gnolls (1,150xp, 9s, 83SW, 21Sp) to Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed but SKIP Howling in the Hills.
  • Turn in Murloc Poachers to Dockmaster Baren in front of the inn if you haven't already.
  • Sell junk and mail stuff to your bank alt.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Get The Totem of Infliction from Madame Eva in the building down the hill just to the west of the gryphon master.
  • Get Raven Hill and Deliveries to Sven from Elaine Carevin in the building across the street to the south.


  • Go west along the main road, avoiding Stitches if you see him, until you reach the Night Watch Camp intersection in central Duskwood.
  • Get Eight-Legged Menaces from Watcher Dodds.
  • Go southeast down to the Yorgen Farmstead and carefully stealth around, pickpocketing Defias Night Runners and Defias Night Blades for the Engraved Gold Ring. Use Distract every chance you get and keep your Vanish ready if you get pulled out of stealth.
  • Continue west to Raven Hill, avoiding Stitches if you see him.
  • Turn in Raven Hill (390xp, 27SW, 0Sp) to Jitters and get Jitters' Growling Gut.
  • Go north, stealthing your way into the middle of Raven Hill Cemetary, equip the Engraved Gold Ring, then /kneel in front of the statue to receive your Rune of Shiving. Note: Despite what the inscription indicates, you don't need both the Engraved Gold Ring and the Engraved Silver Ring (guarded by a level 26 ghoul inside the Tranquil Gardens Cemetery, located south of Darkshire). Just one ring will do, and you can safely throw the ring(s) away once you have the Rune.
  • Continue west along the road, then north along The Hushed Bank, avoiding all mobs, until you reach the camp at the northwest corner of Duskwood.
  • Turn in Deliveries to Sven (925xp, 8s, 55SW, 14Sp) to Sven Yorgen but SKIP Sven's Revenge.
  • Get Wolves at Our Heels from Lars.
  • Buff up and go east along the rivershore, picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning Starving Dire Wolves and Rabid Dire Wolves. Save 10 Lean Wolf Flank for a later quest.
  • When you reach the northernmost point in central Duskwood, take a quick detour north across the river into Elwynn Forest.


  • Go north to Azora's Tower.
  • Get A Watchful Eye from Theocritus at the top of Azora's Tower.
  • Return south to Duskwood.


  • Continue killing/looting/skinning Starving Dire Wolves and Rabid Dire Wolves as you head east along the shore, then south back to Darkshire.


  • Turn in Jitters' Growling Gut (390xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Chef Grual inside the inn and SKIP Dusky Crab Cakes and Seasoned Wolf Kabobs (for now).
  • Sell junk and mail stuff to your bank alt, but save any Lean Wolf Flank for a later quest.


  • Return north to the river, then go west, killing/looting/skinning Starving/Rabid Dire Wolves (if still needed) and 15 Pygmy Venom Web Spiders (which should provide 6 Gooey Spider Legs if you still need them), all the way across to Sven's Camp.
  • Turn in Wolves at Our Heels (1,250xp, 5 Flash Bundle, 82SW, 21Sp) to Lars. Put the 5 Flash Bundle on your action bar to use against tough groups of mobs.
  • Go south along the western bank of the river, picking herbs and killing/looting Pygmy Venom Web Spiders, then return north and go east along the rivershore all the way back to Darkshire, until you've killed all 15 Pygmy Venom Web Spiders and have collected 6 Gooey Spider Legs. If you're having trouble finding Pygmy Venom Web Spiders (everybody in this area is doing the same), go further east all the way to Kzixx, the vendor on the side of the road, and you should find a few more. If you're having trouble getting the last of your 6 Gooey Spider Legs, start killing Venom Web Spiders as well until you do.
  • Return to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P2) Pick up and turn in Dusky Crab Cakes (775xp, Recipe: Gooey Spider Cake, 55SW, 13Sp) to Chef Grual and get Return to Jitters.
  • Sell junk and mail stuff to your bank alt, but save any Lean Wolf Flank for a later quest.


  • Go west along the road, avoiding Stitches if you see him, until you reach the Night Watch Camp intersection in central Duskwood.
  • Turn in Eight-Legged Menaces (1,250xp, armor, 83SW, 21Sp) to Watcher Dodds. If Stitches has recently been summoned, Watcher Dodds may not be available to accept the quest. You will have to wait for him to return to the camp next to the road to turn in this quest. If you have to wait, then go turn in the next quest and come back.
  • (SoD-P2) Continue west to Raven Hill.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Return to Jitters (775xp, 12s, 55SW, 14Sp) to Jitters.
  • At level 30, turn in The Totem of Infliction to Madame Eva in Darkshire.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Check the AH for an inexpensive amulet for your neck slot.
  • Get 6 Mathystra Relics and any parts of Gelkak's Key out of the bank and deposit the Glyph of Azora, any Spotted Sunfish, Lean Wolf Flanks, Vials of Spider Venom. and 6 Gooey Spider Legs.
  • If you don't have Cruel Barb or some other decent main hand weapon, check the AH for a cheap weapon upgrade in the level 25-26 range, such as Viking Sword, Mighty Iron Hammer or Leaden Mace.
  • Buy a stack of Razor Arrows (3s) from Bryllia Ironbrand in the general goods shop just to the east.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Samor Festivus on the top floor of the inn and from Dewin Shimmerdawn in the house next to the northern dock.
  • Go around Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage.
  • Get Fiora Longears from Red Jack Flint inside the main keep building, located at the bottom of the stairs. This short questline gives no rep and serves no real purpose.
  • Go out onto the left (south) dock to take the ship to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Grab the FP (if you haven't already), then go north to the inn.
  • Turn in Fiora Longears (775xp, 0Rep) to Fiora Longears in the inn located in northern Theramore Isle, and get Journey to Astranaar.
  • If you've reached level 25, get Highperch Venom from Fiora Longears for a nice belt upgrade. If you're not level 25 yet, then return here when you are.
  • Go to the southeast end of the dock, then jump into the Great Sea. Swim southeast, then south along the coast, carefully avoiding darker colored, deep water on your left which causes Fatigue death, all the way until you reach Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris.


  • Carefully navigate your way west across Tanaris, avoiding all level 40+ hostile mobs, until you reach Gadgetzan. If you stay on the worn path between Steamwheedle Port and Gadgetzan, you should be fine.


  • Grab the FP and check out the neutral AH.
  • If you plan to complete the quest Highperch Venom at level 25, follow the optional route listed below.
  • OPTIONAL: Head north to the Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles to go grab one more useful FP located at Thalanaar on the edge of Feralas. This one will be challenging, and will require stealthing past numerous level 28-33 mobs, so you might want to wait until you're level 25+ to make this trip.


  • Carefully make your way northwest through the Shimmering Flats, avoiding all of the level 30-35 mobs, as well as the high level Horde at Ironstone Camp on the northwest edge of the Shimmering Flats.
  • Continue northwest, around Ironstone Camp, through the Thousand Needles, avoiding all of the level 28-30 mobs, as well as the high level Horde around Freewind Post, as you go all the way past Highperch on your left to Thalanaar on the edge of Feralas.


  • Get the Thalanaar FP.
  • If you've reached level 25, and are ready to complete the Highperch Venom quest, go back southeast to Thousand Needles. If you aren't ready yet, then return to this section when you are.


  • Go southeast and up the cliffside path to Highperch and carefully kill/loot level 28 Highperch Wyverns/Consorts for 10 Highperch Venom Sacs. You'll probably need to use every buff and consumable you have to defeat them solo at level 25. They have a nasty poison, so eat food often to recover while poisoned. Avoid all level 29 Highperch Wyverns/Consorts, as well as the level 30-31 Highperch Matriarchs, and especially the level 32 rare elite Heartrazor if you ever see him.
  • Go back down the path and return northwest to Thalanaar.


  • Take a hippogryph flight to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Uma Bartulm in the small building next to the sawmill in western Theramore Isle.
  • (SoD-P1) / (SoD-P2) Turn in Highperch Venom (3,650xp, Windborne Belt, 0Rep) to Fiora Longears in the inn in northern Theramore Isle during Phase 1 of SoD at max level 25 for the pre-raid Windborne Belt (along with 2g19s) or turn it in at the beginning of Phase 2 for the 3,650xp.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale and turn in Journey to Astranaar (0xp, 0Rep) to Shindrell Swiftfire by the Hippogryph Master.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Auberdine in Darkshore.


  • Get The Absent Minded Prospector from Archaeologist Hollee outside the northern building.
  • Get A Lost Master from Terenthris inside the eastern building.


  • Go north up the coast, picking herbs, and if you don't have the Middle of Gelkak's Key yet, then kill/loot gray Murlocs until you do.
  • Continue north along the coast past Cliffspring River, and if you don't have the Bottom of Gelkak's Key yet, then kill/loot Encrusted Tide Crawlers until you do.
  • OPTIONAL: Go northeast to the Ruins of Mathystra and do a circuit around the Ruins of Mathystra and open every Cat Figurine you see. They're often hiding in tough to find locations, so swivel your camera around as you go so you can see from all different angles. You'll know you're successful when a hostile (Hunter tameable) Ghost Saber spawns that you have to kill for a chance to earn your very own 10 minute pet.

Once you hit max level 25 in Phase 1 of SoD, definitely come back here to farm that Glowing Cat Figurine. You might even consider helping out any level 19 hunters in the area trying to farm the Ghost Saber as a pet. Work together, quickly killing Naga, then if a level 20 Ghost Saber spawns from a cat figurine on the ground, you kill it to try to get your Glowing Cat Figurine (since a level 19 Hunter cannot tame a level 20 mob). If a level 19 Ghost Saber spawns, let the Hunter dismiss his pet, and tame it. If the Hunter gets low on health during the taming process, use a bandage on him for a tic or two between Ghost Saber attacks.

  • Go northeast inland to kill/loot Giant Foreststriders for the top of Gelkak's Key and Moonstalker Sires and Moonstalker Matriarchs for 5 Fine Moonstalker Pelts.
  • Go southwest to the coast to turn in Gyromast's Retrieval (1,550xp, 12s, 110IF, 27Sp) to Gelkak Gyromast and get Gyromast's Revenge.
  • Buff up and make sure your cooldowns are ready, then go south to escort The Threshwackonator 4100. The robot will attack you when you reach Gelkak Gyromast, so be ready to kill him.

Mechanical enemies are immune to poisons and bleeds, so if you have any weightstones/sharpening stones, use those instead of poisons.

  • Turn in Gyromast's Revenge (1,150xp, 9s, 5 Elixir of Water Breathing, 110IF, 28Sp) to Gelkak Gyromast and you can safely throw away Gyromast's Key. Save the Elixirs of Water Breathing to use on underwater quests.
  • Die/rez or return south, picking herbs, to Auberdine.
  • Sell junk, cook up fish/meat, and mail stuff to your bank alt.
  • Turn in A Lost Master (1,550xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Terenthris inside the eastern building and get A Lost Master Pt. 2.
  • Go southeast to the Grove of the Ancients to turn in Mathystra Relics (1,950xp, Hardwood Cudgel, 165D, 42Sp) to Onu.
  • Go southeast to Blackwood Den and carefully stealth your way past furbolgs until you find the cave with Volcor.
  • Buff up and carefully pull and kill single furbolgs in front of the cave entrance until it is cleared.
  • Turn in A Lost Master Pt. 2 (775xp, 55D, 13Sp) to Volcor and get Escape Through Force (which is the tougher quest but provides more Darnassus rep and a better quest reward).

Level 25: Precision 5/5, Darkshore/Ashenvale

  • Make sure your cooldowns are ready, then fight your way out of the cave through three waves of furbolgs until you reach the road.
  • Go southwest towards the Master's Glaive.
  • If you haven't gotten Book: The Powers Below, then grind gray Twilight Disciples and Twilight Thugs at Master's Glaive until you do (could take an hour or more for this Darnassus quest item to drop). Don't accept the quest (yet).

You thought farming a single quest item for up to an hour was annoying, wait until you hear about your 12th rune, the Rune of Main Gauche. You can either farm a total of 60 quest items in three different locations, or you can buy some or all of them from the AH, but for quite a hefty price. You're going to need 16 Shredder Turbochargers (Stonetalon Mountains - Shredder Autosalvage Units), 20 Dark Iron Ordinance (Wetlands - elite Dark Iron Dwarves group farm) and 24 Fish Oil (any level 25+ Murlocs/Naga). And it's not just you. You're competing against ALL of the other classes to acquire those same items for their final rune. Once you've gathered all of that together, go turn it in to Grizzby inside the Ratchet inn on the eastern shore of The Barrens, who will give you a delivery quest, Let Me Make You An Offer, to turn in to Master Wood near the Warrior trainers in Stormwind, then get You've Got Yourself A Deal, to return to Grizzby, who will now sell you the Rune of Main Gauche for 3g. You can safely vendor the Grizzwerks Defense Industries Founder's Certificate.

Now that you've maxed out at Level 25 in Phase 1 of SoD, you can continue questing without gaining any additional experience, so feel free to go back and complete all of the red optional quests you skipped earlier. If your goal is to maximize rep gain while minimizing experience, you could also continue moving forward through this guide until you can't quest any further (due to required level and/or quest difficulty). Or, you might consider completing 20 quests without turning them in, to give yourself a jumpstart once leveling to 40 starts back up in SoD Phase 2. Whatever you decide to do, it's highly recommended that you spend your free time farming herbs/grinding mobs/skinning in Ashenvale (to soak up valuable Silverwing Sentinels rep during Ashenvale World PvP events for gear upgrades), and set your hearth in Darnassus so that you can frequently hearth back for the excellent Boon of Blackfathom.

For those wanting to save up 20 quests, as well as additional quest turn-ins, for maximum XP at the beginning of SoD Phase 2, don't complete quest steps marked as (SoD-P2) and their followups until Phase 2 starts. All other non-marked quest steps can be completed while waiting around at max level 25 if you want to continue questing through this guide.

  • Continue west around Master's Glaive to Remtravel's Excavation.
  • DO NOT turn in The Absent Minded Prospector to Prospector Remtravel (yet).
  • Buff up, then quickly go through the excavation site killing all golems, which are also immune to poisons and bleeds.
  • Quickly return to Prospector Remtravel, turn in The Absent Minded Prospector (1,150xp, 83IF, 21Sp) and get The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 2.
  • Escort him through the excavation site, which should be much easier with the golems cleared out.
  • Be careful when he makes his way back past the second wooden ramp. A caster trogg tossing fireballs will spawn on the hill to the left of that ramp. Kill him quickly.
  • Continue escorting Prospector Remtravel, fighting golems near the entrance as they respawn, until the mission is complete.
  • Go north to Auberdine.


  • Sell junk and repair.
  • (HOLD) Turn in Escape Through Force (1,750xp, 14s, Steadfast Cinch, 110D, 27Sp) to Terenthis inside the eastern building, then wait a few seconds, and get Trek to Ashenvale from Sentinel Selarin who runs in and disappears shortly after.

Quests marked (HOLD) should be held in your quest log until you fill it with quests marked as (SoD-P2), at which point you can start turning in HOLD quests to free up quest slots for better quests that will give more XP on SoD Phase 2 launch day. As a general rule, you want each of your 20 stored up quests to yield 2,600xp or more (to include any quick follow up quests), so backup quests marked (HOLD) will tend to be in the 2,000-2,500xp range (including follow up quests). Depending upon how closely you're following this guide, you may want to save more or less (HOLD) quests. The more you hold onto, the more you'll have to go back and turn in to free up slots for better quests. So, put a priority on keeping higher XP (HOLD) quests that get turned in at major quest hubs until they get replaced.

  • Turn in The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 2. (1,950xp, 165IF, 42Sp) to Archaeologist Hollee outside the northern building and (SoD-P2) get The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 3. Don't pickup this followup quest until SoD Phase 2 launch day, and then turn it in, and its followup quests, for easy XP.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village.


  • Take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • Get the Ancient Statuette and (SoD-P2) get the Book: The Powers Below out of the bank. Leave that book, and all other SoD-P2 quest items, in the bank until launch day.
  • Visit the rogue trainers in Forlorn Cavern to buy any skills and/or poison reagents you need.
  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up your professions.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 3 (1,150xp, Hammerfist Gloves, 83IF, 20Sp) to Chief Archaeologist Greywhisker outside the entrance of the Temple of the Moon and get The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 4.
  • (SoD-P2) Hearth to Ironforge. Instead, return to Auberdine.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Powers Below (1,950xp, 165D, 42Sp) after accepting the quest from the Book: The Powers Below to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Warlock trainer building located in Forlorn Cavern and SKIP Knowledge in the Deeps.
  • (SoD-P2) Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 4 (1,550xp, 110IF, 28Sp) to Archaeologist Flagongut upstairs above the inn but SKIP The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 5.
  • Go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Go southeast to the Grove of the Ancients, buff up and prepare to escort Kerlonian Evershade to Maestra's Post in Ashenvale.
  • Get The Sleeper Has Awakened from Kerlonian Evershade laying on the ground next to the chest east of Onu.

If he isn't there, you'll need to wait for him to appear again, and others may want to group up with you. If so, make sure that each person gets the Horn of Awakening from the chest before you go.

  • Escort Kerlonian Evershade south to Maestra's Post in Ashenvale, using the Horn of Awakening to wake him up when he falls asleep, while staying off the road (if solo) to avoid ambushes.


  • Turn in The Sleeper Has Awakened (1,550xp, Owlsight Rifle, 110D, 28Sp) to Liladris Moonriver in the southern building on the left.
  • Get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 4 from Delgren the Purifier standing by the stones.
  • Get Bathran's Hair from Orendil Broadleaf standing by the stones.


As you continue questing in Ashenvale, join in PVP and help kill a Warsong Outrider combatant during the Battle for Ashenvale World PvP event to get a Warsong Outrider Mark, which you turn in for the weekly quest Repelling Invaders (2,000xp, 1g20s, Silverwing Battle Hymn, 200 SS) to Felore Moonray in the Astranaar Inn. (SoD-P2) The week SoD Phase 2 comes out, don't accept or turn in that quest, and instead save the quest item to turn in on launch day for the free XP.

OPTIONAL: If you've reached Friendly with Silverwing Sentinels from PVP in WSG and Battle for Ashenvale World PvP, leave Astranaar and go along the road far to the east until you reach the Falfarren River, then go south past Silverwing Outpost, all the way to Silverwing Grove, to pickup and turn in the Warsong Gulch PVP quest Sentinel Basic Care Package (270xp, 20 Warsong Gulch Field Ration, 20 Warsong Gulch Silk Bandage, 16s, 10SS) to Illiyana Moonblaze. Those consumables can only be used in WSG. At Friendly, you can also purchase a Rune of Duty (2g), a Resilient Leather Mask (2g50s), and a Trainee's Sentinel Nightsaber mount (10g) for use only in Ashenvale. Return (ride) northwest past Astranaarto Maestra's Post.

  • Go northeast to The Ruins of Ordil'Aran to kill/loot low level Dark Strand Cultists and Dark Strand Adepts for the Glowing Soul Gem.
  • Go north to Bathran's Haunt and zoom in your camera to collect Bathran's Hair from tiny plant bundles on the ground. Note: They don't show up on your Herbalism radar.
  • Return southwest to Maestra's Post.


  • Turn in The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 4 (1,650xp, 110D, 0Sp) to Delgren the Purifier standing by the stones but SKIP The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 5. Note: No spillover seems odd.
  • Turn in Bathran's Hair (775xp, 55D, 13Sp) to Orendil Broadleaf standing by the stones and get Orendil's Cure.


  • Go west to Lake Falathim and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 2 from Teronis' Corpse.
  • Kill/loot low level Murlocs around the lake until you get the Glowing Gem.
  • Go northwest around the mountains, watching for Horde PVP enemies, to turn in The Ancient Statuette (1,150xp, 9s, 82D, 21Sp) to Talen, wait a few seconds while in stealth, check for Horde, then get Ruuzel.
  • Go southeast to Astranaar.


  • Sell junk.
  • (HOLD) Turn in Trek to Ashenvale (220xp, 22D, 5Sp) and Raene's Cleansing Pt. 2 (1,250xp, 83D, 21Sp) to Raene Wolfrunner inside the large northern building and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 3. but SKIP Culling the Threat and An Aggressive Defense. You can now safely throw away Teronis' Journal.
  • Turn in Orendil's Cure (1,950xp, 25s, 165D, 41Sp) to Pelturas Whitemoon located at the southeast end of Astranaar, wait a few seconds, then get Elune's Tear.


