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Shadow Panther's Powerleveling Guide for Rogues

A Brief History and Explanation of the AEP System

Around May of 2005, Ming started a thread on the Rogue forums where he was devising an Agility comparison system for comparing gear using the formula 10 Agility = 10 Stamina = 20 Strength = 20 Attack Power = 1% Crit. One of the first people who responded to the thread coined the phrase "Agility Equivalence Points" and his formula has been know as AEP ever since.

I had just started working on my first armor chart at that time (after having already made a Maces chart) and I liked the simplicity of the formula. So I incorporated a modified version of it into my charts.

Since then, I've made numerous changes and additions to the formula and have developed additional formulas based upon that formula.


With the AEP/MAEP system, each stat is given a different weight when compared to Agility. In raiding situations (MAEP), Stamina and Resilience have little to no value when compared to DPS stats, so they're weighted at just a fraction of Agility (for tie-breaking purposes mostly.) However, in PVP, Stamina and Resilience provide necessary defense and survivability, so their AEP values are rated higher than their MAEP weightings.

When looking for gear upgrades, determine what your goal is, then use the chart that works best for you. If your goal is to maximize your PVP gear, then pick items that will give you the largest AEP upgrade. If your goal is to maximize your raid DPS, then select items that will give you the most MAEP.

Listed below are the current level 85 AEP/MAEP weights used in my charts:


1 Agility = 1 AEP
1 Strength = .35 AEP
1 Stamina = .60 AEP
1 Hit Rating = .50 AEP
1 Crit Rating = .43 AEP
1 Attack Power = .35 AEP
1 Expertise Rating = .55 AEP
1 Haste Rating = .50 AEP
1 Mastery Rating = .50 AEP
1 Resilience = 1.10 AEP
1 Blue Socket = 40 AEP
1 Red Socket = 42 AEP
1 Yellow Socket = 44 AEP
1 Meta Socket = 113 AEP
.1 Sword/Mace/Fist MH Speed = +20 AEP per .1 slower than 2.5
.1 Dagger (Slow MH/OH) Speed = -9 AEP per .1 faster than 1.8
.1 Fast OH Speed = -8 AEP per per .1 slower than 1.5
1 Sword/Mace/Fist MH DPS = 0.5 AEP
1 Sword/Mace/Fist MH Average Damage = 1 AEP
1 Dagger (Slow MH/OH) MH Average Damage = 1 AEP
1 Fast OH DPS = 1.4 AEP

PVE Mutilate MAEP

1 Agility = 1 MAEP
1 Strength = .42 MAEP
1 Stamina = .01 MAEP
1 Hit Rating = .53 MAEP
1 Crit Rating = .34 MAEP
1 Attack Power = .38 MAEP
1 Expertise Rating = .42 MAEP
1 Haste Rating = .46 MAEP
1 Mastery Rating = .49 MAEP
1 Resilience = .001 MAEP
1 Blue Socket = 31 MAEP
1 Red Socket = 40 MAEP
1 Yellow Socket = 30 MAEP
1 Meta Socket = 113 MAEP
.1 MH Speed = -43 MAEP per .1 faster than 1.8
.1 OH Speed = -41 MAEP per .1 slower than 1.4
1 MH DPS = 1.28 MAEP
1 OH DPS = 0.4 MAEP


1 Agility = 1 MAEP
1 Strength = .41 MAEP
1 Stamina = .01 MAEP
1 Hit Rating = .52 MAEP
1 Crit Rating = .33 MAEP
1 Attack Power = .37 MAEP
1 Expertise Rating = .61 MAEP
1 Haste Rating = .56 MAEP
1 Mastery Rating = .44 MAEP
1 Resilience = .001 MAEP
1 Blue Socket = 30 MAEP
1 Red Socket = 40 MAEP
1 Yellow Socket = 31 MAEP
1 Meta Socket = 113 MAEP
.1 MH Speed = +28 MAEP per .1 slower than 2.5
.1 OH Speed = -62 MAEP per .1 slower than 1.5
1 MH DPS = 1.84 MAEP
1 OH DPS = 0.43 MAEP

I'm constantly tweaking these formulas to make my charts as useful as possible. As always, if you don't like the formulas I use in my charts, you're welcome to use the downloadable spreadsheets I've provided here.