  • Go southeast along the road out of Astranaar for a while until you reach the stream on the left, then follow it north to Iris Lake.
  • Stealth onto the island in the middle of the lake to collect an Elune's Tear on the ground, then climb up over the hills to the east, and continue east to the moonwell.
  • Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 3 (825xp, 55D, 14Sp) to Shael'dryn but SKIP Raene's Cleansing Pt. 4.
  • Return southwest to Astranaar.


  • Turn in Elune's Tear (1,750xp, 14s, 110D, 28Sp) to Pelturas Whitemoon, wait a few seconds, and get The Ruins of Stardust.
  • Go far south to The Ruins of Stardust and stealth past enemies onto the island to collect 5 Handfuls of Stardust on bushes, then return north to Astranaar.
  • Turn in The Ruins of Stardust (1,850xp, 15s, 110D, 27Sp) to Pelturas Whitemoon but SKIP Fallen Sky Lake.

Level 26: Dual Wield Specialization 1/5, Stonetalon/Redridge/Wetlands

  • Get On Guard in Stonetalon from Sentinel Thenysil south of the hippogryph master.
  • Get Pridewings of Stonetalon from Shindrell Swiftfire by the hippogryph master but SKIP Kayneth Stillwind.


  • Leave Astranaar going east along the main road until you reach the base of a river on your left. Turn right and go due south over the hills down to Talondeep Path into Stonetalon Mountains.
  • If you still need it, go east to Silverwind Refuge to buy Expert Cookbook (1g) from Shandrina, then return west to Talondeep Path.
  • Go south through the tunnel into Stonetalon Mountains.


Be careful questing in this zone, as you'll be surrounded by similar level Horde.

  • Go southwest, killing/looting Young Pridewings, collecting Deepmoss Spider Eggs (if you have that optional Ratchet quest), and looking for Battered Footlockers to level up your Lockpicking.

When you open the eggs, two level 14 Deepmoss Hatchlings will appear. They're not difficult to deal with, just annoying.

  • Continue southwest, over Blackwolf River to the camp at the southern Webwinder Path intersection.
  • Turn in On Guard in Stonetalon (825xp, 55D, 0Sp) to Kaela Shadowspea and get On Guard in Stonetalon Pt. 2.
  • Turn in On Guard in Stonetalon Pt. 2 (170xp, 28GE, 0Sp) to Gaxim Rustfizzle standing behind her and get A Gnome's Respite, but SKIP Castpipe's Task (if offered).
  • OPTIONAL: Drop down the cliff to the north, then go northwest to the hut. Turn in Ziz Fizziks (420xp, 25Rat) to Ziz Fizziks and get Super Reaper 6000.
  • Go back northeast, looking for Battered Footlockers to level up your Lockpicking, while killing/looting 10 Venture Co. Loggers, 10 Venture Co. Deforesters, Young Pridewings (for Pridewing Venom Sacs) and Venture Co. Operators (for Super Reaper 6000 Blueprints) while collecting 15 Deepmoss Spider Eggs.

If your bags start to get full, you can sell and repair at the Goblin merchant Veenix, who is located in the hills a short way to the north from Ziz Fizziks's hut.

  • As soon as you have completed all quests except Pridewings of Stonetalon, return southwest to the camp at the southern Webwinder Path intersection.
  • Turn in A Gnome's Respite (1,650xp, 110GE, 27Sp) to Gaxim Rustfizzle and get An Old Colleague and A Scroll from Mauren, but SKIP Castpipe's Task (if offered).
  • OPTIONAL: Drop down the cliff to the north, then go northwest to the hut. Turn in Super Reaper 6000 (1,650xp, 100Rat) to Ziz Fizziks and get Further Instructions.
  • Go northwest to Mirkfallon Lake to find a higher concentration of Pridewing mobs to complete Pridewings of Stonetalon.
  • Continue northwest to Stonetalon Peak and take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • Turn in Pridewings of Stonetalon (1,650xp, 13s, 110D, 27Sp) to Shindrell Swiftfire by the hippogryph master but SKIP Kayneth Stillwind.

OPTIONAL: Take a hippogryph flight to Ratchet in The Barrens to turn in Further Instructions (825xp, 50Rat) to Sputtervalve by the gryphon master and get Further Instructions Pt. 2, then turn in Deepmoss Spider Eggs (1,560xp, 25s, 150Rat) to Mebok Mizzyrix standing west of the bank but SKIP Blueleaf Tubers. If you were unable to get a Wailing Caverns group together earlier, then you might try again while you're here. If you already completed Wailing Caverns, then turn in Deviate Eradication (2,050xp, 25s, Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt) to Ebru in the cave above the instance entrance.

  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Sell junk, then purchase (or craft if you have Alchemy) 4 Minor Mana Potions and 2 Elixirs of Minor Fortitude. Also, see if you can cheaply buy 6 Incendicite Ore and 5 Rethban Ore on the AH for two upcoming quests. Get the 4 Minor Mana Potions and 2 Elixirs of Minor Fortitude out of your mail. Leave the quest ore in the mail for storage.
  • Turn in An Old Colleague (825xp, 55GE, 14Sp) to Lomac Gearstrip in Tinker Town and get Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun.
  • Turn in Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun (1,650xp, 110GE, 28Sp) to Lomac Gearstrip and get Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun Pt. 2.
  • Take the Deeprun Tram or a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • Turn in A Scroll from Mauren (825xp, 55SW/GE, 0Sp) to Collin Mauren in southeast Mage Quarter and get Devils in Westfall but SKIP Retrieval for Mauren.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • Go around central and southwest Westfall, picking herbs and killing Dust Devils for 1 Dust Devil Debris. Set your view distance to max to help find them.

OPTIONAL: While you're in Westfall, go southeast to kill Riverpaw Overseers for a chance at an Overseer's Ring if you still need a ring. There are only two Riverpaw Overseers in Westfall, and they're surrounded in crowded camps by other gnolls. Clear a path away from a camp, pull a Riverpaw Overseer from max distance with your ranged weapon, run away, turn and fire again, run further, then gouge him and run to escape all other adds (especially the casters). Return and kill/loot the Riverpaw Overseer. They respawn about every 5 minutes if you wan't to keep trying, however the level 20 Riverpaw Overseers also give about 115XP per kill at your level, so keep that in mind if you're trying to minimize experience. While you wait, you can practice pick pocketing gnolls and evasion tanking any camps of gray gnolls that have treasure chests.

  • Take a gryphon flight back to Stormwind City.


  • Turn in Devils in Westfall (1,650xp, 110SW/GE, 0Sp) to Collin Mauren in southeast Mage Quarter and get Special Delivery for Gaxim but SKIP Retrieval for Mauren.
  • See if you can cheaply buy 6 Incendicite Ore and 5 Rethban Ore on the AH for two upcoming quests.
  • Put all quest ore, the NG-5 and the Scroll of Messaging in the bank, and take out any Spotted Sunfish and the Glyph of Azora.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • Get Blackrock Menace from Marshal Marris next to the bridge.
  • Get Horns of Nez'ra from Arantir on the dock. Note: He does not offer a quest in Classic.
  • Get Selling Fish from Dockmaster Baren outside the Lakeshire Inn if you don't already have it.


  • Go northeast up the road and kill/loot Blackrock Grunts and Blackrock Outrunners for 10 Battleworn Axes and the Horns of Nez'ra (not available in Classic). You'll find a handful of orcs ambushing players along the road (along with Horde players, so be on guard). More orcs can be found at Stonewatch Tower, east of Alther's Mill.
  • Go south to Lake Everstill and kill/loot murlocs for 10 Spotted Sunfish (lower level murlocs can be found on the southern shore).
  • While you're in the area, keep searching for Waterlogged Footlockers in the lake for Lockpicking skill-ups. You'll want to have 110+ Lockpicking skill before you leave.
  • Go east across the lake, then get out and continue east past Stonewatch Keep and the Tower of Ilgalar to the Old Lion Statue.
  • Turn in A Watchful Eye (1,250xp, 0Rep) at the Old Lion Statue and get Looking Further.
  • Go back west to Stonewatch Tower near Alther's Mill, northwest of Stonewatch Keep.
  • Carefully stealth and Distract your way up to the top of the tower.
  • Wait for the roaming elite guard to walk past you, then Garrote, Slice and Dice, Evasion, SS/Riposte, Rupture and Thistle Tea for the kill.
  • Stealth your way over to the other stationary guard, sap him, then open the Empty Jar and immediately click "Complete Quest" to turn in Looking Further (1,300xp, 83SW, 20Sp), then escape or die/rez your way back to Lakeshire.


  • Turn in Blackrock Menace (1,320xp, 13s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Marshal Marris next to the bridge, but SKIP Tharil'Zun.
  • Turn in Selling Fish (1,250xp, 10s, Murloc Fin Soup, Recipe: Murloc Fin Soup, 5 Fishliver Oil, 82SW, 20Sp) to Dockmaster Baren outside the Lakeshire Inn.
  • Turn in Horns of Nez'ra (1,800xp, 10 Thistle Tea) to Arantir on the dock. Note: This quest is not available in Classic.
  • Sell junk and repair. Sell the 5 Fishliver Oil, since it shares a cooldown with your superior Thistle Tea.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • See if you can cheaply buy 6 Incendicite Ore and 5 Rethban Ore on the AH for two upcoming quests. Put the 5 Rethban Ore in the bank, but hold onto the Incendicite Ore.
  • Get An Unsent Letter, Chok'sul's Head, the Scroll of Messaging and get NG-5 out of the bank.
  • Turn in The Unsent Letter (875xp, 7s, 55SW, 14Sp) to Baros Alexston in Cathedral Square and get Bazil Thredd.
  • Go southwest to The Stockade to turn in Bazil Thredd (440xp, 0Rep) to Warden Thelwater but SKIP The Stockade Riots.
  • OPTIONAL: Get A Noble Brew from Zardeth of the Black Claw located at the far southwestern corner of The Mage Quarter in the Warlock Trainer basement of The Slaughtered Lamb (this questline provides no rep).
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Turn in WANTED: Chok'sul (1,750xp, Minor Channeling Ring, armor, 110IF, 27Sp) to Magistrate Bluntnose located at the building up the hill across from the Thelsamar Inn and equip the ring if you don't already have better rings.
  • Get Report to Mountaineer Rockgar and Stonegear's Search from Mountaineer Kadrell walking through Thelsamar.
  • If you have 6 Incendicite Ore, then take a gryphon flight to Ironforge. Otherwise, skip ahead to the Loch Modan section further below.


  • Head out the gate to Dun Morogh.


  • Walk south to Steelgrill's Depot.
  • Turn in Stonegear's Search (460xp, 0Rep) and Search for Incendicite (1,750xp, Beerstained Gloves, 110IF, 27Sp) to Pilot Stonegear.
  • Go back north to Ironforge.


  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Go north past Algaz Station to the tunnel entrance.
  • Turn in Report to Mountaineer Rockgar (170xp, 27IF, 0Sp) and get The Algaz Gauntlet.
  • Go north through the tunnel into the Wetlands.


  • Go north through the Dun Algaz tunnels, killing 8 Dragonmaw Scouts and 6 Dragonmaw Grunts.
  • If you were unable to previously get 6 Incendicite Ore, then ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if anyone has any they wish to sell. The Thelgen Rock cave is just ahead to the northwest, so you might be able to find a miner in that area who could help you out. If so, go to Kharanos to turn in both quests listed above to Pilot Stonegear, then return to Wetlands.
  • Once you leave the tunnels going into Wetlands, go to the gnoll camps east of the road.
  • Carefully kill 15 Mosshide Gnolls and 10 Mosshide Mongrels (they all like to run back to groups for help).
  • Go east into the water and loot a Musquash Root between the two waterfalls south of the small island.
  • Go northwest to Rethiel the Greenwarden, located east of the intersection of the roads by the graveyard.
  • Turn in Tramping Paws (1,000xp) to Rethiel the Greenwarden and get Fire Taboo.
  • Go west and buy Healing Potions from Kixxle near the intersection of the roads by the graveyard.
  • Get Daily Delivery from Einar Stonegrip standing at the intersection, then head west to Menethil Harbor.


  • Turn in The Algaz Gauntlet (1,250xp, 10s, 83IF, 21Sp) to Valstag Ironjaw inside the keep, but SKIP Report to Captain Stoutfist.
  • Turn in Daily Delivery (825xp, 7s, 55SW, 14Sp) to James Halloran standing outside a building in western Menethil Harbor and get Young Crocolisk Skins.
  • Get Claws from the Deep from Karl Boran on the dock.
  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.


  • Go east out of Menethil Harbor, killing/looting/skinning Young Wetlands Crocolisks for 4 Young Crocolisk Skins.
  • Go north across the road to kill 12 Bluegill Murlocs along with Gobbler and loot his head. Also keep an eye out for Battered Footlockers on the ground during your travels (you'll need 110 in Lockpicking in order to open them for additional skill-ups).

Level 27: Dual Wield Specialization 2/5, Wetlands/Stonetalon/Redridge/Ashenvale

  • Return west to Menethil Harbor.


  • Turn in Young Crocolisk Skins (1,750xp, 14s, 110SW, 28Sp) to James Halloran standing outside a building in western Menethil Harbor but SKIP Apprentice's Duties.
  • Turn in Claws from the Deep (1,750xp, 14s, 110SW, 27Sp) to Karl Boran on the dock but SKIP Reclaiming Goods.
  • Go east along the road to the gnoll camps located northwest of the intersection of the roads by the graveyard.
  • Pickpocket/kill/loot Mosshide Gnolls for 9 Crude Flints.

If you aren't already in the habit of pickpocketing humanoids, start now or your Pick Lock skill is going to suffer.

  • Continue further east across the road to Rethiel the Greenwarden.
  • Turn in Fire Taboo (1,850xp, 10 Spongy Morel) to Rethiel the Greenwarden and get Blisters on the Land (you'll hold onto this quest for a while).
  • Go west across the swamp back to Menethil Harbor, killing any Fen Creepers you stumble across (they hide stealthed near waterways).


  • Sell junk and repair.
  • Buy Healing Potions (3s) from Samor Festivus on the top floor of the inn and Dewin Shimmerdawn in the house next to the northern dock.
  • Go around Menethil Harbor looking for pools of Floating Wreckage.
  • When you're done fishing for loot, go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore. While waiting for the ship, get in some more fishing.


  • Take a hippogryph flight to Stonetalon Peak in Stonetalon Mountains.


  • Go southeast to the camp at the southern Webwinder Path intersection.
  • Turn in Special Delivery for Gaxim (675xp, 44GE, 11Sp) and Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun Pt. 2 (675xp, 44GE, 11Sp) to Gaxim Rustfizzle and get Covert Ops - Alpha and Covert Ops - Beta. Note: You can get these two quests together. Alpha is not a prerequisite for Beta.
  • Go northeast across the river to the Lumber Mill. The tiny Venture Co. Engineering Plans are on top of a crate on the left side of the mill. At your level, you should be able to stealth up and grab them, or you can have fun and blow stuff up.
  • Follow the river east to the mine, where you'll find the Venture Co. Documents on a box surrounded by many enemies. Once again, you can blow stuff up at the wagon to cause a distraction, or methodically kill guards in the area to avoid potential issues.
  • Carefully pull single mobs with your ranged weapon to clear out the area around the box as much as possible. Be especially cautious with the spellcasters.
  • Stealth up to the box, use your cooldowns to kill the last few mobs next to it, then grab the Venture Co. Documents.
  • Ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if anyone wants to group up for Gerenzo's Orders.
  • If you can't get a group, then carefully stealth into the right entrance of the mine and follow all left turns until you reach Piznik.
  • Kill all kobolds in Piznik's tunnel, buff up, make sure your cooldowns are ready, then get Gerenzo's Orders from Piznik.
  • Protect Piznik from three waves of attackers. Use Distract to separate half of each group so you don't get overwhelmed. Save your cooldowns/Thistle Tea/Healing Potion for the final wave.
  • Turn in Gerenzo's Orders (2,200xp, 150Rat) to Piznik and get Gerenzo's Orders Pt. 2, then die/rez or return back to the camp at the southern Webwinder Path intersection.
  • Return southwest to the camp at the southern Webwinder Path intersection.
  • Turn in Covert Ops - Alpha (2,200xp, 165GE, 42Sp) and Covert Ops - Beta (2,200xp, 165GE, 41Sp) to Gaxim Rustfizzle and get Kaela's Update but SKIP Castpipe's Task. You can safely throw away the Covert Ops Pack.
  • Turn in Kaela's Update (180xp, 27D, 7Sp) to Kaela Shadowspear nearby and get Enraged Spirits and Wounded Ancients. Note: You can get those two quests together, rather than sequentially.
  • Drop down the cliff to the north, then go northwest to the hut.
  • Turn in Gerenzo's Orders Pt. 2 (1,300xp, 75Rat) to Ziz Fizziks.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Put the Musquash Root in your bank.
  • Visit the Forlorn Cavern to buy any Rogue skills and/or poison reagents you need.
  • Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills and professions.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P2) Get 5 Rethban Ore out of your bank or buy it off the AH if you still need any.
  • Get Speaking of Fortitude from Brother Kristoff outside the Cathedral.
  • Go northeast through the entrance of Stormwind Keep, turn left, then turn right into the Royal Library.
  • Turn in Speaking of Fortitude (200xp, 11SW, 3Sp) to Milton Sheaf and get Brother Paxton.
  • Go out to Elwynn Forest.


  • Go east to Northshire Abbey and turn in Brother Paxton (490xp, 28SW, 7Sp) and get Ink Supplies.
  • Go east to Redridge Mountains.


  • Get Shadow Magic from Marshal Marris by the bridge but SKIP Tharil'zun.
  • Turn in Ink Supplies (490xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Foreman Oslow and (SoD-P2) get Rethban Ore.
  • Get Solomon's Law from Bailiff Conacher inside the main building.
  • (SoD-P2) Get An Unwelcome Guest from Martie Jainrose in western Lakeshire. This quest can easily be completed for a quick 1,950xp on SoD Phase 2 launch day, since you can virtually see your target from the quest giver.
  • If you were not able to buy 5 Rethban Ore on the AH, then (SoD-P2) see if you can buy some from anyone in Redridge Mountains. Otherwise, you'll need to kill/loot Redridge Drudgers in the cave to the northwest.
  • (SoD-P2) Go to the western end of the lake to kill/loot Bellygrub. You may need to group up if others are also waiting.
  • Go to the far northeast to the gnoll camps, buff up and carefully kill/loot single, low level Rabid Shadowhide Gnolls and Shadowhide Gnolls for Shadowhide Pendants and (hopefully) a Glowing Shadowhide Pendant (don't accept the quest if you do get it).

If you don't get a Glowing Shadowhide Pendant, you can come back a level or two later to grind gnolls for it after they're gray.

  • Go southwest to Stonewatch Keep and carefully kill/loot solo elite Blackrock Shadowcasters for 3 Midnight Orbs, using your cooldowns and Thistle Tea to defeat them.

When fighting around these elites, you may need to sap a nearby orc and run around a corner to draw out the Blackrock Shadowcaster for the kill, then vanish to escape the sapped orc. Consider briefly grouping up for this tough quest, but don't stay in the group too long, or you may pick up too much unwanted XP from all of the other orcs being killed.

  • After you get 3 Midnight Orbs, die/rez back to the Lakeshire graveyard, or swim back while searching for Waterlogged Footlockers in the lake for Lockpicking skill-ups.
  • (HOLD) Turn in Shadow Magic (2,300xp, 30s, 165SW, 41Sp) to Marshal Marris by the bridge but SKIP Tharil'zun.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in Solomon's Law (1,850xp, 15s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Bailiff Conacher inside the large building.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in An Unwelcome Guest (1,950xp, 17s, Bouquet of Scarlet Begonias, 110SW, 27Sp) to Martie Jainrose in western Lakeshire.
  • (SoD-P2) Go west to Elwynn Forest.


  • (SoD-P2) If you looted the Glowing Shadowhide Pendant, go west to Azora's Tower to accept the quest and turn in Theocritus' Retrieval (1,400xp, 12s, 3 Restoring Balm, 83SW, 21Sp) to Theocritus and SKIP Morganth. The Restoring Balms share a cooldown with Thistle Tea, so you should probably just sell them. Note: You can pick up the quest Morganth later from the Old Lion Statue in eastern Redridge Mountains.
  • (SoD-P2) Go northwest to turn in Rethban Ore (975xp, 55SW, 13Sp) to Brother Paxton at Northshire Abbey and get Return to Kristoff.
  • Go to Stormwind City.


  • Put the 3 Midnight Orbs, 10 Shadowhide Pendants and the Glowing Shadowhide Pendant (if you got it) in the bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Go to Cathedral Square to turn in Return to Kristoff (1,950xp, Wandering Boots, 110SW, 27Sp) to Brother Kristoff outside the Cathedral.
  • Go west to The Park to get The Corruption Abroad from Argos Nightwhisper near the Druid trainers.
  • If you plan to quest in Blackfathom Deeps, then ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if a Blackfathom Deeps group is forming as you go around picking up all of the dungeon quests. In SoD, Blackfathom Deeps is a 10-man raid at Phase 1 max level 25, but with mostly the same quests, so save all Blackfathom Deeps quests for level 25.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • OPTIONAL: Get Knowledge in the Deeps (Blackfathom Deeps quest) from Gerrig Bonegrip in the Warlock trainer building located in the Forlorn Cavern.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.
  • Go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore.


  • Turn in The Corruption Abroad (1,450xp, 13s, 82D, 20Sp) to Gershala Nightwhisper in Auberdine under the "gazebo" and get Researching the Corruption (Blackfathom Deeps quest).
  • Get Baron Aquanis (a new Blackfathom Deeps quest for Alliance in SoD) from Davidus Voidstar in the inn.
  • If you plan to quest in Blackfathom Deeps, take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village, then take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.
  • Get Twilight Falls (Blackfathom Deeps quest) from Argent Guard Manados in the Craftmen Terrace in Darnassus.
  • Get In Search of Thaelrid (Blackfathom Deeps quest) from Dawnwatcher Shaedlass in the Craftmen Terrace in Darnassus. Apparently this quest is not available in SoD.
  • Take the glowing teleporter back to Rut'Theran Village.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • Get Culling the Threat and An Aggressive Defense from Raene Wolfrunner inside the large northern building in Astranaar.
  • Go due north of Astranaar, over the mountains to Thistlefur Village to kill/loot Dal Bloodclaw. Wait for him to walk out of the camp before you attack.
  • Go west around the mountains to Maestra's Post.
  • Get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 5 from Delgren the Purifier standing by the stones.
  • Go south down the road towards The Shrine of Aessina, but before you reach The Shrine of Aessina, turn left at the small pools of water, go up the hill to the southeast past spiders and wolves, then further up a path into the mountains stealthing past Felhunters and Felguards to the Fire Scar Shrine, to quickly kill/loot Ilkrud Magthrull, then Vanish.
  • Return north to Maestra's Post.
  • Turn in The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 5 (1,950xp, Clergy Ring, 110D, 0Sp) to Delgren the Purifier standing by the stones and SKIP The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 6.

The next quest, while being listed as a level 24 solo quest, is very tough to complete alone, so it's highly recommended to form a group. Try not to skip this quest as it gives a nice 220 Darnassus rep.

  • Get Supplies to Auberdine from Feero Ironhand standing by the stones. If he's not there, then wait for him to return from the escort quest.
  • Escort Feero Ironhand north along the road, keeping him alive through three ambushes from multiple enemies, until you reach Darkshore and complete the quest. The final ambush will be the toughest, with two level 24 casters and a level 24 melee. Save all of your cooldowns and consumables for that fight if going solo.
  • Go west past the mountains to Zoram's Strand and out to the northwestern island.
  • If you plan to quest in Blackfathom Deeps, check again in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels to see if a group is forming while you're in the area.
  • Use Distract and Sap to separate Ruuzel from her two guards, quickly kill/loot her and Vanish, then go southeast to Talen's campsite.
  • Turn in Ruuzel (2,550xp, Robes of Antiquity, 165D, 41Sp) to Talen.

OPTIONAL: If you plan to quest in the dungeon Blackfathom Deeps (Yes), then follow the steps below.

  • Go northwest to the entrance of Blackfathom Deeps along the coast.
  • While in Blackfathom Deeps, pick up the Strange Water Globe from the body of Baron Aquanis, turn in In Search of Thaelrid (2,400xp, 150D) to Argent Guard Thaelrid located in the southwest alcove of the turtle boss room (this breadcrumb quest is not available in SoD) and get Blackfathom Villainy, collect 8 Corrupted Brain Stems from naga and demons, get the Lorgalis Manuscript from the Pitted Iron Chest (located underwater in the northern end of The Pool of Ask'ar after the turtle room, surrounded by seaweed and guarded by naga), and collect 10 Twilight Pendants from Twilight Hammer cultists.
  • If you get the Perfect Blackfathom Pearl from Aku'mai, turn in The Heart of the Void (0xp, Avenger's Void Pearl, 200IF) to Dawnwatcher Selgorm in the Craftmen Terrace in Darnassus.
  • (Sod-P1) / (SoD-P2) Turn in Baron Aquanis (2,750xp, 150D/SW/IF) to Davidus Voidstar in the Auberdine Inn in Darkshore. You can turn it in during SoD-P1 to get access to the teleporter to Zoram Strand, or hold the quest until (SoD-P2) for 2,750xp.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Researching the Corruption (2,400xp or 2,750xp in SoD, 150D) to Gershala Nightwhisper in Auberdine in Darkshore.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Knowledge in the Deeps (2,750xp or 3,300xp in SoD, 50IF) to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge.
  • At level 30, (SoD-P2) turn in Twilight Falls (2,550xp or 2,750xp in SoD, 150D) to Argent Guard Manados in the Craftmen Terrace in Darnassus.
  • At level 32, (SoD-P2) turn in Blackfathom Villainy (3,300xp also 3,300xp in SoD, 200D) to Dawnwatcher Selgorm in the Craftmen Terrace in Darnassus.

  • (SoD-P2) Go back east to Maestra's Post.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Supplies to Auberdine (2,900xp, 50s, Everglow Lantern, 220D, 0Sp) to Delgren the Purifier standing by the stones.
  • Go southeast to Astranaar.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in Culling the Threat (2,000xp, 18s, 2 Restoring Balm, 110D, 28Sp) to Raene Wolfrunner in the large northern building.
  • Continue east along the road, past the river on the left, towards Greenpaw Village until you reach the Foulweald furbolg camps along the south side of the road.
  • Kill 1 Foulweald Den Watcher, 2 Foulweald Ursas, 10 Foulweald Totemics, and 12 Foulweald Warriors.

Level 28: Dual Wield Specialization 3/5, Ashenvale/Wetlands/Duskwood

  • Go south to Silverwind Refuge.
  • Buy Expert Cookbook (1g) from Shandrina if you still need it.
  • Get Elemental Bracers from Sentinel Velene Starstrike.
  • Kill Befouled Water Elementals around Mystral Lake to collect 5 Intact Elemental Bracers, then use the Divining Scroll on the entire group after they have all been collected.
  • Turn in Elemental Bracers (1,950xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Sentinel Velene Starstrike and get Mage Summoner.
  • Go north back to the main road, then east across the Falfarren River, past Silverwing Outpost, then turn south at the next intersection.

OPTIONAL: Go to Silverwing Grove, south of Silverwing Outpost, to get the Warsong Gulch PVP quest Vanquish the Invaders! from Sentinel Farsong (Not available until Classic Phase 3). Save the quest for later.

  • Follow the road south until you reach the The Mor'Shan Rampart. Slip through the opening on the far left side to enter The Barrens.


  • Go south down Gold Road until it veers southeast, then leave the road, continue south and go straight up the ridgeline to the top of Dreadmist Peak.
  • When you get as high as you can, go around to the left and higher up to the very top of the summit.
  • Kill/loot Sarilus Foulborne.
  • Go back down the mountain, then head southeast while picking herbs and killing/looting/skinning mobs on your way to Ratchet.


  • Grab the Ratchet FP if you haven't already.
  • Take a hippogryph flight back to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • Turn in An Aggressive Defense (1,950xp, 17s, 10 Moist Conbread, 10 Melon Juice, 110D, 28Sp) to Raene Wolfrunner in the large northern building.
  • Return southeast to Silverwind Refuge.
  • (HOLD) Turn in Mage Summoner (2,550xp, Light of Elune, 165D, 41Sp) to Sentinel Velene Starstrike.
  • This will be your last chance to go to Blackfathom Deeps for a while, so check again in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels for a group if you still need to.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Visit the various profession trainers to level up your professions. Put Sarilus Foulborne's Head and all Blackfathom Deeps quest items in the bank.
  • See if you can buy a Bronze Tube (8s) from Gearcutter Cogspinner in Tinker Town (for the quest Look To The Stars in Duskwood).
  • Visit the Forlorn Cavern to buy any Rogue skills (Instant Poison Rank 2 for 72s) and/or poison reagents you need.

OPTIONAL: Pick up some PVP quests and also complete a couple of Rogue class quests for Ravenholdt rep.

  • (SoD-P1) Learn Detect Traps (45s) from a Rogue Trainer and click "May I have it, please." to get the Elegant Letter (don't accept the quest yet). This optional Rogue quest turn-in gives 1,950xp, but is out of the way, so it's up to you. Follow the next few (SoD-P2) steps if you wish to turn it in.
  • (SoD-P2) Take a gryphon flight to Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands. None of the Arathi Basin quests are available until SoD Phase 2. So, skip ahead and fly to Southshore (for the optional Ravenholdt quest) or Wetlands.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Drovnar Strongbrew.
  • Get Fight for Warsong Gulch and Claiming Arathi Basin from Alliance Brigadier General.
  • Get The Battle for Arathi Basin! from Field Marshal Oslight. Note: This quest may not be available in Phase 1.
  • Get Arathi Basin Mark of Honor and/or Arathi Basin Resources! from Sergeant Maclear. Note: These quests may not be available in Phase 1.
  • You can queue up for Arathi Basin here or save those PVP quests for level 29. If you queue up later from a capital city, you'll still need to return to Refuge Point to turn in most of these Arathi Basin quests.
  • Once you've completed Vanquish the Invaders! and Arathi Basin Resources!, you can then pick up Talismans of Merit and More Resource Crates to turn in for even more honor.
  • Go west along the main road to Hillsbrad Foothills while avoiding the traveling group of Forsaken Bodyguards.


  • (SoD-P2) Go north past Durnholde Keep and up the mountain path (due north of the letter "H" in Durnholde) to Ravenholdt Manor.
  • (SoD-P2) Before entering the cave, click on the Elegant Letter to accept the quest The Manor, Ravenholdt. Go through the cave, get close to the trapped chest (but do not open it) to complete The Rite of Cunning, then continue through the cave.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Manor, Ravenholdt (1,950xp) to Fahrad.
  • Go back south to Durnholde Keep and pickpocket Syndicate Emblems (you may need up to 30 emblems to reach Friendly).
  • Go north back to Ravenholdt Manor.
  • Turn in all Syndicate Emblems to a Ravenholdt Guard until you reach Friendly with Ravenholdt.
  • (SoD-P2) Go west to the river, then follow it south to Southshore and get the FP (if you haven't already).
  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Nandar Branson in the small building next to the inn.

  • (SoD-P2) Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.
  • If you still need one, buy a Bronze Tube (8s) from Neal Allen in the Menethil Keep.
  • Get The Absent Minded Prospector Pt. 5 from Archaeologist Flagongut upstairs above the inn.
  • (HOLD) Get Digging Through the Ooze from Sida standing outside the building several doors down from the inn.
  • (SoD-P2) Get In Search of The Excavation Team from Tarrel Rockweaver standing on the bridge outside Menethil Harbor.


  • Go east to Whelgar's Excavation Site, then up the mountain path and across the bridge.
  • Get Ormer's Revenge from Ormer Ironbraid.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in In Search of The Excavation Team (975xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to Merrin Rockweaver in the cave and (SKIP) get In Search of The Excavation Team Pt. 2.
  • Loot Flagongut's Fossil from the floor next to Merrin Rockweaver.
  • Go back down the path, then go west out of Whelgar's Excavation Site.
  • Kill/loot 10 Mottled Screechers and 10 Mottled Raptors while also killing any Black Oozes you see to hopefully get Sida's Bag.
  • Once you've finished killing 10 Mottled Screechers and 10 Mottled Raptors and have the Stone of Relu (which drops from either of those), return to Whelgar's Excavation Site.
  • Turn in Ormer's Revenge (1,950xp, 17s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Ormer Ironbraid and SKIP Ormer's Revenge Pt. 2.
  • Leave Whelgar's Excavation Site and continue killing/looting low level oozes throughout Wetlands until you get Sida's Bag. Feel free to abandon this Ironforge rep quest if you grow weary of trying.
  • Return west to Menethil Harbor.


  • Repair and sell junk (but save all Raptor Eggs).
  • Turn in In Search of The Excavation Team Pt. 2 (490xp, 28IF, 7Sp) to Tarrel Rockweaver standing on the bridge outside Menethil Harbor.
  • (HOLD) Turn in Digging Through the Ooze (2,400xp, 35s, Ooze-covered Bag, 165IF, 41Sp) to Sida standing outside the building several doors down from the inn.
  • Turn in The Absent Minded Prospector (2,400xp, weapon, 165IF, 41Sp) to Archaeologist Flagongut upstairs above the inn.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • (HOLD) Get all Vials of Spider Venom and (SoD-P2) Lean Wolf Flanks out of your bank. Put all Raptor Eggs in the bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Get the Bronze Tube out of your bank or mailbox. If you still need one, buy a Bronze Tube (8s) from Billibub Cogspinner in the Dwarven District, otherwise check the AH.
  • (SoD-P2) Buy 1 Stormwind Seasoning Herbs from Felicia Gump located in the eastern canal side of the Trade District.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • If you still need one, buy a Bronze Tube from Herble Baubbletump standing outside the building across the road from the gryphon master.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Look To The Stars (2,000xp, 110SW, 28Sp) to Viktori Prism'Antras in the easternmost building in Darkshire and (SKIP) get Look To The Stars Pt. 2.
  • Get The Hermit from Elaine Carevin in the southeastern building.
  • Get The Night Watch from Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building in western Darkshire.
  • Set your hearthstone at the Darkshire Inn.


  • Go northwest to Abercrombie's shack north of the Raven Hill Cemetery, while killing/looting wolves/spiders if you still need 10 Lean Wolf Flanks or 5 Vials of Spider Venom.
  • Turn in The Hermit (1,000xp, 55SW, 13Sp) to Abercrombie and get Supplies from Darkshire. Note: Nearly the entire Abercrombie questline after this quest gives no rep, however the final quest does, so none of these quests will be listed as optional.
  • Go west to Sven Yorgen's camp.
  • Get Sven's Revenge from Sven Yorgen.
  • Go southeast to the Night Watch intersection.
  • Get Watcher Callahan from Watcher Dodds (if the quest is available) at the Night Watch intersection. Note: This quest is not available in Classic.
  • Go southeast to Yorgen's Farmstead and carefully stealth up to the mound of loose dirt behind the large tree stump between the two buildings. Sap/kill surrounding enemies and Vanish to complete the job.
  • Turn in Sven's Revenge (1,000xp, 55SW, 14Sp) at the mound of loose dirt and get Sven's Camp.
  • Go northwest back to Sven Yorgen's camp.
  • Turn in Sven's Camp (1,000xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Sven Yorgen and get The Shadowy Figure.
  • Hearth to Darkshire.


  • Repair and sell junk.
  • If you have the quest Watcher Callahan, continue along the road to the far northeast to turn it in to Watcher Callahan, then return to Darkshire.
  • Turn in Supplies from Darkshire (490xp, 0Rep) and The Shadowy Figure (500xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Madame Eva in the building down the hill just to the west of the gryphon master and get Ghost Hair Thread and The Shadowy Search Continues but SKIP The Legend of Stalvan.
  • Turn in The Shadowy Search Continues (200xp, 0Rep) to Clerk Daltry in the large building in western Darkshire and get Inquire at the Inn.
  • Turn in Inquire at the Inn (200xp, 0Rep) to Tavernkeep Smitts inside the inn and get Finding the Shadowy Figure.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Seasoned Wolf Kabobs (2,000xp, 18s, 4 Seasoned Wolf Kabob, Recipe: Seasoned Wolf Kabob, 110SW, 27Sp) to Chef Grual.


  • Go southeast to Blind Mary's house, located east of the Darkshire graveyard.
  • Turn in Ghost Hair Thread (490xp, 0Rep) and Look To The Stars Pt. 2 (1,000xp, 0Rep) to Blind Mary and get Return the Comb and Look To The Stars Pt. 3.
  • Go south to The Tranquil Gardens Cemetery.
  • Kill/loot 8 Skeletal Warriors and 6 Skeletal Mages for 10 Skeleton Fingers and kill the Insane Ghoul for Mary's Looking Glass.

As you're looting humanoid mobs in Duskwood, keep an eye out for An Old History Book which leads to a level 25 Stormwind quest. If you get it, don't take the quest yet.

  • Hearth or return northeast to Darkshire.


  • Turn in Look To The Stars Pt. 3 (1,500xp, 82SW, 21Sp) to Viktori Prism'Antras in the easternmost building in Darkshire but SKIP Look To The Stars Pt. 4.
  • Turn in Return the Comb (200xp, 1s75c, 0Rep) to Madame Eva in the building down the hill just to the west of the gryphon master and get Deliver the Thread but SKIP The Legend of Stalvan.
  • Turn in The Night Watch (1,450xp, 17s, 83SW, 20Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building in western Darkshire and get The Night Watch Pt. 2.


  • Go west along the road to Raven Hill, avoiding Stitches if you see him.
  • Turn in Finding the Shadowy Figure (1,000xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Jitters at Raven Hill and get Return to Sven.
  • Go north to Abercrombie's shack.
  • Turn in Deliver the Thread (1,450xp, 13s, 0Rep) to Abercrombie in his shack north of the Raven Hill Cemetery and get Zombie Juice.
  • Go west to Sven Yorgen's camp.
  • Turn in Return to Sven (500xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Sven Yorgen and SKIP Proving Your Worth.
  • Hearth or return east to Darkshire (or go west across the river to Sentinel Hill in Westfall and fly back to Darkshire).


  • Turn in Zombie Juice (490xp, 0Rep) to Tavernkeep Smitts inside the inn and get Gather Rot Blossoms.

Level 29: Dual Wield Specialization 4/5, Duskwood/Redridge


  • Go west to Raven Hill, avoiding Stitches if you see him.
  • Kill/loot 15 Skeletal Fiends and 15 Skeletal Horrors while gathering 8 Rot Blossoms.
  • Hearth or return east to Darkshire (or go west across the river to Sentinel Hill in Westfall and fly back to Darkshire).


  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in The Night Watch Pt. 2 (2,100xp, 20s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building in western Darkshire and get The Night Watch Pt. 3.
  • Turn in Gather Rot Blossoms (975xp, 0Rep) to Tavernkeep Smitts inside the inn and get Juice Delivery.


  • Go northwest to Abercrombie's shack north of the Raven Hill Cemetery.
  • Turn in Juice Delivery (975xp, 17s, 0Rep) to Abercrombie and get Ghoulish Effigy.
  • Buff up and kill/loot 20 Plague Spreaders in and around the tomb while gathering 10 Ghoul Fangs and 7 Ghoul Ribs.
  • Turn in Ghoulish Effigy (1,650xp, 22s, 0Rep) to Abercrombie and SKIP Ogre Thieves.
  • Hearth or return east to Darkshire.


  • Repair and sell junk.
  • (HOLD) Turn in The Night Watch Pt. 3 (2,450xp, 25s, Gunnysack of the Night Watch, 110SW, 27Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building in western Darkshire.
  • (HOLD) Turn in The Totem of Infliction (2,550xp, Totem of Infliction, 165SW, 41Sp) to Madame Eva in the building down the hill just to the west of the gryphon master but SKIP The Legend of Stalvan.
  • From the Darkshire FP, climb over the rocks to the north until you reach the southern edge of Manor Mistmantle.
  • Stealth past or kill any nearby Fetid Corpses and loot a Tear of Tilloa in the middle of the field, then return south to the Darkshire FP.
  • If you still haven't gotten An Old History Book from a mob in Duskwood, then you can go kill/loot gray skeletons in the Tranquil Garden Cemetery to the southeast until it drops (or you give up trying). That quest eventually leads to three more quests.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills and professions. Get the Musquash Root out of the bank (if you have it). Put 10 Skeleton Finger and 10 Ghoul Fang in the bank.
  • Set your hearthstone at the Stormwind Inn.
  • From now on, start checking the AH for a cheap weapon upgrade in the 30-35 level range. Sometimes, you can get a really good deal on a Midnight Mace, Scorpion Sting, Excavator's Brand or Fight Club.
  • (SoD-P1) If you got it, turn in An Old History Book (1,500xp, 14s, 83SW, 21Sp) to Milton Sheaf in the Stormwind Library in northeast Stormwind City and SKIP Southshore. Don't accept the quest for An Old History Book until you're ready to lock in your final 20th quest for SoD Phase 2 further below.
  • Turn in A Noble Brew (2,450xp, 25s) to Zardeth of the Black Claw located at the far southwestern corner of The Mage Quarter in the Warlock Trainer basement of The Slaughtered Lamb and (SoD-P2) get A Noble Brew Pt. 2.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Noble Brew Pt. 2 (2,450xp, 25s) to Lord Baurles K. Wishock in the Stormwind Keep and watch him die.

OPTIONAL: Get in some level 29 PVP at the top of the 20-29 bracket while completing your PVP quests. Go to Stormwind Keep, located in the far northeast part of Stormwind, then speak to Elfarran to queue up for Warsong Gulch or Lady Hoteshem to queue up for Arathi Basin. After completing your PVP quests, you'll need to return to Refuge Point and/or Silverwing Grove to turn in most of those quests.

At this point, if you're unable to fit in four quests because your quest log will be too full from saving quests for SoD Phase 2, it's time to start turning in some lower XP (HOLD) quests (quests that give less than 2,300xp). Make sure that you grab any quest items out of the bank needed for (HOLD) quests that you'll be turning in.

  • Take a gryphon flight to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.


  • Get Blackrock Bounty from Guard Howe by the bridge.
  • Get Howling in the Hills from Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed.


  • Go north to the northermost gnoll camp, located east of the Rethban Caverns, where you'll find Yowler and a bunch of gnolls.
  • Garrote Yowler, pop Evasion, burst him down, loot Yowler's Paw and Vanish.
  • Go southeast to the road, follow it north to Render's Camp, then stealth your way northwest into Render's Rock.

Try to join a group here, and for all remaining Redridge quests. You'll frequently see people asking to form/join elite group quests.

  • Carefully kill Blackrock Champions (and all other orcs in your path) as you make your way along the left down into the cave.
  • Check one last time for a group. You can solo this next quest, but it will be very challenging.
  • Get Missing In Action from Corporal Keeshan located in a small alcove at the bottom of the caves. If he's not there, you'll have to wait around a few minutes for him to return.
  • Protect Corporal Keeshan on the journey back to Lakeshire.


  • Turn in Howling in the Hills (2,000xp, Ring of Iron Will, 110SW, 28Sp) to Verner Osgood under the blacksmith shed.
  • Turn in Blackrock Bounty (2,000xp, 18s, 110SW, 27Sp) to Guard Howe by the bridge.
  • Turn in Missing In Action (2,550xp, armor, 165SW, 41Sp) to Marshal Marris by the bridge. Or (HOLD) this quest if you have 4+ quest slots available.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Get Tharil'zun from Marshal Marris by the bridge.
  • Get Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg from the sign posted on the arch outside the large building.
  • Get Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore from the sign outside the inn.


  • Go far to the east, past Stonewatch Keep and the Tower of Ilgalar, to the Old Lion Statue, and get the quest Morganth.
  • Join an Elites group (if you haven't already) and go southwest to Stonewatch Keep to kill/loot Tharil'zun outside the keep and Gath'Ilzogg at the top of the keep.
  • Go northeast to the gnoll camps (still with your group hopefully) to kill/loot Lieutenant Fangore.
  • If you weren't able to loot the Glowing Shadowhide Pendant earlier, then take this opportunity to kill/loot low level gnolls with your group until you do (but don't accept the quest).
  • Go to the top of The Tower of Ilgalar (with your group) to kill/loot Morganth. You can solo him, but it will take just about everything you've got to kill/loot him.
  • Once you've completed those elite kill quests, keep killing gnolls until you've looted the Glowing Shadowhide Pendant.
  • Swim back to Lakeshire, while searching for Waterlogged Footlockers in the lake for Lockpicking skill-ups.


  • (HOLD) Turn in Tharil'zun (2,550xp, weapon, 165SW, 41Sp) to Marshal Marris by the bridge.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg (2,650xp, 40s, 165SW, 40Sp) and (SoD-P2) turn in Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore (2,650xp, 40s, 165SW, 42Sp) to Magistrate Solomon inside the large building.
  • (SoD-P2) Go west to Elwynn Forest.


  • (SoD-P2) Go west to Azora's Tower.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Morganth (2,750xp, Rose Mantle, 165SW, 41Sp) and (SoD-P2) turn in Theocritus' Retrieval (if you looted the Glowing Shadowhide Pendant) to Theocritus.

Level 30: Blade Flurry 1/1, Wetlands/Stonetalon

From this point forward, you'll start to get less Alliance faction rep quests than you need to level and will probably want to supplement with optional non-Alliance quests, dungeons and/or grinding to stay above level.

Your SoD Phase 2 quest log should be almost completely filled with 20 of the best quests (and questlines) that all give 2,500xp or more (including leadup/followup quests). From this point forward, you should skip all quests and quest steps unless they are specifically marked (SoD-P1), and you will need to turn in the lowest XP (HOLD) quest for each new (SoD-P1) quest that isn't already included on one of your current questlines.

  • (SoD-P1) Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P1) Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills and professions.
  • Visit the SI:7 Headquarters to buy Rogue skills (Sinister Strike Rank 5, Deadly Poison Rank 1) and any poison reagents you need.

Deadly Poison combines well with Garrote and Rupture when you want to bleed enemies to death with multiple DoTs. Use it against Elite mobs and to help kill off runners before they get too far.

  • (SoD-P1) Go to the bank and empty out your bags as much as possible. Put the Pendant of Shadow, Head of Gath'Ilzogg, Fangore's Paw, Glowing Shadowhide Pendant and Tharil'zun's Head in the bank.
  • Get Retrieval for Mauren from Collin Mauren located on the southeast side of the Mage Quarter.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.
  • Get Reclaiming Goods from Karl Boran on the dock.
  • Get Apprentice's Duties from James Halloran standing outside a building in western Menethil Harbor.
  • (SoD-P2) Get Fall of Dun Modr from Harlo Barnaby lying on the ground outside the entrance of Menethil Keep.


  • Go north to the first coastal Murloc camp just beyond the graveyard.
  • Turn in Reclaiming Goods (500xp, 2 Healing Potions, 27SW, 7Sp) at the Damaged Crate and get The Search Continues.
  • Go north to the second coastal Murloc camp.
  • Turn in The Search Continues (500xp, 10 Dwarven Mild, 28SW, 7Sp) at the Sealed Barrel and get Search More Hovels.
  • Go north to the third coastal Murloc camp.
  • Turn in Search More Hovels (1,000xp, 55SW, 14Sp) at the Half-buried Barrel and get Return the Statuette.
  • Go further north along the coast to kill/loot/skin Giant Wetlands Crocolisks for 6 Giant Crocolisk Skins.
  • (SoD-P1) Go east through the swamp, killing the remaining Fen Creepers you still need (they hide stealthed near waterways).
  • Return to Menethil Harbor.


  • Repair, sell junk and empty out your bags.
  • Turn in Apprentice's Duties (2,100xp, armor, Recipe: Crocolisk Gumbo, 110SW, 28Sp) to James Halloran standing outside a building in western Menethil Harbor.
  • Turn in Return the Statuette (1,500xp, Mariner Boots, 82SW, 20Sp) to Karl Boran on the dock.


  • (SoD-P2) Go east to turn in Blisters on The Land (2,650xp, Phytoblade) to Rethiel the Greenwarden.
  • (HOLD) Go north and continue killing/looting Black Oozes around Ironbeard's Tomb if you still need Sida's Bag.
  • (SoD-P1) Go further north to Dun Modr.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Fall of Dun Modr (1,000xp, 55IF, 13Sp) to Longbraid the Grim.

(SoD-P1) Get The Dark Iron War from Motley Garmason and A Grim Task (Not available until Level 26) from Longbraid the Grim, both of which are elite group quests. Otherwise, save these quests for later. Join or form a group to kill 10 Dark Iron Dwarves, 5 Dark Iron Tunnelers, 5 Dark Iron Saboteurs and 5 Dark Iron Demolitionists in the camps across the road to the southeast at Direforge Hill (which is easier than fighting them in the tight quarters of Dun Modr). Also, kill/loot Balgaras the Foul. (SoD-P1) Turn in The Dark Iron War (2,450xp, 25s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Motley Garmason and get The Fury Runs Deep. Save the turn in for A Grim Task for later.

  • (SoD-P1) Go southwest back to Menethil Harbor.


  • (SoD-P1) Repair, sell junk and empty out your bags.
  • (SoD-P1) Go out to the left (southern) dock and take the ship to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh.


  • (SoD-P1) Grab the Theramore Isle FP (if you haven't already).
  • (SoD-P1) Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Uma Bartulm in the small building next to the sawmill in western Theramore Isle.

(SoD-P2) OPTIONAL: Take a hippogryph flight to Ratchet in The Barrens to work on some dungeon quests.

  • (SoD-P2) Accept the quest from The Glowing Shard, then talk to Sputtervalve by the gryphon master and get The Glowing Shard Pt. 2.
  • (SoD-P2) Go west to the Wailing Caverns, located at the base of the mountain southwest of Crossroads.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Glowing Shard Pt. 2 (2,650xp) to Falla Sagewind in the building on the mountain above Wailing Caverns and get In Nightmares.
  • (SoD-P2) Return east to Ratchet, take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village, then take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in In Nightmares (2,000xp, Talbar Mantle, 100D) to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave in northwestern Darnassus.
  • Take the glowing teleporter back to Rut'Theran Village.

  • (SoD-P1) Take a hippogryph flight to Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains.


  • Get Reclaiming the Charred Vale from Keeper Albagorm located by the moonwell.
  • (SoD-P1) Go south along the road, then southwest into the Charred Vale on your right.
  • Kill/loot basilisks for 8 Crystalized Scales while also killing 7 Bloodfury Harpies, 7 Bloodfury Ambushers, 7 Bloodfury Slayers and 7 Bloodfury Roguefeathers.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill/loot low level fire elementals for 8 Smoldering Embers and treants for 1 Corroded Shrapnel.
  • (SoD-P1) Go southeast to the camp at the southern Webwinder Path intersection.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Enraged Spirits (2,100xp, 20s, 110D, 28Sp) and Wounded Ancients (2,300xp, 25s, 110D, 27Sp) to Kaela Shadowspear and get Update for Sentinel Thenysil.
  • Get Castpipe's Task from Gaxim Rustfizzle. Not available in SoD Phase 1.
  • Drop down the cliff to the north, then go northwest to the hut.
  • Turn in Further Instructions (1,100xp, 50Rat) to Ziz Fizziks and get Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle.
  • Follow the base of the mountains north to Blackwolf River, and further north to Cragpool Lake.
  • Go to the fear eastern end of the lake, climb the path going northwest up the cliffside, then continue along the ramps until you reach the big water wheel to kill/loot Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle. Be careful of any adds around him tossing dynamite. Once he's dead, continue following the ramps around to the back side (west side) of the water wheel, where you'll find Nizzik, who can repair and buy/sell items.
  • Jump down into the lake, then return southwest to Ziz Fizziks's hut.
  • Turn in Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle (2,200xp, 22s, Draftsman Boots, 100Rat) to Ziz Fizziks.
  • (SoD-P1) Go all the way northwest along the road to Stonetalon Peak.
  • Turn in Reclaiming the Charred Vale (2,200xp, 110D, 28Sp) to Keeper Albagorm and (SoD-P2) get Reclaiming the Charred Vale Pt. 2.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • Take the ship to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale (if you haven't already been there). If you've already been to Booty Bay, then skip down to The Barrens section below.


  • Sell junk and repair.

Rogues can train skills with Ian Strom located in one of the bedrooms above the Salty Sailor Tavern and buy poison supplies from Sly Garrett located in the alley beneath the Deep South Tannery while in Booty Bay.

  • Grab the Booty Bay FP (if you haven't already) and buy Expert Fishing - The Bass and You (1g) from Old Man Heming on the lower level of the dock (if you still need it), then take the ship back to Ratchet.


  • Go west across to the Gold Road, go south all the way to the elevator to Thousand Needles, then stealth past the guards and go down The Great Lift.


  • (SoD-P1) Get Lonebrow's Journal from the body of the dwarf near the bottom of The Great Lift (but don't accept the quest yet). You may need to wait for it to respawn, however this short two-part questline (the 2nd quest sends you to the dungeon Razorfen Kraul) gives no rep.
  • Go northwest through Thousand Needles to Thalanaar on the edge of Feralas.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Reclaiming the Charred Vale Pt. 2 (2,200xp, armor, 110D, 27Sp) and (SoD-P2: Level 29) Lonebrow's Journal (1,350xp, 0Rep) to Falfindel Waywarder and get The Crone of the Kraul (a Razorfen Kraul quest).
  • (SoD-P1) Take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Update for Sentinel Thenysil (175xp, 28D, 8Sp) to Sentinel Thenysil and (SoD-P2) get Reception from Tyrande.
  • (SoD-P2) Take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village, then take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Reception from Tyrande (3,400xp, Band of Elven Grace, armor, 220D/SW/IF/GE) to Tyrande Whisperwind in the Temple of the Moon in southern Darnassus.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • If you haven't already gotten one, check the AH for a cheap weapon upgrade in the 30-35 level range (Midnight Mace, Scorpion Sting, Excavator's Brand or Fight Club).
  • Turn in Retrieval for Mauren (2,100xp, weapon, 110SW/GE, 0Sp) to Collin Mauren located on the southeast side of the Mage Quarter.

Level 31: Dual Wield Specialization 5/5, The Stockade/Wetlands

  • Get Tinkmaster Overspark from Brother Sarno in the Cathedral in Cathedral Square. Not available in SoD Phase 1.
  • OPTIONAL: Get Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators (a Gnomeregan dungeon quest) from Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District. Not available in SoD Phase 1.

(SoD-P1) Assuming you plan to quest in The Stockade dungeon (Yes), pick up (some of the) remaining quests you'll need. Although many dungeon quests in this guide are listed as "optional", you really should try to complete The Stockade (especially after completing The Deadmines), as there are six quests inside this quick 30 minute dungeon, in addition to nine follow-up quests and a nice quest reward ring you'll miss out on if you don't. Each quest from The Stockade gives 2,000xp or more each, but The Stockade Riots and The Fury Runs Deep are the two that provide the most XP (4,630xp and 2,750xp respectively). Unless you absolutely need to, hold off on picking up unmarked quests and quests marked (HOLD) for now, to keep slots free for higher XP quests later on. (SoD-P2) Once you've completed all of your SoD-P2 launch day turn-ins, come back and pick up all remaining Stockade unmarked quests and (HOLD) quests and complete another quick run through the dungeon for more bonus XP.

  • Get Crime and Punishment from Councilman Millstipe inside the large building in western Darkshire in Duskwood.
  • Get What Comes Around... from Guard Berton outside the Lakeshire Inn in Redridge Mountains.
  • (HOLD) Get The Color of Blood from Nikova Raskol walking along the street in Old Town.
  • (SoD-P1) Get The Stockade Riots and (HOLD) Quell The Uprising from Warden Thelwater at the entrance of The Stockade outside the Mage Quarter.
  • (SoD-P1) Join your Stockade group, blast through the dungeon, and kill/loot every mob to finish all of your quests.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Stockade Riots (2,350xp, 25s, 110SW, 27Sp) and (HOLD) Quell The Uprising (2,650xp, 50s, 165SW, 41Sp) to Warden Thelwater at the entrance of The Stockade, then SKIP The Curious Visitor.
  • (HOLD) Turn in The Color of Blood (2,650xp, 50s, 165SW, 41Sp) to Nikova Raskol walking along the street in Old Town.
  • Turn in What Comes Around... (2,000xp, Lucine Longsword, 110SW, 28Sp) to Guard Berton standing outside the Lakeshire Inn in Redridge Mountains.
  • Turn in Crime and Punishment (2,100xp, Ambassador's Boots, 110SW, 27Sp) to Councilman Millstipe inside the large building in western Darkshire in Duskwood.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Fury Runs Deep (2,750xp, Belt of Vindication, 165IF, 41Sp) to Motley Garmason at Dun Modr in Wetlands.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • (SoD-P1) Set your hearthstone in the Ironforge Inn. If you got them, put 10 Red Wool Bandana in the bank.
  • Turn in Tinkmaster Overspark (210xp, 27GE, 7Sp) to Tinkmaster Overspark in Tinker Town but SKIP Save Techbot's Brain! Not available in SoD Phase 1.
  • Turn in Castpipe's Task (230xp, 11GE, 3Sp) to Master Mechanic Castpipe in Tinker Town but SKIP Data Rescue. Not available in SoD Phase 1.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.
  • (SoD-P1) Buy a Flagon of Dwarven Honeymead from the Innkeeper inside the inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Third Fleet (220xp, 0Rep) to First Mate Fitzsimmons standing outside the inn and get The Cursed Crew.
  • Get Report to Captain Stoutfist from Valstag Ironjaw standing inside the entrance of Menethil Keep.
  • Go up to the top floor of Menethil Keep (right, left, left, right, up the stairs, left, right, up the ramp, right).
  • Turn in Report to Captain Stoutfist (230xp, 28IF, 0Sp) to Captain Stoutfist and get War Banners.


  • (SoD-P1) Go north up the coast past the murloc camps to the first ship wreck.

(SoD-P1) You might want to group up for this quest, as it can get dicey fighting in tight spaces underwater. Begin with First Mate Snellig, who can be found along with one or more guards inside the hole on the east side of the ship near the shore. Use Evasion and Blade Flurry to take them down. If your health gets low, focus on killing/looting First Mate Snellig, then Vanish.

  • (SoD-P1) Kill/loot 13 Cursed Sailors, 5 Cursed Marines and First Mate Snellig.
  • (SoD-P1) Return south to Menethil Harbor.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Cursed Crew (1,750xp, 19s, 83SW, 20Sp) to First Mate Fitzsimmons standing outside the inn but SKIP Lifting the Curse.
  • (SoD-P1) Go east to Whelgar's Excavation Site, killing/looting Black Oozes along the way if you still need Sida's Bag.
  • Go up the ramp and across the bridge.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Ormer's Revenge Pt. 2 from Ormer Ironbraid.
  • Get Uncovering the Past from Prospector Whelgar inside the cave.
  • Go down to the excavation site to look for the 4 missing tablet fragments, (SoD-P1) while killing 10 Mottled Scytheclaw Raptors and 10 Mottled Razormaw Raptors.

Most of the fragments are easy to spot, but the Neru Fragment looks like a mound of dirt that can be found either behind the tree at the bottom of the ramp, under the 2nd bridge or up on the northwestern cliff near Sarltooth (where any one of the other fragments could also be found).

  • (SoD-P1) Go back up the ramp and across the bridge.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Ormer's Revenge Pt. 2 (2,200xp, 22s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Ormer Ironbraid and get Ormer's Revenge Pt. 3.
  • Turn in Uncovering the Past (2,300xp, 25s, armor, 110IF, 27Sp) to Prospector Whelgar inside the cave.
  • (SoD-P1) Go back down into the excavation site, go to the far northwestern corner, then climb up and around the left to kill/loot Sarltooth.
  • (SoD-P2) Drop down, then go back up the ramp and across the bridge.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Ormer's Revenge Pt. 3 (2,950xp, Raptor's End, Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet, 165IF, 41Sp) to Ormer Ironbraid.
  • Go east out of Whelgar's Excavation Site to the Dragonmaw orc camps.
  • Kill/loot low level Dragonmaw Raiders for 8 Dragonmaw War Banners.

Be careful, as those orcs like to root you with a net when their health gets low, then run for help. Use a combination of Garrote, Deadly Poison, Rupture and your ranged weapon if you want to guarantee they die before bringing back adds.

  • (SoD-P1) Return west to Menethil Harbor, killing/looting Black Oozes along the way if you still need Sida's Bag.


  • Turn in War Banners (2,300xp, 25s, 110IF, 28Sp) to Captain Stoutfist at the top of the Menethil Keep but SKIP Nek'Rosh's Gambit.
  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.
  • (SoD-P1) Go out to the right (northern) dock to Auberdine in Darkshore.

Level 32: Sword Specialization 1/5, Ashenvale/Duskwood


It's time to turn in some lower XP (HOLD) quests again, but now with a higher threshold (quests that give less than 2,500-2,600xp), in order to free up 5 quest slots for higher XP questlines. Fly to Darnassus to grab any quest items out of the bank needed for (HOLD) quests that you'll be turning in.

  • (SoD-P1) Take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • (SoD-P1) Get Kayneth Stillwind from Shindrell Swiftfire by the hippogryph master.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Fallen Sky Lake from Pelturas Whitemoon in southeastern Astranaar.
  • (SoD-P1) Go west to The Shrine of Aessina.
  • (SoD-P1) Get The Howling Vale from Sentinel Melyria Frostshadow. Note: She is located at the Shrine of Aessina in Vanilla/Classic, not at Forest Song.
  • (SoD-P1) Go north to Maestra's Post.
  • (SoD-P1) Get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 6 from Delgren the Purifier standing by the stones, then go back south.
  • (SoD-P1) Go east along the road, past Astranaar, past the stream on the left which leads to Iris Lake, then northeast to the moonwell.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 4 from Shael'dryn.
  • (SoD-P1) Go southeast to the main road, then east along the road until you reach Raynewood Retreat, then turn left at the next intersection, follow the road north, then after the road turns northwest, go east into the entrance of Night Run on the right.
  • (SoD-P1) Go south into Night Run and carefully stealth past all satyrs (including other stealthed satyrs) until you reach the levitating crystal. Use Sap, Evasion and Blade Flurry to kill any nearby mobs, then click the crystal (or the ground under it).
  • (SoD-P1) Carefully drop down the rocks to the south (don't get stuck between tightly spaced trees or you'll have to get summoned or hearth out), follow the Falfarren River north, go east around Splintertree Post, cross another river, then enter Satyrnaar.
  • (SoD-P1) Stealth past all satyr until you reach the levitating crystal at the northeast corner of their camp. Use Sap, Evasion and Blade Flurry to kill any nearby mobs, then click the crystal (or the ground under it).
  • (SoD-P1) Go northeast to the Forest Song ruins at the base of the mountains.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Kayneth Stillwind (600xp, 27D, 7Sp) to Kayneth Stillwind and get Forsaken Diseases.
  • (SoD-P1) Take the main road west, carefully making your way past Splintertree Post, continue to Raynewood Retreat, then turn right at the intersection and go north along the road towards Felwood.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill/loot Crazed Ancients and Withered Ancients for the Wooden Key, then use the key to loot the Iron Shaft from the Worn Chest on the pedastal found in the ruins along the left side of the road near the border of Ashenvale and Felwood.
  • (SoD-P1) Go north around the tree, turn left and stealth past the worgen going along the path, south up the hill to the tunnel which leads to the Howling Vale. Down below, you'll find a book on a pedestal in front of the structure. Use Sap, Evasion and Blade Flurry to kill any nearby mobs, then study the Tome of Mel'Thandris.
  • (SoD-P1) Go back through the tunnel, turn right, drop down, then follow the edge of the mountains in a general clockwise circle going east, then south, then southwest at Raynewood Retreat, then west, then north to the moonwell.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 4 (2,200xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Shael'dryn and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 5.
  • (SoD-P1) Go southeast back to the the main road, then east past Raynewood Retreat, across the Falfarren River, then take the road south to Fallen Sky Lake
  • (SoD-P1) Stealth your way across the lake, then kill/loot the Shadethicket Oracle on the island for the Fallen Moonstone. You may have to wait around for him to return.
  • (SoD-P1) Go northeast across the road and kill/loot Rotting Slimes for the Iron Pommel contained in a rusty chest that they drop on the ground after dying.

(SoD-P1) As you're moving northeast, keep an eye out for a small camp guarded by several Forsaken, including a couple of stealthed Forsaken Dark Stalkers.

  • (SoD-P1) Carefully pull individual guards until you've cleared the area around the table, then get the Bottle of Disease.
  • (SoD-P1) Finish killing/looting Rotting Slimes for the Iron Pommel, if you don't have it already.
  • (SoD-P1) Go northeast back up the road, past Splintertree Post, across the river, then northeast past Satyrnaar to the Forest Song ruins at the base of the mountains.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Forsaken Diseases (2,350xp, 110D, 28Sp) to Kayneth Stillwind but SKIP Insane Druids.
  • (SoD-P1) Return west to the moonwell.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 5 (2,300xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Shael'dryn, wait a few seconds, then get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 6.
  • (SoD-P1) Follow the mountains around to the southeast, then east, then north up a winding mountain trail to find the Hidden Shrine.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 6 (1,700xp, Dartol's Rod of Transformation, 83D, 21Sp) at the Hidden Shrine and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 7.
  • (SoD-P1) Carefully make your way down the mountain to the west back to Shael'dryn at the moonwell.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 7 (230xp, 27D, 7Sp) to Shael'dryn and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 8.
  • (SoD-P1) Go southwest to Astranaar, sell junk, repair and resupply.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Fallen Sky Lake (3,050xp, armor, 165D, 41Sp) to Pelturas Whitemoon in southeastern Astranaar.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 8 (230xp, 28D, 7Sp) to Raene Wolfrunner in the large northern building and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 9.
  • (SoD-P1) Go southeast, across Mystral Lake, up the path around the southeast side of the lake and across the top of the waterfall, then use Dartol's Rod of Transformation to speak to Krolg.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 9 (1,700xp, 82D, 20Sp) to Krolg and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 10.
  • (SoD-P1) Go back across the waterfall, down the path, turn right and take the other path southeast around the ridgeline up to Bloodtooth Camp.
  • (SoD-P1) Use Sap, Evasion and Blade Flurry to kill/loot Ran Bloodtooth and 4 Bloodtooth Guards, then return to Krolg near Lake Mystral and use Dartol's Rod of Transformation.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 10 (2,450xp, 110D, 28Sp) to Krolg and get Raene's Cleansing Pt. 11.

(SoD-P1) If, for some reason, you don't have Ran Bloodtooth's Skull in your inventory, you'll need to go back to kill/loot him again. Note: This should not be an issue, but it might be bugged, so doublecheck to be sure.

  • (SoD-P1) Go northwest back to Astranaar.

(SoD-P1) Decide if you would rather keep Dartol's Rod of Transformation for long term furbolg transformation fun or turn in the final quest for 150 Darnassus rep (165 if human).

  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Raene's Cleansing Pt. 11 (3,050xp, weapon, ring, 165D, 41Sp) to Raene Wolfrunner in the large northern building (unless you want to keep Dartol's Rod of Transformation).
  • (SoD-P1) Go west to the Shrine of Aessina.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Howling Vale (2,450xp, 25s, 110D, 28Sp) to Sentinel Melyria Frostshadow and get Velinde Starsong.
  • (SoD-P2) Get Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger! from Illiyana nearby.
  • (SoD-P1) Go north to Maestra's Post.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 6 (2,300xp, 110D, 0Sp) to Delgren the Purifier and get The Tower of Althalaxx part 7.
  • (SoD-P1) Return east to Astranaar.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a hippogryph flight to Auberdine in Darkshore.


  • (SoD-P1) Go north along the road and across the bridge to the Tower of Althalaxx.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Tower of Althalaxx part 7 (575xp, 28D, 0Sp) to Balthule Shadowstrike standing outside the Tower of Althalaxx and SKIP The Tower of Althalaxx part 8. If you don't feel like coming back here later in the guide, you can try and complete this step now. It will be tough, so join a group if possible. Use all of your consumables and cooldowns (and maybe your Glowing Cat Figurine as well, since you can farm another one nearby) to kill/loot Athrikus Narassin, then vanish. Once complete, turn in The Tower of Althalaxx part 8 (2,500xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Balthule Shadowstrike outside the tower and (HOLD) get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 9. Save this as a final (HOLD) quest possibility in case you find yourself short a quest. If you decide to take the quest, turn it in to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra's Post, next to where you turn in Supplies to Auberdine.
  • (SoD-P1) Return south to Auberdine.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village and go through the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • (SoD-P1) Put Dartol's Rod of Transformation, Ran Bloodtooth's Skull, Fallen Moonstone and Head of Deepfury in the bank. (SoD-P2) Get 3 stacks of Wool Cloth out of your bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Wool (1,650xp, 165D, 0Sp) to Raedon Duskstriker in the Tailor tree in the Craftsmen's Terrace.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Velinde Starsong (600xp, 27D, 7Sp) to Thyn'tel Bladeweaver at at the Warrior's Terrace and get Velinde's Effects.
  • Get Klockmort's Essentials from Mathiel at the Warrior's Terrace. Not available in SoD Phase 1.
  • (SoD-P1) Go to the far southeastern corner of Darnassus to the Sentinel's Bunkhouse across from the shields and armor vendors to get Velinde's Journal from Velinde's Locker.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Velinde's Effects (600xp, 28D, 7Sp) to Thyn'tel Bladeweaver at the Warrior's Terrace and get The Barrens Port.
  • (SoD-P1) Take glowing teleporter to Rut'Theran Village and a hippogryph to Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Barrens Port (1,200xp, 55D, 14Sp) to Wharfmaster Dizzywig on the dock and get Passage to Booty Bay (skip Miner's Fortune if you're not doing Steamwheedle Cartel quests).
  • (SoD-P1) Take the ship to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Passage to Booty Bay (600xp, 28BB) to Caravaneer Ruzzgot on the dock and SKIP The Caravan Road.
  • (SoD-P1) Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Glyx Brewright inside the Boucher's Cauldron near the gryphon master.
  • Train skills with Ian Strom located in one of the bedrooms above the Salty Sailor Tavern and buy poison supplies from Sly Garrett located in the alley beneath the Deep South Tannery.
  • Get Supply and Demand from Drizzlik inside Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks.
  • Get Supplies to Private Thorsen and Investigate the Camp from Krazek located at the top of the Salty Sailor Tavern.
  • Hearth to Ironforge.


  • Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills (Eviscerate Rank 5 for 1g8s...or just save gold for your mount) and professions (save 3 Silk Cloth for a quest).
  • Put the Miscellaneous Goblin Supplies and 3 Silk Cloth in your bank.
  • If you haven't already gotten one, check the AH for a cheap weapon upgrade in the 30-35 level range (Midnight Mace, Scorpion Sting, Excavator's Brand or Fight Club).
  • (SoD-P2) Get 6 stacks of Wool Cloth out of your bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Wool (1,650xp, 165IF, 0Sp) to Mistina Steelshield in The Great Forge.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Wool (1,650xp, 165GE, 0Sp) to Bubulo Acerbus in Tinker Town.
  • Turn in Klockmort's Essentials (250xp, 28GE, 7Sp) to Klockmort Spannerspan in Tinker Town. Not available in SoD Phase 1.
  • Get The Day After from Gnoarn in Tinker Town. Not available in SoD Phase 1.

OPTIONAL: If you plan to quest in the Gnomeregan dungeon, then pick up all remaining quests (not available in SoD Phase 1) and ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if any Gnomeregan groups are forming.

  • Get Essential Artificials from Klockmort Spannerspan in Tinker Town.
  • Get Data Rescue from Master Mechanic Castpipe in Tinker Town.
  • Get The Grand Betrayal from High Tinker Mekkatorque in Tinker Town.
  • Get Save Techbot's Brain! from Tinkmaster Overspark in Tinker Town.

  • Go out to Dun Morogh and south to Kharanos.
  • Turn in The Day After (220xp, 11GE, 3Sp) to Ozzie Togglevolt in the building with the spinning gear on top and get Gnogaine (which is technically a Gnomeregan quest, but you can easily solo it, then turn it in for the followup Gnomeregan quest).
  • Go northwest to the entrance of Gnomeregan.
  • Stealth your way through the instance until you find an Irradiated Invader or Irradiated Pillager, unstealth and use the Empty Leaden Collection Phial to collect radioactive fallout, then vanish.
  • Stealth your way back out of the instance and return to Kharanos.
  • Turn in Gnogaine (2,200xp, 22s, 110GE, 28Sp) to Ozzie Togglevolt in the building with the spinning gear on top.

OPTIONAL: If you plan to quest in the Gnomeregan dungeon, then ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if any Gnomeregan groups are forming.

  • Get The Only Cure is More Green Glow from Ozzie Togglevolt in the building with the spinning gear on top.
  • Return northwest to the entrance of Gnomeregan and join your group.
  • Get A Fine Mess from Kernobee inside the Dormitory inside Gnomeregan.
  • Turn in The Sparklematic 5200! (2,450xp, Sparklematic-Wrapped Box) to The Sparklematic 5200 for each Grime-Encrusted Object you find and get/complete The Sparklematic 5200! and More Sparklematic Action.
  • Turn in Grime-Encrusted Ring (2,700xp) to The Sparklematic 5200 and get Return of the Ring.
  • Turn in The Only Cure is More Green Glow (2450xp) to Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos.
  • Turn in Essential Artificials (3,050xp) to Klockmort Spannerspan in Tinker Town.
  • Turn in Save Techbot's Brain! (2,650xp) to Tinkmaster Overspark in Tinker Town.
  • Turn in Data Rescue (3,650xp, weapon) to Master Mechanic Castpipe in Tinker Town.
  • Turn in The Grand Betrayal (2,750xp, Triprunner Dungarees) to High Tinker Mekkatorque in Tinker Town.
  • Turn in Return of the Ring (2,700xp) to Talvash del Kissel in The Mystic Ward in Ironforge and get Gnome Improvement.
  • Get a Silver Bar and a Moss Agate out of your bank or buy them from the AH.
  • Turn in Gnome Improvement (2,750xp, Talvash's Gold Ring) to Talvash del Kissel in The Mystic Ward.
  • Turn in Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators (2,450xp, weapon) to Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District in Stormwind City.
  • Turn in A Fine Mess (2,450xp, armor) to Scooty in Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.

  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • (SoD-P1) Set your hearthstone at the Darkshire Inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Get The Legend of Stalvan from Madame Eva in the building down the hill just to the west of the gryphon master.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan (230xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Clerk Daltry in the large building in western Darkshire and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 2.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Sentinel Hill in Westfall.


  • (SoD-P1) Go southwest to the Moonbrook Schoolhouse, a large building located at the northwest corner of Moonbrook.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 2 (1,150xp, 55SW, 14Sp) at the Old Footlocker, get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 3 and sprint/vanish away from the Forlon Spirit that appears and attacks you.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth or take a gryphon flight back to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 3 (1,700xp, 82SW, 20Sp) to Clerk Daltry in the large building in western Darkshire and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 4.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P2) Get 3 stacks of Wool Cloth out of your bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Wool (1,650xp, 165IF, 0Sp) to Clavicus Knavingham located upstairs in Duncan's Textiles in the Mage Quarter.

(SoD-P1) If you finished The Stockade dungeon, then complete these follow-up quests.

  • (SoD-P1) Get The Curious Visitor from Warden Thelwater at the entrance of The Stockade.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Curious Visitor (600xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Baros Alexston in Cathedral Square and get Shadow of the Past.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Shadow of the Past (600xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Master Mathias Shaw in the SI:7 Headquarters in Old Town and get Look to an Old Friend.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Look to an Old Friend (250xp, 0Rep) to Elling Trias located on the upper floor of the cheese shop in the Trade District and get Infiltrating the Castle.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Infiltrating the Castle (250xp, 0Rep) to Tyrion near the library in Stormwind Keep and get Items of Some Consequence. You may need to wait around for him to become available to turn in your quest. If Tyrion does not respond, wait around a few minutes and he should reset.
  • (SoD-P1) Go south to Elwynn Forest.


  • (SoD-P1) Go south to the first house on the right and loot 2 of Clara's Fresh Apples, then continue south to Goldshire.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 4 (575xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Innkeeper Farley inside the Goldshire Inn and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 5.
  • (SoD-P1) Go upstairs to the back bedroom and retrieve Stalvan's Undelivered Letter from the chest between the two beds.
  • (SoD-P1) Return north to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P1) Put 2 of Clara's Fresh Apples and 3 Silk Cloth (if you haven't already) in the bank.
  • Get The Missing Diplomat from Thomas in the Cathedral in Cathedral Square.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 5 (1,700xp, 82SW, 21Sp) to Caretaker Folsom located at the end of the canal between The Mage Quarter and The Park and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 6.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 6 (230xp, 0Rep) at the Sealed Crate next to Caretaker Folsom, get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 7, and sprint/vanish away from the Forlon Spirit that appears and attacks you.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat (230xp, 0Rep) to Bishop DeLavey in Stormwind Keep and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 2.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 2 (230xp, 0Rep) to Jorgen standing next to the water near the Stormwind City gates and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 3.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 3 (230xp, 0Rep) to Elling Trias located on the upper floor of the cheese shop in the Trade District and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 4.
  • Hearth or take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 4 (230xp, 0Rep) to Watcher Backus patrolling the road north of Darkshire and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 5.
  • (SoD-P1) Go to the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 7 (1,150xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Marshal Haggard in the house on the southeast side of the Eastvale Logging Camp and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 8.
  • (SoD-P1) Get the Faded Journal Page out of Marshal Haggard's Chest upstairs in his house, sprint/vanish away from the Forlon Spirit that appears and attacks you, then return to Marshal Haggard.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 8 (1,150xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Marshal Haggard and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 9.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth or return south to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 9 (575xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Tavernkeep Smitts in the inn and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 10.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 10 (230xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building in western Darkshire and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 11.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 11 (230xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Clerk Daltry in the large building in western Darkshire and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 12.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 12 (230xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building in western Darkshire and get The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 13.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Worgen in the Woods from Calor standing outside the southeastern building.


  • (SoD-P1) Take the road southwest past the graveyard to The Rotting Orchard on the left.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill 6 Nightbane Shadow Weavers, then return to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Worgen in the Woods (1,150xp, 18s, 55SW, 13Sp) to Calor standing outside the southeastern building and get Worgen in the Woods Pt. 2.

You should be Revered with Stormwind by now, or very close to it.

  • (SoD-P1) Return southwest past the graveyard to The Rotting Orchard on the left and kill 12 Nightbane Dark Runners.
  • (SoD-P1) Go to the northwest corner of Duskwood to Sven Yorgen's camp.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Proving Your Worth from Sven.
  • (SoD-P1) Go southeast from Sven's Camp to the northwest corner of the cemetery, where you'll find the entrance to the Dawning Wood Catacombs.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill 15 Skeletal Raiders, 3 Skeletal Healers and 3 Skeletal Warders in and around the Dawning Wood Catacombs, then go northwest back to Sven's Camp.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Proving Your Worth (2,300xp, 18s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Sven Yorgen and get Seeking Wisdom.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth or return east to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Worgen in the Woods Pt. 2 (1,750xp, 19s, 83SW, 20Sp) to Calor standing outside the southeastern building and SKIP Worgen in the Woods Pt. 3.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P1) Set your hearthstone at the Stormwind City Inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills and professions.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Seeking Wisdom (600xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Bishop Farthing in the Cathedral in Cathedral Square and get The Doomed Fleet.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Buy Healing Potions from Dewin Shimmerdawn and Samor Festivus.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Doomed Fleet (1,200xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Glorin Steelbrow inside the inn and get Lightforge Iron.
  • (SoD-P1) Go south of Menethil Harbor and stealth to the small island in the center of the wreckage of The Flying Osprey.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Lightforge Iron (600xp, 27SW, 7Sp) at the Waterlogged Chest and get The Lost Ingots.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill/loot Bluegill Raiders around the wreckage for 5 Lightforge Ingots.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Lost Ingots (1,750xp, 82IF, 21Sp) to Glorin Steelbrow inside the inn and get Blessed Arm.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Lifting the Curse from First Mate Fitzsimmons standing outside the inn.


  • (SoD-P1) Go north along the shore to the second wrecked ship, kill/loot Captain Halyndor on the deck (you can go up the back oar to reach him), then swim inside to find the Intrepid's Locked Strongbox at the bottom.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Lifting the Curse (1,200xp, 55 SW, 14Sp) at the Intrepid's Locked Strongbox and get The Eye of Paleth.

Level 33: Sword Specialization 2/5, Duskwood/Stormwind/Wetlands

You should now be Revered with Darnassus, or close to it.

  • (SoD-P1) Return south to Menethil Harbor.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Eye of Paleth (1,200xp, 55SW, 13Sp) to Glorin Steelbrow inside the inn and (SoD-P2) get Cleansing the Eye.

If you take the quest Cleansing the Eye, and then abandon it, you'll still have the Cursed Eye of Paleth in your inventory. You can safely throw it away. Whether you throw it away or keep it, you'll still need to get Cleansing the Eye from Glorin Steelbrow in Menethil Harbor before you can turn it in to Archbishop Benedictus in Stormwind. Glorin Steelbrow will give you a replacement Cursed Eye of Paleth if you abandon and re-take Cleansing the Eye. But there's no need to have Cleansing the Eye in your quest log, nor the Cursed Eye of Paleth in your inventory, until you pick up the quest on SoD Phase 2 launch day.

  • (SoD-P1) Hearth or take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P1) Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies, train skills and professions.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Cleansing the Eye (2,450xp, 110SW, 28Sp) to Archbishop Benedictus in the Cathedral in Cathedral Square.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Blessed Arm (1,200xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to Grimand Elmore in The Dwarven District and get Armed and Ready.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • (SoD-P1) Get The Caravan Road from Caravaneer Ruzzgot on the dock.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • (SoD-P1) Set your hearthstone at the Darkshire Inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Worgen in the Woods Pt. 3. from Calor standing outside the southeastern building.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Caravan Road (1,200xp, 55SW, 13Sp) to Clerk Daltry and get The Carevin Family.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Carevin Family (250xp, 0Rep) to Jonathan Carevin in the southeastern building and get The Scythe of Elune.
  • Get Look To The Stars from Viktori Prism'Antras in the easternmost building in Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Go south to the the mine called Roland's Doom, located between The Tranquil Gardens Cemetary and The Rotting Orchard, to kill 8 Nightbane Vile Fangs and 8 Nightbane Tainted Ones.
  • (SoD-P1) Make your way to the back of the mine and click on the Mound of Dirt to complete The Scythe of Elune exploration quest, then leave the mine.
  • (SoD-P1) Return north to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Worgen in the Woods Pt. 3 (1,900xp, 22s, 82SW, 21Sp) to Calor standing outside the southeastern building and (SoD-P2) get Worgen in the Woods Pt. 4.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Scythe of Elune (2,450xp, 25s, 110SW, 28Sp) to Jonathan Carevin in the southeastern building and (SoD-P2) turn in Worgen in the Woods Pt. 4 (3,150xp, armor, wand, 165SW, 41Sp) and (SoD-P2) get Answered Questions.


  • (SoD-P1) Go west to Abercrombie's shack north of the Raven Hill Cemetery.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Ogre Thieves from Abercrombie.
  • (SoD-P1) Go back south, across the road, down into Vul'Gol Ogre Mound, and further south to the cave entrance.
  • (SoD-P1) Loot Abercrombie's Crate on the right side of the cave entrance, (SKIP) then zoom in your camera and carefully stealth your way through the cave tunnels to kill/loot Zzarc' Vul for the Ogre's Monocle.
  • Leave the cave, then go west to Addle's Stead, stealth into the small house, kill any Defias guards, then loot the Defias Docket from the Defias Strongbox.
  • (SoD-P1) Go north to Abercrombie's shack north of the Raven Hill Cemetery.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Ogre Thieves (1,200xp, 14s, 0Rep) to Abercrombie and get Note to the Mayor.
  • (SoD-P1) Go west to Sven's Camp.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Armed and Ready (600xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Sven Yorgen and get Morbent Fel.
  • (SoD-P1) Keep an eye out for Morbent Fel/Bride of the Embalmer groups while you complete the next few quests.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth or return east to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P1) Repair, sell junk, buy poison supplies.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Note to the Mayor (600xp, 0Rep) to Lord Ello Ebonlocke inside the western building and get Translate Abercrombie's Note.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Translate Abercrombie's Note (250xp, 0Rep) to Sirra Von'Indi located inside the entrance of the western building and get Wait for Sirra to Finish.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Wait for Sirra to Finish (1,850xp, 0Rep) to Sirra Von'Indi and get Translation to Ello.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Translation to Ello (250xp, 0Rep) to Lord Ello Ebonlocke and get Bride of the Embalmer.
  • Turn in Look To The Stars (2,450xp, armor, 110SW, 27Sp) to Viktori Prism'Antras in the easternmost building in Darkshire.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 5 (2,450xp, 0Rep) to Watcher Backus patrolling the road north of Darkshire and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 6.
  • (SoD-P1) Continue north and take your first right into Manor Mistmantle.
  • (SoD-P1) Go into the house and use your cooldowns to kill/loot Stalvan Mistmantle, then return to Darkshire.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Legend of Stalvan Pt. 13 (4,100xp, weapon, 220SW, 55Sp) to Madame Eva.


  • (SoD-P1) Go west to Raven Hill Cemetery, then north to Eliza's grave, located behind Abercrombie's shack. Join a group or carefully kill/loot Eliza solo using all of your cooldowns and consumables.
  • (SoD-P1) Go west to Morbent Fel's building, kill all undead on your way up to the upper floor, then equip Morbent's Bane in your off hand and wait for the cooldown to finish.
  • (SoD-P1) Use Morbent's Bane to weaken Morbent Fel, quickly switch back to your offhand weapon, then kill him. You'll most likely need a group to complete this quest, although if you carefully pull adds out of the house, you can actuallly solo Morbent Fel using all of your cooldowns and consumables.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Go north a short ways from Morbent Fel's building until you find A Weathered Grave.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Get The Weathered Grave from A Weathered Grave (Level 28 required), then go west to Sven's Camp.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Morbent Fel (3,850xp, Torch of Holy Flame, armor, 220SW, 55Sp) to Sven Yorgen at his camp in northwestern Duskwood.
  • Hearth or return east to Darkshire.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Bride of the Embalmer (3,650xp, armor, 220D/GE/IF/SW) to Lord Ello Ebonlocke inside the western building. You can safely throw away the Translated Letter from The Embalmer.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 6 (250xp, 0Rep) to Elling Trias in the Trade District and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 7.
  • (SoD-P1) Get 2 of Clara's Fresh Apples and 3 Silk Cloth out of your bank, Put Mistmantle Family Ring, The Embalmer's Heart and Morbent's Bane in the bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Purchase 1 Soothing Spices from a General Goods vendor and 10 Turtle Meat from the AH and get the Head of Deepfury out of the bank.
  • Get Malin's Request from Archmage Malin standing in the middle of The Mage Quarter.
  • Repair, sell junk, train skills and work on your professions.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 7 (250xp, 0Rep) to Dashel Stonefist located in the alley in the center of Old Town, prepare for battle and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 8.
  • Defeat Dashel Stonefist, then wait a few seconds.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 8 (1,250xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Dashel Stonefist and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 9.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 9 (250xp, 0Rep) to Elling Trias in the Trade District and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 10.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Items of Some Consequence (625xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Tyrion in Stormwind Keep and get The Attack! You may need to wait around for him to become available to turn in your quest. If Tyrion does not respond, wait around a few minutes and he should reset.
  • (SoD-P1) Wait for several minutes in the garden until Lord Gregor Lescovar and Marzon the Silent Blade show up and have had their conversation, then kill/loot both of them.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Attack! (1,900xp, 82SW, 20Sp) to Elling Trias in The Trade District and (SoD-P2) get The Head of the Beast.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Head of the Beast (250xp, 0Rep) to Master Mathias Shaw in the SI:7 Headquarters in Old Town and get Brotherhood's End.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Brotherhood's End (625xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Baros Alexston in Cathedral Square and get An Audience with the King.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in An Audience with the King (3,750xp, Seal of Wrynn, 220SW, 55Sp) to Lady Katrana Prestor in Stormwind Keep.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Get Nek'rosh's Gambit from Captain Stoutfist at the top of Menethil Keep. Check in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels to see if any Nek'rosh groups are forming.
  • Go east to the Angerfang Encampment, stealth up to the Dragonmaw Catapult and carefully pull single guards until you've cleared out the area.
  • Turn in Nek'rosh's Gambit (1,900xp, 83IF, 21Sp) at the Dragonmaw Catapult and get Defeat Nek'rosh.
  • Go further to the southeast and use your cooldowns and consumables to kill/loot Chieftain Nek'rosh. You can solo him, but it will be tough.
  • (SoD-P1) Go north to Dun Modr.
  • Turn in A Grim Task (3,350xp, armor) to Longbraid the Grim.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in The Fury Runs Deep (2,750xp, Belt of Vindication, 165IF, 41Sp) to Motley Garmason.

Level 34: Sword Specialization 3/5, Wetlands/Hillsbrad/Arathi

(SoD-P2: Level 28) Depending upon your route, and how many quests you've already turned in on SoD Phase 2 launch day by the time you reach Dun Modr, you may actually be high enough level (level 28) to quickly complete the next few quest steps marked below for a nice 14,300xp. If not, come back later and blast through them.

  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Get The Thandol Span from Rhag Garmason.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Go north to the middle of the Thandol Span bridge, turn right and stealth down a spiral staircase, past one level 28/29 elite dark iron dwarf who patrols the top floor, then look for the other dwarf below, and drop down to the lower floor away from him next to Ebenezer Rustlocke's Corpse. You'll probably need to Distract/Sap or kill the other dwarf on the lower level in order to turn in the quest.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in The Thandol Span (2,500xp, 110IF, 27Sp) at Ebenezer Rustlocke's Corpse and get The Thandol Span Pt. 2.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Go back up the stairs and return south across the Thandol Span bridge to the camp.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in The Thandol Span Pt. 2 (2,500xp, 110IF, 28Sp) to Rhag Garmason and get The Thandol Span Pt. 3.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Go north across the Thandol Span bridge, turn right at the end of the bridge, then stealth your way across the smaller rope bridge up to several level 32 guards on the far end. Sap and/or kill any nearby guards, destroy the cache of explosives and sprint/vanish your way back across the rope bridge.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Return south across the Thandol Span bridge to the camp.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in The Thandol Span Pt. 3 (2,500xp, armor, 110IF, 27Sp) to Rhag Garmason and get Plea To The Alliance.
  • (SoD-P1) / (SoD-P2) Go north across the Thandol Span bridge, turn left and make your way out to the end of the broken western span of the bridge.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Carefully sprint/jump down to the ledge on the left that leads to Foggy MacKreel. If you miss the jump, swim east until you reach the path out of the water going up the side of the cliff, stealth past the dark iron dwarves, go across the rope bridge back to the road and try again.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Get MacKreel's Moonshine from Foggy MacKreel (which puts you on a 15 minute timer).
  • (SoD-P1) Carefully drop down into the water east of the pillar and look for a submerged skeleton trapped under a block near a catapult and other wreckage.
  • (SoD-P1) Get the Waterlogged Envelope from the Waterlogged Letter on the body. DON'T accept the quest (yet).
  • (SoD-P1) / (SoD-P2) Swim east until you reach the path out of the water going up the side of the cliff, stealth past the dark iron dwarves, and go across the rope bridge back to the road. Take the road north to Refuge Point in Arathi Highlands.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in Plea To The Alliance (1,250xp, 0Rep) to Captain Nials.
  • (SoD-P1) / (SoD-P2) Take a gryphon flight to Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills.


  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in MacKreel's Moonshine (3,050xp, 55s, 165IF, 42Sp) to Brewmeister Bilger in the basement of the Southshore Inn (before the timer runs out).
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Pick up and turn in Soothing Turtle Bisque (2,500xp, 30s, Recipe: Soothing Turtle Bisque, 3 Soothing Turtle Bisque, 110SW, 27Sp) from Chef Jessen inside the inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Down the Coast from Lieutenant Farren Orinelle inside the inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Nandar Branson in the small building next to the inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill 10 Torn Fin Tidehunters and 10 Torn Fin Oracles along the shore to the southwest, then return to Southshore.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Down the Coast (1,850xp, 21s, 0Rep) to Lieutenant Farren Orinelle inside the inn but SKIP Farren's Proof.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Drovnar Strongbrew.
  • Turn in Malin's Request (1,950xp, 82IF, 20Sp) to Skuerto.
  • Get Northfold Manor from Captain Nials.
  • Go northwest to Northfold Manor to kill 10 Syndicate Highwaymen (who will be stealthed) and 6 Syndicate Mercenaries.
  • Return southeast to Refuge Point.
  • Turn in Northfold Manor (2,500xp, 110SW, 28Sp) to Captain Nials but SKIP Stromgarde Badges.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • (SoD-P1) Put the Waterlogged Envelope in the bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Accept the quest from the Waterlogged Envelope and turn in Sully Balloo's Letter (2,450xp, 110IF, 27Sp) to Sara Balloo in The Military Ward, then wait and get Sara Balloo's Plea.
  • Get The Brassbolts Brothers from Pilot Longbeard in the far southeast corner of the Military Ward.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Sara Balloo's Plea (1,200xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to King Magni Bronzebeard in The Great Forge and get A King's Tribute.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A King's Tribute (1,200xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to Grand Mason Marblesten in southern Ironforge and (SKIP) get A King's Tribute Pt. 2.
  • If you plan to quest in the Razorfen Kraul dungeon, ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if there are any Razorfen Kraul groups forming.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Turn in Defeat Nek'rosh (2,550xp, weapon, 110IF, 27Sp) to Captain Stoutfist at the top of Menethil Keep.
  • Go out to the left (southern) dock and take the ship to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Uma Bartulm in the small building next to the sawmill in western Theramore Isle.
  • Get Highperch Venom from Fiora Longears in the inn in northern Theramore Isle (unless you've already completed this quest).

(SoD-P1) OPTIONAL: If you plan to quest in the Razorfen Kraul dungeon (Yes), then take a hippogryph flight to Ratchet in The Barrens.

  • Get Blueleaf Tubers from Mebok Mizzyrix standing west of the bank, and DON'T FORGET to grab the Crate With Holes, Snufflenose Owner's Manual and the Snufflenose Command Stick beside him.
  • Ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if there are any Razorfen Kraul groups forming, then head south through The Barrens to the dungeon entrance.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Mortality Wanes from Heralath Fallowbrook inside the instance, located down the hill behind the main boss, Charlga Razorflank, inside a tent next to Willix the Importer. Once you have the quest, you'll need to kill humanoid mobs inside the instance until Treshala's Pendant drops. If you're careful, you can actually stealth all the way through the instance ahead of time to reach him in order to pick up the quest, so you'll have a better chance to find the quest item as you and your group fights through the instance (unfortunately, the quest is not shareable). If you're fully buffed up, and use a Combat Rogue Tank spec (with Riposte and Blade Dance/Just a Flesh Wound runes), you can solo low level Razorfen mobs near the entrance for Treshala's Pendant. Make sure you bring Instant Poison as well, since you'll have to replace Deadly Brew/Envenom with those other runes.
  • Get Willix the Importer from Willix the Importer inside the instance, located down the hill behind the main boss, Charlga Razorflank, inside a tent next to Heralath Fallowbrook, then escort Willix out.
  • Turn in Willix the Importer (3,050xp, Monkey Ring, 150Rat) to Willix the Importer once the escort quest is complete.
  • Turn in Blueleaf Tubers (2,100xp, A Small Container of Gems, 100Rat) to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet in The Barrens.
  • Turn in The Crone of the Kraul (3,350xp, armor, "Mage-Eye" Blunderbuss,) to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar in Feralas, at the border of Thousand Needles.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Mortality Wanes (3,050xp, Lancer Boots, 150D) to Treshala Fallowbrook in the Tradesmen's Terrace in Darnassus.

From this point forward, I will no longer be marking non-Alliance quests in this guide as "optional" because if you skip too many you're going to really start falling behind on leveling. Also, you no longer need to go out of your way to focus on gray quest mobs or avoid mobs in your path to reduce unwanted experience.

  • Take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village, then take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • Get the Miscellaneous Goblin Supplies out of your bank and empty out your bags as much as possible. Put Treshala's Pendant in the bank.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Answered Questions (3,050xp, Lunaris Bow, 165D, 41Sp) to Thyn'tel Bladeweaver at the Warrior's Terrace.
  • Take the glowing teleporter back to Rut'Theran Village, then take a hippogryph flight to Auberdine in Darkshore.


  • (SoD-P1) Go northeast to The Tower of Althalaxx.
  • (SoD-P1) Get The Tower of Althalaxx part 8 from Balthule Shadowstrike outside the tower.
  • (SoD-P1) Stealth your way to the top of the tower and use your cooldowns to kill/loot Athrikus Narassin, then vanish.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in The Tower of Althalaxx part 8 (2,500xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Balthule Shadowstrike outside the tower and (HOLD) get The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 9. Save this as a final (HOLD) quest possibility in case you find yourself short a quest. If you decide to take the quest, turn it in to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra's Post, next to where you turn in Supplies to Auberdine.
  • Return to Auberdine.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Astranaar in Ashenvale.


  • Go northwest to Maestra's Post.
  • (HOLD) Turn in The Tower of Althalaxx Pt. 9 (2,500xp, weapon, 110D, 28Sp) to Delgren the Purifier.
  • Return southeast to Astranaar.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Thalanaar in Feralas.


  • Go southeast to Thousand Needles.


  • Go southeast to Highperch and kill/loot Highperch Wyverns for 10 Highperch Venom Sacs (unless you've already completed this quest). You may have to kill all wyverns several times to complete this.
  • Continue southeast all the way through Thousand Needles (be careful when passing Freewind Post) until you reach The Shimmering Flats, then make your way southeast over to the camp located near the center of the basin.
  • Get Rocket Car Parts from Kravel Koalbeard but SKIP Hemet Nesingwary and Wharfmaster Dizzywig.
  • Get Salt Flat Venom from Fizzle Brassbolts.
  • Turn in The Brassbolts Brothers (2,450xp, 110GE, 28Sp) to Wizzle Brassbolts and get Hardened Shells.
  • Empty out your bags as much as possible.
  • Go east to the buildings on the other side of the racetrack.
  • Get Load Lightening from Pozzik by the "pod racers" then go southeast past the bleachers.
  • Get A Bump in the Road from Trackmaster Zherin.
  • Buff up and go around The Shimmering Flats killing/looting/skinning (lots of skinning) Scorpid Reavers, Sparkleshell Tortoises (save ALL Turtle Meat to cook up), Salt Flats Scavengers, 10 Saltstone Basilisks, 10 Saltstone Crystalhides and 6 Saltstone Gazers while looting Rocket Car Parts.

Level 35: Weapon Expertise 1/2, Thousand Needles/Stranglethorn Vale/Hillsbrad Foothills

Most of those objectives can be achieved in the northern half of The Shimmering Flats, but you'll need to go south for the 6 Saltstone Gazers. Also, Load Lightening will be particularly troublesome, as there are very few Salt Flats Scavengers and Salt Flats Vultures around and you will need to specifically seek them out in a PVP-rich zone. Don't skip that quest, as it leads to 9 more quests and a nice pair of gloves.

  • Turn in Rocket Car Parts (2,500xp, 30s, 0Rep) to Kravel Koalbeard and get Hemet Nesingwary and Wharfmaster Dizzywig.
  • Turn in Salt Flat Venom (1,850xp, 25s, 0Rep) to Fizzle Brassbolts and get Martek the Exiled.
  • Turn in Hardened Shells (2,450xp, 25s, 0Rep) to Wizzle Brassbolts and get Encrusted Tail Fins.
  • Turn in Load Lightening (1,850xp, 25s, 110Ra, 55BB/Ev/Ga) to Pozzik and get Goblin Sponsorship.
  • Turn in A Bump in the Road (2,650xp, 35s, 0Rep) to Trackmaster Zherin.
  • Go south to Tanaris.


  • Go south to Gadgetzan and get the FP.
  • Take a flight to Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Uma Bartulm in the small building next to the sawmill in western Theramore Isle.
  • Turn in Highperch Venom (3,650xp, Windborne Belt, 0Rep) to Fiora Longears in the inn in northern Theramore Isle (unless you've already completed this quest).
  • Take a flight to Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • Turn in Wharfmaster Dizzywig (1,400xp, 0Rep) to Wharfmaster Dizzywig on the dock and get Parts for Kravel.
  • Take a flight to Gadgetzan in Tanaris.


  • Go north to the Shimmering Flats.


  • Turn in Parts for Kravel (1,400xp, 20s, 0Rep) to Kravel Koalbeard, wait a few seconds, then get Delivery to the Gnomes.
  • Turn in Delivery to the Gnomes (700xp, 0Rep) to Fizzle Brassbolts.
  • Get The Rumormonger from Kravel Koalbeard.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Go west along the road to the Night Watch intersection, then turn left and go south to Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Go west to the Rebel Camp.
  • Turn in Supplies to Private Thorsen (650xp, 16s, 55SW, 14Sp) to Private Thorsen at the Rebel Camp but SKIP Jungle Secrets if it's offered.
  • Go south, then southwest past the graveyard and across the river to Nesingwary's Expedition to complete Investigate the Camp.
  • Get Welcome to the Jungle from Barnil Stonepot.
  • Turn in Welcome to the Jungle (250xp, 0Rep) and Hemet Nesingwary (1,250xp, 30s, 0Rep) to Hemet Nesingwary and get Raptor Mastery.
  • Get Panther Mastery from Sir S. J. Erlgadin.
  • Get Tiger Mastery from Ajeck Rouack.
  • Kill/loot/skin 10 Young Panthers (east across the river) and 10 Young Stranglethorn Tigers along with River Crocolisks for 2 Large River Crocolisk Skins.
  • Turn in Panther Mastery (1,250xp, 0Rep) to Sir S. J. Erlgadin and get Panther Mastery Pt. 2.
  • Turn in Tiger Mastery (1,250xp, 0Rep) to Ajeck Rouack and get Tiger Mastery Pt. 2.
  • Go north back to Duskwood.


  • Go northeast back to Darkshire.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Stormwind City.


  • Put Fizzle Brassbolts' Letter and the 2 Large River Crocolisk Skin in the bank.
  • (SoD-P1) Set your hearthstone at the Stormwind City Inn.
  • Check the AH for a weapon upgrade, an inexpensive Nightscape Headband and any other inexpensive gear upgrades.
  • Repair, sell junk, train skills and work on your professions.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills.


  • Get Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak from Bartolo Ginsetti standing outside the northern building.
  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Nandar Branson in the small building next to the inn.
  • Get Hints of a New Plague? from Phin Odelic standing outside the inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Farren's Proof from Lieutenant Farren Orinelle inside the inn.
  • (SoD-P1) Kill/loot lower level murlocs along the shore to the far west, south of Azurelode Mine, for 10 Murloc Heads, then return to Southshore.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Farren's Proof (2,250xp, 30s, 0Rep) to Lieutenant Farren Orinelle inside the inn and get Farren's Proof Pt. 2.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Farren's Proof Pt. 2 (260xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Marshal Redpath standing outside the large building, get Farren's Proof Pt. 3 but SKIP Crushridge Bounty.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Farren's Proof Pt. 3 (260xp, 0Rep) to Lieutenant Farren Orinelle inside the inn and get Stormwind Ho!
  • (SoD-P1) Kill 10 Daggerspine Shorehunters and 10 Daggerspine Sirens along the shore to the southeast.
  • (SoD-P1) Turn in Stormwind Ho! (1,950xp, weapon, 0Rep) to Lieutenant Farren Orinelle inside the inn and (SoD-P2) get Reassignment.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Go northwest across the main road to the yeti cave at Darrow Hill to kill/loot/skin yetis for 10 Yeti Fur (hold onto these for later) and loot 5 pieces of Alterac Granite inside, then leave the cave.
  • Return southeast to Southshore.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Drovnar Strongbrew.
  • Go east past the graveyard to the windmill overlooking Go'Shek Farm.
  • Turn in Hints of a New Plague? (1,300xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Quae but SKIP Hints of a New Plague? Pt. 2.
  • Return west to Refuge Pointe.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • Put the 10 Yeti Fur in the bank and take out the 2 Large River Crocolisk Skin.
  • Repair, sell junk, train skills and work on your professions.
  • Turn in A King's Tribute Pt. 2 (2,500xp, 110IF, 27Sp) to Grand Mason Marblesten in southern Ironforge, then wait for about 30 seconds and get A King's Tribute Pt. 3.
  • Turn in A King's Tribute Pt. 3 (2,500xp, Ironforge Memorial Ring, 110IF, 28Sp) to King Magni Bronzebeard in The Great Forge.
  • Get Reclaimers' Business in Desolace from Roetten Stonehammer in The Hall of Expolorers.
  • (SoD-P1) Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Reassignment (3,200xp, 0Rep) to Major Samuelson in Stormwind Keep.
  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Turn in Supply and Demand (1,250xp, 22s, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/Ra) to Drizzlik inside Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks but SKIP Some Assembly Required.
  • (SoD-P1) Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Glyx Brewright inside the Boucher's Cauldron near the gryphon master.
  • Turn in Investigate the Camp (260xp, 16s, 55BB, 28Ev/Ga/Ra) and The Rumormonger (1,400xp, 0Rep) to Krazek located at the top of the Salty Sailor Tavern but SKIP The Haunted Isle and Dream Dust in the Swamp.

Level 36: Weapon Expertise 2/2, Stranglethorn Vale/Ashenvale/Desolace

If you're not level 36 yet, go ahead and grind out some quick kills until you are, because you'll want to train skills before moving on to Kalimdor for a while.

  • Train skills (Instant Poison Rank 3, Sprint Rank 2, Blind and Blinding Powder for 6g) with Ian Strom located in one of the bedrooms above the Salty Sailor Tavern and buy poison supplies from Sly Garrett located in the alley beneath the Deep South Tannery.
  • (SoD-P1) Take the ship to Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • (SoD-P1) Take a gryphon flight to Talrendis Point in Azshara. If you haven't gotten the Azshara FP yet, then go north into Ashenvale, and further northeast into Azshara to get the Talrendis Point FP.


  • (SoD-P1) Go west to Ashenvale.


  • (SoD-P1) Go west to the Forest Song ruins at the base of the mountains.
  • (SoD-P1) Get Insane Druids from Kayneth Stillwind.
  • (SoD-P2) Go west to find Anilia in Xavian (northwest of Satyrnaar), then carefully kill the satyrs around her. They're immune to Sap, so you'll need to use Blind to incapacitate one enemy while you fight another. Pop Evasion/Blade Flurry if you're faced with two or more, or just Vanish and try to take them on separately.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger! (2,550xp, 110D, 0Sp) to Anilia and get The Branch of Cenarius.
  • (SoD-P2) Go north through an archway, then stealth or fight your way past several more satyrs to kill Geltharis, then return south.
  • Go along the road, way to the west, past Astranaar, to the Shrine of Aessina.
  • Turn in The Branch of Cenarius (2,550xp, armor, 110D, 0Sp) to Illiyana and get Satyr Slaying!
  • Go east all the way back to Satyrnaar to kill/loot satyrs for 16 Satyr Horns.
  • (SoD-P1) Go south to the road, and follow it south to the river, then follow the river south past the bridge to the lake.
  • (SoD-P1) Go west and up the path on your left to the entrance of The Dor'Danil Barrow Den.
  • (SoD-P1) Stealth your way down through the caves to find and kill Taneel Darkwood, Uthil Mooncall and Mavoris Cloudsbreak. Once they're dead, hearth out.
  • Leave the caves (or die/rez to get back quicker).
  • (SoD-P2) Go northeast to the Forest Song ruins at the base of the mountains.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in Insane Druids (3,200xp, weapon, 165D, 41Sp) to Kayneth Stillwind.
  • Go way to the west, past Astranaar, to the Shrine of Aessina.
  • Turn in Satyr Slaying! (2,550xp, 30s, 110D, 0Sp) to Illiyana.

(SoD-P1) It's time to lock in your final, 20th SoD Phase 2 quest. Hearth to Stormwind. Turn in An Old History Book (1,500xp, 14s, 83SW, 21Sp) to Milton Sheaf in the Stormwind Library in northeast Stormwind City and get Southshore. Switch to a Combat Rogue Tank spec (with Riposte and Blade Dance/Just a Flesh Wound runes) and get plenty of buffs and consumables. Make sure you bring Instant Poison as well, since you'll have to replace Deadly Brew/Envenom with those other runes. Fly to Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills and turn in Southshore (710xp, 27SW) to Loremaster Dibbs standing outside the building next to the inn, then get Preserving Knowledge.

Fly to Chillwind Point (if you have that FP), or stealth north up the road past all of the Horde in the area, until you reach the east side of the Ruins of Alterac in Alterac Mountains. There you will need to carefully stealth around and kill/loot non-elite Crushridge Ogres until you collect 5 Recovered Tomes. The Worn Leather Book is found in the Weathered Bookcase, located inside a schoolhouse on the west side of the Ruins of Alterac, guarded by the level 40 elite Muckrake. Just to get to that building will require Sprint/Evasion/Vanish (in a safe spot) past multiple elite ogres. If/when you die, just run back to your ghost, rez as far west as possible and finish the trip to the schoolhouse. Once inside, you'll need to use Distract multiple times until he doesn't resist, then Vanish, move up behind him, Sap, loot the Worn Leather Book from the bookcase and die. (SoD-P2) turn in Preserving Knowledge (3,550xp, 165SW) to Loremaster Dibbs in Southshore, which will be followed up by turning in Return to Milton (3,550xp, 150SW) to Milton Sheaf in the Stormwind Library in northeast Stormwind City.)

  • Go east to Astranaar.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains.


  • Go southwest through the Charred Vale into Desolace.


  • Go east along the base of the mountains until you reach some pillars, then go left and up the path to Nijel's Point.
  • Get Vahlarriel's Search from Vahlarriel Demonslayer.
  • Get Centaur Bounty from Corporal Melkins.
  • Get Brutal Politics from Captain Pentigast.

Selecting Brutal Politics instead of Strange Alliance entails choosing the Magram centaur clan over the Gelkis centaur clan. The Magram questline eventually leads to a nice Rogue belt whereas the Gelkis questline provides no Rogue quest rewards. If you really want to complete both questlines, you can do so, but it would involve selecting the "At War" check box next to the Magram reputation (after completing their questline), then killing a whole lot of Magram centaurs to get to Friendly with the Gelkis clan.

  • Turn in Reclaimers' Business in Desolace (1,300xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to Kreldig Ungor, get Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. but SKIP The Karnitol Shipwreck.
  • Go further up the hill to the west and get the Nijel's Point FP.
  • Carefully drop down the cliff behind the Hippogryph Master and go to the far southwest past Thunder Axe Fortress, Kodo Graveyard and Mannoroc Coven to the Gelkis Village.
  • Kill/loot low level Gelkis Centaurs until you're Friendly with the Magram Centaurs. Save 12 stacks of Silk Cloth for rep turn-in quests.
  • Go to the far east past Mannoroc Coven to the Magram Village, then northeast to Warug's camp on the hill overlooking the water.
  • Turn in Brutal Politics (2,050xp, 110Ma) to Warug and get Assault on the Kolkar.
  • Go north to kill/loot 12 Kolkar Centaurs, 12 Kolkar Scouts and 6 Kolkar Maulers and make sure you have 15 Centaur Ears.
  • Return south to the Magram Village.
  • Turn in Assault on the Kolkar (2,550xp, 0Rep) to Warug and get Broken Tears.
  • Go southwest back to the Gelkis Village, stealth up the sloped path, across the rope bridge into the cave and loot 3 Broken Tears.
  • Return east to the Magram Village.
  • Turn in Broken Tears (2,650xp) to Warug and SKIP Gizmo for Warug.
  • Go to the far north to Sargeron to kill/loot low level Hatefury demons for 10 Hatefury Claws and 10 Hatefury Horns.
  • Return west to Nijel's Point.
  • Turn in Centaur Bounty (3,750xp, ring, 165SW, 41Sp) to Corporal Melkins.
  • Turn in Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. (2,650xp, 35s, 110IF, 27Sp) to Kreldig Ungor but SKIP Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. Pt 2 and The Karnitol Shipwreck.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Carefully drop down the cliff behind the Hippogryph Master and go southwest until you find a smashed group of wagons north of the Thunder Axe Fortress.
  • Turn in Vahlarriel's Search (1,950xp, 83D, 21Sp) at the Malem Chest and get Vahlarriel's Search Pt. 2.
  • Go northeast back to Nijel's Point.
  • Turn in Vahlarriel's Search Pt. 2 (1,950xp, 82D, 20Sp) to Vahlarriel Demonslayer and get Vahlarriel's Search Pt. 3.
  • Go southwest past the Thunder Axe Fortress, then west towards The Veiled Sea, then up the path on the right side of Ethel Rethor, the tower on a cliff overlooking The Veiled Sea.
  • Get Sceptre of Light from Azore Aldamort.
  • Return east to the Thunder Axe Fortress, stealth your way inside the eastern gate entrance, then up to the top of the tower just to the left of the entrance.
  • Kill/loot the Burning Blade Seer for a Sceptre of Light.
  • Go back down, then stealth over to the large main building to the north. Wait for the roving patrols inside to go by, then use distract through the doorway behind on one of the guards to sneak your way in (or just Blade Flurry kill them both).
  • Stealth your way to the right going counterclockwise through the circular hallway (the same direction as the roving guards) until you reach the opening leading into the middle area.
  • Turn in Vahlarriel's Search Pt. 3 (2,650xp, 110D, 28Sp) to Dalinda Malem and get Search for Tyranis.
  • Stealth your way back out of that building, turn right and go into the smaller building to the southwest.
  • Make sure your cooldowns are ready, then kill/loot Tyranis Malem and Sprint/Vanish to escape.
  • Return to Dalinda Malem in the large building.
  • Turn in Search for Tyranis (2,650xp, 110D, 27Sp) to Dalinda Malem and get Return to Vahlarriel.
  • Carefully escort Dalinda Malem out of Thunder Axe Fortress.
  • Return west to the tower cliff overlooking The Veiled Sea.
  • Turn in Sceptre of Light (2,650xp, 35s, 110AD, 0Sp) to Azore Aldamort but SKIP Book of the Ancients.
  • Go northeast back to Nijel's Point.
  • Turn in Return to Vahlarriel (3,300xp, armor, 165D, 41Sp) to Vahlarriel Demonslayer.
  • Take a hippogryph flight to Rut'Theran Village, then take the glowing teleporter to Darnassus.


  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Silk (1,650xp, 165D, 0Sp) to Raedon Duskstriker in the Tailor tree in the Craftsmen's Terrace.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Repair, sell junk, and work on your professions.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Silk (1,650xp, 165IF, 0Sp) to Clavicus Knavingham located upstairs in Duncan's Textiles in the Mage Quarter.
  • Find an Engineer or check the AH for an Advanced Target Dummy, or the base components needed to craft one (1 Gold Bar, 3 Iron Bars, 1 Wool Cloth, 1 Medium Leather, 2 Bronze Bars, 4 Heavy Leather) and put it in your bank for later.
  • Also check the AH to see if you can get any cheap Jungle Remedy as you'll need 7 for a quest.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Go west along the road to the Night Watch intersection, then turn left and go south to Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Go west to the Rebel Camp.
  • Get The Second Rebellion and Bad Medicine from Sergeant Yohwa.
  • Get Jungle Secrets from Private Thorsen. Note: You will need to wait up to 30 minutes to follow him on his regular patrol, then save him from an ambush, after which he will offer this quest to you.
  • Turn in Jungle Secrets (1,300xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp and get Bookie Herod.
  • Go south, then southwest across the river, then west past Nesingwary's Expedition and up the plateau.
  • Kill/loot/skin 10 Panthers and 10 Stranglethorn Raptors.

Level 37: Aggression 1/3, Stranglethorn Vale/Hillsbrad Foothills/Badlands/Duskwood

  • Go southeast across the river to kill/loot/skin 10 Stranglethorn Tigers.
  • Your bags are probably getting pretty full at this point, so return northwest to Nesingwary's Expedition to repair and sell junk to Jaquilina Dramet.
  • Turn in Panther Mastery Pt. 2 (1,300xp, 0Rep) to Sir S. J. Erlgadin and get Panther Mastery Pt. 3.
  • Turn in Tiger Mastery Pt. 2 (1,300xp, 0Rep) to Ajeck Rouack and SKIP Tiger Mastery Pt. 3.
  • Turn in Raptor Mastery (1,350xp, 0Rep) to Hemet Nesingwary and SKIP Raptor Mastery Pt. 2.
  • Go east across the river to Kurzen's Compound.
  • Kill/loot Kurzen Jungle Fighters and Kurzen Medicine Men (for 7 Jungle Remedy) as you go up to the top floor of the two story building. Remember to use Blind to incapacitate an enemy if you pull too many adds.
  • Turn in Bookie Herod (1,350xp, 82SW, 21Sp) at Bookie Herod's Records and get The Hidden Key.
  • Finish killing/looting 15 Kurzen Jungle Fighters throughout the compound while looting 7 Jungle Remedy from Kurzen Medicine Men and looting the Venom Fern Extract from the Kurzen Supplies.
  • Return northwest to the Rebel Camp.
  • Turn in The Second Rebellion (1,950xp, 83SW, 20Sp) and Bad Medicine (2,700xp, weapon, 110SW, 28Sp) to Sergeant Yohwa but SKIP Special Forces.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Put all raw meat, the Small Brass Key and unique Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages in your bank. Put any duplicates on the AH and check the AH for any inexpensive pages you don't have.
  • Get 1 Fine Thread from a trade vendor and check the AH or ask in chat to buy a Bolt of Woolen Cloth and a Hillman's Cloak for Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak.
  • Repair, sell junk, train skills and work on your professions.
  • Go to the Blue Recluse Inn on the southern side of The Mage Quarter.
  • Get Morgan Stern from Angus Stern but SKIP A Meal Served Cold-.
  • Get James Hyal from Connor Rivers located in the back of the Blue Recluse Inn.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Turn in James Hyal (700xp, 0Rep) to Vincent Hyal inside the inn and get James Hyal Pt. 2.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 10 (650xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Mikhail inside the inn and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 11.
  • Subdue Tapoke Jahn outside the inn before he escapes, then go back into the inn.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 11 (1,300xp, 55SW, 13Sp) to Mikhail.
  • Get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 12 from Tapoke "Slim" Jahn inside the inn.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 12 (270xp, 0Rep) to Mikhail and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 13.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Nandar Branson in the small building next to the inn.
  • Get Costly Menace from Darren Malvew in the stables area.
  • Get Syndicate Assassins from Magistrate Henry Maleb inside the large building.
  • Go north across the main road past the yeti cave and across the border into Alterac Mountains to kill/loot/skin 8 Mountain Lions, 10 Hulking Mountain Lions, 12 Syndicate Footpads and 8 Syndicate Thieves while getting the Encrypted Letter and the Foreboding Plans from the Syndicate Documents located on tables in either of the two Defias camps. Note: Both documents were found at the Sofera's Naze camp across the road to the east.
  • Return south to Southshore.
  • Turn in Encrypted Letter (1,350xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Loremaster Dibbs standing outside the small building next to the inn and get Letter to Stormpike.
  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Nandar Branson in the small building next to the inn.
  • Turn in Syndicate Assassins (1,950xp, armor, 83SW, 21Sp) and Foreboding Plans (1,350xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Magistrate Henry Maleb inside the large building but SKIP Noble Deaths.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Ironforge.


  • Turn in Letter to Stormpike (1,350xp, 55IF, 13Sp) to Prospector Stormpike in The Hall of Explorers and get Further Mysteries and Ironband Wants You! but SKIP The Lost Dwarves.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Silk (1,650xp, 165IF, 0Sp) to Mistina Steelshield in The Great Forge.
  • (SoD-P2) Turn in A Donation of Silk (1,650xp, 165GE, 0Sp) to Bubulo Acerbus in Tinker Town.
  • Get Fizzle Brassbolts' Letter and 10 Yeti Fur out of the bank. Also, if you haven't already, get 1 Fine Thread from a trade vendor and check the AH or ask in chat to buy a Bolt of Woolen Cloth and a Hillman's Cloak for Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak.
  • Repair, sell junk, train skills and work on your professions.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills.


  • Turn in Further Mysteries (1,350xp 55IF, 14Sp) to Magistrate Henry Maleb inside the large building but SKIP Dark Council and Noble Deaths.
  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Nandar Branson in the small building next to the inn.
  • Turn in Costly Menace (2,700xp, Shepherd's Gloves, Recipe: Tasty Lion Steak, 5 Tasty Lion Steak, 110SW, 28Sp) to Darren Malvew in the stables area.
  • Turn in Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak (2,700xp, armor, 110SW, 27Sp) to Bartolo Ginsetti standing outside the northern building.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Thelsamar in Loch Modan.


  • Go southeast to Ironband's Excavation Site.
  • Turn in Ironband Wants You! (700xp, 28IF, 7Sp) to Prospector Ironband and get Find Agmond.
  • Go southwest into Badlands.


  • Carefully go south past Uldaman, past Hammertoe's Digsite, then up the hill to your left to Prospector Ryedol's camp. You will be surrounded by some tougher mobs in Badlands, so be cautious and save your cooldowns.
  • Get A Dwarf and His Tools from Prospector Ryedol.
  • Get Mirages from Sigrun Ironhew.
  • Continue southwest to the Battered Dwarven Skeleton next to a tall Joshua Tree at the base of the mountain.
  • Turn in Find Agmond (1,450xp, 4s, armor, Jade, Gold Ore, 55IF, 14Sp) at the Battered Dwarven Skeleton but SKIP Murdaloc.
  • Go back north, then northwest through the valley to Martek's camp.
  • Turn in Martek the Exiled (1,350xp, 0Rep) to Martek the Exiled but SKIP Indurium.
  • Get Pearl Diving from Rigglefuzz, but SKIP Power Stones and Barbecued Buzzard Wings.
  • Go northeast back to Hammertoe's Digsite.
  • Carefuly kill/loot low level Shadowforge Dwarves for Ryedol's Lucky Pick and get A Sign of Hope from the Crumpled Map near the single "sport tent".
  • Go northeast through the valley to the center of Kosh Camp.
  • Stealth up, Sap/Blind any guards, retrieve the Supply Crate, Sprint and Vanish.
  • Go back west through the valley, then return south and go up the hill on your left to Prospector Ryedol's camp.
  • Turn in A Dwarf and His Tools (2,750xp, Ryedol's Hammer, 110IF, 27Sp) and A Sign of Hope (1,350xp, 55IF, 14Sp) to Prospector Ryedol and get A Sign of Hope Pt. 2.
  • Turn in Mirages (2,150xp, 82IF, 21Sp) to Sigrun Ironhew but SKIP Scrounging.
  • Go north to Uldaman and carefully stealth your way through the caves down into the lower caves until you find Hammertoe Grez.
  • Turn in A Sign of Hope Pt. 2 (2,750xp, 110IF, 27Sp) to Hammertoe Grez but SKIP Amulet of Secrets.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Repair, sell junk and work on your professions.
  • Buy 3 Soothing Spices from a Trade/Cooking Supplies vendor and an inexpensive Moonsteel Broadsword from the AH or see if you can get one crafted cheaply. If you can't, then save your gold and skip the sword.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if any Mor'Ladim groups are forming.
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in The Weathered Grave (700xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Sirra Von'Indi located inside the entrance of the western building and get Morgan Ladimore. (Level 28 required)
  • (SoD-P2: Level 28) Turn in Morgan Ladimore (280xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building and get Mor'Ladim. (Level 28 required)
  • Go west to Raven Hill Cemetery, join a group, or go solo using all of your consumables and cooldowns to kill/loot Mor'Ladim south of Morbent Fel's building, then return to Darkshire.
  • Turn in Mor'Ladim (2,050xp, 25s, 83SW, 20Sp) to Commander Althea Ebonlocke standing outside the large building and get The Daughter Who Lived.
  • Turn in The Daughter Who Lived (280xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Watcher Ladimore nearby and get A Daughter's Love.
  • Return west to A Weathered Grave, located north of Morbent Fel's building.
  • Turn in A Daughter's Love (1,350xp, weapon, 0Rep) to A Weathered Grave.
  • Go west to Sentinel Hill in Westfall and take a gryphon flight to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Glyx Brewright inside the Boucher's Cauldron near the gryphon master.
  • Get Some Assembly Required from Drizzlik inside Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks.
  • Get The Haunted Isle from Krazek located at the top of the Salty Sailor Tavern but SKIP Dream Dust in the Swamp.
  • Get Bloodscalp Ears and Hostile Takeover from Kebok.
  • Turn in The Haunted Isle (290xp, 0Rep) to Baron Revilgaz through the doorway and get The Stone of the Tides.
  • Get Singing Blue Shards from Crank Fizzlebub in the Salty Sailor Tavern but SKIP Zanzil's Secret.
  • Sell junk and visit the Booty Bay bank to empty out your bags as much as possible.
  • Take the ship to Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • Take a hippogryph flight to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh.


  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Uma Bartulm in the small building next to the sawmill in western Theramore Isle.
  • Get They Call Him Smiling Jim from Guard Byron standing outside the inn if this quest is working and available. Note: It should work in Classic.
  • Turn in Morgan Stern (700xp, 28SW, 7Sp) to Morgan Stern in the inn and get Mudrock Soup and Bugs.
  • Turn in James Hyal (700xp, 0Rep) to Clerk Lendry on the top floor of the Foothold Citadel to the southeast.
  • Turn in They Call Him Smiling Jim (280xp, 0Rep) to Captain Garran Vimes on the top floor of the Foothold Citadel if this quest is working and available. Note: It should work in Classic.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 13 (1,300xp, 55SW, 14Sp) to Commander Samaul on the top floor of the Foothold Citadel and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 14.
  • Empty out your bags as much as possible before leaving Theramore Isle, then go northwest along the road to Sentry Point.


  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 14 (280xp, 0Rep) to Archmage Tervosh (you may need to wait around for him to return, or you may find him back at Theramore) and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 15. Note: He should magically appear at Sentry Point.
  • Go east to the shore, then north along the shore killing/looting/skinning low level Mudrock Tortoises/Spikeshells for Forked Mudrock Tongues.
  • Once you reach the first offshore island on your right, go west to Swamplight Manor.
  • Turn in Soothing Spices (1,350xp, 20 Frog Leg Stew, 0Rep) to "Swamp Eye" Jarl and get Jarl Needs Eyes.
  • Go northwest along the road to the camp just beyond Northpoint Tower.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 15 (700xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to Private Hendel and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 16.
  • Defeat Private Hendel and his two bodyguards, then wait for Archmage Tervosh and Lady Jaina Proudmoore to appear. If they don't appear, or disappear before you turn in the quests, you should be able to find them back at Theramore Isle at the top of the Mage's Tower.
  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 16 (2,150xp, 83SW, 20Sp) to Archmage Tervosh and get The Missing Diplomat Pt. 17.

Level 38: Aggression 2/3, Dustwallow Marsh/Stranglethorn Vale

  • Turn in The Missing Diplomat Pt. 17 (4,300xp, 1g30s, Jaina's Signet Ring, 220D/GE/IF/SW) to Lady Jaina Proudmoore.
  • From Private Hendel's camp, go northwest across the river to find "Stinky" Ignatz.
  • Get Stinky's Escape from "Stinky" Ignatz, then escort him back to the road.
  • Go west through the swamp to Darkmist Cavern to kill/loot low level Darkmist Spiders outside the cave for 40 Unpopped Darkmist Eyes. The Frog Leg Stew you received earlier will be your main source of healing as you'll be frequently poisoned by those spiders.
  • Go southeast around Brackenwall Village, then southwest to Mudcrush Durtfeet's camp along the river.
  • Get Hungry! from Mudcrush Durtfeet.
  • Go east back to Swamplight Manor.
  • Turn in Jarl Needs Eyes (2,750xp, 0Rep) to "Swamp Eye" Jarl and get Jarl Needs a Blade (or skip this quest if you couldn't afford a Moonsteel Broadsword).
  • Turn in Jarl Needs a Blade (3,450xp, armor, 0Rep) to "Swamp Eye" Jarl (or skip it).
  • Get The Orc Report from the Loose Dirt next to Jarl's hut.
  • Go northeast back to the shore to kill/loot low level Mirefin Murlocs for 8 Mirefin Heads and low level Mudrock Tortoises/Spikeshells for the remaining 8 Forked Mudrock Tongues.
  • Return southwest to Mudcrush Durtfeet.
  • Turn in Hungry! (2,800xp, armor) to Mudcrush Durtfeet.
  • Go southwest to the burnt out remains of the Shady Rest Inn at the entrance to The Barrens.
  • Get Suspicious Hoofprints from the Suspicious Hoofprint on the ground in front of the inn.
  • Get Lieutenant Paval Reethe from the tiny Theramore Guard Badge on one of the three boards on the floor of the inn.
  • Get The Black Shield from the Black Shield hanging over the fireplace.
  • Die/rez or run/swim back to Theramore Isle.


  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in The Orc Report (700xp, 27SW, 7Sp) to a Theramore Lieutenant and get Captain Vimes.
  • Buy Greater Healing Potions (5s) from Uma Bartulm in the small building next to the sawmill in western Theramore Isle.
  • Turn in Stinky's Escape (2,850xp, 40s, Elixir of Fortitude, 110SW, 28Sp) and Mudrock Soup and Bugs (2,850xp, 110SW, 27Sp) to Morgan Stern in the inn and get ... and Bugs.
  • Turn in Captain Vimes (2,750xp, 110SW, 28Sp), Lieutenant Paval Reethe (775xp, 0Rep), The Black Shield (700xp, 0Rep) and Suspicious Hoofprints (1,350xp, 0Rep) to Captain Garran Vimes on the top floor of the Foothold Citadel and get Lieutenant Paval Reethe Pt. 2 and The Black Shield Pt. 2.
  • Turn in Lieutenant Paval Reethe (320xp, 0Rep) to Adjutant Tesoran nearby and SKIP Daelin's Men.
  • Turn in The Black Shield Pt. 2 (280xp, 0Rep) to Caz Twosprocket located on the southwest side of Theramore Isle and get The Black Shield Pt. 3.
  • Turn in The Black Shield Pt. 3 (1,350xp, 0Rep) to Captain Garran Vimes on the top floor of the Foothold Citadel.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Repair, sell junk, train skills (Sinister Strike Rank 6 for 1g62s) and work on your professions.
  • See if you can inexpensively purchase 4 Lesser Bloodstone Ore off the AH and put them in your bank.
  • If you want to PVP, now is your chance to do so at the top of the 30-39 bracket. Your quest options are pretty much the same as they were in the 20-29 bracket.
  • Visit the bank and empty out your bags as much as possible, but grab the Small Brass Key and any useful consumables you've been saving up because you're getting ready to do a LOT of kill quests.
  • Take a gryphon flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Go west along the road to the Night Watch intersection, then turn left and go south to Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Go west to the Rebel Camp.
  • Get Special Forces from Sergeant Yohwa.
  • Go south into Stranglethorn Vale, then turn right and go along the rocks on the north side of the river killing/looting/skinning all Stone Maw Basilisks for Singing Crystal Shards.
  • Once you've killed all Stone Maw Basilisks in that area, go southeast to Nesingwary's Expedition.
  • Get Tiger Mastery Pt. 3 from Ajeck Rouack.
  • Get Raptor Mastery Pt. 2 from Hemet Nesingwary.
  • Follow the river southeast to Lake Nazferiti and kill/loot/skin all Snapjaw Crocolisks for 5 Snapjaw Crocolisks Skins.
  • When you reach the Venture Co. Operations Center on the east side of Lake Nazferiti, kill/loot Venture Co. Geologists for 8 Tumbled Crystals.
  • Go west to the other side of Lake Nazferiti to kill/loot/skin 10 Lashtail Raptors.
  • Your bags are probably getting pretty full at this point, so return north to Nesingwary's Expedition to repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in Raptor Mastery Pt. 2 (1,400xp, 0Rep) to Hemet Nesingwary but SKIP Raptor Mastery Pt. 3.
  • Go northwest across the river to kill/loot/skin more Stone Maw Basilisks for Singing Crystal Shards.
  • Go south across the river past Nesingwary's Expedition to the Tkashi Ruins.
  • Go back and forth from the Tkashi Ruins to the Bal'lal Ruins to the west to kill/loot/skin 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers and all low level Bloodscalp Trolls for 15 Bloodscalp Ears.
  • Return northeast to Nesingwary's Expedition.
  • Turn in Tiger Mastery Pt. 3 (2,050xp) to Ajeck Rouack and get Tiger Mastery Pt. 4.
  • Go north across the river again to kill/loot/skin Stone Maw Basilisks for more Singing Crystal Shards.
  • Go back south across the river and up the hill between the Tkashi Ruins and the Bal'lal Ruins to kill/loot/skin Sin'Dall.
  • Go further west past the Bal'lal Ruins and up onto the plateau to the northwest to kill/loot/skin Crystal Spine Basilisks for the last few remaining Singing Crystal Shards if you still need them.
  • Go southwest past The Vile Reef and stealth your way onto the island with the Lesser Water Elementals to complete The Stone of the Tides exploration mission.
  • Return northeast to Nesingwary's Expedition.
  • Turn in Tiger Mastery Pt. 4 (2,850xp, Tiger Hunter Gloves) to Ajeck Rouack.
  • Repair and sell junk.
  • Go east across the river to Kurzen's Compound.
  • Go into the caves to kill/loot 10 Kurzen Commandoes and 6 Kurzen Headshrinkers.
  • Carefully stealth your way deeper into the caves until you find a collection of boxes guarded by some tougher Kurzen mobs. Find Bookie Herod's Strongbox and clear out any guards.
  • Turn in The Hidden Key (1,400xp, Bookmaker's Scepter, 55SW, 14Sp) at Bookie Herod's Strongbox and get The Spy Revealed!
  • Return northwest to the Rebel Camp. Ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if anyone wants to group up for Colonel Kurzen.
  • Turn in The Spy Revealed! (1,400xp, 55SW, 13Sp) and Special Forces (2,850xp, 110SW, 28Sp) to Lieutenant Doren and get Patrol Schedules and Colonel Kurzen.

Level 39: Aggression 3/3, Stranglethorn Vale

  • Turn in Patrol Schedules (290xp, 0Rep) to Corporal Sethman and get Report to Doren.
  • Turn in Report to Doren (2,850xp, armor, 110SW, 27Sp) to Lieutenant Doren.
  • Go back southeast to Kurzen's Compound and into the caves.
  • Join a group (or you can try to solo your way through) to kill/loot 6 Kurzen Elite, 4 Kurzen Subchiefs, and the elite, Colonel Kurzen. You'll need to clear out the hallway outside Colonel Kurzen's room, then carefully pull mobs in his room one at a time until only the one closest guard remains. Use Sap on the guard, and Blind him afterwards so you can focus on Colonel Kurzen. Colonel Kurzen will stun you and vanish one or more times during the fight. Use those moments to heal up and/or kill the guard.
  • Return northwest to the Rebel Camp.
  • Turn in Colonel Kurzen (3,150xp, Shrapnel Blaster, 110SW, 27Sp) to Lieutenant Doren.
  • Buy Solid Shot (and Accurate Slugs for later) from Corporal Bluth.

If you haven't learned Guns yet, you can visit Buliwyf Stonehand at Timberline Arms on the south side of Military Ward in Ironforge to train in Guns (10s).

  • Get Krazek's Cookery from Corporal Kaleb.
  • Get Kurzen's Mystery from Brother Nimetz.
  • Hearth to Stormwind City.


  • Repair, sell junk, train skills and work on your professions.
  • Put all raw meat and unique Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages in your bank. Put any duplicates on the AH and check the AH for any inexpensive pages you don't have.
  • Get the 4 Lesser Bloodstone Ore out of your bank or, if you haven't already, see if you can inexpensively purchase them off the AH.
  • Get a stack of Elixirs of Water Breathing out of the bank.
  • If you enjoy PVP, this will be your last chance in the 30-39 bracket.
  • Take a flight to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Turn in Some Assembly Required (1,400xp, 30s, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/Ra) to Drizzlik inside Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks and get Excelsior.
  • Turn in Krazek's Cookery (1,400xp, 55BB, 27Ev/Ga/Ra) and Favor for Krazek (2,100xp, 30s, 83BB, 42Ev/Ga/Ra) to Krazek located at the top of the Salty Sailor Tavern and get Return to Corporal Kaleb and Dream Dust in the Swamp.
  • Turn in Bloodscalp Ears (2,050xp, 35s, 8 Goblin Fishing Pole, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/Ra) and Hostile Takeover (2,800xp, armor, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/Ra) to Kebok but SKIP Skullsplitter Tusks.
  • Turn in The Stone of the Tides (2,850xp, 40s, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/Ra) to Baron Revilgaz and get Water Elementals.
  • Turn in Singing Blue Shards (2,750xp, 35s, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/Ra) to Crank Fizzlebub in the Salty Sailor Tavern but SKIP Venture Company Mining and Zanzil's Secret.
  • Take a flight to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Go east through Deadwind Pass into the Swamp of Sorrows.


  • Go east along the road, take the northern fork, then follow another path to your left over some logs going north to Magtoor's village.
  • Get Draenethyst Crystals from Magtoor.
  • Go due south through the swamp until you find Watcher Biggs next to a broken down wagon.
  • Get Encroaching Wildlife from Watcher Biggs.
  • Go west to kill/loot/skin dragon whelps for 10 Specks of Dream Dust as well as 8 Young Sawtooth Crocolisks, 10 Sorrow Spinners and 10 Swamp Jaguars in the area.
  • Turn in Encroaching Wildlife (2,850xp, 110SW, 28Sp) to Watcher Biggs and get The Lost Caravan.
  • Go northeast along the north road until you reach the Fallow Sanctuary, then stealth in to sap/kill guards, loot 6 of the least guarded Draenethyst crystals and get the Wizards' Reagents from the Caravan Chest in the wagon on the northeastern side of the village.
  • Return west to Magtoor.
  • Turn in Draenethyst Crystals (2,750xp) to Magtoor.
  • Go south to Watcher Biggs.
  • Turn in The Lost Caravan (2,750xp, 110SW, 27Sp) to Watcher Biggs but SKIP Driftwood.
  • Go west through Deadwind Pass back to Duskwood.


  • Repair and sell junk in Darkshire.
  • Go west along the road to the Night Watch intersection, then turn left and go south to Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Go west to the Rebel Camp.
  • Turn in Return to Corporal Kaleb (2,850xp, 110D, 28Sp) to Corporal Kaleb.
  • Go south past Lake Nazferiti to kill/loot/skin 10 Shadowmaw Panthers stealthed along the sides of the road.
  • Ask in the General/World/LookingForGroup channels if anyone wants to group up to complete quests in northwest STV including Excelsior, Water Elementals, Encrusted Tail Fins, Pearl Diving and Kurzen's Mystery.
  • Go northwest to the Vile Reef and walk along the shore until you find an elite Elder Saltwater Crocolisk. Use all of your cooldowns to kill/loot/skin it for an Elder Crocolisk Skin. If you can't find an elite Elder Saltwater Crocolisk, kill all normal Saltwater Crocolisks along that shore until an elite one appears.
  • Go west to the island to kill/loot Lesser Water Elementals for 6 Water Elemental Bracers.
  • If you can get a group, hand out Elixirs of Water Breathing (if they need them), then kill/loot elite Saltscale Murlocs in the deep waters of the Vile Reef for 10 Encrusted Tail Fins. If you can't get a group, go ahead and drink an Elixir of Water Breathing, then complete the next few underwater steps solo.
  • Carefully swim down into the waters east of the Water Elemental island to loot Giant Clams throughout the Vile Reef for 9 Blue Pearls. If solo, you may need to sap elite murlocs to reach some of those clams, then quickly swim away.
  • Down among the underwater ruins, you'll also find the 1st of 4 tablets which you can carefully click from max distance without aggroing any murlocs.
  • Exit the water to the east and stealth into the Bal'lal Ruins to get the 2nd of 4 tablets. You may need to kill several murlocs to reach this one.
  • The last two tablets will be found in the Ruins of Zul'Kunda to the north. They are heavily guarded and you will need to be very careful stealthing around and defeating the numerous trolls guarding them if going solo.
  • Return east to Nesingwary's Expedition to repair and sell junk.
  • Turn in Panther Mastery Pt. 3 (2,150xp, 0Rep) to Sir S. J. Erlgadin but SKIP Panther Mastery Pt. 4.
  • Go northeast to the Rebel Camp.
  • Turn in Kurzen's Mystery (3,550xp, 165SW, 42Sp) to Brother Nimetz but SKIP Troll Witchery.
  • Go north to Darkshire in Duskwood.


  • Take a flight to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Turn in Excelsior (2,850xp, Excelsior Boots, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/R) to Drizzlik inside Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks.
  • Turn in Dream Dust in the Swamp (3,500xp, 0Rep) to Krazek, wait a few seconds, then get Rumors for Kravel.
  • Turn in Water Elementals (2,850xp, 40s, 110BB, 55Ev/Ga/R) to Baron Revilgaz and get Magical Analysis.
  • Take the ship to Ratchet in The Barrens.


  • Take a flight to Gadgetzan in Tanaris.


  • Go north to the Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles.


  • Turn in Encrusted Tail Fins (3,450xp) to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.
  • Turn in Rumors for Kravel (3,500xp, 75s, 0Rep) to Kravel Koalbeard and get Back to Booty Bay.

Level 40: Adrenaline Rush 1/1

Congratulations on reaching level 40! If you've completed most or all of the quests in this guide, then you should have around the following reputation totals:

  • Darnassus: 3,715/21,000 Revered
  • Gnomeregan Exiles: 7,781/12,000 Honored
  • Ironforge: 11,580/12,000 Honored
  • Stormwind: 6,469/21,000 Revered

As you can tell, reaching Exalted with another race by level 40 is just not possible. To reach Exalted, you will need to complete many more quests and/or complete "turn-in" quests. At level 47, you can turn in Morrowgrain and Un'Goro Soil for Darnassus rep. At level 50, you can complete Runecloth turn-ins for any of the four factions.

As far as your level 40 mount in concerned, unfortunately you'll be stuck with your own race's mount for now. Also, you may not have all of the 90 gold needed to purchase Apprentice Riding along with your first mount. If that's the case, you have several options available to you.

If you haven't gotten An Old History Book yet, you could go back and kill humanoids in Duskwood until you do. Another option is to kill level 30-40 humanoids anywhere in the world (but not Duskwood unfortunately) for a chance at the Pendant of Myzrael, to complete that elusive quest.

Killing humanoids also serves two other important purposes. You can pickpocket them for lockboxes to work on your Pick Lock skill and kill them for cloth to level up your First Aid. The numerous humanoids in Kurzen's Camp and caves are very good targets, as they can help you achieve several objectives all at once (Worn Junkboxes, Silk Cloth, Jungle Remedy, Fadeleaf, and Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages).

Or, if you want another challenge, finish the last three Magram Centaur quests in Desolace, then declare war with them and kill hundreds of Magram Centaurs to reach Friendly reputation with the Gelkis so you can work on their questline.